

2022-06-03 JoinedGlobal

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  • Tom_The_Tom

    Reviewed at Ch 100 It's a good "what-if" fantasy. The author atleast did his fair share of research for the plot of the novel. Just personally don't like the pacing and the fact that the MC kept his reincarnation a secret from Ciela when he himself demanded the truth from her just so that she could still be initially be used as a tool for his future success. Now that he's fallen for her it's haunting him and I can see that this will be a major conflict point at some point. Dropping it for now since the plot and character developments have been very predictable so far. Disappointing since it has a high rating. tl;dr. It's an ok novel but very predictable so far. That said, it's still better than most "highly rated" trash on this site.

    Reincarnated as Napoleon
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • Tom_The_Tom

    Review at Ch 1000+ (also dropped) It honestly started out great but it became stale as the story progressed. The characters are unique and comedic but are so 1 dimensional. This applies for both side characters,MCs, and villains. They have minor developments here and there but nothing really exciting. The plot devices used by the author are so repetitive that it becomes stale. As another reviewer stated, the application of Chekov’s Gun principle (foreshadowing) is so blatant and repetitive that it ruins the story.

    Death... and me
    Fantasy · Suiyan
  • Tom_The_Tom

    Man this “mini-arc” is okay but is getting a bit too long for me.

    Ch 954 Molding Earth
    Realm of Myths and Legends
    Games · DaoistZenFeng
  • Tom_The_Tom

    One of those rare perfect novels for me. Amazing story. Great ups and downs with a captivating story. Pop culture references are plenty and are parodied in a very funny manner. Side note: It seems as if Aiden Silvereye is the one writing this novel. Lol

    Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood
    Fantasy · DreamThree
  • Tom_The_Tom

    It’s an ok novel. Atleast better than most in this platform. Reviewed at ch 200 Personal Score - 7/10 MC - vagrant cultivator turned serious loyal soldier. His past life is only significant at the start and with regard to his combat/survival skills. He’s still OP though with edgy/cringe-y moments. Side Characters - generally bland and predictable but inoffensive. They’re not really vital to the story as almost everything is dependent on the intervention of the MC. Romance - it’s cute but it was too abrupt and became predictable. MC also suddenly had a goofy personality when it did happen which is kinda weird given the prior chapters leading to that. But he then switches to a cold and uptight personality at will. World Building - the world is grand, vast, and curiousity inducing. Mechas are a thing but not really a big part of combat as of yet which is weird because it was the focus at the start. It’s Plot - It’s ok. Nothing ground breaking. Imagine a Starcraft Terran novel but with cultivation levels. One criticism is that the plot is too MC-centric as mentioned earlier. Dropped at 200 because I’m really not a fan of the loyal and uptight soldier trope. Seems too propaganda-ish to me. Also the plot became uninteresting to me as it everthing became a “serve your country” plot. But it’s good though so give it a shot.

    Ace Of Terrans
    Sci-fi · THE_WORDSMITH
  • Tom_The_Tom

    This is one THE BEST novels here. A WHOLE rollercoaster of emotions. Character development is on point. Plot is amazing. Just a couple of typos here abd there but nothing that disrupts the immersion.

    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Tom_The_Tom

    Got some serious whiplash from the story progression but in its entirety, the story is quite surprisingly good. There are some “wait why” moments but the novel doesn’t really take itself that seriously to warrant criticism.

    Picking up Girls With My System
    Fantasy · Ryongul
  • Tom_The_Tom

    It started out…ok. Not bad but also not really amazing. The world generally revoles around the MC and bends to his whims. He’s mostly overpowered at every encounter. Side characters are cliche, predictable and boring. Companions are strong, loyal, poweful, gorgeous and heads over heels for MC. You have the adorable and loyal one (there are two of them actually), the femme fatale, the siscon brother, and the seemingly useless but all powerful elder. Most (if not all) villains just want the world to burn and/or to kill the MC. Usually no deeper revelations. Author names a lot of the minor villains (aka minions) only for them to die in the same chapter they’re named. Fight scenes are mostly uninspired and drawn out for no good reason. There are SOME good ones though. The MC was promising at first. However, somewhere along the chapter 140s (or probably earlier), MC started to have a cringe-y ”I’m cool as eff” vibe which really killed it for me. Tryna look debonair and shiii but failing (for me atleast). World background is interesting atleast so it has that going for it. Tl;dr. It’s meh.

    Leveling Endlessly with the Strongest System!
    Fantasy · Crimson_ink
  • Tom_The_Tom

    Definitely definitely definitely one of the best novels here! It’s feels like I’m actually reading a book from a professional author (though he has his amateur moments). Sure it has its annoying and incongruent moments but generally it’s a great read!

    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Tom_The_Tom

    Dropped at early 4000s I reluctantly forgave the “war arc” due to the fact that everything leading up to that point was great. 9/10 leading up to that point the 2/10 everything after. In retrospect, I should have dropped it before the war arc started because everything kinda crashed after that. The flaws that I’ve been ignoring in the novel became even more apparent. 1. MC being a vain little asshat. ”I can choose to disappear but I expect everyone to welcome me with a party when I come back” 2. The sudden shift away from being a system heavy novel. Which is a bold and interesting move that could have been a great opportunity for character development but was then VERY poorly executed. 3. Gloriana. Maybe she has some magic hypnotizing/addictive pussy juice which Ves bends over 720 degrees for but she’s just batshit crazy. Think Amber Heard mixed with Ted Bundy but x10 crazy. Probably 90% of the reason I’m dropping this novel. Sad really. There’s a deep wish within me that wishes the author would rewrite the story from the war arc… and then add a scene where Gloriana gets shot 827 and a 1/2 times with a shotgun and then dropping whatever’s left of her in a vat hydrochloric acid then launching said vat into a dying star then said star will immediately explode into a beautiful supernova.

    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Tom_The_Tom

    I have VERY mixed feelings with this novel. On one hand I really like how the plot develops and how the MC and the characters around her are developed. Antagonists are sometimes cliche but the way they are dealt with is good writing. Actions scenes are also well described and is generally vivid. World building is very decscriptive and imaginative. Top class 10/10 buuuut there are some caveats. 1. Excessive Tsahknees Nationalism. John Cena ain’t got nothing on this son. We are supreme and everything is the Hapoknees’s fault. But it is a novel from that country so we were bound to have that. No surprises here. Still it’s annoying. 2. Hand Speed. Really? In a HYPER advanced world, they rely on handspeed to operate mechas? They couldn’t figure out a way to automate some processes? In that case, masturbation should be a top class “cultivation method”. Every adolescent boi would be amazing operators given they could withstand the G-forces. (I have to mention though that the requirement of having to withstand G-forces is a great detail.) 3. Annoying AI. He’s one of the primary sources of comedy in the film but sometimes it’s used waaaay to much. Furthermore, he’s useless as an AI a lot of the time. 4. Romance. Despite the first three points, I continued reading the novel because it was still really good despite those. That and the fact that the romance bits don’t really come into focus until ch 900s+ (there were snippets in the earlier chaps). RANT INCOMING. But this male lead though, ooooh boy is he a dislikable character (For me,atleast). Even when he was first introduced, I was like, “He seems like an important character but he seems creepy and fishy. I don’t like it. Please don’t let him be the male lead.” True enough, he was. We have here a class A psycho. ”I love you but I also want to kill you.” I will go against my destiny! I have friends but they’re not really my friends. I don’t trust anybody, except the MC because she is my “equal” but I still want to kill her. Enemies surrendered? Proceeds to massacre them all the same. RANT OVER Tl;dr of point 4. The male lead is like the cringeworthy MC of a cringeworthy “all shall fall beneath my feet/I dictate my own destiny” novel. No harem though, so that’s a plus. I honestly skip/skim ALL of the chapters he’s in. 🤷🏽‍♂️

    It's Not Easy to Be a Man After Travelling to the Future
    Sci-fi · Madam Ru
  • Tom_The_Tom

    Good pacing and decent plot. Better than 90% of cultivation novels out there. MC isn’t an all arrogant hypocrite but it does seem like he’s a little too powerful at convenient times. (i.e. he can arbitrarily increase the cultivation levels of his crew) Villains have depth and aren’t always the “young master” types which is a good thing.

    Realizing This Is A Wuxia World After Cultivating For 300 Years
    Eastern · Sole Cloud Flying Cave
  • Tom_The_Tom

    It started out interesting and good but at this point of the novel (late 300s), the plot route is a little unstable. “Important” characters aren’t that fleshed out and deemed irrevelant as fast as they are introduced to be important. All in all though, it’s an OK read.

    Celestial Era: The Rise of the Full-Time Enhancer
    Fantasy · xlntz
  • Tom_The_Tom

    It’s better than most novels but wouldn’t say it’s amazing. There’s something off with Ren’s personality. It’s like he’s bordering a control-freak edgelord while trying to be a calm, composed, and relatable MC. The dichotomy should be the major personal struggle of the novel but the appeal of it just falls flat. Also if you’re expecting classic Alchemy, then you’d find little of it here. World building could also use a bit more flair as it is lacking and grammar could be better but that’s just a minor issue for me.

    MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist
    Games · MiuNovels
  • Tom_The_Tom

    This is a good story, no doubt. Good pacing, good world building and good characters for the most part. Buuuut you have to understand (or accept) at the onset that our MC is an idiot. He has his smart moments but in the totality of it, he is an idiot. Not that the novel was selling him to be smart in the first place. Some peope would call it his “charm” and contributes to the majority of the comedy of the novel. Comedy which is quite good actually. Brought out a chuckle out of me a couple of times. He makes decisions on a whim and has little to no foresight in most (not all) of his decisions. The novel even acknowledges this. So if you can’t get past that then you’ll have a hard time reading this novel. tl;dr It’s a good and funny novel with a not-so-genius MC. Better than majority “5/5 Star” trash on this platform.

    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Tom_The_Tom

    It’s not bad yet not really that good either. Atleast it’s not 5/5 stars great. It’s like a japanese style written isekai novel (diary like narrationor commentary with slapstick comedy e.g. ”I’m not really a pervert…etc,etc,etc,…you know?! Just joking!!”) but delivers it in a LESS cringe inducing way. Focus on the word “less”, it’s still cringe, just less. Premise is ok and it starts off great but ends up being a majorly slice of life/fluff story around ch late 100s-300s (which is where I stopped), which turns a bit cringe and lackluster but in the end that genre is admittedly not my slice of pie. At some point you can skip entire chapters and still not miss anything important. Power scaling of the MC and his companions is ok and the overlying plot is interesting too. Tl;dr it’s entertaining enough to ”skim” if you don’t have anything else to read.

    Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System
    Fantasy · PancakesWitch
  • Tom_The_Tom

    Last Chapter: “Humans truky are useless” This Chapter’s Title: “Human Usefulness” Lol. I dont know if the irony is intentional.

    Ch 55 Human Usefulness
    RE:BORN Zombie
    Fantasy · Killix_Kreed
  • Tom_The_Tom

    I mean it’s not “that” bad but it definitely isn’t supposed to be rated this highly either. The story is bland and predictable while the characters are equally as generic.

    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Tom_The_Tom

    This is a good read. It’s not a “perfect masterpiece” per se buuuut it’s a breath of fresh air. The MC is smart sometimes then be dense AF next chapter buuut the plot is entertaining enough to read. Tl;dr it’s better than most ”top rated” trash on this platform.

    Reincarnated as an Energy with a System
    Eastern · Snoring_Panda
  • Tom_The_Tom

    Not to sound ungrateful but these dull chapters after the long break if annoying.

    Ch 898 A Hand To Play
    Realm of Myths and Legends
    Games · DaoistZenFeng