
Elder Blood Witcher

Author: Niggross
Video Games
Completed · 18.9M Views
  • 906 Chs
  • 4.2
    357 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Elder Blood Witcher

Read ‘Elder Blood Witcher’ Online for Free, written by the author Niggross, This book is a Video Games Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, REINCARNATION Fan Fiction, WEAKTOSTRONG Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy.I have been sitt...


Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

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25 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Becoming a Witcher
Volume 2 :Learning martial arts in Absolver.
Volume 3 :Chosen by DarkSouls
Volume 4 :Ruining Harry Potter
Volume 5 :Returning Home to the Witcher
Volume 6 :Don't Under-estimate the Fluffs tale
Volume 7 :Conquering The Witcher
Volume 8 :Diabolic Beings
Volume 9 :Epilogue


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Before reading this story I thought it will be mainly 'witcher' world, with some other worlds visited to get stronger and so on. What I did not expect is out 300 chapters nearly half of it is pure dark souls!! Also when mc visit Harry Potter world he becomes so righteous like some idiot and wants to save the world because Ciri killed serious black! Bro why the heck do you CARE its not your world, not your responsibility, I find it boring and stupid. Worst of all he tries guilt-baiting Ciri as if she's responsible for Harry potters world and Voldemort future return. Like wtf lol.


Appropriate name should be elder blood witcher in dark souls. He spends only 38 chapters in witcher universe.Just waiting for dark souls bullcrap to finish.


I have really enjoyed the novel but I think that the quality lowered greatly after he went to Harry Potter. Easily solved problems become big issues, Ciri's character becomes more and more unbearable as the chapters go on and bashing becomes worse and worse. I think I'm gonna wait and stock up on chapters as the lowered quality ruins it for me which is sad as it was a great story up until the Harry Potter arc.


I’ll be honest novel began with a bang . But like most novel quality keep dropping until it becomes annoying in Harry Potter. 400 + chapters he doesn’t have single girl. Ciri is a lesbian who tries to get mc woman all the time ,also he is a fucking pussy. I really don’t know how this novel has a higher rank


well it started getting shitty after the harry potter part then it got even shittier and the author ignores advice and only responds to readers who suck his cock and inflate his ego and who also like him get a hard on when they see reima get NTRed and ciri getting raped by quelaag. welp unfortunatelly this is the lowesz grade i can give otherwise i wouldve given this story a 0 star review... the worst part is that this used to be a good story but the author who forced a relationship with ciri destroyed it and then because he likes getting cucked he also madr her be raped and not only that he also wrote that reima got hard and thought it was hot seeing his girlfriend being raped... i cant believe i wasted my time reading 700+ chapters of this shitty book and if anyone wants to read this... just dont cuz youll waste the precious time in your life by reading a wet dream of a man who wants to be cucked... this is my objective opinion


everyone loves the witcher world, ruthless,bloody and unfathomable with mysteries, but this is not about the witcher world at least after 50 chapters but instead it's about a witcher traveling through worlds which would be dope if he didn't keep traveling alot to the point it makes the witcher world irrelevant for me i expected something like a continuation of the story of the witcher or prequels or even the mc being part of it, but i didn't get that what i got was games like the darksouls universe with a witcher in them for like 50 chapter per arc and games i didn't even know about which breaks my immersion intensely, i might come back when the mc decides it's time to help geralt or look after.


HELLO, PLEASE READ THIS IF YOU WISH TO AVOID RIPPING YOUR HAIR OUT IN FRUSTRATION AS THIS STORY SLOWLY TURNS FROM ONE OF YOUR FAVOURITES INTO UTTER SHITE. It may start out strong, but it gets progressively worse as soon as the mc gets to the Harry Potter universe WARNING: this is not a Witcher story - overall, the witcher world has a relatively minor presence and the emphasis is on characters from a variety of different, yet incompatible worlds being brought to it, which makes power levels vary in unpredictable and painful manners and turns the plot slowly more and more retarded as a godlike mc struggles against mortals and their plots due to his own passive, cuckold nature, lack of foresight and weakness of mind and character. Regardless, here we fucking go... This story started out so well, yet it turned out to be an utter disappointment in the later stages. The mc starts out in the witcher world, before leaving it to briefly travel to the absolver universe, before choosing to got to dark souls... and staying there for a few hundred chapters. Regardless of the extremely long time spent in dark souls, and the fact that the mc spends his time in somewhat typical dark souls fashion fighting through hordes of enemies and a boss every chapter for roughly 300 chapters, the interactions between characters are beyond excellent and keep the otherwise bland plot interesting. However, it all goes to shit as soon as the mc leaves dark souls to travel to a random world, which turns out to be Harry Potter, where - plot twist! - he finds Cirilla, who's accidentally murdered Sirius Black and ****ed up the timeline - sounds interesting? Well it isn't. The story begins to unravel completely from here on out. The mc becomes a simp for Ciri, giving her anything she wants for free whenever she demands it of him, while guilt tripping her into staying with him while he "fixes" everything. He also has a three way with Fleur and Ciri, before they ditch her to go to their universe again, while leaving her a conspicuously easy way to contact them. She doesn't, and they don't give a ****. You may say "every story has its weak points" and keep reading in the hopes of it getting back on track - don't. When they return to the witcher, they **** up a Nilfgaardian fleet and get ready to face the Wild Hunt by summoning everyone Reima has befriended and saving them from their slowly imploding worlds, namely Absolver and Dark Souls. They win, but the Wild Hunt isn't completely eradicated, then the heroes found a city. MC travels to Undertale, for some fucking reason, getting the monsters from that world to join him after saving them, before saving some people from Harry Potter - apparently he caused the apocalypse in that world as the muggle nuked themselves and the magical in the hopes of killing them all (somehow? The muggle nuked THEMSELVES to EXTINCTION to kill the wizards among them... What. The. Fuck?) Anyway, turns out the MC got cucked by Bill Weasley, who's Fleur's new beau. For some reason. And the mc's like "oh, that's cool", before he fucks off elsewhere. Some more contrived retarded plot where the mc, who by now has God-level powers, struggles against totally inadequate threats before sometimes letting them be, before another character from Dark Souls, who's been vying for the mc's attention and love for this whole time while being blatantly and consciously ignored in favor of this bratty, bitch, gold digging characterisation of Ciri, suddenly does a 180, becomes a psycho stalker, drugs her and rapes her via love potions so that Ciri would help her get with the mc. Sounds ****ed up? It gets worse! When the mc discovers the whole plot and Ciri is freed forom the potion's control, she goes "oh, that was cool" and the mc, who just got cucked a second time with a different woman, who's also clearly fine with cheating on him, also goes "oh, that was cool". Then the guilty party suffers literally no punishment, and in fact gets her way by becoming Ciri's *** slave, as she keeps cheating on the mc with her former rapist, while the mc is happily getting cucked. I don't know what happens after that because by now my brain's almost melted and pouring out of my fucking ears and I've given up on this dumpster fire of a story. This is a perfect example of a story starting out strong and slowly going to shit as the author tries to mil it for all it's worth. I really regret ever voting in its favour, because it makes you get invested by playing the characters against each other perfectly, before ruining it all as the author doesn't give a ****. Honestly, one of the worst reads on this site for anyone who doesn't enjoy getting cucked and acting like a simp, which I strongly believe is part of the author's everyday interests. Read at your own peril. Good luck


i am giving this a Full 1 star,you can read it If you like an MC that enjoys being a submissive simp to an overbearing woman,and gets cucked by the same woman,knows about it and is fine with it,it needs an NTR tag too read If you enjoy NTR and submissive MC who enjoys being cucked


in the beginning it was good. but the author who forces relationships ruined it because not only does he force relationship he then NTRs the mc and destroys all the likable female characters who the fans were actually saying to be the female lead all the time but the author ignored it and wrote a scheme that a FUCKING five year old could see through was made by one of the female leads and lo and behold authors hidden fetish NTR suddenly flowed in and it made the story even worse. and btw this review was made by someone who loved this story and defended it but this shit crossed the line so if it is biased it could only be that this review is too kind and the only reason the story isnt one stars is because of the update stability


Welp. I don't know what to say, like getting hard by getting NTR'ed? I swear its like hentai where the MC is getting horny by watching his girlfriend getting ****ed. What did this story even devolved to? It was great at the start but the time you made that damn 'romance'(if you could call it even one) everything got destroyed. And last but not least "Reima", the guy who turned so passive that he doesn't even give a **** about getting NTR'ed. No wonder he can't even unlock conquerors haki, he turned so 'weak' when he meets Ciri and proceeds to get even 'weaker' as the time goes. Oh well that's enough of my rant, could've been a great fanfic, but got ruined by your own take of 'romance'.


it was good when it was still in witcher world his interaction with geralt is funny then suddenly he change world to absolver and its start to become trash then goes to dark soul, then harry potter where he suddenly become ooc and became naive trash, the only good thing about here is the number of chapters


So you thought this was a witcher fanfic ? but it was me di.. dark souls. Seriously though I was disappointed to see all my expectations for this story to just go in flames like that .. after about 30 chaps in the witcher world it's all bul**** (imo) adventures in the dark souls world


Started off extremely great, all the action and story building was fine... Until he went to HP and met Ciri, meeting her ruined the story, reima changed to a simpleton fool who wanted to save the world because she killed Serius Black talking about if he doesn't meet Harry back things will happen and so he guilt trips Ciri into helping him, thats all meh but its not that bad. BUT then the 'romance' starts... every. single. romance. in this story is forced to the point its frustrated and gets bad for your blood pressure trust me, worst part is everyone has complained about it but the author just shrugs it off i guess. Reima is a simp and doesn't stand up for himself when it involves Ciri, she for real used Fleur's love for Reima to get her to do a threesome together. After that they just left and next time they return Fleur is dating Bill. Then theres Nerissa the vampire he saved and adopted as his daughter in HP is now dating Moka the vampire from Rosario, appearently if you drink a Shinto's blood you're bounded together or something so now they're together. AND then theres Queelag( i think it was, i get confused on the names of the three sisters) anyway its the arachne that has been in love with reima and has had somewhat of a nice chemistry with him since before ciri but someone he ended up with ciri instead who he has no chemistry with since shes so manipulative and he is too much of a simp to even fight back. anyway the spidergirl basically drugs ciri and has sexual relations with her, essentialy ntr'ing reima but its ok because it seems reima doesnt care that much, neither about her being drugged or about being ntr'd. He finds out and does nothing, ciri finds out...and does nothing, considering her past actions. So a while later she still gets it going with the spider lady despite not being drugged, so reimai is officialy a cuckked but its ok because she's ciri and she can go off and do stuff like that but when reima acts shows concern and whatever to the other girls that have been in love with him since before he even met ciri she gets jealous and controlive and he just lets her do whatever. So overall im dropping this, it was good at first but it went downhill with Ciri in it and Reima being a beta


Reveal spoiler


FK author lovea nyt FK he get ntrd multipie Times and dosent do anyhting author loves getting cucked fuk Gay cuck author and ciri IS More main character than Reima **** this


my god, where to start, the story starts very well, it is slow but interesting, the first volume had moving, funny, serious scenes ... from the second volume on, everything became more "fighting", the third volume, my god , it’s “adventure” after adventure, when he stops at his sisters, learning magic or talking to Priscilla, very good, too bad that between that is everything, battle, battle, battle, tired of so much struggle, and I think Naruto it was **** because they talked too much, here I have the exact opposite.


What is with these new ff conversation template. Is it too hard to write "said john" or "he answered". This is really hard to read, the verb such these give the interaction and conversation substance and tell us the state of mind of the subject as well as the tone of whatever was being said. And it's really difficult to listen to it when it's written in this horrendous format.


In fanfics the more chapters it has the trashier it gets. 800 chapters in and all i can say is that this novel deserves to be burned in hell. Only an idiot will continue reading this hoping it will get better but it wont get better im sure of it.


me 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Reveal spoiler


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