
Advent Of The True Villain

Being reborn in the world of Versatile mage with some wishes

Vlad_Dracula_III · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Fire Ginseng

Perched high atop a sturdy tree, Vlad watched with bated breath as the confrontation between the fire crown lizards and the wolf pack unfolded below. The clash of claws and fangs echoed through the forest, punctuated by the occasional burst of flame and the anguished cries of the wolves.

As the flames from the fire crown lizard's spell engulfed the area where the wolf cubs were held, chaos erupted in the forest. The cries of the wolf cubs echoed through the trees, stirring the entire wolf pack into action.

The alpha wolf, a massive creature with scars of battles past etched into its fur, bellowed a thunderous roar that reverberated through the forest. With swift and decisive movements, the wolves rallied together, their primal instincts kicking in as they charged toward the source of danger.

Meanwhile, the fire crown lizards, their scaly bodies glowing with fiery energy, hissed and snarled as they faced off against the oncoming wolves. With flicks of their tails and bursts of flame from their mouths, they unleashed their magic upon the approaching pack.

The wolves, however, were undeterred. With agility and cunning, they dodged the fiery blasts, their fur singed but their determination unyielding. They lunged at the lizards with teeth bared and claws extended, aiming to bring down the creatures threatening their young.

Amidst the chaos, a fierce battle ensued. The forest echoed with the sounds of snapping jaws, slashing claws, and roaring flames. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and blood as the two species clashed in a primal struggle for survival.

The alpha wolf, leading the charge, engaged in a fierce duel with the largest fire crown lizard. With each clash, sparks flew, illuminating the darkness of the forest with bursts of light. The ground trembled beneath their feet as they fought tooth and claw, locked in a battle of strength and will.

"Now is the best time to get my hands on the elixir while they fight"

With the chaos raging beneath him, Vlad seized the opportunity to make his move. He carefully descended from the tree, using Darkness Aura his movements calculated to avoid drawing the attention of either the wolves or the lizards. As he reached the forest floor, he darted towards the entrance of the cave where the elixir awaited.

The cavern beckoned to him, its dark recesses illuminated only by the flickering glow of bioluminescent fungi. Vlad's heart pounded in his chest as he neared the cluster of glowing mushrooms where the elixir lay hidden.

After carefully digging out the plant what came into the hands of Vlad was a Ginseng glowing red from time to time and releasing a subtle warmth.

But just as he reached out to claim the precious plant, a sudden movement caught his eye. Turning swiftly, Vlad was startled to see a wounded fire crown lizard limping into the cave, its scales charred and its breath ragged.

The injured lizard fixed Vlad with a fierce, predatory gaze, its eyes blazing with a mixture of pain and fury. Despite its weakened state, it seemed determined to protect the elixir at all costs, viewing Vlad as a threat to its territory.

Vlad's mind raced as he weighed his options. He knew he couldn't take on the fire lizard in his current state, especially not with the chaos of the battle raging just outside the cave. But the elixir was so close, tantalizingly within reach, and he couldn't afford to leave empty-handed.

With a surge of adrenaline, Vlad made a split-second decision. Ignoring the protests of his rational mind, he lunged forward and snatched the elixir from its resting place, clutching it tightly to his chest and putting it in his inventory.

The wounded lizard let out a guttural growl, its injured body tensing as if preparing to strike. But before it could react, Vlad turned using Darkness Aura with his remaining mana and sprinted out of the cave, his heart pounding in his chest as he fled into the safety of the forest.

As he put distance between himself and the cave, Vlad spared a fleeting glance over his shoulder, half expecting to see the injured lizard in pursuit. But the entrance to the cave remained ominously silent, a dark void amid the chaos unfolding in the forest.

With the elixir safely in his possession, Vlad pressed on, his mind racing with plans for how he would use its power to enhance his magical abilities.

"With this elixir, I should be able to use Novice Tier magic and be able to cast magic. With this I will leave the category of apprentice mage(People who awakened magic but still can't cast it)".

Vlad said imagining himself using the fire burst magic and getting the stardust equipment from the academy.

"But before that, I better reach the bus stop and get that last bus"

But before Vlad was able to laugh at his accomplishment of getting the elixir he herd a houl of a wolf at some distance again alerting him to run.

After descending from the mountain with cautious steps, Vlad hurried back through the forest, his heart still pounding from the adrenaline of the encounter. 

With each step, he could hear the distant echoes of the ongoing battle between the wolves and the fire crown lizards, a reminder of the perilous world he inhabited. As he emerged from the dense foliage, Vlad spotted the familiar sight of the bus stop ahead, a beacon of safety amidst the wilderness.

He quickened his pace, the urgency of his mission driving him forward. Finally reaching the bus stop, Vlad collapsed onto the bench, his chest heaving with exertion. He glanced up at the dark sky, the last traces of moonlight fading into clouds, casting an eerie glow over the surrounding landscape.


Good Morning Everyone😉

Here is your next chapter everyone Hope you like it 😋

Make sure to bookmark my book 😏

The next chapter is alredy make and will be uploaded in 12hrs or maybe 15hrs.