
[IN REWRITING!] DOOM:the Mark of the Beast

Author: tyronxxz
Video Games
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What is [IN REWRITING!] DOOM:the Mark of the Beast

Read [IN REWRITING!] DOOM:the Mark of the Beast fanfiction written by the author tyronxxz on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Video Games fanfic stories, covering adventure, action, r18, videogame. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


The gods and angels are dying... The demons rise above everything and wander through countless worlds, but God himself sent a mark to a person, a person who will become a beast, a normal person who will become an unstoppable weapon, a weapon that will be the downfall of the demons. A normal person in a normal world, an average person who managed to become a beast with unstoppable strength. This is the story of a normal, a person who became a beast... a beast that guts and tears apart all demons... the Doomslayer... --- WARNING: the characters and nothing about DOOM belong to me (obviously) only the OCs. I honestly think this is an "AU", but I think half way, some things change and others don't, well, just read it and tell me your opinions on this fanfic I will also clarify my ideas the more the fanfic continues, bye

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