

2022-09-09 JoinedGlobal

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  • Rudra_Khatri
    Replied to PancakesWitch

    Nah, there's still room left actually. iI mean i loved the world building and even tried to find something similar but nah. If the MC was not so stupid, the book can be good enough to be adopted as an anime even. I mean sure, once or twice, I was hoping he gets better but almost 200 chapters and still the same. I'm not saying that no MC should be stupid just don't like the stupid ones... especially in isekai.

    Transmigrated as a Ghost
    Fantasy · MegaC
  • Rudra_Khatri

    Author... focuses a lot on bad readers, like your book has overall 4.5 star rating, yes I can see a lot of bad 1 star reviews and all, but dude you're so fucking good at writing you know it, your fans know it, don't focus on bad ones. After reading the author notes I felt as the author never reads the good things people write. Such a good writer but always getting railed up by bad reviews or just people complaining . Seriously, you gotta ignore them and write the way you want, this is why most authors don't like putting stuff on internet chapter by chapter because people can comment on their art before it is finished. Moving on, the actual review, it's a great novel, characters are complex and have their own personality, depth and habits. The story has really good plot, from the MC's parents death to Kingpin and his fall, but also adding a whole lot of things in between. Loved the MHA plotline, Magik plot was also awesome, reading the story you don't get anything boring. Well except the interview, while I agreed with a lot of things he said, it felt more like a rent from the author after sometime. Otherwise the interview was great, especially how author puts skurl (skurll? skrull?) in the interview and exposes her. As for people criticizing the Harem? The whole concept of a gotcha that can people is very close to the Harem, so you knew what you're getting into, if you believe there should be a story without Harem, write it yourself. On top of that, there's almost no harem until the point I read, which is just before he goes to One Piece . It's only mentioned and stuff. Oh yeah I didn't read beyond the One Piece because I haven't watched One Piece and I plan to watch it and don't want major spoilers. Next the bad parts, while the story is great, there are still some things I didn't like. Author rants a lot, which I already explained at the beginning. Author assumes that everyone has watched JoJo, every other world/power is explained some what and even without knowing the source you can understand it somewhat. But not for JoJo, author never explains anything from JoJo The last problem has been solved I think, in some chapters author was commenting in between story which sometimes funny was always breaking the flow of the story but he stopped doing it so all good. Author notes at beginning and end are good but in between the story can be annoying. Now overall, I would recommend 5/5 stars and a great read. first recommendation for a Marvel fic.

    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · EvansKannon
  • Rudra_Khatri

    The pet is so annoying... Blaze or whatever. Two chapters after the pet came and I'm leaving the book. The book was going so good , while I was kind of sceptical about the whole Mary thing (That author might force the romence there since there's a Romance tag) but you know the story seems good. but no.. that pet, keep mind reading and interpreting in everything. I really hate mind reading pets/old man/gods/system... especially when they interpret so much.

    No More Pain For This Villain.
    Fantasy · Satan03
  • Rudra_Khatri

    MC is stupid, just plain stupid. MC finds his body's sister is safe and there are a dozen or so over levelled people he'll have to fight to save her what to do? think yourself as a overpowered MC and barge in. okay hes's new to it, lets's not go to hard on him. A random princess who said hello to me is stuck in dungeon, what to do? Sacrifice my life to save her. A Powerful Ant Queen monster is going to attack the town, what to do? Of course I'm overpowered and immortal lets's go kill her? oh she can see and talk to me? whatever its's not like she can hurt me? oh she can hurt me? I'll still fight instead of running because I'm an idiot. And of course he had to get attached to the sister. I mean sure he wants to be free and go around the world. but okay, everyone can have that. Now that he has someone to call family maybe and he'll probably be in this kingdom for a while he should get some backing. Especially if the backing is the previous Queen and a Grand Archmage, but obviously MC would not take it because he wants to be free. So, he wants to be free? He should get stronger? not, he's gonna learn forging. Another chance he gets when a Duchess offers him to be blacksmith for them with good benifits but he still declined saying he wants to be free, but dude has a sister who ge wont't leave. Despite knowing he's in a world where nobles hold power, he wants to offend them at every point and not get backing of his own, not try to get stronger. Who was the idiot who sent him to another world ? I'm at Ch 177 and I'm dropping it. also the gender bender? seriously? Just make it a female character from the start if you wanted to do that.

    Transmigrated as a Ghost
    Fantasy · MegaC
  • Rudra_Khatri

    Amazing story, first of all the concept is really great. The writing is also really good. I'm still at the 60th chapter and am waiting for Players. I had thought that players would be the main focus and I'll have to wait for that, but even before that the story is so amazing especially the gods's and such beings.

    Re: Player
    Fantasy · Ethel_Imaginations
  • Rudra_Khatri
    Replied to Rudra_Khatri

    the enter doesn't work I suppose. I'll write it again. The Formula is [1 2 ... n=n(n 1)/2] thus for 100 its's [100(100 1)/2] which when solved would be [5050]

         Another thing he noticed was that, the number of territories he had to conquer was equal with his level at that point meaning that if he was level 5 then he would need 5 lords to surrender to him to move on to Level 6. This meant that he needed 55 lords to submit to him just to reach level 10 and probably a million or less just to reach 100.
    Deus: We are all Lords
    Fantasy · king_frosh
  • Rudra_Khatri

    1 2 ...(n-1) (n)= n(n 1)/2for 100:n= 100100(100 1)/2100(101)/210100/25050Thus The Answer is 5050 Territories.

         Another thing he noticed was that, the number of territories he had to conquer was equal with his level at that point meaning that if he was level 5 then he would need 5 lords to surrender to him to move on to Level 6. This meant that he needed 55 lords to submit to him just to reach level 10 and probably a million or less just to reach 100.
    Deus: We are all Lords
    Fantasy · king_frosh
  • Rudra_Khatri

    The story is going great so far, I love when the same scene is shown from different perspectives and adds depth to the characters as well as the story. Another thing I liked about it is developing all characters. However I do think that there are some dull moments such as the future which just felt like a 5 chapter info dump rather than a story as well not explaining the characters more. Author expect us to remember all character names and even guess from just a line. Sometimes I don't even know which character we are talking about. However despite all that, the story itself and the background is quite well written and enjoyable, the academy wasn't stretched out to increase word count, which I really liked.

    Transmigrated as a Fat villain: All heroines are after me
    Fantasy · A4KL
  • Rudra_Khatri

    Unique Approach and good style. needs some grammar fixes.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Rudra_Khatri

    What the hell is even going on? after like 28 chapters we don't know what he's trying to do. He's like there's this threat or whatever and I've to do this, this is extremely risky move, oh god this young man just played the extremely powerful cards. Like why? why are you doing anything? What threat? "They" will come? who are these they when you have f*cking billions of dollars and can hire thousands of people and you'll get 1000s of time returned to you, buy a whole country if you want. On one hand he is saying he is growing too fast but on the other hand he himself is trying to reach higher level of the system poking the government and stuff. like why?I came to read the novel when I found that it isn't some face slapping novel I thought, finally. But at this point those novels make more sense. at least we know that the MC is just a horny loser trying to woo different girls. Here MC is so "Mysterious" that he doesn't have one personality he has moods, every chapter is a personality. TBH, I don't usually lash out this much, but the novel is like... you think you found gold but it was just another garbage..

    Extreme Wealth System
    Urban · mobisa
  • Rudra_Khatri
    Replied to RavenClaw471

    Yeah, Thought I wrote it at C154 and after just 6 chapters the shop fid reopen so I think the story will become better again.

    Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize
    Urban · RavenClaw471
  • Rudra_Khatri

    amazing story and extremely well written until a certain point. the world building is great, but author made a few mistakes which led to more and more.spoilers ahead So, if you wanted to give him profession card, make it so he can only have one profession at a time or something to reduce the OPness. make the world larger by adding realms so even if hes's overpowered it can be enjoyed.you see the problem starts at the time when Card shop just closes and for another 50 something chapters that I've read it doesn't open. while closing it is a short term solution it takes away the most valuable part of the story that is the Card System. It gets extremely boring after he loses access to Card Shop as after that it's just him having ancient knowledge and stuff and creating things. also adding the daughter was just .. nah. like I do not hate it just it's too early and on tip of that continuously writing Slice of Life and Business novel... that's just wasted potential. The battles also become boring because he no longer needs cards and can just fight experts beyond top level easily and he doesn't even use the legendary card summons like the Amazon Queen or Michaela. But the worst part is all the business talk which is so boring that at this point i just skip it.

    Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize
    Urban · RavenClaw471
  • Rudra_Khatri

    It's really great with it's amezing world building and characters. I just don't know how to feal about The dean. it was so close and I was like sure she has plot armour but i suppose...

    Conquering The Novel
    Fantasy · Enigma0