
Batman in My Hero Academia

A man from our world wakes up in the My Hero Academia universe. Does he have a quirk or is he Quirkless? Watch his journey and let’s see where he ends up. I’m writing this for fun, so if you don’t enjoy any part of the story just don’t read it.

JStrutes · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 9: Dream

The last thing I remember is falling unconscious and then being stuck inside a dream.

'I see another little boy named Bruce Wayne just like me but has a different appearance compared to mine. He's fully American and reminds me of the Bruce Wayne from the comics I used to read. He had a happy life and was smart for his age until his parents were murdered by a gunman.'

It's like I'm feeling the same pain he did. It almost seems as if his emotions are merging with me.

'The dream then skips to when he left his home In Gotham to train around the world with different masters. He understood to bring justice and save his city he would need to be something else. That's why he scavenged the world for masters to accomplish this. Master Keirgi who helped him train his body to peak condition and more importantly his mind, Henry Ducard tracking skills and how to think like a criminal, Harry Harvey detective skills, Wildcat boxing skills and how to take a hit, Giovanni John Zatara escapology, David Cain how to kill even though he never resorted to that, Shinmai Matsuda who was a martial artist who imparted on Bruce never to trust anyone, and Sergei Alexandrov who was an engineer who taught Bruce Wayne how to invent gadgets that could help in his vigilante activities. He trained with a few others, but these were the few that left a deep impression on me.'

He trained himself this hard because of the loss he suffered when he was a child. He spent his whole life trying to better Gotham just for the love he bore for his parents. Amazing!

'Then I saw when he first become Batman because he knew he needed to be a symbol for his city, and I then saw his fights against opponents, such as the Joker, Riddler, Bane, and much more.'

Wow, he was a genius, I wish I can become this strong like him in the future.

"You will."

I turn to look but don't see anyone.

"Did I imagine that? Is somebody here with me?"

I said with a shocked voice.

"You didn't imagine anything counterpart to myself. I'm the last willpower of a Bruce Wayne from a different universe, or that's at least what I have surmised with the facts given to me. I've watched your life since you were little, I've been stuck in your mindscape and have no idea how I got here, but after what you've experienced I think I know why. I'll train you in your mindscape every night until you're able to successfully merge with my memories without merging our personalities into one"

The voice said, which shocked me.

"You'll train me, and why don't you want to merge with me? Don't you want a body again?"

"I feel my purpose is to train you and once you are able to merge my memories into your own, we'll become one. However, this is your life and I don't want to turn you into another person by combing your personality with my own, so we need to train your mind and your body. In a few years you won't be able to hear me anymore because you have successfully assimilated all my knowledge. It seems your waking up, don't worry we'll see each other again."


I then woke up.

Decided that his personality wouldn't fuse with the MC, but instead influence him instead; before his memories and experiences fuse with him.

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