
[DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils

[Congratulations, You are now a Criminal!] WHAT--? Branded as an untouchable genius by some, a madman by the majority, and a worthless piece of trash by all, he was just another jaded teenager trying to survive in the chaotic world of the 21st Century. Just one insignificant individual out of 1.3 Billion. But when fate twisted his path and forced him into the clichéd trope of transmigration, he naively hoped for something different. Yet again, reality proved to be a brutal disappointment So what could a worn and weathered book possibly do to change what fate has ordained upon him? "And WHO ARE YOU CALLING CRIMINAL?!?!?!" ******************************* Current World - Highschool DXD, Jujutsu Kaisen, Harry Potter & Lord of the Mysteries. You can support me on Patreon. Link: Patreon.com/Midwintersnow

MidWinterSnow · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 49: Mutually-Beneficial

[Third Person's Point of View]

"I warned him not to create drama today," Mei's exasperated voice resonated throughout the room, her tone tinged with amusement as her words hung in the air, adding to the already tense atmosphere that had enveloped the room following August's unexpected declaration.

The applause that had filled the room moments mere moments ago had now died down, replaced by an eerie stillness. The council members were frozen in their seats, their eyes betraying disbelief as they stared at the bold young man standing confidently at the podium.

Even the Commander, who stood directly in front of August, couldn't hide his shock. His piercing gaze seemed to bore into the young man while his fists were clenched tightly at his sides, knuckles turning white from exertion.

With a forced laugh, he finally broke the silence, "I might have misheard right now." His voice boomed off the walls, but the underlying tension was palpable.

"No," August's voice cut through the air, resolute and clear.

His one-word response hung in the room, silencing the Commander's forced joviality.

The council members exchanged uneasy glances as the room fell into another tense stillness. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as they waited for the Commander's next move.

Suddenly, the air around the old man's body began to distort, his jaw clenched tight as he growled out a single word, "You!"

Before things could escalate further, August snapped his fingers, diffusing the cursed energy radiating from the old man. Speaking in a low but pronounced tone, he asked, "Why do you all automatically assume that I would be loyal to Japan?"

The room was once again stunned. "What do you mean?!" one of the council members finally managed to sputter out.

August took a deep breath before elaborating, "Think about it logically. I am an American citizen who has spent most of his life there. My family is connected to England. I've only been living in Japan for about six months. How can you expect me to be loyal to a country that is neither my homeland nor my ancestral land?"

Everyone sat stunned, their mouths hanging open in disbelief while the Jujutsu Commander composed himself. With restrained anger in his voice, he replied, "In that case, we can easily revoke your Special Grade status since it hasn't been officially updated yet."

August laughed off the veiled attempt to threaten him, "Of course," He narrowed his eyes at this, "But don't think I am naive enough to be manipulated so easily."

A thick sense of danger, unlike any other spread from August, as everyone in the room felt raw negative intent nip at their skin, "You can take away my Special Grade status as easily as I can get it back from the International Congress of Magic. I have already been promoted, so all I need to do is request a review of the promotion process and I'll be reinstated."

The Supreme Council knew this, which only fueled their anger and shame as they glared at August with unrestrained fury. The occupants of the room watched the drama in front of them anchored at the edge of their seats, waiting to see what would happen next.

"You are all misunderstanding the situation at a basic level," As the atmosphere in the room neared its breaking point, August quickly played his next move, "I won't deny the help I received from the Jujutsu Society." He admitted, trying to placate the entire room.

"From what I've seen, Special Grades and Magical Societies have a mutually beneficial agreement, especially when they're from different countries. It's how bigger and more powerful nations lure away special grades from others. With the goodwill you guys have shown me, I am very open to accepting this kind of relationship."

The chamber fell into stillness once more, but the atmosphere had shifted. It was a weighty hush, heavy with introspection and understanding. The council members exchanged meaningful glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and comprehension.

The old man's gaze lingered on August for a moment longer with his eyes reflecting a complex mix of emotions. After one final look, he turned and walked off the podium with long strides while exuding an aura of authority, as he made his way towards his colleagues waiting at their table.

Settling into his seat, a shimmering barrier of privacy unfolded around them, muffling their voices from the rest of the surrounding area. The translucent force field glimmered faintly in the low lighting, adding an element of intrigue to the situation.

The atmosphere in the room previously thick with tension, had gradually mellowed considerably. However, traces of the underlying unease still lingered like invisible threads binding everyone together.

Five minutes ticked by in an uncomfortable silence, each second feeling like a countdown to an inevitable confrontation. Suddenly, the privacy barrier dropped, revealing the council members once more.

August found himself under the intense scrutiny of the councilmen. Their eyes were locked onto him, their faces revealing nothing as they observed him for what seemed like an eternity. At last, the elderly man acquiesced, "Very well, we will agree to your conditions."

"I see." August's response was indifferent, but inwardly, he doubted the sincerity of these sly foxs. 'These old timers accepted my terms without demanding anything in return? Who are they even trying to fool?' he pondered, his mind already spinning with possibilities.

"As the saying goes, 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours'; let's hope for a mutually beneficial relationship in the long run." His words lingered in the air, hinting at a complex game of power and politics. This time, they sealed the deal with a sturdy handshake, each with unyielding grips.

Yet, as their hands parted, one could almost see the convoluted plots brewing in each of their minds.


"Cheers!"The sound of clinking glasses filled the room as August and Mei raised their beer mugs in a toast. The sharp taste of the beer accentuated by the slight tartness of the lemon washed away the day's weariness.

August reclined in his chair, replaying the events of the day in his mind. 'The fight with Genbu went as planned,' he thought, his gaze reflecting the dim lighting of the bar. 'I could have easily defeated him in the first minute, but that's not what I wanted.' He wanted to showcase his abilities in a more subtle manner, which is why he mostly focused on defending.

His negotiations with the Supreme Council had gone smoothly, but he didn't trust them at all. 'It's time to pay them a visit,' he thought to himself with a sly grin. 'And then there's only one thing left to do...'

"What's got you so deep into thought?" Mei's voice broke through his thoughts, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she set down her glass on the table.

 August glanced at her with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Just admiring how beautiful you look tonight," he replied, earning a soft laugh from the stunning woman sitting across from him.

Leaning closer, he asked in a hushed tone, "Are you free after this?" Mei's eyes widened in surprise, her lips curved upwards in a half-moon as she answered, "Yes, why? Do you have plans for tonight?"

August simply smiled mysteriously and responded, "You'll see."

Just then, the door swung open, and Satoru walked in holding a glass of orange juice in his hand, as he made his way over to their table and sat down next to August.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a stack of papers, sliding them across the table to August. With a gesture towards one particular card in the stack, Satoru explained, "This is your new ID as a Special Grade. It comes with some pretty nice benefits."

He proceeded to elaborate, "Firstly, as a special grade, you will receive a fixed annual salary of 50 million yen, regardless of any missions you undertake. You will also have the freedom to choose which missions you want to take and will be paid accordingly. And best of all, you have the power to reject any mission, even those from the supreme council."

"Since you are affiliated with Japan, your rank gives you authority over the Japanese Supernatural Forces during emergencies. Additionally, you will have a seat at the exclusive Special Council at the ICM."

August looked at Satoru quizzically with confusion evident in his expression. "What exactly is the Special Council?" he asked, his gaze fixed on Satoru.

With a mysterious smile, Satoru replied, "A gathering reserved only for Special Grades within Congress."

Nodding lightly, August's eyes reflected a deep sense of gratitude. "Thank you, Satoru," he whispered sincerely. His words were a heartfelt acknowledgement of the support and assistance he had received from his white-haired sensei.

Satoru waved off his thanks with a casual flick of his hand. He leaned back in his chair and gazed at August intently. "Just get stronger," he murmured quietly. "Strong enough to keep up with me." He took a big gulp of his orange juice, the tangy sweetness of the drink contrasting with the sad undertone of his words.

Suddenly setting down his glass with a loud thud that echoed through the room, Satoru's eyes lit up with excitement as he addressed both August and Mei. "I've invited some friends over to celebrate!" he exclaimed eagerly.

However, August looked at him with regret in his eyes. "Unfortunately, we won't be able to join you," he said apologetically.

Confusion flickered across Satoru's face as he looked between August and Mei. "What do you mean?" he asked, clearly puzzled. Mei also looked at August with confusion written on her face.

"I promised Mei-san a date," August explained matter-of-factly. He downed the rest of his beer in one gulp, the bitter taste contrasting with the sweet promise of the evening ahead. He reached out his hand towards Mei, never breaking eye contact.

Mei raised an eyebrow and chuckled softly. "Ara, you know just how to make a woman feel special," she remarked playfully. She took his hand, her fingers intertwining with his as they both got up.

"See you later, Satoru," August bid farewell with a promise for another meeting. Hand in hand, they left the room, leaving behind a stunned Satoru.

Satoru jolted in astonishment at their abrupt departure, too astonished to speak. His voice boomed off the walls of the now-empty room as he loudly yelled, "How could you leave me all alone?!"


Author-san here!!!

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