

There are concept of parallel worlds that are yet to be proven. Numerous possibilities branched into a timeline. Some come to fruition but others Wisk away to nothingness. So which possibility is real? Which one is fake? Zion Monjur in his age of 70 was wisked away to his parallel self in dxd temporarily. What caused for him to be needed? Why was he given an authority which one can dream of? Even if it is temporary. Also who are these people bickering in a not so called chat group? Where is the Gacha? and the store? Why can I only talk with people who I do not know?

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Zion teleported with Lancelot and his drone is toe.

He looked at the drones standing all around him floating and landing on the steel floor with a thud cutting ignition of thrusters.

There was damage here and there on the armor probably with high level spells.

He did predict one of the original Satan's will be there.

Namely Euclid Lucifuge.

Zion took of his helm as he was feeling stuffy.

He opened the cockpit moving away the screen Infront of him up to height of the cockpit.

He needed some air.

He can't do this anymore.

He cannot ignore people who are suffering as he moves away from them.

He knows from his past it is meaningless as they will soon forget the kindness.

But still, he cannot abandon his Father's Ideals and Legacy.

Even when he travelled, he cannot help but go around helping people.

Giving food to hungry children and helping those who are suffering from poverty.

Zion stumbled from the cockpit as he grabbed the handled of the rope putting his feet on the pulley.

He slowly came down from the mech and as soon as he came close to the ground he fell on his ass.

He curled himself up and held his head.

"Never again"

Did the Sephiroth Grail make him crazy or is it affecting his views and indifferent moral.

Soon 2B made her way to Zion and Handed a glass of water.

Zion looked up to 2B.

He wanted some comfort but a machine cannot give him that.

He wants to go home.

It's been too long he was away.

He wants to go to his mother's embrace and cry his lungs out.

Zion underestimated the grail.

It not only took the desire from the depth of the soul but showed him the color of the soul of every being in the planet.

The Grail took the form of his image as he was good at analyzing people as faced people with different faces and motives in his life.

Zion took the water and chugged the water down.

There was too much darkness engulfing the world.

The world must be reminded of the light that once shined bright.

Yes, that's it he needs to resurrect the God of the Bible and everything will be good.

The death of God in this World has caused it to plunge into darkness.

As he travelled the world, he saw it clearly.

So, he needs to enact the plan.

He needs the will of True Longinus and other holy relics.

He needs to accelerate his plans.

Zion: I need to clean my head of the pollution. The Grail is acting like it owns my soul. I'll seal it and only use it to copy another Longinus. It seems it was buzzing even after I shut it down. Too much remnant information.

2B came and held Zion from the back startling him.

Zion: What are you doing?

2B: Comforting you.

Zion: Aren't you an android.

2B: Didn't you program that androids can have a soul?

Zion: ...….

Zion stood up grabbing the helmet from the ground with 2B grabbing his shoulder to keep Zion steady.

Zion: Thanks, so how is our guests.

2B: The Nurses are doing what they can. They are using the miracle fluid of the grail to heal them. But it seems the problem is elsewhere as they are not waking up.

Zion: Trauma. What about the children I teleported.

Alexia came out as a hologram as Yae Miku to Zion.

Alexia: Dick moves boss should have warned earlier. If I did not warn A2 she would have neat them up.

Zion: Sorry I got-

Suddenly Zion felt a presence intruding on his base.

Alexia: BOSS!

Zion: I know let them in.

Alexia: But the protocols.

Zion: I know who they are, pull up the Hologram.

Alexia with a sigh in her Holographic AI Image made a screen.

Shiva was standing outside the barrier poking it with his power of destruction destroying the mirror dimension as it reforms the damaged side again and again.

He was doing it with simple childish curiosity.

Soon the barrier opened making Shiva smile as he strolled in the place watching in amazement as he saw a whole base hidden in the mountain area of Sylhet.

Zion and 2B who was looking at this scene with a blank face.

Alexia: Boss I think we should just shoot this terrifying guy. Or release the Armageddon protocol.

Zion: That is for last. If he wanted to he would have blown the mountain sky high, with me shoving my holy lance down his throat for destroying my hard work.

2B: Should I prepare the guest room.

Zion: Please do so and bring some sweets or cake.

2B: Acknowledged.

2B went her way to prepare for the unknown guest.

Zion looked at the Hologram and gave a sigh.

Shiva was looking at the camera and waving his hand with a smile as he was following the Hologram arrows from the wall.

Zion: What a troublesome god.

Zion: Power down.

The Green Ranger suit came off in particles with the skin suit beneath Zion shifting into regular clothes.

He has a long day ahead of him.

!!!!In the guest area!!!!

Zion was looking at several Holographic screens looking at the extent of damage to the armor drones.

He made those drones copying the model from Iron man 2 "HAMMER INDUSTRIES".

Only difference was it had a magical reactor supplying energy to the magical rail guns.

He supplied the holy tungsten bullets before hand to turn any magical circle defense to glass.

Nano forge is there is fix and repair the armor.

The video feed he is looking at is showing the effectivity of the weapon up to 90 percent.

He copied the magical railgun from "Arifutera" by studying Nagumos guns.

He knows for a fact that he needs an autograph.

There were some who withstood a single barrage form those guns but after their magical energy dwindled, they were Swiss cheese.

One of them is the Devil.

Euclid escaped using the power of the snake of Ophis. He needs to study that perpetual energy snake.

Zion looked at the side and saw the kids he had saved. Some are broken that he needs to erase their memories for them to live a normal life.

Does he regret blowing the place in Romania sky high?

No, he does not as it was righteous fury of his own.

Some may say he is pressuring his own sense of justice, but fuck all of the hypocrites.

So, what is their moral?

Just look away and say nothing?

If someone leaves evil to propagate it will continue to spread, there are lines that must not be crossed and doing nothing causes such anguish people like him is feeling trying to stop this heinous act.

With a wave of Zions hands, the holograms moved away and he sat straight.

The person he will be dealing with has arrived Infront of the gate.

Zion is not sure what he wants.

But he has an inkling where this conversation will go.

!!!Shiva POV!!!!

He was not sure what he would be expecting but entering a military base with advance technology and holograms was a charm he came to appreciate.

Magic and technology intertwined together.

Odin will show jump the gun to see how everything works.

He was sure Odin was also trying to observe this interesting foe but this whole place has suppression for Clairvoyance.

But he is not put off by this at all but rather he is excited.

It was a long time he faced the unknown.

With a smile he looked over the drones moving around to guide him.

He felt a presence and looked at the lady or rather golem curiously.

A mind but not a soul. Not sure if it is true for the last part.

She has short silver hair fair skin and plump lips.

Odin sure would get along with this golem's inventor.

Wearing maid uniform as a guard of this place.

2B bowed the Shiva and greeted him politely.

2B: Greetings Lord Shiva my Commodore is unwell at the moment to come and greet you in person. He is regretful not to greet you in person.

Shiva just waved his hands.

Shiva: It's nothing I know he is not in any shape after he did that stunt with the grail. He must be in pain after using the grail in such a large scale, I am here to see how he feels as he had gazed through the secrets of the world.

2B: I would appreciate if you give him a stern warning, he is too headstrong to say no and be in one place.

Shiva had an amused expression.

Shiva: He sure put effort in your creation. I can feel worry and anxiousness in you.

2B: He does love making all of his android's female.

Shiva just shook his head with a wry smile.

Shiva: Men.

2B returned a smile in that regards.

Shiva: Lead the way.

2B: As you wish Lord Shiva.

Shiva: What is your name.

2B: My Commodore calls me 2B but my real call name is Eva.

Shiva: So, Eva can you give me a tour of the base while we reach the dorm.

2B: As you desire.

On the right-hand wing is the hanger for drones and Nightmare frames for use in combat.

Shiva looked over looking over mechs which was repaired by a liquid grey sludge?

On the left-hand wing is the nano-forge creating new equipment's and several machinery parts.

Shiva: I assume nano-machines are a thing here. I can imagine the chaos if the contents spill over the world.

2B: We have measures to combat rogue AI. There is virus inputted along which will activate the moment the system mainframe fails to respond.

Shiva: Cautious and Responsible.

2B: On the west wing we have Magical Engineering and Aerospace Launch pads to send satellites in space.

Shiva: I assume the pillar of light was bough down by one of the satellites?

2B looked over and was in a thinking pose.

2B: I assume you were in Romania watching the fight Commodore was having.

Shiva: Well, yes, I wanted to give a stern lecture about it and also does he have magical rail guns up there.

Shiva pointed his hand to the roof of the base.

2B: My commodore will say the details.

Shiva: Classified information?

2B: Yes.

Shiva: I am more interested the thing on the back.

Shiva noticed the huge door of the south hanger with no drones moving around, he could look over the holograms giving description of the equipment in the base.

Something tells him troublesome is in there.

2B: It is a separate subspace containing more volatile projects.

Shiva: Can you at least give me peek of what is in there.

2B: Space ships.

Shiva: Ho.

Shiva looked around the base looking at the golems moving around alchemic metals and weapons from room to a separate subspace.

Drones and androids giving instruction.

And a droid mimicking a chicken? Running around?

Something hit his shoe and looked down.

He saw a droid shape of a mouse clinging to his shoe.

2B shooed it away as it saw the gesture.

2B: Cleaning droids are such free spirits.

Shiva: That mouse was cleaning?

2B: Mostly it looks for germs in the area.

Shiva raised his feet and looked under his shoes.

There were some mosses under there.

2B: We are close.

Shiva moved away from the mouse droid which seems to glare at his shoes.

Such a fun place.

!!!!In the guest room!!!!

The door of the room opened with Shiva strolling looking at the office area and landed his gaze at the boy or man Infront of him.

Red eyes brown hair slicked back with a tuft of hair Infront of his face and a round face.

Well built seemingly to be working out.

Only thing is that whatever he does he cannot access his soul or mind.

I seem to be firewalled from any intrusion.

But he can see the aura around this boy.

Shiva made eye contact with Zion and by the look of it the host seems troubled, but not buy his intrusion.

Zion looked at the purple eyes with bottomless divinity that has a sense of superiority.

But he does not care as he knows what happened in the future.

He met someone much powerful than a regular god.

Zion stood up and gave a silent nod to 2B to leave the room as she had already set up the table with tea and snacks.

Zion badly wanted to sip on tea but it would be rude to the guest.

Zion: Greetings Lord Shiva my Name is Zion Monjur. How may I help you.

Shiva tilted his head and looked at Zion up and looked at Zion up and down.

Shiva: You need help more than I do.

Zion: ....

Zion squinted his eyes at this statement.

Zion: Haa please sit it seems you and I have lot to discuss.

Shiva: We do Indeed.

Shiva took a seat and took the chocolate cake on the table and dug in.

Eating sweets with his son has turned him to a sweet lover.

Shiva took the spoon and dug in.

Zion took the tea smelled the fragrance and took a step.

He needs help with the migraine.

!!!!After some food session!!!!

Shiva had his hands under his chin looking at Zion making the room thick with tension.

Zion looked at Shivas Eyes not flinching away.

He felt much more fear when he faced his father during his fifth grade as his life was going downhill.

After some silence Zion was the one who broke the silence.

Zion: Are you curious about my existence and why I have the Sephiroth Graal.

Shiva finally interjected.

Shiva: You are my second concern I am having issue about why my clairvoyance was taken away.

Zion: Should ask Samsara about that. But since he also can't let me tell you one thing.


Shiva: ...…

Shiva: There were three paths and now I see none. You know why I don't interfere. Destruction is needed for the path to development. Are you saying sacrificing myself and other Chief Gods to make path for the new generation was wrong? My decision a mistake? Who are you to judge "ME".

Zion: I didn't someone just had a hiccup in their job now I am here to "FIX" the issue.

Shiva: Fix what? Do you think the world needs someone like you to interject in other people's lives? To judge who is right and wrong. Who gets to fulfil their dreams and who do not.

Zion: I am no "God". Power is useless for my endeavors but even so I crave it. This is because I cannot ignore the responsibility the world and its people failing to take.

Shiva: Do you want to rule the world or make it suffer.

Zion: I need to understand. I want to give it a reality check.

Shiva: By what forcing your principles?

Zion: By saving them.

Shiva: Your travels around the world says otherwise.

Zion: I did not abandon them; they abandoned the ideals that were though to them. To suffer together and to strive.

Shiva: What do you want the people to be saved from. From misery, malice or greed.

Zion: From their Ignorance.

Shiva: .....

Shiva: Ignorance of what?

Zion: Their responsibility to the world.

Shiva put his back on the sofa and looked at the metal ceiling closing his eyes.

Has the world truly forgotten their place and responsibility towards the planet.

Did their teaching go out as nothing but a piece of paper.

Shiva straightened his back and looked at Zion finally asking the main question.

Shiva: What happened?

It was not a question but an order.

Zion: Should not have put the destiny of pantheons on a single person. Machine Gods are a bitch.

Shiva: The Boy failed?

Zion: One must realize screaming boobs and power of friendship has a time limit.

Zion: Dying three times was enough. One by a spear, second from the wolf, third from the poison. If you try to play even after three strikes you should be prepared for the consequences.

Death does not take it lightly. I can already imagine how a certain universe face issues because they continue to resurrect their heroes.

The timeline gets destroyed and remade over and over to maintain Balance.

Shiva held his head and released a sigh.

Shiva: Damn its Fatum you had to pick that way.

Shiva: What is wrong with resurrecting people over and over again, that's right we are breaking our own rules to maintain balance of Karma.

Shiva just took a deep breath and straightened his back looking at Zion.

Shiva: I assume you have a way.

Zion: Work in progress.

Shiva: ...

Shiva: You have to be joking with me.

Zion: Things are bad okay very bad. There is a clone of great red running around I know for a fact not to mentions those crazy outer gods who conquer realities for sport.

What did you think about fighting beings who have experience to kill gods like you. They have arrogance that can be taken advantage but they have the power to back it up.

Fuck Ex-Gremory and his group of white knights.

Arrogant cunt.

Siva: Are you questioning my capability dealing with such group.

Zion: You can win the battle but not the war. Especially Custo Castruem.

Shiva: What about it.

Zion: You do not have the capability to fight a space fleet who can carpet bomb the planet from outer space.

Shiva: You think resurrecting the God of the Bible is the solution.

Zion: Yes, and if you try to stop me. "I WILL KILL YOU"

Shiva: ...

Suddenly Divine Pressure descended upon the room with Shiva Transforming to his divine form.


Zion equipped the Aegis armour.

With a flash of light Zion wore the Aegis armour. But compared to Odysseus from fate unverse it was different.

White and gold outline with gold wings of Kavachi Kundala on the side.

A red jewel on the helmet of the advance power suit.

Blue visor Looking at Shiva.

Shiva: You are telling me that my authority and vision is wrong? My teaching to humanity is not enough? Why is the God of the Bible much more suitable to lead the world? Why is that?

Shiva third eye opened threatening to incinerate Zion.

Zion who was sweating under the suit was not giving up.

He needs to get the point through.

Zion: What do you think would happen if "God of the Bible" did not make those sacred gears and passed it on to humans?

Shiva: .....

Shiva: They would have lived normal lives.

Zion: Are you sure about that.

There was tense silence between the two.

None of them giving an inch to each other.

Zion was having a mocking smile as he knew the Hypocrisy Shiva was spouting.

There was only simple answer in both of their minds.


None of the gods would have bat and eye to humans as not for getting huge amount of faith from them.

But the must realize the relationship goes both ways.

Since I give you my faith, I expect it to be rewarded with a sign that will lead the way.

Devils would enslave the world.

Angels helpless as their God is gone.

Other pantheons like Greek to do whatever they want.

Enslaving people to force them to give faith.

Since Age did not die because of their supposed prophecy.

Like Typhon destroying Olympus.

Ragnarök not occurring in Asgard.

Things are turning to a different path altogether.

Shiva: They would have been fine.

Zion: Visit New York and observe the empire state building and tell me what I was saying is false.

Zion: Don't tell me you are afraid?

Shiva: ...…..

Shiva: Who? The God of the Bible.

Zion: Did you forget who sealed the Trihexia in the first place. You and I both know if the God of the Bible was Alive by no. Things would have been very different for all of you.

Shiva stood up with his Temper reaching the Peak.


Suddenly a different pressure descended the room.

If the first one was oppressive this one was a gentle hum of warmth.

The armor moved away from Aegis with now Zion with his body in a different light.

His hair turned from brown to gold.

His eyes now be the one to feel that has annoyance and boredom.

Shiva knew this presence but it was different much potent and terrifying.

The figure put both of his hands on the sofa raising one of the legs on the ankle.

The face of Zion had humor and mirth in it.

But it was not Zion who was having this expression.


It was the creator who had some of his consciousness in the body of Zion.

He is about to drop some hands in this this place.

Shiva was on Guard taking out his trident in a quick fashion and trusted towards Zion.

With a burst of air in the Room the spear striked towards the head.

The creator just simply stopped it with a finger.

Power of destruction was flowing out of the spear but it was simply cancelled out.





Shiva took his spear and from the thrust and bought It to the side.

Shiva: It's been a long-time old friend.


Shiva: Are things that bad to send an apostle?


Shiva: Hoo.

Shiva slumped on the sofa transforming back to his child form, taking the lemonade on the table.

Shiva: So what is the plan.


Shiva gave a deadpan look.

Shiva: You were saying I was incompetent.


The creator just pointed on zion's face.

Shiva: So what is the difference between this kid and the one Fatum chose.

Creator lost the smile on his face.


Shiva: .....

Shiva: off course this would happen when you have a harem.

Shiva released a sigh shaking his head.


Shiva: Raising Children who grew up hearing stories and chasing coattails. One must divide one's time properly.


Shiva and CREATOR shook their heads as they looked their clairvoyance about Issei Hyoudo.

Shiva: I'll still test him to see if he is worthy instead of the boy Fatum chose.


Shiva: You should take a break from work too.


A chuckle escaped from both.

Shiva: What a troublesome boy you chose running headfirst into trouble.


Shiva: Until we meet again.


With that the presence that was possessing Zion's body moved out.

Zion bolted off the seat and looked around.


Saliva was coming out of Zion's mouth as he was making head to tail what just happened.

He just lost control of his body.

He looked at shiva with bloodshot eyes demanding an explanation.

Shiva just shrugged and made a teleportation gate with a flick of his hand.

Shiva: Since you threatened to kill me, we'll meet again after three years if you can live up to that statement. Also, what are your plans from now on?

Zion opened and closed his eyes.

Zion: What just happened.

Shiva gave an amused smile.

Shiva: I'll tell you if you can win.

With that shiva vanished from the place.

2B ran in the room to see if her master was okay.


Zion slumped on the sofa and took a deep breath.

Zion: I need a vacation, looks like I need to go home.

2B gave a sigh as Zion seems to be all right.

Alexia popped up as a hologram:

Alexia: That was scary! I couldn't access the video feed suddenly!

Alexia: It's a relief you are okay boss.

Zion rubbed his eyes.

2B: Going to school for vacation?

Zion: Yes, for vacation.

A smile made to Zions face.

He needs to wind down for a bit.