
Consequences of Certain Adventure

On vacation in beautiful Tenerife, Mikołaj experienced an adventure he did not expect. This "one-night adventure" turned out to be fraught with consequences when one day at work Mikołaj saw a man again whom he thought he would never meet again. What will the consequences of this summer adventure look like? All events, characters and organizations are fictional. The resemblance to any real person, organization, or event is purely coincidental. Cover made using AI and my own work.

AmberFullMoon · LGBT+
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86 Chs

Lust, Desire and ... Something More?

"Did I satisfy your first desire?" a sweet question sounded right next to his ear. He felt a hot breath on his neck. "Or maybe you have another one?"

"You ... in me."

"I love how shameless you do during sex. A completely different you."

"And who says?"

"So you think me too?"


"So you want me to come in. Here and now, do you prefer on a soft bed?"


"Well then, I will choose."

The Szwedas grabbed him in his arms, looked around and walked through the ajar door, behind which was the wide bed of Mikołaj.

It was wonderful to leave the decision to someone else, completely devote to his will. Be treated with this stunning tenderness and strength. To rely on someone, not on myself. For someone he trusts.

"Trust me," said a charming stranger in Tenerife at the time. Skrzynecki made a choice then. He trusted. That feeling has remained in him until now. Finally, he knew that Stefan would satisfy every desire of his body and distorted psyche, which wanted to be dominated, dominated in this wonderful, gray-eyed man's way.

Mikołaj was already on his back absorbed by another Szwedas kiss. Again, magic sparks danced before his eyes. The lungs were breathless again. It was wonderful, but Skrzynecki needed more.

"Put it in, please ..." he murmured to take a breath.

"In a moment. I have to prepare you sooner. It would have been faster if you had some lubricant ..."

Mikołaj reached under his pillow and brought out a plastic bottle with a dispenser and buttocks drawn on the label.

"I underestimated you" Stefan raised his eyebrows.

"Your mistake."

Mikołaj was on fire. He didn't need any specifics, no additional caresses. His body was on fire because of the only aphrodisiac - Stefan.

"I love your shameless behavior," the Szwedas said, reaching for the bottle. "I love your body, which is so slowly devoted to my caresses. I love your penis" he ran his tongue over "your testicles", the tongue was heard lower "and your ass" went straight into the sweet, pink eye.

Skrzynecki relaxed, delighted. Stefan, however, did not devote too much time to his ass.

"I'll only enter you when you are stiff," he said.

Mikołaj felt irritated. He wanted Stefan, he wanted to have him inside him now!

"Don't forget," the Szwedas said maliciously, "who deals the cards here."

Blushing with anger, although completely defeated Mikołaj bit his lower lip.

"I adore your face. I love all parts of your body together and each one ..."

He loves ... At the sound of this word Skrzynecki's heart beat faster. "Adore" was an erotic, exciting body, but "loves", although theoretically describing less affection, was a more powerful word. "I love" hit the heart.


Mikołaj closed his eyes and his penis drowned in Stefan's mouth.

Love, he laughed to himself, there is no way.

Excitement, eroticism, passion - yes, all these and more. Any pleasure of body that he could imagine. Delight even greater than your imagination. A body that trembles with impatience to be dominated, completely overwhelmed and satisfied in thousands of different ways.

"Stefan, I ..."

He was close, so close that a second and he explodes with semen.

His penis was released. Cool air, compared to Stefan's throat, enveloped him.

The caress stopped just before moment he could get fulfillment.

Isn't that cruel?

He wanted to reach his penis and with two missing strokes to give himself fulfillment, but his hand was stopped by Stefan.

He didn't fight him. Despite the great desire to free his sperm, he trusted the Szwedas. After all, he also loved his body.

"Will you enter me now?" He asked hopefully.

Stefan reached for a pillow. He put it under Mikołaj's hips. Skrzynecki groaned in anticipation and felt a stream of thick, cold lubricant. Then a finger, which, despite the support, had difficulty paving the way.

"Oh," he groaned, wincing slightly.

"And you wanted something bigger" Stefan shook his head disapprovingly, as if scolding a stupid child. "Too many porn movies and too little practice."

"What? How do you know?"

The Szwedas laughed.

"I guessed"

How humiliating it was! Mikołaj wanted to collapse underground.

There were not many of these films. I guess. Ever since he decided to let Stefan take him again, he became very curious about the topic. That is why one evening he thoughtlessly browsed pages and found one of the videos. There was a lot of kissing, blowjob and penetration, but little, if any, preparation to enter. Sex was sharp, intense and looked really easy. He knew it was a matter of the experience of both lovers, but he expected it to be easier after clearing the trails, also for him.

Damn, such humiliation!

"How wonderful you are," the Szwedas didn't laugh, but his voice sounded just as embarrassing. "Your ass is no longer pristine, but almost" his finger moved inside. "He is not puffed up like professionals and they are well prepared before shooting."

"How do you know such things?"

"I know many things. Your impatience is wonderful, but I can't afford to make you suffer. I care too much for you. And the finger itself, well ...

"AH!" Mikołaj shouted in surprise and pleasure. "What ...? What was that?"

"Male point G." explained Szwedas.

Mikołaj smiled and closed his eyes completely surrendering to the lover.

Stefan might tease him, tease him and make fun of him, but at the same time he made sure that Mikołaj felt the maximum pleasure. It was an incredible, absolutely wonderful feeling to be aware that a partner cares for his needs.

What about Stefan's needs?

Skrzynecki opened his eyes.

The Szwedas played with his ass. He was just entering the second finger and Mikołaj groaned under the influence of this partly delightful and partly unpleasant impression. At that moment Stefan looked into his face. His smile, his eyes looked satisfied.

Ah, so that's it, Skrzynecki thought. Teasing me, watching me writhing in pleasure under him, that's what gives him pleasure. My pleasure is his pleasure. What kind of ...

Sweet? Moving? Incredible? Sexy?

"Aaaaa ... Stefan," he moaned as he felt the pleasure in him.

Szwedas eyes flashed.

My pleasure is his pleasure, Skrzynecki repeated in his mind and suddenly his eyes lost their visual acuity.

"Mikołaj?" Stefan worried.

Skrzynecki shook his head.

"Keep doing this to me, please," he said with a heavy breath. "I love sex with you."

Mikołaj, although immersed in his own pleasure, could not but see that his confession gave Stefan joy. At that moment he felt even more wonderful himself.

He didn't feel as good with anyone in bed as he did with a Szwedas. But he never allowed himself with complete carelessness, complete trust and devotion. Stefan's domination was something absolute, something that at the time of their sex became the core of physical and emotional pleasure.

"Oh, yeah ...!" He shouted when finally the Szwedas penis head pushed inside.

Stefan raised his right leg, which slightly changed the penetration angle.

"Oh!" Mikołaj shouted again. He was not ashamed to show his pleasure to his lover. It was this shameless openness between them that was so sexy!

Szwedas moved in it quickly, faster and faster and Skrzynecki had to appreciate the fact of earlier preparation. Every move filled his interior with pleasure. However, the lover did not stop there. Every few thrusts he moved Mikołaj himself and his leg slightly, so that he felt a constant change in angle. And as they started face to face, now Stefan was suddenly almost completely behind him.

"A ... aa ... aaaaaaa !!! !!!

Skrzynecki could not be quiet. He didn't even want to. Stefan gave him so much pleasure that keeping her introverted would suffocate Mikołaj.

Meanwhile, Stefan changed the angle again, returning to the starting point. He leaned over Mikołaj and bitten his hips strongly.

"I love to fuck you, my sweet one," and he stuck his tongue into his ear with a sharp tip.

"Pervert" moaned Mikołaj devoting himself to caress.

"Are you ... pleasant?" asked Stefan.

"You really ... have to ask?"

Suddenly the Szwedas stopped moving. His arms embraced Mikołaj and with one movement they rose up.

Skrzynecki shouted. He had the impression that, like Azja Tuchajbejowicz is stuffed with wood. Gravity pressed him down and he took Stefan even deeper.

The experience was strange, crazy. His mind darkened for a moment.

Stefan licked his chest.

"And now?" He asked.

"Oh fuck!"

Mikołaj leaned over and embraced Szwedas neck. He hung himself like a sinking razor. He was pleased. He was so pleased that he wanted to cry and scream. He himself began to move his hips. He just felt insane.

The two of them crossed all boundaries of pleasure.

Skrzynecki was at the end. He squeezed Stefan's neck even harder. His breathing was heavy, too heavy to contain. He shouted, feeling a wave of pleasure spread over his body.

The Szwedas laid him gently on his back. Mikołaj saw that he was taking his penis out of him and with a few strokes he released his semen onto his stomach. Then he deals with his member in the same way. Within a minute, maybe two, Skrzynecki was so fulfilled that he had the impression that he was about to pass out.

Tired, almost completely finished, he closed his eyes. He felt a tender, warm kiss on his lips. He reached out a trembling hand and touched the sweaty hair of his lover.

"I love you," he heard a soft whisper. Or did it just seem to him? "I love ..."