
Kiba Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • The Sinful Life of The Emperor

    In the age of mutants and technology, everyone is after power and eternal life, but Kiba lives for his dreams of lust and vanity. A man on a mission to live the life to the fullest. The tale of the legendary Wife Hunter whose very name terrifies husbands around the globe. This is the story of the devil who does as his heart pleases, unafraid of the labels of good and evil. ----- Fan synopsis: Entangled in the schemes of two-faced government, a futuristic divided world, and a holy mission of his own, follow Kiba's journey of sins! (Note: The starting 20 chapters are very short and slow paced. The main story starts from the 30s so please give it a try till then ^_^ You can rest assured the novel has a good plot besides the R-18 elements ^.^) I do not own the cover. Support: http://bit.ly/trueseeker Discord: https://discord.gg/TGmqHw3 Glossary/Wiki: http://trueseekernovels.com/

    True_Seeker · Urban
  • Kiba with the Kiba Blades

    7 Swords Kiba By Okojouchiha Deviant Art

    Qwerttipper · Fantasy
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  • La Vida Pecaminosa del Emperador

    ``` En la era de los mutantes y la tecnología, todos buscan poder y vida eterna, pero Kiba vive por sus sueños de lujuria y vanidad. Un hombre con la misión de vivir la vida al máximo. La historia del legendario Cazador de Esposas cuyo nombre aterra a maridos alrededor del mundo. Esta es la historia del diablo que hace lo que su corazón desea, sin miedo a las etiquetas de bien y mal. ----- Sinopsis de un fan: Enredado en las maquinaciones de un gobierno con doble cara, un mundo futurista dividido y una sagrada misión propia, ¡sigue el viaje de pecados de Kiba! (Nota: Los primeros 20 capítulos son muy cortos y de ritmo lento. La historia principal comienza a partir de los 30, así que por favor pruébalo hasta entonces ^_^ Puedes estar seguro de que la novela tiene una buena trama además de los elementos R-18 ^.^) No soy propietario de la portada. Apoyo: http://bit.ly/trueseeker Discord: https://discord.gg/TGmqHw3 Glosario/Wiki: http://trueseekernovels.com/ ```

    True_Seeker · Urban
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  • A Vida Pecaminosa do Imperador

    ``` Na era dos mutantes e da tecnologia, todos buscam poder e a vida eterna, mas Kiba vive pelos seus sonhos de luxúria e vaidade. Um homem em uma missão para viver a vida ao máximo. A história do lendário Caçador de Esposas cujo nome aterroriza maridos ao redor do globo. Esta é a história do diabo que faz o que seu coração deseja, sem medo dos rótulos de bem e mal. ----- Sinopse dos fãs: Enredado nos esquemas de um governo de duas caras, um mundo futurístico dividido e uma santa missão própria, acompanhe a jornada de pecados de Kiba! (Nota: Os primeiros 20 capítulos são muito curtos e de ritmo lento. A história principal começa a partir dos 30, então por favor, tente ler até lá ^_^ Você pode ficar tranquilo que o romance tem um bom enredo além dos elementos R-18 ^.^) Não sou dono da capa. Apoio: http://bit.ly/trueseeker Discord: https://discord.gg/TGmqHw3 Glossário/Wiki: http://trueseekernovels.com/ ```

    True_Seeker · Urban
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  • Ilmu Bintang

    Ilmu Bintang/Star Sience: The First Test To See The World Pada kibas lalu terdengar berita dari arah barat, jatuhnya komet. Desa yang tidak di ketahui namannya itu terlihat ramai sedang mengadakan tradisi malam, orang-orang berkumpul membawa lampion untuk di terbangkan pada malam hari. Dipertengahan tradisi, cahaya terang selewat menerangi desa. semuanya melihat ke atas berhenti sejenak. Seketika air laut menghatam sangat cepat tidak menyisakan tanah yang kering. Diketahui seseorang pemuda mendatangi desa itu beberapa hari setelah kejadian itu. Diketahui juga dari dalam bongkahan komet terdapat seseorang laki-laki.

    Randomline · Fantasy
  • I wanted a peaceful life

    Kiba_321 · Fantasy
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  • The Villainess Will Bring Honour To Her Family

    Imperial Concubine Mù is the

    Kiba_owl · Fantasy
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  • my life with my hearm

    this is a story that has the highschool dxd and undertale. kiba and gaspar are girls in this book.

    Demon_Wolf_2262 · Fantasy
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  • ?chpsjnjhhhh

    naruto-mc(past) Kiba Inuzuka- new mc/(past) side charter all characters are not mine (ecept Kenji)and I will do only ? might make more in the future

    Narsuki_isaki · Fantasy
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  • Naruto: The Genius

    Naruto but he wasn't dumb is the general premise of this what if. Naruto had so much potential within him and during most of the series didn't use any of it and won most of his fights through plot armor or his reliance on the nine tails to save him when he was in trouble. Examples: Kiba vs Naruto in the chin exams he won by literally farting on his opponent hilarious but bull, Neji vs Naruto, Neji closed off all of Narutos tenketsu points then naruto said haha yeah no and used nine tails chakra to beat Neji. In this series Naruto will be more like Minato instead of Kushina he will be more Calculative and perceptive of his surrounding. (This is my first time writing so if you could help me get better as I write more and more it would be very helpful) I hope people take my idea and make it better

    Ya_Boy · Action
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  • From the lowest to strongest - That day I become the number 1 in-game

    Kiba - a name that is not known by anyone in-game but suddenly dominated everyone. In the world of Sapphire, everyone is free to do as they like as Sandbox VRMMORPG starts to be popular with gamers and with the sudden growth of technology from VR Systems to Full-Dive Accelerated Systems. You can live an entire lifetime's worth in this game within just five minutes in real-time. That's how powerful this game is. But, just like any other, this one has a catch. If you die in-game either by the death of old age or by being killed off in-game by other players, your memory of the game will be wiped off and you needed to play the game one more time without memory of having to play it before. Welcome to this high-risk, high rewards game.

    MiyukiSensei_ · Games
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