
Comments of chapter undefined of The Marvelous Superman

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This is why sometimes I prefer fanfic novels made in China rather than web novels, because in Chinese novels there is no need for logic and drama which I quite like. Maybe there are some people who Mentioning that it is unrealistic but that unreality is precisely what I look for in fanfic novels.

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Honestly? It doesn't seem reasonable, i can see what you are trying to do, but being socially incompetent or not wanting to destroy boundaries doesn't mean they are incapable of speech, superman literally just said, "i am breaking up with you." And left, no explanation, nothing. Literal middle-schooler vibes.

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I who does not have any sense of romance whatsoever conclude they are not fit for each other because of their power levels.

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I also ship them, but also know their relationship wont work since laura needs constant show of love and affection because of her circumstances and sunny wont be able to provide it due to his own circumstance. Though I don't really like Cpt. Marvel currently she is a perfect fit. Aside team Laura, I'm still team Wanda tho

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I do not approve of this plot twist, but I will continue to read your work.

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So his parents haven't talked with either him or Laura about their relationship once this whole time? I feel like the mother as a wingman would fix this instantly because her son is a brick and Laura is traumitized.

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Even though I don't like it... I understand it and completely gained a newfound respect for you for not forcing their relationship

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It's honestly destined to fail. The best couple there can be for Superman is Emmma Frost💕💕💕 Although you are taking time to present it. I honestly also think that you failed as a writer to make this relationship, you never showed that Superman is doing anything for the relationship, if you say that Superman was busy saving the world it is a bad excuse because even the original Superman could take time to have friends, girlfriend and family, why not Kevin? The Avengers are lined up, Shield is lined up, so are the wizards, enough heroes for Superman to take a few hours in the afternoon to kiss, hug or laugh with Laura. In short, if you take Captain Marvel to be the possible couple you will fall into that silly idea that is repeated in Fanfic. But well Thanks for the Chapter, I hope to see the X-Men soon.

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I don't really care about the love side of the story but this is a stupid way to end their relationship

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Not so good chapter but keep updating the story.

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Your the best first Time I romance end like that in a fanfic. making It a lot better in my opinión.


TDLR: Laura and the MC not working out is a plot hole birthed by the author forgetting about his own characters and how they grow. --- Needless drama and playing with reader expectations in a bad way. And your bid for 'realistic' relationship troubles doesn't even make sense. Your reasoning for the relationship not panning out only works if Laura had no character development since she first met the MC. But that's obviously not true. She's now lived for YEARS in a warm and welcoming community with several people trying to get her with the MC. Her 'opening-up' problems would be easily identified since the relationship started. And it's almost asinine to think that the MC's greeny-grandchild-wanting mother and father wouldn't notice something that obvious. And then there's the MC. Seriously. How stupid are you going to make him? He had at least a rough understanding that Laura had a rough past and yet he didn't think for one moment that it may interfere with how she displays emotions/feelings? This is a dude that can think at a million miles an hour. And then even if you ignore everything before this, the MC has also written several novels with several of them dealing with relationships in one way or another. Did he somehow forget about how people work after writing them? Did he lose his EQ after writing 50 Shades or The Fault in Our Stars?

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Did he really never talk to her and bring this up?? Are his social skills that bad?


What a brick-guy. Never seen such a stupid ending of some relationship. Jesus Christ, how he can be so unreasonable.

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Friend, a few weeks ago I broke up with my girlfriend and it has been quite hard to have made that decision, we didn't know how to communicate and the last few months were just fights and problems, I decided to end things despite loving her, it was a week of back and forth from the two, we love each other but we are not compatible. The situation you describe is more real and usual than it seems, the first time I've seen some true love in a fanfiction, and I guess I talked a lot, but thanks for your story, bro.

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he can hook up with black cat after he saves her

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Gracias por el capítulo

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Excelente historia, me gusta a dónde se dirige esto, solo espero ver una verdadera madurez y no un cambio de pareja por despecho, incluso si recurre al libertinaje y a la promiscuidad solo significará inmadurez. La madurez viene de la reflexión continúa y tiene que ver mucho con la sabiduría y la iluminación. Se le agradece su dedicación a la causa autor-sama.

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Thanks for the chapter

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thank you for the chapter 🥰