

There are concept of parallel worlds that are yet to be proven. Numerous possibilities branched into a timeline. Some come to fruition but others Wisk away to nothingness. So which possibility is real? Which one is fake? Zion Monjur in his age of 70 was wisked away to his parallel self in dxd temporarily. What caused for him to be needed? Why was he given an authority which one can dream of? Even if it is temporary. Also who are these people bickering in a not so called chat group? Where is the Gacha? and the store? Why can I only talk with people who I do not know?

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


There was a small child sitting on the rooftop looking far away the lightshow that is occurring.

Chaos, Destruction and Mayhem.

He was munching on popcorn enjoying it as he embraces the concept of destruction himself.

Seeing advance weaponry and tech far advanced for the human era has caused him to be interested in the creator and the current predicament to his future sight.

"Now that's what you call carnage"

The child was not alone as there was a man with six hands and golden armor standing beside him.

Shiva: As much I want to see destruction that will pave a new path for prosperity, there must be at least control in one's action.

Bahubali: What makes this person unique my Lord to interfere? Is there any trouble brewing that may cause harm to us?

Shiva: Not exactly it is just that this child must be reminded who he truly is or I am afraid what he is to truly become. Power won't change him but the responsibility that comes with it will sure weigh down his gentle heart.

Bahubali: Will we capture him?

Shiva: No, I will have a talk and judge his true intentions. My sight in the future cannot accommodate the changes such being causes. Fate had been twisted by a hand I cannot hope to understand.

Bahubali: Not even my lord can see the power at work?

Shiva: Even Samsara and the sisters of Fate respectively from Norse of Greek pantheon felt insulted and frustrated. Taking away strings of fate like taking a candy from a child. I wonder who can do this.

Bahubali: Wasn't there someone who could do the same? The God of the Bible.

Shiva: Well, he could block other's deities' clairvoyance, he cannot rewrite fate like that. Something else is at work.

Bahubali: Shouldn't we then get rid of such person who may be the apostle of such being.

Shiva: If the being wanted, he could already wipe us out, but since an apostle is here there is something else at work. First, I saw three routes now I see none. Is it the path we forge on our own.

Bahubali: My lord you are going in a tandem with your prophesies.

Shiva: Sorry about that it is just I am having fun playing hide and seek with the person who is blocking my vision. It's not everyday you can meet someone who can have a fun bout of play like this. I am sure the apostle has realized by now I am watching him.

Bahubali: Why are you so interested in him my lord.

Shiva: A good man saves himself, A great man saves another, A man who can create miracles saves all even their soul. So, I want to see what type of man he is.

Bahubali: What if he isn't.

Shiva lost the smile on his face.

Shiva: Then he cannot save his life from me whoever he is.

!!!!!!!Back to Zion!!!!

Zion wore his ranger helm and scrunched his face.

Someone was watching him.

Just now he felt his anti-divination and anti-clairvoyance be tripped.

Zion again bought up the holo screen and made a full 840-degree vision.

He typed a message to Alexia to see if anyone suspicious is hiding nearby.

Zion was thinking about abandoning the mech and teleport away from here but it seems whoever was watching was observing him.

He made sure to use some powerful runes to mask his presence up to his caliber.

But not anyone is like Yu-Illhan to remove their presence from existence just by sighing.

So, he will continue with the mission.

He has Rhongomyinad with him.

He was charging this bad girl ever since he made a mana reactor and mana conversion magic circles.

Now he needs to make sure to recall the Argis armour and go toe to toe whoever is following him.

He got a trump card spell and some defensive spell set up to take beating from the Top ten of the world.

Just incase he will ask Alexia prepare the long-range man reactors and his secret pet project.

Alexia soon sent a picture to the side if the screen of his cockpit.

Zion looked at it and cursed under his breath.

Zion: Fuck! Why is this guy here.

He was looking at a child no less than 12 with blue black hair looking at the direction of the camera holding popcorn waving.

The there is the six-armed Asura.

If they wanted him dead, they would have fired at his mech.

Zion was floating gripping the joystick of the cockpit.

Lancelot Albion can take hits but a shot from Shiva's bow "Pinaka" will not only destroy it but damage his Ranger suit gravely depowering it.

Zion looked at front where the castle Infront smokes rising around the area with missiles flying around with vampires trying to escape.

Purple lighting here in there with sound of magic rail guns going off.

Then there was the Pillar of light aimed at the heart of the Male faction of the vampire's military force.

A huge smoking hole was Infront of the castle.

He was sure Elmenhilde Karnstein the female head found out of his shenanigans.

The bounded field set up by his small golem squad carried by the drones should be enough.

There is no backing out now.

If Shiva wanted him dead then he would have already done so, but it seems his goal is different.

Zion closed his eyes and shook his head.

There is much more at stake, he will deal with Shiva later.

Without hesitation Zion slammed the accelerator and pushed the joystick to move forward.

Lancelot Albion unruffled it's green energy wings and shot forward.

Huge G force was affecting as he moved at mach speed.

Shockwaves in the trail.

Any unlucky vampire in his way git turned into bloody mist.

Zion doesn't care.

He had seen Romania from the data sent by satellites and drones.

They are animals so he will slaughter them like animals.

Fucking pedophiles.

Zion grit his teeth.

No single vampire is going out alive today.

Zion equipped the beam rifle with Lancelot whipping it to his left hand.

He aimed at the main power supply spot of the barrier and shot at the desired weak spot.

Five beams shot from the rifle striking the barrier piercing it instantly and it was down.

Zion would be excited for having some action with the mech, but what he is going to do will be less than desirable.

Zion unequipped the rifle and activated the shield in both hands of Lancelot.

He is going to ram in the main gate.

!!!!In the Tepes Castle!!!!

Marius Tepes was breaking all of his prized possessions in his room.

The slave mages were shivering out of fright in the corner.

The Hooded Devil of the Old Satan faction was looking all of it indifferently.

Lord Vladi who was managing the military was vaporized in the beam of light.

This cannot be happening to his faction.

All the schemes and hard work he did to steal the power from the previous king was all for not.

Why are they being attacked?

Is it because someone leaked that information about them possessing the Longinus Annialation Maker.

Marius looked at the Devil with hateful eyes.

He pointed his finger at the devil and screamed at him with profanities.


The Hooded figure closed his eyes and looked at Marius with indifferent gaze with a sigh he just opened his palms and bought out a snake.

???: Looks like negotiations has broken down. I will gladly take my leave with the sacred gear.

Marius: Who said you could leave. Come out!

Several vampires came out of the shadow and surrounded the hooded figure who gave another sight giving and irritated look with his silver eyes.

Marius: No here is the deal you are going to compensat-


The whole castle shook from an impact.

At first it was the Barrier field that popped like a balloon.

The same barrier that was used a lot of resources to make.

Marius was sweating bullets now.

Marius: SHI-

???: Our deal just changed.

The black snake the man was holding soon entered his body with him releasing a scream of anguish.

A baleful demonic aura released from the castle which was sensed by Zion and Shiva.

This are about to get interesting.

!!!!Back to Zion!!!!

He though it was going to be easy slamming into the castle but it seems it was made by magical bricks.

He can see damage to the outer armor of the mech showing on the holo table screen.

Damned fake movies showing amazing break ins.

Zion raised his screen of the cockpit and summoned the dragon shooter on both of his hands.

Time to go on a shootout.

Zion raised the hand with the guns on both side of his face preparing mentally for his heist.

The cockpit opened showing the fallen vampires and the ones holding their weapons in the hall shaking.

Zion aimed both of his guns and aimed at their heads pressing the trigger.

With a bloody gore the heads exploded like watermelon.

Too afraid to know what was happening as Zion was sitting and sniping from the cockpit.

His Hud was scanning and uploading the data of the interior of the castle.

Zion jumped from the cockpit stretching his body like a soaring dragon firing his guns at the guards who was arriving in droves from the gate that was burst opened by the air pressure of Lancelot's entry.

He did a flip and did a superhero landing.

Crouching with blaster on the side.

That was cringe for him to do but it took the necessary effect as the sudden arrival put everyone in a disarray.

Zion: Blaster Mode.

With a spin of Zions fired beams the beams spraying plasma beam to the group surrounding him.

The plasma beam tore through burning the vampires' organs and turned them to dust.

Zion through the neural link sent a command through the Hud and dismissed the guns which turned into particles and bought out the Sabbath sword and the green rangers Dragon tooth dagger.

It's going to be a run against time.

Zion's whole suit glowed in a green and gold hue as he accelerated from the space as he released rapid slashes around him to the remaining vampires.

He is close to the cells and the butcher.

The latter he does not want to visit.

Without Zion's knowledge the grail started to burn bright in his soul in a special hue.

!!!!!In the hall way!!!!

Zion had switched to a gun and the sabbath sword shooting and slicing his way to the cells.

He has an inkling who he will find.

It seems fate is at work or his existence has caused things to be set in motion.

One such thing is his Karma related to the original wielder and destiny.

He can only guess what type of experiments and torture the user had gone through.

Was it his fault?

Did god's intervention change the timeline.

Zion shook his head.

He released another energy blast from the sword mowing down countless vampire soldiers.

Killing humans turned to halflings.

He wonders the power rangers would think.

The are hypocrites after all from the comics of lord Drakkon he has seen and shattered grid.

Green ranger was not evil but the combination of white and green ranger was.

Is he going to transform into lord drakkon since he has the same thing.

Zion shook his head as he unhesitantly cut down the last foe towards the cell he is looking for.

He looked at the last vampires' eyes which was filled with horror.

They were slaves on a binding contract.

Even if he releases this transformed human from the seal, they will be a husk hiding in a dark room never walking in the sun.

Just when did he became biased and ruthless killing machine.

Could he not be used to it by now?

He fought monsters while his hunt for leylines.

He had seen what they had done to his kind.

But this is different.

They are not monsters.

They are people who had been faced with the short end of society who sold themselves to slavery.

Is he becoming disconnected to the people and the world.

When did he look at people with such indifference and have accepted this as the way of the world.

Should he not fight against this unfairness and make a change.

Yeah change.

Zion grits his teeth as he looks at his hands filled with blood causing him to gasp.

When did he become so numb to killing people.

Some memories assail Zion as he remembers why he became indifferent to people's plea.

If people do not desire salvation for themselves and ask for it, then they will receive none.

They must reach for it and search it to someone who can help them and the person who is giving them the path for salvation.

Not breaking their trust while they take all the help has been given and thrown away like an inconvenience.

Zion released a sigh and walked in a brisk pace to the cell.

He needs a psychiatrist.

His green ranger suit covered in blood and the self-cleaning already doing the job.

He has become to detached to the good of humanity and instead looking at the worst side of it.

Is there any good left for people to spread compassion and love.

Maybe when he resurrects the Biblical God, he can answer him.

Zion followed the trail of the Hud guiding him to the signature of the Longinus.

As Zion made to the cell he was getting nervous by the second.

He knows he is going to see some fucked up shit that he had not already seen while scouring Africa for Leylines.

Starved people here and there with people sold for chump change.

In 100 years, he will make sure to thoroughly vanish and cleanse this filth from the land.

The UN needs to step up their game.

Zion turned around and looked at the cell he was looking for.

With rapid swings from his blade, he cut the bars.

He made sure his sensors were picking up unknown signature.

He can see some blips going missing here and there.

Zion quickly ran over to the end of the cell but stopped.

He held his breath.

His eyes shaking from the horror he had seen.

It was Valeries Tepes chained to the wall with two children on the side putting their head on her lap.

She looked malnourished and sickly.

Zion quickly scanned Valerie's condition and the children beside her.

She was in ragged clothes with blood splotches here and there.

The children were not in a better shape as well as they look malnourished and in chains.

He always hated this scene and cursed every time he couldn't just break away and take them to a safe place.

But he couldn't as the world is not so nice for to change its current blind society.

Zion released a slash cutting the chains of the three and had a bitter look on his face.

Valeries arms slumped down like a puppet cutting their strings.

He was biting his lips enough to draw blood.

Gripping the sword hard dismissing it to do some medical checkup.

Zion: Alexia prepares warp in five for three. Have 2B and 8s on standby.

{Alexia: Acknowledged}

Zion went forward and kneeled down; he tapped the side of his helmet to turn on the helm lights.

He raised Valerie's chin and looked at her face.

It was black and blue with stumps and puss coming out, her eyes with zero focus with yellow shade.

Zion slumped his head admonishing himself.

If he was early.


Zion raised his head making a decision.

He summoned some runes on his hand releasing them on three of the bodies.

Valeries soul was damaged as they were trying to safely extract the Annialation maker.

Though they were not successful it seems.

They did do some experiments to obtain data.

Zion opened his visor and looked at Valerie's eyes with a resolute expression.

{Zion: Do you want to live.}

Zion sent a metal probe with a gentle soothing hum.

The healing runes and soul stabilizing runes making Valerie gain some light in her eyes.

Valeries: Pwease ma csildan

Zion understood what she was saying and took a gulp of saliva.

Zion materialized the cup and crated some healing fluid.

One of the abilities of the Graal.

Not only in his first practice he made fluid that can heal any wounds especially lost limbs, he trained to an extent that can soothe and mend souls.

All that practice with headaches paid off.

Zion: Save your strength. I'll save you and your children and you. Drink this it will help you heal your soul.

Valerie shook her head and slowly looked down at her lap.

She raised her hand slowly and caressed her child's head with a warm look.

She then slowly looked at Zions visor looking at his eyes whose eyes were shaking.

Valeire raised her hand and touched the helm.

Valeire: Pwease.

Zion can't look at her pitiful state anymore. Nor can he take the gear and bolt. If he does that, he was sure he will lose something of him much more instead of gaining something.

Zion: I'll save you all.

With a resolute face Zion casted another room for her to heal and sleep.

Valeries head fell with a gentle smile.

{Alexia: Ready for warp}

Zion quickly fed her the fluid with the help of magic and unsummoned the grail.

Zion: Do it.

With a flash of light, the three of them vanished from the room.

The same time the side of the room exploded behind Zion revealing a devil with silver hair.


A sudden cold assailed the cell and Zion knew who it was from the signature.

Because only two devils can use such magic.

The shutter of his visor closed and Zion stood up.

???: Another Longinus user?

Zion was till standing with his back faced to the intruder taking deep breaths.

Several throughs were going through his head.

What was he doing right now?

Why is he acting like a hero?

Is justice not a myth?

Zion took deep breath preparing for the battle that he is going to do.

???: Anyways the more the merrier

Several icicles materialized in the air aiming at Zion's back who was still motionless.

As it was close to his back.

Zion instantly vanished from the place.

This surprised the Devil.

Zion: DIE.

Zion was at the Devils back with the Dragon Blaster in his hand.

With zero hesitation he pulled the trigger.

The ice user devil whose senses were enhanced by the snake quickly formed a barrier behind but was engulfed in a green blast sending himself hurling out of the cell shooting through several walls of the castle outside.

Zion: Alexia brings Lancelot to my position; we are moving out. Intiate large scale warp as soon as I remove any markers on the drones.

Zion looked at the hud with forces surrounding Romania closing in.

Looks like the large-scale magical attack attracted Pantheons and the three-faction including the Carmilla faction.

{Alexia: Give me five minutes, also you are connected to the mana reactors}

Zion: It's time to cause a spectacle.

With all the attention on him he should leave quiet and image. He will blow the place sky high. Fuck this place and its atmosphere of dread and hopelessness.

???: Will you abandon them.

Zion stilled in his place as he heard this voice and the presence.

Zion turned his head and looked at the visage behind him.

A white astral spirit was standing behind him who had a halo and several wings burning bright.

???: Will you abandon the children.

Zion closed his eyes and cursed his idiocy.

He should not give in to anger, becoming young and hitting puberty has caused him to be hot blooded.

Zion opened his eyes with a firm will and tuned his visor around.

ZION: NO! never again.

Zion clasped his hands together with runes running around his body and then extending the magic circle through the whole vampire state of Romania.

Several supernatural beings around including the werewolves, spirits, and Dryads looked at the sky in awe.

Shiva and Bahubali was enjoying the light show in Romania's sky.

A rainbow-colored magic circle was forming giving off chill to everyone present here in Romania.

Angels and Fallen angels stilled in place.

Spies from pantheons stood rooted in place.

Devils who teleported including Mephistopheles was looking at the sky with his student Georg.

Georg looked at the sky and said one thing.

Georg: Beautiful.

A symbol of sephiroth tree and multiple magic circle glowed in the sky.

Shiva: This is truly marvelous, so this is the path you have chosen? Very well I will test this resolve.

Zion was floating in the sky as whole surrounding vaporized by the huge magical pressure coming out of his body.

He teleported the Children chained in the dungeons leaving the one who was a husk from all the torture.

The only thing he can do is give them the sweet release of death.

He teleported the drones, Golems.

Lancelot came at his back with the cockpit open Zion turned around keeping the magic circles active.

Then he saw the whole spirit in splendor shocking him.

Zion: How?

The figure just pointed at his body.

Zion looked down and saw the sheath of Avalon glowing as it makes itself known.

???: I'll be waiting to see your resolve.

With a smile the figure vanished.

Zion with a bitter face got in Lancelot and teleported away.

Not before signaling the completion of the spell.


Then there was light again in Romania's sky.