
Consequences of Certain Adventure

On vacation in beautiful Tenerife, Mikołaj experienced an adventure he did not expect. This "one-night adventure" turned out to be fraught with consequences when one day at work Mikołaj saw a man again whom he thought he would never meet again. What will the consequences of this summer adventure look like? All events, characters and organizations are fictional. The resemblance to any real person, organization, or event is purely coincidental. Cover made using AI and my own work.

AmberFullMoon · LGBT+
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86 Chs

The Most Important Man

If Szwedas kisses him now, Mikołaj will not be able to resist him and his body, battered by disease, will be abused by this man. Skrzynecki closed his eyes.

But Stefan kissed him ... on the forehead.

"My poor thing, you really think I'm a sadist," he stroked Mikołaj's face and moved away to a safe distance, though he was still sitting on the bed. "Will you spend Christmas with your family?" He asked.

"I had no such plans. On Christmas Eve, I planned to work as usual, so there was no time to go home. But now I don't know. My sick leave will end just before Christmas. Maybe I'll take this opportunity to visit my family sooner. How will you spend Christmas? With the mother or the father? "

"Neither of them. I don't like my stepmother or my stepfather. "

"So you also have a stepmother," Mikołaj was surprised. He had never heard of her before, but they had so few opportunities to talk to each other. They almost always started and ended with sex.