
Batman in My Hero Academia

A man from our world wakes up in the My Hero Academia universe. Does he have a quirk or is he Quirkless? Watch his journey and let’s see where he ends up. I’m writing this for fun, so if you don’t enjoy any part of the story just don’t read it.

JStrutes · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Waking Up

Waking up after god knows how long. I was hoping everything I just experienced was a long dream, but when I woke up in a hospital bed with police officers and a hero guarding my door, I knew what I experienced was real.

'That dream I had before waking up was that real as well? I guess my parents did die as.'

I started questioning if the dream I had before waking was real, but then I remembered my parent's lifeless body's I and started sobbing.

"Doctor he's awake."

A nurse saw that Bruce was awake and called the doctor to the room. The doctor checked my vitals and let me know I was in good shape and that I'll live. He then said if I wanted to talk to the police right now, and when I nodded my head yes, a police officer came into the room to talk to me.

"How are you doing Bruce, I'm Detective Su, and I'm sorry about what happened to you and your parents."

The officer said to me sympathetically.

"Thank you Detective Su and is it possible to see my parent's bodies, they died protecting me."

Detective Su was surprised when he heard my statement.

"We might be able to arrange for you to visit your father, but your mother is alive." Detective Su looked at the doctor angrily "Haven't you talked to him about the current situation before calling for me?"

"I'm sorry you were in such a rush to see him that I forgot. Bruce, your father passed away, but your mother survived the attack. Your father took the brunt of the attack." When I heard this I was happier than I had ever been but that didn't last." However, she suffered brain damage due to losing too much oxygen before a paramedic was able to resuscitate her. She won't be the same, I'm sorry."

The doctor and detective gave me hope and then crushed it when they told me she was alive but probably wouldn't be the same. I wanted to ask more about my mother's situation, but the doctor thought it was best to wait for my grandparents, they didn't think I would understand what he was saying.

The police then questioned me about what happened, and I said how a portal opened up, and we were attacked by a man who stole all of our quirks before attacking us with one final attack that devastated the area. Judging by his face it seems he doesn't fully believe my story, which is understandable.

"Okay thank you for your cooperation, I hope you fully recover."

The officer said this after he was done talking to me, and then I gave him a nod as a sign of goodbye. The officer then left and started talking to a colleague who greeted him.

"What did he say, Detective Su about what happened?"

A younger officer asked the detective.

"I know a villain with a powerful quirk attacked him, but he is too young to be an accurate witness, he thinks this is a comic book and is making the villain seem more powerful than he was. I think a villain went there to rob them, they didn't cooperate and blasted them with his quirk."

The detective is the officer's superior, so he agreed with him without a second thought, and then both left the hospital.

Sometime later my grandparents came to the hospital, and after they determined I was safe, they told me about my mother's condition. She suffered brain damage and will have memory loss, and probably won't ever be the same. My grandfather said that his old hero comrade from a long time ago will come to live with us from now on. We need the extra help according to grandpa, in their old age, it would be hard for them to care for my mother and me at the same time.

"My friend Alfred owes a favor to your father from back then, so he will live with us from now on. He found out what happened to your parents and volunteered to take care of you when we cannot, Bruce."

I nodded my head to my grandfather and was surprised that Alfred did know my family.

'I didn't think he existed in this universe.'

"He was a great hero from London who worked here in Japan years ago before returning home to London. Your father saved his life, so he thinks he owes the family. He volunteered to work for the family years ago, but your father declined. I don't think he owes us anything, your dad was just helping as he would do for anybody, but I'm accepting his help; we're not in a position to say no."

My grandpa stated sadly. I just listened and thought of what type of man Alfred was, and thought if he was a hero, maybe he can train me.

Decided to keep his mother alive, and give him a backstory similar to Rin Thosaka in Fate. One more chapter and then I'll be doing a timeskip to the start of MHA. I'll then add flashbacks throughout the story to show those missing years from the timeskip. Hope your enjoying the story so far. I do this for fun, but I appreciate the positive comments. Thank you.

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