
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

ren2345 · Others
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23 Chs

5 years

it had been 5 years since kurono was adopted into the Emiya family,

the 15-year-old boy was right now sitting in the workshop with his brother as many objects made of different materials were levitation around him,

during the last 5 years, many things had happened,

when he was 12 years of age, kurono learned the reason why Kiritsugu always traveled out of the country, it was to save his daughter from a family of magus called the Einzbern, at first, Kurono wanted to directly go to their mansion and save her, but after thing it through for some time, he came up with a plan, a plant to completely destroy the Einzbern and take back his adopted sister,

but before that, he needs to know everything about the barrier magic of this world, or as they called it, a bounded field,

and so his and Shirou's magic training began,

when Kiritsugu had scanned them for their origin and element, he was completely shocked,

the younger child had the origin and element of 'Sword', an incarnation,

but the older one was even more of an anomaly,

he had dual origin like Kiritsugu, one was 'Power' and the other was 'Destruction', this had at first worried Kiritsugu of the future, but then realized that Destruction could be contained with will and love,

he then checked his element which was even more stunning, he was an 'Average one', he could wield all five great elements, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Ether(void), but he also found extra elements such as Lightning, Metal, Gravity, but the last element was what caused shock to Kiritsugu,

True Ether,

the element which created the planets, the gods and the phantasmal beasts, Kurono was capable of generating and wielding it, but unfortunately, it was dormant and no one knew how to activate it,

after learning of their origin and elements, Kiritsugu decided to seriously teach the children because of their potential,

for the next three years, Kiritsugu run the kids into the ground with his training, although it had no effect on Kurono because of his augmentations and experience, Shirou, however, gained a lot of benefits,

during the training, Kiritsugu found out that Shirou had 27 Magic Circuits of Average quality, confirming Kiritsugu's suspicions that Shirou was from a magus family, but Kiritsugu was once again shocked when he searched for Kurono's circuits,

he had none, but instead of magic circuits, he had a container in his soul which he called a mana core, this core was capable of producing 100,000 units of pure mana without even trying, meaning that he was generating mana on par with a lesser deity just by standing there doing nothing, the purity of mana was also a cause of concern for Kiritsugu, the purity was on par with that of a phantasmal creature from the age of gods,

what he did not know was that the world from which Kurono had arrived, was still in the age of gods, in this world, Sefar, the alien space ship had never existed in his universe, hence the deterioration never happened, and as there was no deterioration, the Somalian mythos never created Gilgamesh as a perfect being, he was born as a normal prince, thus the Age of Gods never ended,

after learning this, he made Kurono focus on mastering all his abilities at the same time so that he would improve with the stress, this new way of training helped Kurono master his powers even further,

but soon enough, the happy times came to an end, although Kurono had managed to purify the curse in Kiritsugu's body, it had still caused irreparable damage to his soul, hence, one night, under the moonlight, accompanied by his two sons, Kiritsugu Emiya passed away,

after his death, Shirou decided to pursue the dream of their father, to become a hero of justice that saves everyone, but Kurono immediately recognized the flaw in such reasoning and, fortunately, managed to correct it, he now strived to become a hero who would save his loved one, to become a hero for his loved ones alone, although Kurono had sensed the distortion in his personality, he did not correct it, because he knew exactly what was happening, his distortion was creating an inner world similar to an Elder Vampire he fought in his old world, a mindscape, which would ultimately become Shirou's trump card,

after the funeral was completed, Kurono used his limited experience in mind walking to see the distortion in Shirou, he was shocked to find a world seed containing a world of infinite swords,

thus, he began training Shirou to properly fight using a Sword, he taught him his own version of reinforcement, unlike the version of this world which strengthened the concept by filling the gaps with prana, his version strengthened the concept by flooding it with mana, this version allowed Shirou to reinforce himself without any worry of bursting apart because of overload, however it did put a great strain on his prana reserves ,

he then taught Shirou his own brand of runes that were developed by the scientists of his old world, unlike the runes of the Norse or any other mythos, instead of overwriting a phenomenon of the world, his system of runes directly tampered with the memory of the world called Edios, this system of runes was completely immune to the deterioration caused by Gaia because onstead of overriding her authority by enacting mystery, these runes directly changed her memory itself so that she could not recognize the enacted mystery and negate it,

soon the time came for his to begin his high school and Shirou to begin his middle school, fortunately, Shirou's teacher was none other than their own pseudo-sister, Fujimura Taiga,