

There are concept of parallel worlds that are yet to be proven. Numerous possibilities branched into a timeline. Some come to fruition but others Wisk away to nothingness. So which possibility is real? Which one is fake? Zion Monjur in his age of 70 was wisked away to his parallel self in dxd temporarily. What caused for him to be needed? Why was he given an authority which one can dream of? Even if it is temporary. Also who are these people bickering in a not so called chat group? Where is the Gacha? and the store? Why can I only talk with people who I do not know?

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Zion was enjoying the Fried Chicken and Pepsi bought by his mother and mother for the celebration of his good standing.

They could only afford this Luxury after several months, his family isn't well off as his dads company has not fully bloomed.

Zion prevented his dad from taking troublesome projects and made him took the ones that will be helpful for advertising.

So, the company's growth is accelerated.

Zion with the help of 2B has been providing work for his dad's NGO and mostly making sure he manages money and staff much better.

Some Androids are working in his father's office mixed with regular workers in disguise unlike other Lazy bums.

Especially in the accountant section with strict supervision.

Nobody going to steal a single penny.

Zion was looking around both his father and mother.

Mother who is managing the accountant section and his father reading newspaper.

If he remembers at this time some bombing occurs towards the Rival political party.

He will make sure he will have drones around his father if he visits anywhere close to it.

The timeline was changed by him so it will be good.

One of the reasons he made a heist to take annialation maker is to make monsters that stay in shadows.

His Parent's protection was his number one priority.

Suddenly his parents were making eye contact with his mom suddenly striking his father's foot under the table.

Zion was intrigued by it.

His father coughed as he got some attention from him.

Humaira: Umm Zion we have something to tell you, it will be new for you but you will be happy after hearing this news.

{Zion: What news?}

Kamal: Okay so remember we told about how a Angel gave you to us with God's blessing.

{Zion: He did give a 70-year-old guy of a parallel world as a blessing}

Humaira: You see umm how should I say it. You will be having another brother or sister.

Slowly but surely Zion dropped his chicken on the plate.

Zion: Eh?

The day will be a long one for Zion with this bombshell.

{Zion: I go away for months and this is what you do pops. I know I moved away to different room early but goddam it old man}

Zion gave a sigh.

Maybe it's another blessing?

!!!!In the Afternoon!!!!

Zion was sketching a magic circle on a huge white paper with a pencil.

Something he needs to supply to people who would help him in the ritual.

He knows one place he can trust one without this schematic leaking.

"The Fairy tail Guild"

Situated in Earthland.

He needs Makarovs help and the members of fairy tail to find a place filled with Ether nano to implant the dragon heart and convert it to true ether and Dragon aura of the first dragon.

He will sacrifice a dragon heart for his blessing.

The first dragon "Draco"

There is a constellation on him.

Zion could steal some energy from that guy and use the ether nano to convert it.

But he should use the safe way that previous sages use for sacrificing his kin who died in battle or a valuable treasure in his name.

Zion gazed at the wall with Binary numbers running on his eyes.

Also, he should use Ether lite for Ultimate reinforcement.

There is ritual for third magic he would do there.

He would create higher version of Magic Circuits.

Magic Lines that draw energy from the leylines of the inverse.

Magic Circle draw the magic energy produced by the Earth but Magic Lines go far deeper.

Dealing with the soul.

He wonders which Element will activate and turn into a reality marble.

This had him thinking.

Is Annialation Maker and Innovate Clear a reality marble.

Speaking of Innovate clear.

If Mitsuya Kanzkis own storyline had started.

Ajuka Beelzebub and Grigori sure got Haughty with him.

Since he is not under their thumb, he became an enemy.

A being that has a power that is not in the hand of the state is a terrorist.

He was pretty sure he is one after the fiasco.

But one thing is clear.

The user of Innovate Clear and his goals align for Innovations.

Cross x Kiss.

If he remembers that is the group's name.

He should find shooting star and Magnus Rose.

Unknown Dictator was sure a good research material.

But that was for later.

He could just copy it with his Longinus and some materials.

Also stocking on some materials is a major thing he needs to focus on now.

Going to Kyoto to buy some land and a mansion for guests will be the main goal.

Not to mention he has the hide them from the three factions and Pantheons.

He might have to talk to Yasaka and Make a partnership with a geass scroll.

Since he decided accept his Ideals to cut away the Hypocrisy of Greater Good and Leeser Evil his hollow self with embody his beliefs.

But this will be done after he gets some objectives accomplished-

???: Strong.

Zion: Huh?

Zion gave out of his musing as he slowly looked at his side. He sweat dropped after he looked at the intruder who he could not sense.

He can see a small girl with long black hair and questionable outfit pointing at his face.

It was none other than the Loli Dragon.

Zion quickly casted runes throughout the house to block any signature from passing out.

How the fuck did she find him.

Ophis came forward and smelled Zion with her nose twitching.

She held her chin and bobbed her head up and down.

Ophis: Smell of Birdy and Boom Boom.

{Zion: Birdy and Boom Boom my English is having a stroke. Wait a minute Birdy and Boom Boom. Is she talking about Creator and Shiva? So that's why! Asshole marked my location with his aura! Fusing with my own! Sly bastard!}

Ophis grabbed Zions shirt and looked with her dark blue eyes smiling.

This put a chill up his spine as he knew what she will be asking and he knew he could somewhat grant her wish.

Ophis: Help me defeat Baka-Red.

Zion gave a sigh scratching his head as he knew it was coming.

Ophis looked over curiously over the walls that have runes she had never seen and most off all.


Ophis: Hmm Silence?

Zion: Not really we are in a mirror dimension away from normal space.

Ophis: Can I live here?

Zion gave a smile.

Zion: No?

Ophis: Please.

Ophis gripped his shirt pleading with her eyes.

Zion: Haa would you leave Khaos Brigade if I give a place that is in different dimension with silence.

Ophis tilted her head looking at Zion holding her chin.

After some time of silence Ophis again pointed her finger at Zions face.

Ophis: Promise?

Zion got on one of his Knees and patted her head.

Zion: Promise also can you promise me not to tell anyone about me?

Ophis tilted her head again looking at Zion up and down nodding her head.

Ophis: Yes promise.

Zion made a pinky finger at her making ophis confused.

Zion: When someone makes a promise, they intertwine their fingers to seal the deal.

Ophis narrowed her eyes and nodded her head.

Ophis bought her pinky finger and made a deal.

A snake came out and made a ring around Zions and Ophis Pinky.

Ophis: A pact.

{Zion: Well shit}

Zion: Yes, a pact. I can lend you to stay if you don't like the noise around.

Ophis had a smile on her face.

Ophis: Umu!

Zion: I can't fight Great Red now but soon I will talk to him and make a separate dimension away from his influence. Until then use my place of silence.

Ophis nodded her head understanding Zions words.

Zion is strong in her eyes but not as Baka-Red but she knows that he will be stronger in the future. He dragon senses can smell power around him bubbling.

A desire for strength she had seen in other dragons in her time.

Zion bought out an earpiece and attached on his earlobe.

Zion: Bring my Android Alexia and get a warp to Alpha-9 base for two. We have quiet the guest to stay.

Zion held ophis hand drawing her attention to him.

Zion: Don't make a move we are teleporting to your living arrangements.

Ophis just nodded her head as she can understand the thoughts passed by Zion.

With a burst of light Zion teleported from the room with the Android coming in.

Zion (Android): I need payment for overtime.

!!!!Alpha Nine base in Sri Lanka!!!!

Zion did not think Ophis will sniff him out so early but it seems his stunt sure made quiet the head turns.

There were cracks in the barrier of his main base when Shiva was releasing his aura.

Maybe that was the moment Ophis sniffed him out.

His house has some form of protection.

The only reason he did not hard wire it because if someone tries to look around and saw their senses isn't working, they would know something is wrong.

Ophis and Zion Teleported to base with A9 charge of the base was standing outside the chamber of teleportation.

As the chamber opened Ophis ran out looking at the place like a curious child.

Zion just shook his head.

"So, this is the famous Infinite Dragon"

Zion: How do you like the place complete silence isn't it.

Ophis nodded her head.

Ophis: Acceptable.

Zion had his mouth twitch.

This whole base is in a separate dimension like the dimensional Gap.

Ophis: Can I stay here?

Zion: Yes you can also you can ask A9 here to bring food and snacks for you and some entertainment for you to explore. You can watch Cartoons on a big screen.

Ophis: Cartoons?

Zion: A wonderful invention.

Ophis looked at A9 up and down squinting her eyes.

Zion: Please keep this place a secret and if you want to go out ask A9 to teleport you outside, if you try to teleport by yourself the silence of this place will be broken.

Ophis looked at Zion in Horror.

Ophis: Must protect silence, must protect promise.

Zion: Yes, you do. Also why don't we go outside and have some fun.

Ophis: Fun?

Zion: Yes, fun have something nice to eat and look around the place. I am going to Kyoto to have some business to do.

Ophis: Pancakes, Milkshakes and Cake!

Ophis raised both of her hands with a smile.

Zion chuckled at this displace but looked at Ophis up and down.

He chest area was a disaster.

Who only tapes their Tits?

Zion: You need some new clothes, help me enchant them with your powe-

Ophis changed her clothes to a pink sweater and a frilly skirt.

Ophis had a smug smile on her face.

Zion: Acting naïve in front of people. I underestimated you.

Ophis shook her head up and down.

Zion: Well off to Kyoto then.

Zion made a portal swiping his left hand. Putting his hand in he bought out the morpher.

Zion: Henshin.

With a green hue Zion transformed to green ranger surprising ophis.

Zion attached the morpher on the belt with ophis circling him looking at his appearance.

He projected a hoddie and wore around his body.

Ophis: Strange Magic.

Zion: I know let's go to Supernatural Kyoto.

With a flash of light both of them disappeared.

!!!!!In Supernatural Kyoto!!!!

Zion did not know what he was feeling right now.

The feeling he was glad he had money to spare or the feeling Youkai Looking at them curiously.

He came a nice place called Izanagis Palate that sold some good confectionaries and Meat items.

It seems Ophis liked it a lot.

He can see tower of bowels and plates in front of him with Ophis eating the huge slice of chocolate cake.

With her wishing to try every item offered by him, she went with the flow and ordered same and extra dish.

Zion was sweat dropping now with his mouth twitching under the visor.

Anime logic is bullshit.

With a burp ophis fell on her back on the chair.

Looks like she had enough as her mental capacity could carry.

A rare smile of satisfaction mad way on Ophis face.

A fox youkai came with another bill on her hand shaking at the monster who emptied the stock.

"Sir this is the last bill of 5 million yen"

Zion just opened the mortal and dropped stacks of yen on the table.

Zion: Keep the change,

With a nod of the waitress head she took the money with a smile.

Zion stood up from the table and picked up ophis and rested her head on her shoulder.

Not before wiping her mouth with magic.

Zion walked out of the restaurant with a sleeping dragon God on his shoulder.

He now made his way to the seven dragons of Daikoku.

He already messaged honami Yari that he would be late, so she understood the message.

After he completes the transaction, he is bolting the next second.

He can feel the look of Yasakas guards on his back.

Nurarihyon maybe looking at him from the distance.

Zion makes his way to the shop with his senses on guard.

He knows for a fact news about Dragon God with a strange being walking in Kyoto would run amok.

As Zion made his way to the shop, he can feel a presence beside him hiding with Senjetsu.

Zion gave a sigh as he kept on walking.

Zion: Ever heard of the term never wake a sleeping dragon.

Nurarihyon: I am well aware lad, well aware. That begs the question why is the Ourbourous dragon here in our territory.

Zion: Ever heard the term stopping by for lunch.

Nurarihyon: Pfft! I can already see that.

Zion stopped and looked beside him.

He can see an old man with a hunched back with a pipe on his mouth staring at him curiously.

Nurarihyon: Though if it is not troublesome for me to ask, what is your relationship with the Dragon God.

Zion: Acquaintances now maybe friend in the future.

Nurarihyon: Pfft.

Ophis: Friend?

Ophis woke up and raised her head from her shoulder looking at Zion curiously.

Zion raised ophis and let her land on the road.

Nurarihyon: Greetings lady ophis what brings you to our humble abode.

Ophis: A trip and having yummy food.

Nurarihyon: Oh? Was lady ophis enjoyed touring out establishments?

Ophis shook her head.

Ophis: Umu

Ophis: I had fun?

Nurarihyon just chuckled.

He took his pipe and took a deep breath releasing a cloud of smoke after.

Nurarihyon: You got quiet the senses for senjetsu brat, are you sure you are not a youkai?

Zion: I use something much better.

Nurarihyon: So, what is your goal here, I heard you come by and buy materials from Daikoku-samas establishment.

Zion: Supernatural Kyoto is the only place I can shop around without being disturbed by troublesome individuals.

Nuraihyon: You should thank my boys for that. They make sure business is always booming. I wonder what you really are having such a connection with a Dragon. Why are with Lady Ophis anyways and what is your goals associating with her.

Zion: More like I am travelling around for her goals.

Nurarihyon had a serious look on his face.

Nurarihyon: That is?

Ophis: He will help me defeat Baka-Red.

Nurarihyon: ????

Nurarihyon: Baka-Red.

Zion: Great Red. It seems Ophis did not like it for him to take her home for himself.

Nurarihyon has a troubled expression on his face.

Nurarihyon: The Dimensional Gap so lady Ophis is stranded here.

Zion: More like thrown out and never to go back. Great Red won't fight with her for dominance as you know how that will turn out. Only thing he can do is block her entrance to the gap.

Nurarihyon: And you can help her?

Zion: Fighting Great Red no but with an alternative solution I can.

Nurarihyon: That is.

Zion: Making a personal pocket dimension like Asgard and Olympus in the dimensional Gap. If I want to do it Ophis needs to take permission from Great Red or Snatch some Land from him. It will surely turn into an ugly fight.

Nurarihyon released a weary breath.

Nurarihyon: So, a fight like the heavenly dragons.

Zion: It's much more complicated. Now that I gave you some valuable intel, I ask you to kindly leave us. It will be better if we went along our separate ways. It seems Lady Ophis did not take kindly to certain intrusion.

Zion felt presence of youkai and other people surrounding the place.

It will be a bloodbath if Ophis releases her snakes.

Nurarihyon: Very well I will ask my people to move out. I am not sure about the others who are tailing you. But they know more than enough to cause ruckus on this place.

Ophis was looking at a certain direction with not so friendly eyes.

Someone was disturbing her fun in a long time. It has been long since she had something to look forwards to looking at new places as someone guided her around the place.

Several snakes came out of the place as people were contacting her to comeback.

She will comeback when she wants to!

She is the boss not her underlings.

She must punish people who try to order a dragon.

It took patience of her long life to stand this people as she is immortal, now that she finally has a lead to her silence and person who can finally grant her wish appeared. Everything is now meaningless tools.

She waited soo long but none of the people recruited had even put effort as she waited and waited like a doll.

Zion for the first time gave her a place that is similar to her silence cut off from the world and proved he can do his end of bargain.

Now she had decided enough is enough.

Slowly but surely a sudden change took place.

The strings of fate slowly aligned to certain pathways unveiling a new path.


Zion and Nurarihyon rapidly turned towards Ophis with Horror on their face.

Several snakes came out of her shadow and rushed towards with killing intent.

Zion was stunned at this change and looked around the places the snakes were slithering.

Soon screams of agony and wailing went off in the distance with explosions going around the places.

A person came out of the spaces of the alleyway.


A huge snake came out from the alley biting the persons head clean off.

Zion and Nurarihyon looked around and observed the people that was suddenly popping out.

Nurarihyon: Devils and Grim-reapers?

Zion: Shit.

Zion looked at Ophis who had a mocking smile on her face.

Killing members of Khaos brigade like that, just what caused this change. Did his intervention cause this massive change.

Zion made a decision immediately.

Zion: Ophis we are leaving. Forget about those bastards they can't find you in my place.

Zion: Alexia! Warp now!

Zion grabbed ophis hand and looked at him with a smile.

He just shook his head.

Zion: Goodbye old coot.

Nurarihyon: Wai-

With a flash of light both the dragon God and Zion disappeared.

Some higher up of Khaos Brigade is not going to like this development.

Soon from the Shadows another figure came out.

He was wearing an Armani suit with hair with blonde shade on front. A goatee on his face.

Azazel was sweating bullets.

He almost dies right now.

He thought the snake was coming for him but it seems it was aiming at the person who was at the rooftop.

Nurarihyon looked at Azazel and sighed.

Nurarihyon: Leave old bird there is nothing to see here.

Azazel: In a matter of fact there was lot to see.

Azazel walked over to the headless body of the devil that was bleeding out crouching down and searching for anything of value.

He did find a storage pouch and promptly opened it emptying it.

Removing the gold and yaskas nudes from the other uselss stuff which he promptly pocketed shamelessly under Nurarihyon.

He found something that made him lose the smile on his face.

An insignia of the old satan faction.

Azazel: Now that brings a lot of questions.

Azazel opened some letters and read some of the contents and slowly lost the color of his face.

He put a hand on his face and moved it down.

"Retrieve the Dragon God Leader of Khaos brigade"

Things will surely be complicated in the peace summit.

Also, who was that guy around Ophis.

He couldn't scan him at all.

Things are getting interesting.

Is he the leader of the group?

Or the vice leader.

!!!!!Back to Alpha 9!!!!

Zion walked out the chamber with Ophis in Hand to Hand. Looks like he is going on a trip right now.

Zion: Ophis I am going to a dangerous place to retrieve something. So stay here with A9.

Ophis: Can I go with you?

Zion had some silence in his mind calculating some stuff.

Zion: No, you will face danger there. With your presence things will get complicated. But I can promise you after I come back. I will take you to another wonderful place.


Ophis made a pouting face.

Zion just gave a frustrated look.

Zion: Fine but you can't run around okay. Promise me you want go to places without me.

Ophis: Promise! Ophis put her picky out for Zion.

Zion reciprocated her feelings.

Zion: Well first trip six faced world of Mushoku Tensei. He just hopes the Dragon god heart is not that damaged.

There are the dragon generals so that would be fine.

Ophis tilted her head.

Ophis: Six faced worlds?

Zion: A wonderful place filled with death and silence.

Ophis had her eyes lit up.

Zion: Now where is that portal gun.

With that Zion prepared for a trip with an unlikely troublemaker in toe.

Already marked by Khaos Brigade as a Target which he is sure for a fact.