
Consequences of Certain Adventure

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  • 86 Chs
  • 4.9
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  • NO.200+

What is Consequences of Certain Adventure

Read ‘Consequences of Certain Adventure’ Online for Free, written by the author AmberFullMoon, This book is a LGBT+ Novel, covering R18 Fiction, SLICEOFLIFE Light Novel, BEAUTY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: On vacation in beautiful Tenerife, Mikołaj experienced an adventure he did not expect. This "one-night adventure" turned...


On vacation in beautiful Tenerife, Mikołaj experienced an adventure he did not expect. This "one-night adventure" turned out to be fraught with consequences when one day at work Mikołaj saw a man again whom he thought he would never meet again. What will the consequences of this summer adventure look like? All events, characters and organizations are fictional. The resemblance to any real person, organization, or event is purely coincidental. Cover made using AI and my own work.

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Sentuh aku dan cintai aku

Mature Content! "Ternyata wanita perawan sepertimu tidak enak sama sekali, memang rasanya sempit dan hangat. Tapi terlalu kaku untuk diajak bersenang-senang, setidaknya sebelum menikah kau harus belajar cara memuaskan suamimu!" Kata lelaki itu, dia memakai celana pendek dan langsung naik ke atas tempat tidur. "Pakai bajumu! Lalu pergi dari sini! Menjijikan sekali! Bagaimana bisa ada wanita bodoh yang saat bercinta hanya bisa menangis!" Gideon mendorong wanita itu dengan kasar, berharap dia pergi dari sini karena Gideon sudah lelah dan ingin tidur. "Maaf, aku akan pergi." Kata sang wanita, sambil memungut satu persatu pakaian yang tergeletak di atas lantai. Ini malam pertama bersama suaminya sendiri! Suami? Apakah kata itu pantas untuk lelaki yang baru saja menghina dan mencampakkan dirinya? Rhea tidak tahu, bahwa lelaki yang selama ini diam-diam dia cintai, yang selalu dikagumi, yang kepribadiannya terkesan hangat dan penuh kasih sayang, ternyata aslinya adalah iblis! Mereka menikah karena perjodohan, Rhea langsung jatuh hati karena melihat Gideon yang begitu tampan dan bertanggung jawab, itu kenapa dia tak menolak saat orang tuanya memilih lelaki ini sebagai suaminya. Mimpi-mimpi manis yang Rhea coba gantungkan setelah menikah, semuanya hancur dalam satu malam. Karena apa? Hanya karena Rhea masih perawan dan tak hebat di atas ranjang! Hanya karena Rhea tak bisa memuaskan suaminya! Hanya karena Rhea terus menangis akibat rasa sakit di lubang kemaluannya! Apakah pernikahan memang menyedihkan seperti ini?

silvaaresta · Urban
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6 Chs
Table of Contents
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Volume 1
Volume 2 :Consequences of Certain Decisions
Volume 3 :Consequences of Certain Provisions


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I'll say it again: This book is insane! I don't know what I love more: the style, the characters or the way the plot surprises me. I'm in Chapter 23 and again - I just can't find the words. One chapter a day is not enough! I love this book!


I read the six chapters in the same breath and I wish there were more! I love the chemistry between the main characters! I don't know which one I like more, but I must admit that Stefan's gray eyes also seduced me. I can't wait for the next chapter!


It was a complete rollercoaster ride. And I'm very glad that I found this fantastic book. The pace of story is neither slow or fast. I could literally feel the characters while reading. I loved Stefan for being so patient,gentle,soft and rough at the same time. Miko's character is realistic. His confusions,amazement, excitement, desire and confidence is very relatable. I would gladly recommend this amazing story to everyone. I wanted this to never end. I hoped i could watch their wedding but its ok they had their happy ending. And im happy that miko is proud to be Stefan's Boyfriend.


Hey, this story is really nice. I have read many bl books and this is among my special one's. I haven't seen one bl fan who doesn't like smuttys and in fact many are into it (to me it's fine as long as the story is good), this is definitely for you. If you are someone who doesn't mind reading male-male intimacy, you should read this book. The storyline is really nice and I really liked writing style of the author. Hope I cleared some doubt of the people who are confused about whether or not they should read it. Hope you enjoy the book like I'm enjoying. :)


This book is full of humor and passion. The heroes are like living real people, with their vivid and unusual problems. The author very reliably describes the office environment in which the action takes place, especially interpersonal relations. But she best describes what's in the main character's head. Poor Mikołaj :) This book has only one disadvantage - the following chapters should appear more than 3 times a week!


This book is insane! First, it is as hot as the Earth's core. Secondly, it is written in really good style. Third - God, I like both heroes so much! I could even pay for this book! Why are the chapters so rare? Why?! I want them everyday!


I have read the entire book !! It was a really great, captivating story, full of emotions. Yes, some moments touched me very much. The heroes were created in such a way that I really felt their emotions, their hopes, fears and their feelings! The book is a bit short, I would like more, but everything was written in such a rhythm that more chapters would probably spoil the whole thing. I'm counting a little on the continuation!


This is ... an emotional rollercoaster :) Both characters are strong but so cute! The way they talk to each other, how they behave in each other's company - I love it!


After reading 14 chapters, I think this book is really good. Well written, fun, but with some depth. It is difficult for me to define. It's just that this book is not only a very erotic story, but something else. She is interesting and warm and I enjoy reading it, just like that.


This book is really interesting. From the very first chapter, it interested me and aroused my, um, um, interest. It's very erotic, but I like the characters' relationships in everyday life. Both are strong heroes. I also like the style - very direct, but not vulgar. This is just the beginning of the story, but it has already hooked me completely and I look forward to each new chapter. I did not expect something so good from an unknown author. I am pleasantly surprised :)


I love the story..short and wise.. although they met in strange and erotic way, and had given the chance to meet again.They don't jump into it right away..i love the way they make decisions and understands each other..👍👍❤️❤️


I read over a dozen chapters in one breath! I feel sorry for the people who had to wait for the next chapters from the beginning. I just pulled away for a moment and go back to reading! I read with flushed face :)


First, I have to say that the the way the author write the bedroom scene are really hot it makes melting on the floor. But the best part about this novel is how the relationship between the main character and the others is portrayed. The way the work colleague act and that incompetent boss. It just too real it hurts. I give this solid 5*


This book lets me immerse myself completely! 😍😍😍😍 The heroes are wonderful! The action is brilliant! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 Thank you, thank you and thank you again for this great book! 😘😘😘😘


This book was recommended to me by one of the readers. I don't actually read BL, but I started reading because of my friends' persuasion. I do not regret. This book is more than just a story with descriptions of *** scenes. This is a really interesting story. And fun It is impossible not to like heroes and I think I like their flaws more than their advantages. I'm reading Race With a Heart, now this book, and I think I'm starting to be a BL fan


This book is brilliant. It is well written. It has an excellent, changeable pace of action and - as probably everyone emphasizes - great heroes. I recommend it to everyone with a pure heart. I wanted to write more, but probably everything has already been said in other reviews. I just want to give my vote of appreciation.


I am totally captivated by this book There is love, friendship, loyalty in this book, even a suspenseful storyline! For this you read CoCA in one breath!


This is one of the best BL books I have read! Probably the best of those where the action takes place today. There is no dragging around, begging to have a chapter more, everything is balanced in perfect proportions! Just great![img=faceslap]


This book is awesome! She's fun, she's interesting, she's hot, she's just awesome! When I am reading, my heart always beats faster! I wish I could write like you.


The excitement and thrill is incredible ! This story has dragged me through the most wonderful roller coaster ride of emotions and passion . I can hardly wait for more !!! ❤️


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