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  • ToYourKnight

    Hoping this fanfic will take more of a Saiki K direction.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    MHA: The Sentry
    Anime & Comics · Satus_Null
  • ToYourKnight

    "Hello" those are called quotation marks they are used for speech, quotations or a phrase. ' is used to form possessive nouns, to show an omission of letters (e.g. Genesis' apple) to indicate plurals of letters, numbers and symbols. TLDR - "" is for speech, ' isn't. I say this because using ' makes it very hard to read because they don't stick out near as much in a sentence.

    I blankly looked at the girl in front of me, 'you remember her name, but not mine' my mother sounded painful . 'it's not like that Mom' I said 'um, how can I help you' I looked at her, she was wearing a casual t-shirt and pyjamas. 
    Anime & Comics · The_Zephyrous
  • ToYourKnight
    Replied to Silkerin

    I can see that but it's going to take a while to unlock.

    Also, I laid the seeds (Is that an expression? Idk) for All Might offering Peter OFA! Given how we are in pre-canon right now, All Might's limit is at around 6 hours so he's not gonna be in too much of a hurry to give OFA away.
    MHA : Spider-Man
    Movies · Huvnn
  • ToYourKnight

    How did that make him faster? like he still has to stay inside the circuit and its not like he becomes faster, wouldn't it be more like swimming?

    By literally sinking into the ground at the starting line and popping back up at the end completely naked .
    MHA : Spider-Man
    Movies · Huvnn
  • ToYourKnight
    Replied to Kenny123

    he can its just difficult, the words tend to float and mix but he can read somethings especially if he focuses.

    Percy quickly spent the next hour fully immersed in the book, it seemed most of the translations were wrong or off just a word or too. Like one time they thought Donkey meant Holy. Sure it was a dead language but Percy still found it funny some of the mistakes he found in the book.
    Percy Jackson and the Gaia System
    Movies · UchihaFamily
  • ToYourKnight
    Replied to Poet_man

    Firstly I have not seen an American/British Hollywood fic protagonist. Secondly, why does it matter if it has no influence on the plot its just a thing to note, if it does affect the plot then it's important to know.

    Citizenship: American/British
    Snakes and Ladders (A Hollywood SI/OC)
    Movies · Archonstine
  • ToYourKnight

    I don't know how to feel about that, from what I remember the mirror isn't prophetic which just implies this is what Dumbledore wants.

    "Have a pleasant evening, Harry." Dumbledore watched Harry walk away and turned to the Mirror himself. An image of Harry – cloaked completely in black with yellow eyes wide open – stared lifelessly back at him from the phantom's position slumped on the floor. A phantom Dumbledore was standing over the boy holding a rune cluster that he held to Arianna's chest. Dumbledore started crying as the phantom version of his sister slowly started to breathe again.
    Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path BY Temporal Knight
    Book&Literature · ChaoticPlayer
  • ToYourKnight
    Replied to Shane_Town

    also he can just set up a new universe and jump in that if he doesn't like how it goes.

    'The hell am I saying and doing…I'm destroying cannon…by making Padmé fall in love with me.' I thought to myself while questioning what I was doing getting so close to her.
    TV/Movie world hopping
    TV · Shane_Town
  • ToYourKnight
    Replied to Canine_9_6438

    Happy Dog.

    [Would you like to download the data from this storage device to your Implants internal storage? There is 5 petrabytes available to be used for data storage.] Asked a feminine voice that sounds a lot like the Friday A.I.
    TV/Movie world hopping
    TV · Shane_Town
  • ToYourKnight
    Replied to Avatar_Aang_3443

    Why is that so true?

    'Ya know, I kind of wish…that I could share this with my little brother, but I don't think I can…since usually in fanfictions and other Isekai media revealing shit like this is a death, for both the person with powers and the person or people they tell.' I thought to myself, while my earlier elation dimmed a bit with some depressed feelings, at not being able to share my abilities with my closests family member.
    TV/Movie world hopping
    TV · Shane_Town
  • ToYourKnight

    and Gooseberries?

    The clothes that were dirty even seemed to have been washed by the magic as they now smelled like lilacs.
    TV/Movie world hopping
    TV · Shane_Town
  • ToYourKnight

    Wonder if this would affect GreyMatter?

    'Man, this improved mind thing would have really helped while trying to write my stories.' I thought to myself as I continued to take stock of the changes my body was still going through.
    TV/Movie world hopping
    TV · Shane_Town
  • ToYourKnight
    Replied to Teaalk

    To be fair I feel if he was going to read anyone's mind it should be the guy with unexplained magic covered in scars from battle who is currently in a school.

    "I'm very sorry, Ethan. You must know that many people use magic for nefarious purposes in this world. As the school's principal, I must be responsible for the students, so I attempted to use magic to discern the truth of your story. My intention was not to deceive you," Dumbledore said, standing up and bowing slightly, apologizing for his actions. Observing that Ethan had not lowered his shield, Dumbledore's eyes revealed a hint of weariness.
    Witcher at Hogwarts
    Book&Literature · Dark_Symphony
  • ToYourKnight

    Easiest joke I've ever made

    Izuku marveled at his room. His mom was busy in the kitchen cooking up his favorite food, katsudon, she told him. He didn't remember what katsudon was, or what it tasted like, and he also forgot the last time he ate something that wasn't weed. That said, he was hopeful that the food would make him remember why it was his favorite.
    Souls Hero Academia (Rewrite)
    Anime & Comics · IAmGuavaFruit
  • ToYourKnight
    Replied to Iceling

    I have to imagine he would need to further practice muggle chess as their are probably minor differences between the two chess games, the most obvious being living pieces.

    "My grandfather," Ron explained. "He was the one that gave me the chess set, actually."
    The Legacy of Merlin
    Book&Literature · Jumpin316
  • ToYourKnight

    Would Harry not take his fathers seat as he is now a legal adult in the wizarding world and obviously a Potter.

    It would force them to act now. They couldn't allow Potter to remain on the Wizengamot after this scandal, and many of the protections he had as a member would be gone with it.
    The Legacy of Merlin
    Book&Literature · Jumpin316
  • ToYourKnight

    King Arthurs Sword? If it's made of Goblin Steel (or is it silver?) they would want it back.

    "What do they want?" Harry asked as he went over his meeting with Gringott in his mind, trying to find some clue.
    The Legacy of Merlin
    Book&Literature · Jumpin316
  • ToYourKnight
    "I met a being near the end of my life. There was something otherworldly about them. They showed me a future of death and destruction on a scale, the likes of which I have never seen before."
    The Legacy of Merlin
    Book&Literature · Jumpin316
  • ToYourKnight
    Replied to WeedsNsht

    Could be Arthur, or maybe Both? Probably Just Merlin tho, wonder who Arthur is in this case, he might be many years away after all Merlin is an old wizard to Arthur.

    "We knew each other many times across many lifetimes. You just haven't remembered yet." the woman answered gently.
    The Legacy of Merlin
    Book&Literature · Jumpin316
  • ToYourKnight
    Replied to God_of_hentai

    We will accomplish the greatest theft of all time, come my fellow brits we shall take these cultural artifacts like many before them and many after.

    "It did, if I remember right, the vault was found in a cave inside Ashdown forest. They moved it to the British Museum some time back," Tom explained.
    The Legacy of Merlin
    Book&Literature · Jumpin316