
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

ren2345 · Others
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23 Chs

the sister

it had been a year since Kurono became a highschool student, again,

in the past one year he had finally begun his plan to destroy the Einzbern, he first used his powers to create a low-rank rune weapon that he traded with the clock tower to clean the Emiya name, although it was nothing to him, it was equivalent of a low-rank noble phantasm for the clock tower, hence the berthmolei agreed to Kurono becoming that next family head of the Emiya and passed on a portion of the Emiya Family magic Crest to him, he hid away the family crest so that he could pass it on to Shirou when the time was right because he had no use for the crest,

after that, he displayed his mastery over magecraft to earn the rank of a Grand, impressing even the Queen of the clock tower herself, he then secretly used the connections born through this rank to slowly corner the Einzbern,

as the mage family was a recluse, it simply did not have the resources to see what hit them, in a matter of months, the family was cut off from the rest of the magus world, and finally, Kurono used his connections to cause misunderstandings between the Einzberns and a few noteworthy clans in the clock tower so that, in time they would go to war, and he succeeded,

during the chaos, he hired a high ranking enforcer called Bazett Fraga to retrieve his adopted sister, her payment was a rune that would preserve her life if she ever fell in battle,

this brings us to the present situation,

Illyasveil Von Einzbern sat in front of the two boys that her father had adopted to replace her, although she wanted nothing more than to kill the two, she did not have ay power to do so, it was because of the older boy in front of her, he used a strange form of rune based bounded field to cancel her power, she was unable to even move her prana, much less cast a spell,

"Are you done struggling?" the older boy said neutrally as the younger boy looked confusedly between the two,

"nii-san, what is going on? who is she?" the younger one, Shirou asked, this infuriated and saddened the white-haired girl, she realized that her father had not even mentioned her to his adopted children, just as she was about to lash out, the older one started talking,

"Shirou, this is your Elder sister and my younger sister, she is the biological daughter of Kiritsugu," Kurono said to which the other boy showed a stupefied face as the girl sneered and said,

"So he finally decided to bring me back? why? does he intend to use me in the holy-" "Kiritsugu is dead" Kurono interrupted to which the girl was stunned, she had never thought that her father had already died,

she was greatly infuriated, now she had no chance of exacting vengeance on the man that had caused her so much pain, her thoughts were cut off once again as Kurono started talking,

"i know what you are thinking, but let me make a few things clear, Kiritsugu never abandoned you, the Einzberns had enacted a bounded field specially designed to keep him out, that is why he was unable to bring you back-" "LIES!!!" she shouted interrupting him, but the boy did not show any change in expressions as of he had already expected this,

suddenly, that air in the room became thick as the girl detected mana emitting from the boy, she was extremely scared at the amount that was pumping out from him, she herself possessed enough mana to sustain a servant without a grail which had earned her the name as a living prana battery, but the sheer amount coming from him was ridiculous,

if she were to put it in terms of a servant, her mana capacity would be somewhere between B rank to A rank, but this boy was giving off mana at the basic minimum of EX rank, and that was a conservative estimate,

"i knew that you would not believe me so i had already acquired enough proof," he said,


Kurono was activating one of his rarely used mind walker spells, a master class spell,

back in his world, spells were divided into many ranks, they were,

1.basic class- the most basic of spells

2.intermediate class- this is used for spells that a beginner cannot use, usually reserved for the magus assault teams, or support staff, the runic system fell under this class

3.advanced class- this was exclusive to the magus teams, they were the only ones who had enough mana to use them, the reinforcement fell under this class,

4.master class- this required a magus to specialize in a specific area, mind walking fell under this class

5. battle class- this category spells were only useable for a MAGE soldier, it was because of the pressure put on the body while using it, Ages Desire, barrier magic that cannot be pierced even by a C rank noble phantasm, fell under this class

6. strategic class- this category spells were extremely dangerous and were most of the time offensive, Astral Disaster, and Slip space fell under this class,

7. Continental class- SPB bomb fell under this category

8. World class-there exists only three know users of this magic, the spells in this category are capable of permanently changing the Edios of a planet, the only known practitioners are, Nicholas Flamel, he used the spell, Illusionary reality to create his philosophers stone which could not be created normally, Shaw Fujikawa used a spell of this category to create the very first warp engine which contained a space-time seed within it, the final user of this spell was none other than Kurono himself,

right now, he was using a peak master grade mind walking spell to show Illya the memories of Kiritsugu that he had collected before he passed away,


Illya sat on the ground crying as she saw her fathers memories, his struggle to try and get through the Einzbern family defences, his curse slowly eating him away until Kurono cured him, as he struggled to try and get her back, him entrusting the task of retrieving her to his eldest son,

she now finally realized the error of her ways, she realized that all her life, her hatred was misplaced,