
Batman in My Hero Academia

A man from our world wakes up in the My Hero Academia universe. Does he have a quirk or is he Quirkless? Watch his journey and let’s see where he ends up. I’m writing this for fun, so if you don’t enjoy any part of the story just don’t read it.

JStrutes · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 8: Lost

All for One grabbed my father's head just like he did when he took away his quirk, but this time seemed to be giving him a quirk instead of taking one.

'Shit, did he figure out my plan already, but how?'

All for One's body seemed to no longer be rampaging, and he no longer held his head in agony. His body on the other hand was in disarray, he had bones sticking out of his body, blood everywhere, and his eyes were bloodshot red.

"That was a smart plan you had little Wayne and would have worked if it wasn't for my analysis quirk. It allows me to analyze things in a more precise manner and that's how I figured out that your quirk was like poison inside my body. I had to get rid of it, so I gave it to your father who was near me at the time. You destroyed a few quirks inside my body, including your parents and my analysis quirk, before I realized the reason the vestiges from the quirks were rampaging was due to you."

All for one stated while looking at me with rage in his eyes. I on the other hand was pissed and astounded that he survived.

'How did he survive that? My plan worked just like I wanted it to and it seemed my guess on how to use my quirk was right, but he still survived. What can I do now, I need another plan! Maybe All might will show up, please All Might save us.'

"Why so quiet? Did you finally realize there's nothing you can do? You are now quirkless, both your parents are passed out, and with your weak body you can't hurt me in the slightest. Your only hope is for All Might to come, but he won't, he's dealing with another crime from one of my subordinates in another city at the moment. A backup plan in case I had trouble with your parents, but surprisingly the real trouble was you."

All for One said with annoyance and a little bit of respect in his eyes.

"Before I kill you why don't you tell me exactly how you used your quirk to injure me like this? I know you used your quirk on me before I stole it and it almost killed me, but I don't know the exact details of how your quirk works. I'd like to know, why don't you tell me? If you do I'll make your death painless. What do you think?

All for One was waiting for a response, but I stayed seated on the ground motionless.

"Find then I need to leave anyway, it seems I've drawn too much attention today, now die!"

All for One shot an air blast at the Wayne's and after noticing the destruction he caused to the section of the surrounding area, he disappeared into a portal.

'My ears were ringing like crazy and then I noticed the destruction all around me. We were in an isolated area, so I don't think that there were any fatalities, but how am I alive the blast was aimed straight at me.'

I then answered my own question when I noticed my father and mother standing in front of me heavily injured.

"See son your quirk was powerful. It saved your lives."

My dad said before I noticed my mother wasn't heavily injured but lifeless. Her lifeless body was proof of that.

"No mom! Mom! Dad, moms not moving can't you check on her please."

I then noticed a hole in my dad's heart.

"I'm sorry son your mom isn't breathing, and I'm not long for this world as well. However, don't be sad son your mom was able to save you because of the love she bore for you, her only son, and woke up her unconscious body to do just that. And can you please stop moving you still have some injuries that will get worse if you keep moving?"

I listened to my dad because it could be one of his last requests and I don't want to seem disobedience if he doesn't survive. My mom the definition of a hero or in other terms a mother.

"I'm sorry for taking your quirk," Dad said.

"I don't care about that dad, you'll be fine I know you will your the best doctor I know. Can't you heal yourself?"

" I'm sorry son my quirk was destroyed and your quirk was given to me instead, but compared to mine that affects the body, yours only affects the mind."

Thomas said with his breathing becomes slower and hoarse. He then grabbed on to me and said the following words."

"Bruce it's all right, just survive..."

And then dad said no words after whispering that sentence to me. He closed his eyes and his body became lifeless. After he said his last word I felt a compulsion in my head before I started tugging his body and screaming but go no response.

"Dad! Dad! Wake up. Mom, mom please say something. Please don't leave me."

I then felt a piercing pain in my head and was about to fall unconscious before thinking one last thought.

'I lost my parents and my quirk. What a cruel world this is.'

Cliché, right?

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