
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

ren2345 · Others
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23 Chs

a brother

soon after the Fuyuki fire,

in a hospital, we can see two children sleeping on beds side by side, one looked exhausted and was covered in burns while the other had an annoyed look on his face, he then turned towards the doctor and said,

"i told you i am fine, if there is anyone that needs help then it is him," he said as he pointed towards the other redhead in the room, the old doctor then turned towards him and smiled while saying,

"of course, i just had to make sure you were fine before i moved on to your brother," he said to which the super-soldier showed a confused expression,


just as he was about to enquire the doctor, the man who had rescued the other child walked in, the doctor then walked towards the man and said,

"glad to see you here Mr.Emiya, it seems that the older one is perfectly healthy, but the younger one is a different case, it seems that he had suffered a serious hit on his head during the fire, there is a possibility of memory loss for the child, we have also done some testing to find their relatives, but aside from confirming that they are blood-related brothers we could not find anything" he said to which the man nodded but the super-soldier was in a deep shock, he simply could not understand how it was possible for the boy to be related to him by blood, he knew for a fact that he had no siblings because he was an orphan, his parents were killed by a group of vampires a long time ago after which, the watchers took him in and raised him,

as he was contemplating things, the man walked forward, he also sensed his so-called brother stir awake, as soon as the doctor went out of the room, the man walked towards them and said,

"my name is Kiritsugu Emiya, what is your name?"

the other kid said to the man "Shirou"

"what about the last name?"

"i-i don't know, i can't remember, i can't remember anything!!" the kid started to hyperventilate, kurono then saw that man do something and suddenly felt a shift in mana, the kid then calmed down,

"what about you?" he asked as he turned towards kurono,

"kurono" he replied and stayed silent


it had been a few days since then,

in a Japanese house, sat two redhead children around a dinner table,

"nee nii-chan, when will tou-san be back?" the younger one asked to which the older one said,

"i don't know, he said he would be back in a few weeks, but it may take more than that," he said to which the younger one nodded,

after the fiasco in the hospital, Kiritsugu asked the boys if they wanted to go with him, Shirou had immediately agreed but kurono took some time to agree, he wanted to see how it was possible for Shirou to be related to him, but another reason was that he had nowhere else to go,

in the few days since then, young Shirou had somehow managed to worm his way into kurono's heart until he finally accepted him as a brother, their father, Kiritsugu had also revealed the existence of magic,

after learning about the magic in this world, he did not know what to say, in some areas, the magecraft of this world was so backwards that the scientists back home would be reduced to tears in shame but in some other areas, it was quite advanced,