
Consequences of Certain Adventure

On vacation in beautiful Tenerife, Mikołaj experienced an adventure he did not expect. This "one-night adventure" turned out to be fraught with consequences when one day at work Mikołaj saw a man again whom he thought he would never meet again. What will the consequences of this summer adventure look like? All events, characters and organizations are fictional. The resemblance to any real person, organization, or event is purely coincidental. Cover made using AI and my own work.

AmberFullMoon · LGBT+
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86 Chs

Keep Your Hands to Yourself

"Good morning" Skrzynecki greeted as he entered his office and yawned vigorously. "Sorry."

Łukasz shot him an ambiguous look, as if to tell him that he was guessing why his boss was not getting enough sleep, but Mikołaj shook his head.

"None of these," he announced. "I couldn't sleep because of you."

"Because of me?" Łukasz asked, surprised. Weronika, who was the only one in the office, except for two, looked at both of them, panicked.

"Should I leave?" she asked.

Only now did Mikołaj realize that he was officially gay, so if he didn't get enough sleep because of a man ...

"Have you guys gone crazy?" he asked them, not hiding his irritation. "You wanted me to consider staying at work and I was thinking about it all night."

"And what?" Łukasz asked excitedly.

"I still think."

Mikołaj's subordinate was hoping for a different answer, but well. As long as she was not refused, he could have hope.