


I the God of choice has come to choose the fairest writer of them all

2019-12-03 JoinedGlobal



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  • 6BigBoneMeat9
    Replied to DaoistqZxYMH

    Bro he looks like Pitt

    Competent Poseidon
    Anime & Comics · DaoistqZxYMH
  • 6BigBoneMeat9
    The first one I chose was a shark. The ancestor of the Great White. I connected with the shark and transmitted my thoughts and plans to him. Without even thinking about it, the shark agreed to everything I wanted. He didn't even listen to all I had to tell him. No matter the pain, the risks or even death, he would do whatever I wanted. 
    Competent Poseidon
    Anime & Comics · DaoistqZxYMH
  • 6BigBoneMeat9

    And the there the element x that makes the component of the nth metal in it pure form it like have access to a mother box.

    I get to work on reforging my trident. I have to connect my soul with the weapon directly. The material which was used to make the trident was Eighth Metal. A mythical and magically conductive metal that acts as a powerful energy amplifier which can be used to bolster the mental abilities of psychics and us gods. It is strong, but it isn't enough. It would have been destroyed if I hadn't stopped the process. I was turning the trident into its molten state so that I could mix it perfectly with my soul substance and make my very own Zanpakuto. 
    Competent Poseidon
    Anime & Comics · DaoistqZxYMH
  • 6BigBoneMeat9

    Or daisy otherwise known as skye in marvel

    So I start to use another pool of inspiration for this reason. There is one person who uses the power of vibrations or 'quakes' in anime and manga. And that person is the Pirate Edward Newgate or Whitebeard from One Piece. 
    Competent Poseidon
    Anime & Comics · DaoistqZxYMH
  • 6BigBoneMeat9

    This is for the best because his wife who didn’t die and had every opportunity to return stay had a relationship with kang and became a rebel to fight him when this didn’t go how she hoped staying there to fight tho she did think going back things would be different and gone the things she knew but it the fact she had to relationship and end them both when she saw her husband she really loved him but he never truly loved anyone else she did twice and was only willing to leave because they both betrayed her and then it the comic version their relationship was just toxic it always something wrong with them so this is a improvement.

    So now we have two contenders for the title of Wasp running around.
    I Am Doom (Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • 6BigBoneMeat9
    Replied to OMN1CR0N_GAMING


    Because it never made sense to me that Reed, Susan, and Johnny had the ability to control their powers, yet Ben never could. Even though they were all hit by the same cosmic energy/rays. I mean it stands to reason he should be able to, yet never in the comics, television shows, or movies could he.
    I Am Doom (Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • 6BigBoneMeat9
    Replied to liutianlong

    Which comic run was this I like to give it a read to better understand this form?

    [Insert Image of Benjamin Grimm/The Thing Here]
    I Am Doom (Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • 6BigBoneMeat9

    Jean grey is all I have to say

    I did just put in a block. It's not like I got rid of the memory altogether. Maybe one day I'll remove it and he can then just put everything behind him. 
    Dragon Ball: Back in Black
    Anime & Comics · OmniSpectra
  • 6BigBoneMeat9
    Replied to Vesevuis

    I said use properly not that he couldn’t?

    "Choice one: Ignore the crisis of Planet Vegeta and snatch all Tree of Might's fruits. Reward: Spirit Bomb technique."
    Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans
    Anime & Comics · dm95
  • 6BigBoneMeat9
    Replied to Hasimi

    He’s saying he doesn’t trust those days of the month like Friday the 13Th it just one of the bad days of a month for him. Is what he’s trying to explain.

    "That's because a couple of years later, my grandmother died two days later. They are just two days apart. So— it's natural to take some time off. Besides, November is an utterly crap month. I don't like it."
    A Godslayer in a School
    Anime & Comics · Dragon15681
  • 6BigBoneMeat9
    Replied to Surskit2907

    Do sleep or live alone?

    One of the worst sleep paralysis I had was when it started with a little girl's voice mumbling something as it approached step by step until it had reached the side of my bed. I remember how it pressed its hand on my chest, pressing down so hard as if it wanted to crush my torso. At that time, I felt like I was suffocating. Not a fun experience, let me tell you.
    Prince of Nazarick [Overlord]
    Anime & Comics · Draugzel
  • 6BigBoneMeat9
    Apollo Kent took a deep breath as he stood in the center of a large field. He looked at all the tall grass growing around him in the sprawling meadow. He spun around and saw they were no people around him for miles. He took another deep breath and tried to concentrate. His mind was all over the place and he couldn't afford for it to be right now not only because it was the last week of his freshman year of high school but also because there was a lot at stake here. He needed to clear his mind but he was thinking about a lot of things; school, friends and Skye. His first year of high school had been good. Apollo was more popular now, he wasn't a social butterfly but he was no longer the lonely and bullied kid he once was, it helped that he was tall and muscular and that he excelled in basically anything he did. He was basically at the top of all of his classes thanks to his seemingly superhuman intelligence. Apollo had always learnt at an accelerated rate and when combined with his perfect memory and his 'super computer brain' as Chloe called it, it meant that all of his classes were a breeze to him. He had also gotten a reputation of flake and a guy with a major Captain America complex constantly running off to help people but as far as Apollo was concerned it wasn't too bad. If his worst quality was that he was always saving people and involved in heroic incidents he'd take it. Luckily none of his known incidents were that big and could be brushed off as him being the good Samaritan he had been his entire life and the ones that were big he was gone long before anyone even knew what happened. Apollo had no regrets though, he liked saving people, he liked helping them, seeing people happy and feeling safe made him feel complete because he was doing something with his gifts that benefitted the world around him. At school Apollo was a member of the school paper with Chloe and Pete and Coach Quigley was hoping he would play for the Crows and Apollo wanted to even though he knew his Dad deeply disliked the idea of him doing competitive sports like that. His friendships with Chloe and Pete were great as being a part of a small club made them all even closer. Chloe was more inquisitive than anyone he knew and even though it could be too much he knew her heart was usually always in the right place and Pete was steady and chill, he was the guy who was somehow able to know everyone and be friendly with them because nobody could truthfully say a bad or weird thing about him. As for Skye just the thought of her made his hearts race, if he was truthful to himself he had a crush on her since the moment he saw he just didn't know it. She was smart, sarcastic and witty, a little nerdy and feisty but she also the prettiest girl Apollo knew. He had asked her to their end of year dance and was elated to have her say yes. Apollo constantly running off to save people meant that whenever he and her shared a moment he sometimes had to go and he thought she would say no but she hadn't. Apollo was happier than he thought possible when she said yes and he was very excited for the dance, he was hoping to ask her to be his girlfriend there. If everything went to plan, which meant he needed to focus now.
    Marvel : Superman
    Anime & Comics · HarHarMahadev
  • 6BigBoneMeat9

    Doing Mj; is also a good response

    Aria covered her eyes. "Let's just say Daddy and Momma MJ are busy in the act of procreation."
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • 6BigBoneMeat9
    'Great this place is based of off Ancient Rome hope there isn't someone who's going to avenge their dead wife and son' I said to myself.
    A Superman in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mohammed_Jawad
  • 6BigBoneMeat9

    So this is why they need to summon him to the future that air tight plotting right there.

    His mind was made up. He couldn't sit idly by while his friend was banished to an unknown fate. Kade knew he had to act, even if it meant leaving Earth for an indefinite period. He had to bring Bruce home.
    A Superman in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mohammed_Jawad
  • 6BigBoneMeat9

    As someone one who read the I’m little disappointed how this went.

    Reed nodded solemnly. "We've known Bruce for a long time, Kade. He's always been tormented by the Hulk. This was his chance for peace."
    A Superman in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mohammed_Jawad
  • 6BigBoneMeat9

    This line gets used a lot

    As they secured Doom, Reed approached Kade, his expression serious. "Your enhanced abilities made the difference today, Kade. We couldn't have done it without you."
    A Superman in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mohammed_Jawad
  • 6BigBoneMeat9

    Is this marvel or dc

    Kade felt a strange sensation, like being stretched thin across time and space, before being snapped back to his own timeline. His vision cleared, and he found himself hovering over Metropolis. The city was alive with its usual hustle and bustle, oblivious to the horrors he had just witnessed in the future.
    A Superman in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mohammed_Jawad
  • 6BigBoneMeat9

    Just go to casual use his name ok

    Kade smiled, placing a reassuring hand on Spider-Man's shoulder. "We'll get through this, Peter. Together."
    A Superman in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mohammed_Jawad
  • 6BigBoneMeat9


    "It means we're going to make some changes," Tony said
    A Superman in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mohammed_Jawad