

There are concept of parallel worlds that are yet to be proven. Numerous possibilities branched into a timeline. Some come to fruition but others Wisk away to nothingness. So which possibility is real? Which one is fake? Zion Monjur in his age of 70 was wisked away to his parallel self in dxd temporarily. What caused for him to be needed? Why was he given an authority which one can dream of? Even if it is temporary. Also who are these people bickering in a not so called chat group? Where is the Gacha? and the store? Why can I only talk with people who I do not know?

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


In the starry skies one could see several specks of light travelling through the sky at breakneck speeds among them one notable is the with boosters wrapped on it. It was a white mech with white and gold color scheme with green eyes.

It was the Nightmare frame Lancelot Albion.

The others on the side are the Drones armed with magical armaments and mainly magical rail gun.

Whoever is the end of the payload will face judgement.

Zion was relaxing on the cockpit of the frame with his helmet on his knees.

He was admiring the creation of science and magic.

Zion was looking at the screen where the slash dog team being taken to see the sudden leyline disturbance in Kyoto.

Did he Cockblock Tobios Rise to power?

Zion was thinking going to Romania immediately but he had to hold it for three days before he could get his bearings.

He was feeling wobbly while using his Longinus.

He needs to push himself so later he could replicate another Longinus.

So, he needs one as a base to practice.

Zion was admiring the work he had done around the world.

The skies of Greece are full of thunder.

Same with India.

Angels are scouring North and South America like Headless chicken.

It was worth it to risk his cover to set up false nodes.

As he is using anti clairvoyant runes and anti-divination runes the gods are surely making a tantrum.

Hope Samsara and Shiva does not pull up.

Zion accessed the Holographic Key Board and started to look up Romanias Video Clips of the area.

Zion looked up Romania and the Vampire faction and boy oh boy the world is dark then he anticipated.

DxD world revolves around the main protagonist only showing few scums like Diodora Astaroth and Rivezim Lucifer.

Both of these are psychopaths experimenting from mice to babies.

Vampire faction was a whole different ball game.

Using Kids as Blood bags and half-bloods as cattle.

Zion doesn't care if the Kids are Half blood or not.

They are still kids

Even if there weren't any supernatural in the world like his it will be humanity drinking blood of their won brethren, but not in a physical way but metaphorically.

Such is a moral dilemma.

As he walks the streets of the world, he can always see there is certain someone who always be in poverty, or some children staying hungry and homeless.

Instead of focusing the future people should focus on the present and learn from the past so that they can build to the future.

Should he save the children that are imprisoned.

Zion had no answer to that.

There are several scenarios like this occurring around the world.

In these Eight years he was not only putting in head in power and knowledge.

He used the new found power to look around the world.

He has seen several faces of people.

Eyes filled with malice.

Eyes filled with Desire.

Eyes filled with Deceit and Treachery.

People not showing decency to people they meet.

No compassion and love.

There are some who try to brighten the world, but they are shrouded by the overwhelming malice that flows through the world.

War for Greed and Resources at all-time high.

Does the world need a hero for people who are suffering for their self-inflected issues? Who knows.

If people come together a miracle can indeed be achieved.

So they need a wakeup call.

Especially the leaders who sow dissociation among people to keep something called status cuo.

Oh they will see status cuo.

No is strong or Weak, Rich or poor.

Everyone is vulnerable.

Without Zion realizing his though process for using the sephiroth grail is slowly shifting.

What Zion saw when he activated the grail on a large scale is people's emotion and plea for salvation and guidance and also their malice.

Using the knowledge from Akashic Records did not create a superiority complex as he has lived a life before it to know what is to be truly human.

There is no such thing as perfection.

There is only balance and people must achieve balance.

They must come in terms with their Darkness and the Light.

They must embrace their hypocrisy and accept their vulnerability.

A strange gaze was in Zions eyes.

There wasn't indifference but recognition.

Humanity should deal with their own shit.

Let Big G handle the invaders.

!!!!!!Around the world!!!!

As Zion was having a moral debate with himself others were having a heated debate and discussion in several Pantheon.

Mostly Among the Three Factions.

Discussing about the user of sephiroth Graal who has awakened.

The last user was 200 years ago who wiped out a village in Northern Part of Europe.

So, what will Happen now.

!!!!!In Underworld!!!!

A massive debate was going on with screams and slangs throwing out by the higher echelons of the New Satan Faction.

Zekram has enough of this.

Zekram: SILENCE!!

Demonic Energy was laced in the voice with power radiating from his presence.

Serafall and Ajuka just looked at each other and shrugged.

Sirzechs was worried about Rias as there was a signal that went off in Kyoto.

That is why he sent Grafiya to look out for his Ria-Tan.

Zekram: Now that there is some peace here is what we are going to do. If either of you find the User of the Grail you either recruit him, if he is hostile, you kill him simple as that.

There will be no infighting. If heaven finds the person first then that's it all you have lost the race so get a hint.

If it is another pantheon, you won't even dare make a move if you are courting death.

Serafall chimed in to give her own input.

Serafall: We can send delegates to give our condolences as to make it show that such energy readings from out territory. While we are doing that we can spy or look around for any news about the Longinus User.

Ajuka: We can make a Task-force to secretly infiltrate other Pantheons Lands to find the Longinus User.

Sirzechs: It would be better if we could bring the Longinus User under our wing to bolster our forces. Maybe strike a deal if the user is gullible to join out side with the promise of riches.

"Outrageous! That Longinus user has a holy relic, asking such a being who has such a thing to join us is shooting on our foot"

"We should kill that Longinus bastard when he has the chance"

"We should make a slave and have it do out bidding"

Sirzechs and Serafall just shook his head.

Make a slave and do their bidding?

Do they think it's going to be that easy.

There was one in the past who took the white dragon emperor to their wing, as they tried to turn him to a slave. The user went berserk.

Thank Lucifer the user was outside the underworld. It would have been a mess.

The less that is said about the Red Dragon Emperor and other Longinus User is better.

Especially the murderous Incinerate Anthem User that is running around.

You do not mess with those people.

Serafall leaned over to Sirzechs who was deep in thought.

Startled out of his thoughts Sirzechs looked at Serafall who was making eye movement to Ajuka.

Ajuka was standing on the door holding a symbol of wing showing Azazel had arrived.

With a sigh Sirzechs Excused himself from the meeting along with Serafall under the yes of Zekram who got the hint.

Zekram distracted the meeting to the direction about the rating game and the effect of longinus user added to the peerage.

That surely got their attention.

!!!!!Outside the meeting hall!!!

Azazel was passing around who was seemingly feeling tired and frustrated.

The dark bags under his eyes tells all the stories.

The door opened with Azazel finally looking to the side getting the cue to interject.

Azazel: It is a mess inside isn't it. Had their panties in the twist. I assure you they are not the only ones.

Serafall looked at Azazel up and down taking in the ragged state.

Serafall: You sure have been busy, so what's the news in the air?

Ajuka: I was sure for a fact something would happen as several leylines were activated together around the world. Genius I say using them as nodes to mask the longinus user present.

Sirzechs: Any names you found.

Azazel: None. I have some news and bad news. So which cookie you want.

A disgusting smile made on Azazel's face.

Serafall: First news and then the bad news.

Ajuka: Why do people always take something sweet first and then sour.

Serafall gave a stink eye to Ajuka.

Azazel: Just like Ajuka said Genius. I don't know what that guy did but it was bonkers I tell you. Only a crazy man will travel around the world to make such intricate plan.

Not only did the user mask his or her presence but made a net around the whole world I say. Like a rader to peek into people soul. With this he can see who has a sacred gear or not.

I called in a few favours around the world to check on the places and let me tell you. Whoever did this was a damn good master magician.

Serafall: Well, that narrows it down.

Azazel: Let me finish. I went with Mephisto to track down the origin of the place with some divination and some help from Michael with the system above.

Sirzechs: So found the users abode.

Azazel: Found no the whole place was buried ten feet under in Malaysia. Whoever did this have planned this out carefully. I tell you this to all of you. This is one crafty bastard.

Ajuka: Interesting whoever he is has not only knowledge about the Heavens system to locate the gear but to mask the signature.

Azazel made a hollow laugh.

Azazel: Oh, it only gets better.

Serafall: Please don't say something that will make me do more paperwork.

Azazel: He is overriding father's system to mask his presence.

Sirzechs and Serafall: WHAT!

Ajuka: He? Also hacking heaven, itself.

Ajuka had a perplexed look he can only imagine how Michael is feeling.

Serafall: That is bad, I mean really bad. WE DID NOT EVEN HEAR THE BAD NEWS.

Azazel rubbed his eyes.

Azazel: It only gets worse.

Azazel put his hand on the breast pocket and handed it to Serafall.

As Serafall opened the content and read it along side Ajuka and Sirzechs, they can only be pale.

Serafall: Th-is is a joke right.

Ajuka and Serafall can feel Shiva's divinity on it with a foreboding message.



Ajuka: Why would a person who is at the Top 10 warn us like this.

Sirzechs had a foreboding feeling in the news.

Sirzechs: So, the User is in the Indian Territory.

Azazel: Yeah, so if you don't want to piss them off, I advise you to stay away from the place. If Shiva is moving against this guy, I know for fact things are about to get heated. It's been three days but I can already feel gunpowder in the air.

Serafall can only gulp.

Ajuka: So the conclusion.

Azazel: We are dealing with an experienced cunt, not the run in the mill people who was born with it. If I want to go against this guy I better plan ahead because I already feel this guy is already ahead 10 steps.

Sirzechs: Is Shiva looking to recruit or kill him?

Azazel: From the looks of it Shiva had an amused expression on his face, like he was having fun. I don't know why but I feel Shiva and the Sephiroth Graal will get along.

Serafall: Oh, dear I can only imagine how it's going to end.

Azazel: So yeah deal with your group Imma bounce.

With a flash of light Azazel disappeared.

!!!!!In a certain place in the underworld!!!!

Rivezim was standing on a table thinking about his plans for conquering the world.

Now that the Sephiroth Graal has awakened things will be easier, he already found one Longinus for his plans and now he needs another.

It was only a matter of time.

!!!!!!Back to Zion!!!!

Zion was looking over the houses beneath his feet through the screens he installed under his feet.

European architecture sure is nice.

Zion put his helmet on and looked at the castle he is going to jump in.

Zion: Removing restriction take away radio silence. Bombard the battle stations of the vampires.

Alexia: Roger.

The drones following Zion opened their missile compartments and launched their missiles.

Suddenly huge magic circles martialized above the vampire territory.

The guards and the people of the male faction who were on guard looked up and had the magical sirens go out.

They were being attacked.

The magic circle lit up opening a portal showing a starry sky.

They say something that would haunt them for the rest of their lives.

A glowing pillar in space aiming at them.

With a flash of light, the pillar of judgement landed from the stars with missiles coming inbound that has light properties.

Let the light show begin.