
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

ren2345 · Others
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23 Chs



1945: after world war 2 came to an end, the Allied powers had come to learn the reason why Hitler had committed suicide, they discovered that the ancient record of magic and other such occult was actually true and Hitler had died so that, when the time is right, the Egyptian priest he secretly hired would revive him, the priest is then swiftly killed and the existence of magic is hidden from the public

1945: one month after the war ended and the United Nations was created, a secret council consisting of the top scientists in all of the United Nations-affiliated countries is formed, it was named 'The Watchers', it's purpose was to collect and study any and all kinds of the occult in the world,

1947: the watchers had managed to identify the particle in the atmosphere which made magic possible, they named it mana based on the pop culture,

1955: the Cold War between the Soviet and the USA had reached the space programs and the space race had begun,

1956: the watchers commissioned a team of scientists to see if mana can be used as a viable replacement for fossil fuels,

1960: the watchers encountered a there very first occult creature, code name: vampire, the creature was deemed to be a great threat due to its mastery over mana, it was able to transport its prey into an alternate dimension of its own creation, the dimension was later named as the mindscape, it took an entire army to bring it down and contain in a secret facility in Antarctica, the operation was covered up saying that it was a skirmish between rouge elements from the USA and the Soviet Union, the watchers started researching a way to retrieve information from a creatures brain, Code name: mind walkers

1961: the watchers used the newly developed mind walkers to learned that the vampire they had killed was nothing more than a newborn, the weakest of their kind, this had horrified the watchers of what kind of monsters lived unknown to them, this thought prompted the organization to take action that changed history, project MAGE(Magically Augmented Genetically Enhanced) soldiers was born,

1962: the first generation MAGE soldiers were a complete failure, the magical enhancement of the soldiers went well, but when the genetic augmentation was done, it clashed with the magical augmentation and thus killed the host in the most horrific ways, the project was put on hold,

1965: a branch project called the magus project was created, the soldiers were only given the magical augmentation, although there was no change physically, the mana capacity of the soldiers was multiplied by a thousand times, these soldiers were then given a powered armor created using runes specially crafted by the science team,

1968: the magus showed a great success, throughout the world, there were multiple magus teams dealing with supernatural creatures that would cause harm to humans such as the youkai in japan, the rakshasa in India, the cyclops and trolls in Greece, the Navaho in the USA, the succubus in Russia called Vodyanoy, the gargoyles in Britain, the vampires in Europe, the vampire race was almost extinct save for the elders of the race, they showed themselves to be very strong, on one occasion, one of the elders who was over 600 years old had used his power to open a gravitational rift in what would later be known as the Bermuda triangle, this rift, combined with the natural lay line in the ocean which normally caused ships and boats to disappear, caused an entire army of magus to disappear into oblivion,

1969: after the apollo 11 had completed it's landing and the astronauts returned home, they were immediately debriefed by the watchers, they had deliberately caused a radio blackout for 3 minutes to confirm their suspicions, and soon it was proven correct, the moon was once part of the earth and thus, was rich in magical minerals that had long since ceased to exist on earth,

1972: the watchers, which now had considerable sway in the UN, used its connections to stop all future moon expeditions,

1973: a secret spacecraft constructed using magically enhanced metal and mana powered reactor engines flew to the moon to collect resources, the expedition proves a success as the team retrieves a crystallized form of mana under the surface of the moon,

1974: the crystal is refined to create the very first mana core engine, a perpetual energy engine that defied all laws of physics,

1975: the MAGE project is restarted as it is confirmed that the mana core can be used to stabilize a host long enough for the bonding process to complete,

1976: the MAGE project shocks the watchers, after the magical augmentation stage is completed, as per plan they used the mana core to stabilize the soldier long enough for the genetic augmentation to bond with the host, but they then found that during the process, the mana core had somehow combined the magical and genetic augmentation with the ethereal conscious of the host, proving the existence of the soul,

1980: the Mages prove to be even more of a success than the magus, the vampire race is now officially extinct, the elders of more than 1000 years of age were brought down by the mages who now had complete mastery over magic and super-human bodies,

1990: the very first enhanced firearms were created, the watchers used AK-47 and etched runes using moon dust as a catalyst, the result was a rifle which fired a bullet made from the mana crystal which had all of its mana drained, called the empty crystal, at supersonic speeds, the bullets themselves were capable of piercing through a 100 cm thick titanium wall, this combined with the power armor that the MAGEs wore gave the super soldiers the ability to take down an elder drake,

a variant of the wyverns which were halfway into becoming a true dragon,

2000: the world celebrated the beginning of a new century, the watchers celebrated theirs by creating the very first mana based warp drive,

2005: the very first expedition to mars takes place under the watchers careful cover, they employed a new stealth system which rendered them invisible to the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter launched by NASA in the same year,

2006: a new form of energy particle is found in the basin of a valley on the mars, the watchers name it the argent energy but soon realize that it was inferior to mana and was extremely volatile, not to mention that it drove people who came into contact with it insane, they also discover that there exists a dormant stargate in the valley that led to hell, literally, they also found a tomb which surprisingly contained a human inside, the tomb was recovered and the stargate was destroyed using a strategic class magic- astral disaster, the empty crystals were used to absorb every last bit of argent energy on the planet and then thrown into a different dimension using another strategic class magic-slip space, effectively removing all evidence of the existence of argent energy and hell,

2008: the scientist was able to awaken the human in the tomb who later identified himself as the DoomSlayer, after a few days of exchanging information, the team informed him that the gate to hell was destroyed, this at first enraged the man because he was now purposeless, but soon he became happy knowing that humanity would not be threatened by hell, soon he was given the job of training the MAGE soldiers which resulted in the already deadly soldiers becoming even more terrifying, his DNA was also used to create even better Genetic augmentation which was given to all MAGE soldiers,

2011: the watchers discover a massive energy spike in the pacific ocean which they track all the way to the bottom of the challengers deep in Marianne trench, to their shock, they discovered a sleeping, gigantic snake-like creature that spanned 100 km from head to tail, they estimated that the energy spike was the snake waking up from its hibernation, the scientists soon determined that it would awaken by 12-21-12, the energy spike from it's awakening was estimated to vaporize the pacific ocean and then irradiate the entire planet, the team named the creature as Jörmungandr, the Midgar snake from Norse mythos, this threat exponentially speeded up the SPB (Singularity Planet breaker) project, a magically induced singularity bomb

2012: just a few months before the awakening of the snake, the SPB was completed, the watchers caused an artificial solar flare to knock out all satellites over the pacific to conceal their work, they then deployed the SPB near the creature, this resulted in a singularity the size of a tennis ball to appear near the creature, unfortunately, the energy spike alerted the creature which began to stir from its sleep as energy emission spiked, the leader of the MAGE team, the very first MAGE and the strongest of them all, made a hard choice, he used his magic to forcefully pull the creature towards him as he fell into the singularity, the gigantic creature soon followed and within seconds, the strongest MAGE and the apocalypse snake were absorbed into the singularity which then dissipated into nothing,


Earth, 1994

in a city called Fuyuki in Japan, a rift in space suddenly opened up at the center of the flames that were destroying the buildings nearby, from the rift, the body of a child of at most, 10 years old came out, immediately the rift closed itself,

"Ugh, that's it, no more jumping into singularities" the child mumbled as he got up and looked around, he had deep red hair and metallic silver eyes, even as a child he had a cute face that guaranteed a handsome appearance in the future, this was Kurono-222, the leader of the MAGE squad ALPHA, the strongest MAGE in existence,

he looked around him at the flames and found them to be very unnatural, he sent out his senses and was astonished at what he found,

"cursed flames?" he mumbled, the flames were giving a curse to everything they were touching, suddenly, his senses caught a life signature in the nearby rubbles, he immediately ran towards it to find an unconscious kid with red hair similar to his own, he seemed to be a 7 year old child,

"Hey kid, can you hear me?" he said but immediately realized the hypocrisy in that question, he had long since realized that his body had somehow reverted to that of his childhood but his augmentations and enhancements were not changed as they were tied to his very soul, he lifted the kid over his shoulder and started to walk towards the direction where he could see a bridge,

as he was walking, he started to contemplate about his situation, he knew for a fact that this was not his world as he could sense the abundance of mana in the atmosphere which should not be possible, he had no identity, no family, no place to stay,

soon, he came across a man that was desperately digging through rubble to find a survivor, Kurono took one look at the man and immediately recognized the face, the face of a desperate man


Kiritsugu Emiya was in utter despair,

after he ordered saber to destroy the holy grail, the abomination spewed out a fire that caused the death of everyone in the vicinity, he was the first one to be hit by the curse of Angra Manyu,

as he continued to dig through the rubble to find a survivor to redeem himself, he suddenly sensed a presence behind him, he turned around to find two children much to his delight,

both the children had red hair, brothers perhaps, he mused,

but then, he saw the younger child and froze in shock and horror, he immediately sensed the curse on the boy, he ran towards him and took the child,

he laid him down on the ground and took out a treasure from his pocket,

Avalon: the ever distant Utopia,

the sheath to the last phantasm known as Excalibre,

he immediately implanted the artifact in the boy under the stupefied gaze of the other child, happy that he had finally found someone, he had finally saved someone,