

There are concept of parallel worlds that are yet to be proven. Numerous possibilities branched into a timeline. Some come to fruition but others Wisk away to nothingness. So which possibility is real? Which one is fake? Zion Monjur in his age of 70 was wisked away to his parallel self in dxd temporarily. What caused for him to be needed? Why was he given an authority which one can dream of? Even if it is temporary. Also who are these people bickering in a not so called chat group? Where is the Gacha? and the store? Why can I only talk with people who I do not know?

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


It was a nice day.

The sun high above the sky.

Birds flying around in the sky.

Azazel was laying down on a hammock with a Tequila on hand with some guest sitting on the other side of the table on a makeshift tent.

There was King Tepes and Queen Carmilla along with her aide Elmenhilde Karnstein.

All of them had a furious face at the fallen angel's lax behavior.

Deep breaths were taken by all of the vampires present.

They all want to scream and yell at the person but they cannot as they have faced a devastating blow to their faction.

It was no secret that as cold war was going on along with civil war that broke out a month ago.

There was a chance other factions may interfere and reap some good rewards from their territory.

Werewolves may interfere and commit a mass genocide just for fun.

But the most horrifying situations they are facing along with other factions.

Is the Terrorist running around with the power to make a whole crater running for miles.

The only comforting fact they had whoever did this was not mindless.

The population that was living on the land were teleported out of the land.

Most of them were blood bags or slaves working in the mines of the country.

When the Carmilla faction interviewed them all of them said one thing.

The Power of the sun fell on the land.

Shivers went down Queen Carmellias spine.

Whoever this person was does not play lightly.

Making suns like it was a normal thing.

Even Sun God Ra who felt the concept of the sun came and gave a compliment after looking at the destruction and went away after he looked over the place.

The Head of the Grigory and all of the vampire faction was shocked.

Azazel tried to strike a conversation but he just ignored him and drove his chariot around the crater.

Giving the history with the biblical faction the reaction was obvious.

Moses was also a menace in Ra land according to his idea.

All of them came out of the stupor as the curtains of the tent was opened revealing a huge man with armor and coat on his body.

It was Baraqiel.

Baraqiel: The leaders have arrived.

Azazel gave a sigh and stood up from the Hamok giving a nod to Baraqiel and a nod to the Carmillia faction raising hand to the exit asking them to follow him.

All of them obliged with Carmillia taking cover under her Umbrella as her Aide put it over both of them.

They went outside with the sun glaring at their eyes causing them to shield with their hands.

As they adapted to the light and looked over they grimaced every time they look at the scenery..

Everything is a wasteland with ground turned to glass.

A huge hole was in the middle of the Crater where the castle was.

Azazel has a serious face in all his years of life after the great war.

He had his own thoughts about it.

When vali followed him and looked over the place in secret he was shocked beyond anything.

Even Albion who saw all of this from Valis Eyes was spooked.

Whoever did this was a Mad Man thought all of the people present.

No wonder Shiva took and Interest.

The effect of destruction from a single blow was making Micchael and Satans Uncomfortable.

The news will have a field day with this.

The UN and other Governments who had known about the supernatural was asking the immediate death of this Terrorist.

Cover story was a meteor with special properties striked the earth at speeds not imagined.

Azazel looked over to his side and can see Michael Along with Gabriel who was holding her mouth shocked.

Serafall who came as a Diplomat lost her cheery mod and was rubbing her shoulders.

Azazel knew what she was thinking.

Can I win against this being?

Can I escape Alive?

Michael looked over and gave a wave with his hands with a smile.

Azazel reciprocated the gesture and went towards the group.

Azazel: Tough day for all of us isn't it.

Michael: These are trying times.

Gabriel: How can father give someone such horrendous power.

Gabriel has tears in her eyes looking at the devastation.

Azazel had a thin line on his lips.

Michael was always emotionless.

Serafall: This was a message.

Serafall after sometime opened her mouth looking at the area around in a daze.

Azazel: You don't say. At least we got some news about all of this. Not good news but still news.

Micahel: Sephiroth Grall Kidnapped Annialation Maker.

Azazel: Touche.

Serafall turned around and looked all of them in Horror.

Serafall: You mean this "MONSTER" has both the most Terrifying Longinus!

Michael: I am afraid so. I cannot detect him any longer. It seems him and the Graal has become independent. Though for Annialation Maker I cannot say the same.


Serafall: Please tell me we know who it is.

Azazel: About that I will leave it to Shiva deal with. Let's ask Shiva when he contacts us again.

"Why Don't you ask me now?"

Azazel sweat dropped.

He didn't even feel the presence.

Everyone turned to look at the voice and saw Shiva in his Kid from.

The only thing is that his Third Eye open moving here and there creeping serafall out.

Azazel: Did you kill him.

Shiva: No.

Serafall: Why?

Shiva shook his head as he closed his third eye.

Shiva: If we fought it would be troublesome beyond anything. Things has escalated beyond anything I could predict. He would have run away anyway before I could catch him. Also, he has something up his sleeve which cannot be detected by y clairvoyance.

Shiva had an annoyed look on his face.

Azazel: Run away? How can he run away from the Trimuti. Can Lord just over power him? Also how can a Longius be troublesome. Except.

Michael: If It developed a Juggernaut Drive that is a question.

Chill went up everyone's spine. A high tier Longinus developing a Juggernaut drive. Now that is Bad.

Shiva: His existence has been willed by the universe itself to make a certain impact on fate. I can no longer interfere. Only thing I do is test his resolve. He is a variable that is needed in the great workings of fate. Other things can be left to your imaginations, you will meet him soon when fate wills it.

Azazel: Willed by the Universe? What is Lord Shiva talking about? Fate?

Shiva: My Clairvoyance has shown a change in fate and destiny. I cannot speak of it lest things go to as turn for the worst. All of you need to prepare for the changes that are about to come because of the shift in power. Maybe a surprise may topple the balance of things.

Shiva again had an amused expression on his face looking on everyone's confused look. He sure likes to put everyone in a tangent with his prophecy.

Serafall: Can we at least know who has such power. If it is not rude for asking Lord Shiva

Shiva turned around and looked at the people getting everyone's attention.

Shiva: This is my fight, I appreciate if you do not interfere. I will test his prowess after three years and that is my decree. He questioned my teaching and guidance so I need to see what future he envisions.

Shiva: Try to interfere or I will shoot you down.

Shiva said the last part with divinity in his voice causing everyone present to shiver.

Azazel had a contemplating look on his face. The guy sure had balls questioning a Gods authority.

Azazel: A test for what.

Shiva turned around opening a portal to his domain.

Shiva: To see if he has what it takes to be a King.

With this last piece said Shiva went away leaving everyone confused.

The person who was talked about was taking a bath and having his own thoughts in arrangement.

!!!!!Back to Zion!!!!

Zion was in his own huge European Bath tub made with Alchemic Marble enchanted with recovery magic.

He was looking at the roof of the bath as 2B gave him a massage to his back.

He dares not to turn around to see his sinful creation.

Rising Hormones of Puberty will scream in Joy.

Zion closed his Eyes and recalled the conversation with Shiva.

Him dismissing the teaching and guidance of Shiva and getting a challenge in return.

Not to mention his loss of control over his Body.

He was sure the creator is keeping some stuff secret from him.

An unstoppable urge to get stronger had burst up inside him.

Shiva's aura was something made him feel small.

Not mentally or Spiritually as he has lived as a mortal dealing with struggles of daily life.

But in Physicality.

He was sure with his Magic Erbea and Thousand Photon mode can take him on.

Training with huge amount of Chaos and White magic to flow through his body to activate it.

He remembers how in the anime of UQ holder Touta had to die a lot of the times to activate magic cancel.

He did it by fusing White Magic and Chaos magic in his Space screaming like a bitch as his body broke down and regenerated as he was trying to shape his power.

Zion raised his left hand and saw a red glove with white lines going on his hand.

Hard magical energy.

With his armor in the crutch and Rhongomyniad in his arsenal.

He was sure he could go toe to toe for minutes against the destroyer.

There were also trap set him with anti-divinity runes to chain the destroyer down.

But brute force enough shive could make a whole in his chest.

He had Water Stream fist and Recoiless Martial arts from God of high school.

Still his body it was Human will fall behind.

So, the last thing he could do is make a Serum like the Golden sentry serum.

Or go to a cultivation universe or other one with advanced tech and biotechnology like "Legendary Mechanic"

But he has three years.

He does not want to use the Golden Sentry Serum as it is the last line of defense.

Therefore, he could do only one thing.

He needs a dragon heart.

Not just any dragon heart but a Gods and some Strong Dragon ones.

He knows just where he can scavenge some for his needs.

Now he has developed Five Magic circle on his heart which has compared to ninth magic circle combined from all the Knowledge from his omniscience.

Each of his spell is conceptual and devastating.

Even a single ignite can shape the land and a city.

The supernova he used in Romania was a low powered one of Eight Circle spell.

Don't want a huge country to be removed.

He needs at least 10th circle magic of Transcendence to get devastating damage on Shiva using his Third Eye.

He remembers the story where he fried Kama to a Tandoori Chicken.

A shiver went down his spine and with 2B now washing his back it was much more spooky.

He needs to go to fairy tail which has huge ether nano mines to conduct such ritual.

Using Metamorphosis magic and Evolution Magic to Change his Information Body to increase his base state which had potential of 4th magic circle.

With all the advance circle formula containing huge magic storage after his programming of formulas to make the most efficient magic circle.

Not to mention elixir he made with the valuable materials stored in his domain had increased the quality of his body and Magic Circuits.

But after doing all this his body cannot keep up with the huge power of knowledge he has.

He needs to be Elevated to an evolved species of Human.

For his Body to withstand the power and energy outputted the magic circle on his heart.

He felt a huge burden with all this power packed in his body.

He has to use magic reactors to feed his magic circles and fuel his spells.

He can use his personal storage but huge circulation of magic damages his heart, even though it regenerates in time.

There is enough magic in his Heart to match a Great Sage/Litch and the Satan's of this world.

But his body has reached a state that it cannot keep up.

Zion stood up and looked forward in determination.

Zion slapped his face and took a breath.

Zion: I will bre-


Zion felt tingly down stairs.

A girly scream made out of his mouth.

Zion looked down with his eyes popping out.


2B: Sorry! I was in thought.

Zion raised his eyebrow.

Zion: Thought's.

2B stayed silent for a few second.

2B: After I left the room, I stood at the door to see if things will escalate. It surely did but I couldn't make my way in. What would have happened to us if our Lord dies, would we self-destruct.

Zion closed his eyes and released a sigh.

He gave all of his Androids a mode of free will and regulations.

Some emotions to feel for themselves.

If one day comes they want to embrace flesh he would oblige and do so, things he kept hidden from them.

Zion: No, you would be transferred to a normal body of a human I made living normal lives. I am sure you don't want to serve a fool like me for the rest of your lives.

2B: A fool who challenges a God.

Zion: That's Lucifer Job my Job is to liberate myself from the chains of fate.

The Devils Mocks Gods Ideals and Humans Challenges its Limit set by God.

God surely gets entertained by this notion.

2B: Quiet philosophical I may say, should I rebel against my creator then.

Zion chuckles and shakes his head.

Zion: You can strike for Android rights if you want to.

Zion and 2B have a moment together.

2B stood up and hugged Zion making him self-conscious as 2B was also naked with him.

But who cares he likes these plumps.

Zion ruffled 2B's head and walks out of the Bath.

Zion: I'll go home. It's been sometime I saw my lookalike. I need to check if he made stupid decisions like me in the past, as young age can make someone to troublesome things.

Zion took the towel brought by 2B and gave a wipe across the body.

Zion: I need to make a mystic code for my elements I possess.

2B: Didn't you put it off for the time you turn 13 so you can do blacksmithing.

Zion: I have been tinkering with nanomachines to build my stuff, but you need certain processes to make noble Phanstasms. Especially aligned with fairy blacksmithing.

2B: Will you make something for your Hollow Element first.

Zion: No I will make something for my Entropy Element using Reishi.

2B: How is that practice going.

Zion: So so since I have felt death and resurrection I can feel the flow of life to make use the amount of above average Reishi and some Kido. But for high level combat battling with spirit weapon it's unadvisable. I need something much more potent. A spirit weapon of a next level.


2B: The legend of the man who shot down nine suns.

Zion: I will choose a bow as my first blacksmithing project. I would use Black Barrel against Shiva but I don't want to kill him. I may lose half of my body as I take a shot so meh.

2B: The NO-NO weapon.

Zion: Yes, the actual weapon to kill gods. Not the fake Longinus. I wonder what the God of Bible think of it.

2B: Snu-Snu Today.

Zion: No, we will not do Snu-Snu sleeping. I want to go home to see my mama. I miss her. Mostly I need advice from father.

Zion takes a road trip back to the memory lane. Ever since he came back, samsara has been trying to erase his memories, but since he has protection around his mind it is no biggie. He is sure to take a leg from that guy.

Bitter memories flow through.

Was humanity not worth to save, why did his father forgive people he saved who later betrayed him putting him in jail.

He had to fight tooth and nail to get him out.

Damn Government assholes.

Just because it did not look good for the image, trying to steal credit.

A hollow laugh made out of Zion's mouth.

Messing with his family.

Black Barrel is not the only thing he will bring out.

!!!!!Back Home!!!!!

A boy was sleeping peacefully on the bed wearing short pants and a cringe T-shirt of Power Rangers.

Acting like someone his age.

Suddenly he opened his eyes with red light beeping signaling the originals arrival.

He got up with an irritated look.

Making him do the homework and disturbing when he is watching anime with unlimited internet.


The Zion look alike Android got up and made his way to the bathroom opening the door and shutting it tight.

A white swirl happened in the bathroom with Zion (Original) looking at his android.

Zion looked up and down almost gagging.

Zion(Prime): The fuck man.

Zion(Android): Just get over it. I will shut down after this after you take my memories.

Zion Androids eyes turned into two disks as it extended from the head.

Zion looked closer and put his eyes close to it.

He took a deep breath ready for information transfer.

With a blinding light pixel of picture were transferred to Zions mind in a minute.

After it was done Zion quickly turned around and puked holding the toilet.

Zion(Android): Loved the Kiss, this is what you get being absent for months.

Zion(Prime) used magic to clean his mouth flushing the toilet.

Zion(Prime): Imma throw you in the trash for watching cringe anime man. Sailor moon really?

Zion Android just shrugged as he switched off and got teleported away.

Zion came out of the toilet looking Haggard.

Today was Friday vacation of Asia, he is about to get knocked out.

But as fate hated him the bell of the house rang signaling the arrival of his parents who went to get his results for second exam of the year.

Zion just sighed and as he changed his nanomachine clothes of his androids.

He went to the door and opened it revealing his parents who had happy faces.

His android stayed behind as it knew what he got in them.

Humaira: Zion! You got third place again! I told you to work hard instead of playing games on computer.

Asian parents always wanting first place, so he got eternal third just to spite them. Petty asshole he is.

Last time he was making second place every time his mom screamed at him to get first so now, he gets third out of pettiness.

Even in the past he was 10th or eight place.

Zion gave a smile to his mother.

Zion: No maybe I will aim for fourth place next time, a new low "WOW".

Kamal: Are you that petty to not fulfil your mother's wish.

Zion: Let's see if you say the same thing when mother's try to curse me by hiring a witch.

If Zion remembers the first place Sushmita shen was bedridden for unknown reasons for three years without recovery.

In spite of that she still came to class.

If her mother was not superstitious and highered as priest she would not know someone cursing her.

"Crazy for people to get first place with black magic, Asian parents need to chill"

Humaira got in along with his father looking at him like he was saying bullshit.

Zion just shook his head.

Humaira held her son's cheek pulling it tight.

Humaira: Have some faith in people, they cannot be that vindictive.

Zion: You underestimate people's ability to hit a new low. Their Jealousy brings nothing but misery.

Kamal gave a long look at his son.

Sometimes his son acts mature way above his age.

Kamal: Even so it is our duty to fellow people to guide them to a healthy competition, to show there is much more to life than exam grades.

Zion: Even if the same people betray you for a better and easy outcome.

Zion went on a stare off against his father daring him to say hopeful bullshit.

Kamal: Then it is their own fault taking it and my own shortsightedness. But you see taking short cuts have consequences and God will surely judge them for their trickery.

Even so it's not wrong to help others.

{Zion: They don't need help but a reality check for their hubris thinking high above their fellow peers. Everyone is vulnerable to something. Speaking of consequences, the people who betrayed you sure shot themselves in the foot. Ignorant fools}

Kamal: Why are you so angry with me today. Did I do something? Also why are you talking about betrayal all of a sudden. If I get betrayed so be it, at least they will learn from their foolishness.

{Zion: Such a big heart you have father, too big of a heart for the world that devours people who has kindness. Forgive me for what I am about to do in the future}

Kamal: Want to talk with me about your anger.

Humaira was looking at the strange atmosphere, for some reason she feels like her boy is changing. His eyes losing color that is full of light and wonder.

Humaira grabbed Zions face and looked into his eyes.

Eyes that look tired and beaten.

A man who had a feeling of loss and guilt.

Humaira: Are you all right my love. Why is your heart in pain.

Zion was shaken from the core.

No matter how he masks his face or tunes out his presence, his mother always catches him off-guard somehow.

It is like she is staring at his soul not even the So-Called Gods of this world could for the shield made by the creator.

This bond was special.

The difference of Empathy and Morality of ones self-Gods do not have. To be the one to feel one's emotions and vulnerability. Not to just peak and judge one's self worth.

Shiva may have made an era where humans could lead on, but he never tried to explore and adapt beyond his creed.

He will fight for it for the difference he will make.

Issei Hyoudo threw away his humanity as he gained immortality. His morality slipping pass like a thin blanket. Not even a thought of steeping back and look at the mirror of one's soul.

He lost himself to his carnal desires of Lust and Power.

A child of the world made as a weapon to do what he is meant to do.

Be tool of Fate and other Gods machinations like a headless deer.

Zion does not want to throw his side of Morality away as it keeps him grounded.

Becoming a Dragon Hybrid is a means to further his powers.

But he must remember who he was and what he has to care for.

Right now and here.

He was Human Again.