
[DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils

[Congratulations, You are now a Criminal!] WHAT--? Branded as an untouchable genius by some, a madman by the majority, and a worthless piece of trash by all, he was just another jaded teenager trying to survive in the chaotic world of the 21st Century. Just one insignificant individual out of 1.3 Billion. But when fate twisted his path and forced him into the clichéd trope of transmigration, he naively hoped for something different. Yet again, reality proved to be a brutal disappointment So what could a worn and weathered book possibly do to change what fate has ordained upon him? "And WHO ARE YOU CALLING CRIMINAL?!?!?!" ******************************* Current World - Highschool DXD, Jujutsu Kaisen, Harry Potter & Lord of the Mysteries. You can support me on Patreon. Link: Patreon.com/Midwintersnow

MidWinterSnow · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 50: The Date (1)+

[Third Person's Point of View]

Under the soft glimmer of candlelight, Mei's lilac eyes flickered, reflecting August's silhouette as he placed each dish on the table carefully, the shadows that danced now lent an aura of calm, so different from the chaos of the day.

Mei couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as she observed him. She had anticipated a thrilling, action-packed date when August had first invited her out, not a quiet dinner at his apartment. Yet, there was an undeniable charm to this unexpected change in plans.

Now it was August's turn to notice her amusement. He raised his eyebrows curiously, one side of his face lit by the warm glow of the candles and the other side by the twinkling city lights, which gave him an almost knowing look. "Feeling disappointed?" He asked softly.

She rolled her eyes teasingly and let out a soft scoff, "If I did, I wouldn't be here," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

Pausing, Mei's expression softened as she added, "But it's actually quite romantic."

After they had ditched the celebration party, August had whisked her off to his apartment and transformed it into a cosy sanctuary just for the two of them; complete with a candlelit dinner.

The flicker of candles gave a warm glow on the table, upon which one could see the carefully prepared dishes. The mouth-watering aromas carried through the air, making Mei stroke her chin, impressed with the set before her.

"They smell and look rather appetizing," Mei complemented, her eyes scanning the dishes.

August flashed a proud smile, his eyes glittery in the candlelight. "I'm glad you like it. We have Bruschetta al Pomodoro as an appetizer. Then there is Risotto ai Funghi. And for the main course, Filetto di Manzo al Balsamico."

Mei's admiration only deepened as she took in the rich meal before them."You've truly outdone yourself, August. This is impressive!"

With a flourish, August uncorked a bottle of wine, its pop mingling with the soft music playing in the background. He poured out the amber liquid into their glasses, as the rich aroma whirled with the savoury smells of their meal.

Done setting up everything, he sat down across the table from Mei and raised his glass for a toast. "To us," he laughed mischievously.

Mei clinked her glass against his, a smile spreading across her face. "To us."

A sly smile spread across his face as he leaned back in his chair. "So, come on, isn't this proof that I'm the perfect husband material?" he joked with a playful tone.

Mei rolled her eyes but the affection in her expression was pretty undeniable. "You're impossible," she teased, although the warmth in her tone betrayed otherwise.

Watching her delightful expression as they bit into the classic Italian bruschetta topped with juicy tomatoes, August's eyes lit up. "Ne, Mei-san. Why did you accept my invitation?" he asked with genuine curiosity.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Twirling his wine glass in his hands, August's eyes were firmly locked on the ruby liquid inside. "I am quite curious," he began in a soft tone that mingled with the gentle background music, "about how I managed to catch your eye."

He closed his eyes briefly as if deep in thought before opening them again, still filled with playful curiosity. "I'm sure you had many suitors before me. And I imagine none of them were lacking in wealth."

His bright amethyst eyes locked onto Mei's lilac ones as he questioned, "So tell me, why did you agree to go on a date with me?"

Using a napkin to dab at her mouth, Mei took a sip from her wine glass and then sensually nibbled on her bottom lip. "I find you intriguing, August." Her confession was delivered in a hushed whisper heavily laced with her killer charm.

The sultry stare of those lilac eyes could get anyone's shield hero rising.

But not him. Not that easily.

His mouth twitched, trying to stifle the laugh that was threatening to burst forth at this brazen attempt at seduction. "That fake smile doesn't suit you, Mei-san," he said with a bit of playfulness lurking in his voice.

The corner of her mouth quirked up as she chuckled, "I didn't think it would work on you." She added mirthfully, "But would you believe me if I said I was actually interested in you?"

"Yes," he replied with a smile creeping onto his face. "But I have a feeling your interest isn't purely romantic."

She shot back teasingly, "And what about you? Boys your age usually go for pretty Onee-sans, but you? No chance."

"Well, you have a point there," he conceded with a mock surrender. "But I do find myself genuinely drawn to you."

They continued to enjoy their creamy mushroom risotto in comfortable silence. Eventually, August spoke up and asked, "Let's get down to the real intentions before we discuss our relationship. What do you want, Mei-san?"

"What's the hurry?" she teased, "You want to know everything on the first date?"

He held her gaze steadily and replied, "I don't want to invest my time in a relationship that will ultimately disappoint us both." His tone was somewhat flat, but all too serious and sincere.

"Don't be such a killjoy!" she sighed playfully and rolled her eyes. "But…yes, I have something I want. It's just a hunch for now, but I wouldn't demand anything too outlandish from you. And besides, I genuinely enjoy spending time with you."

"If you say so," he gave her another once-over, his gaze lingering on her face. "But I have an inkling of what you might want."

Her eyes widened in surprise, but before she could ask him about it, he shook his head, "Since you don't want me to reveal all on the first date, I'll keep my guess to myself." He winked at her playfully.

She pouted cutely, "You're such a tease!"

"Now with that out of the way", he shifted his chair to scoot closer to her and leaned forward. "I really wish for a genuine relationship with you," he confessed.

Their breaths mingled as she whispered, "Besides the obvious hormones, what attracts you to me?"

"I'm drawn to your strength," he murmured, hot breath fanning their lips as he moved even closer. "The sharpness of your wit, your intelligence, and your captivating beauty—all combined with an alluring mystery; I am truly charmed."

At that moment, time seemed to freeze as their lips met in a gentle and innocent kiss. But the tenderness quickly gave way to a more intense and passionate embrace, as they eagerly devoured each other's mouths. 

They were completely lost in each other's warmth and affection, the candlelight casting a soft glow on their intertwined bodies.

Their kiss only grew deeper and more heated, with their tongues entwining in a passionate dance for dominance. Without breaking the kiss, August hoisted her up by her waist as his strong arms encircled her, while she locked her legs around him. The taste of wine on their tongues was exhilarating, adding fuel to the already intense passion between them.

The table, once laden with the remnants of their dinner, now seemed like a distant memory; a mere afterthought in the face of their growing passion.

Pushed against the cold glass panels of the expansive windows, the city lights outside became a blur of colours, serving as a background for their fiery display of love. The air crackled with anticipation as their passion continued to build with each passing second.

Breaking the lip lock after what felt like an eternity, Mei and August's eyes met, both hazy with lust. Mei's voice was husky as she whispered, "Didn't take you for a playboy. Bedding a lady on your first date? How many times have you done this?"

August's reply was a deep, soul-shivering kiss that left her breathless. He pulled away briefly, leaving a trail of saliva connecting them before speaking in a low, rough tone. "No, only you. Besides, do you want me to stop?"

The question hung in the air, but Mei's response was immediate. Her hands forcefully pulled his head into another deep, heated kiss, giving him all the response he needed.

August's fingers gently combed through Mei's silver braids, the soft strands unfolding as he touched them. 

Their hands moved in tandem, exploring each other's bodies with growing urgency as the room faded into the background. The only sound that could be heard was their quiet breaths and low moans, lost in the intensity of their desire.

August's grey sweater was hastily tugged off his body, but his eyes never left Mei's as he reached for the delicate black dress; his fingers tracing the intricate patterns that adorned it.

With a soft caress, he sliced the dress down the middle, exposing her perfectly toned figure clad only in lacy black underwear that hugged her curves like a second skin.

Mei's eyes sparkled as August swept her up in a bridal carry, one of her hands wrapping around his head, while the other explored his flawless physique while he made his way towards the master bedroom.


Author-san here!!!

We finally reached the 50-chapter milestone! Woohoo

!It's my first time writing '18+' content, so go easy on me

.But, you guys are gonna love the next chapter hahaha.I

If you guys want to read the next chapter, and two weeks' worth right now, go visit my Patreon account.

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See you guys in two days :)