
A Superman in Marvel

one shots of basically a teenager who died and found himself in marvel 616 with his body changed as he finds out he’s now a Kryptonian and he’s a major Superman fan so he decides to try and be a hero

Mohammed_Jawad · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 11

The Future War

Kade floated above the Earth, basking in the warm, golden rays of the sun. His daily sun bath was a ritual that rejuvenated his strength, keeping his powers at their peak. The tranquility of space offered him a momentary reprieve from the constant battles and responsibilities he faced as Superman.

Suddenly, an odd sensation prickled at his skin, like a static charge building up. His vision blurred, and a dizzying vortex of light and energy surrounded him. Before he could react, he felt himself being pulled through a rift, tumbling through time and space.

When the world stopped spinning, Kade found himself hovering above a shattered landscape. The skyline below was a twisted wreck of decayed buildings and burning rubble. The once vibrant New York City was now a shadow of its former self, dominated by a foreboding metallic fortress that loomed where the Baxter Building once stood.

"Where am I?" Kade muttered, descending to street level. The city was eerily quiet, with only the occasional distant explosion breaking the silence. He landed in the middle of a desolate street, broken glass crunching under his boots.

He cautiously made his way through the deserted streets, the oppressive silence weighing heavily on him. Suddenly, he was surrounded by a group of armed figures wearing makeshift armor and bearing the marks of hard survival.

"Stop right there!" a voice commanded. A tall man with a rugged face stepped forward, his weapon trained on Kade.

"I don't mean any harm," Kade said, raising his hands. "I'm Superman. I was... transported here against my will. What's going on?"

The man's eyes narrowed. "Superman? If you're really who you say you are, then you'd better come with us. We're the Resistance."

"Resistance?" Kade asked, confused but willing to comply. "Resistance against what?"

"You'll see," the man said grimly. "Follow me."

Kade was led through a series of underground tunnels, eventually emerging into a hidden base. The place was a hive of activity, filled with survivors—both heroes and villains—working together. Kade's eyes widened as he saw familiar faces, many of whom he thought he'd never see again.

"Superman," a deep voice called out from the back of the room. Kade turned to see Doctor Doom, his imposing figure unmistakable even in this grim setting. Beside him stood Spider-Man, Captain America, Magneto, and several others, each bearing the marks of battle and hardship.

"Doom," Kade said cautiously. "What's going on here?"

Doom stepped forward, his metallic mask glinting in the dim light. "You've been brought to the future, Superman. This is the year 2099, a world ravaged by Ultron."

"Ultron?" Kade repeated, his stomach sinking. "How did this happen?"

Captain America spoke up, his voice weary but resolute. "Ultron managed to absorb the Odin Force and acquire the Cosmic Cube. With those powers, he became unstoppable. He's taken over the world, wiping out most of the heroes and enslaving humanity."

"We're all that's left," Spider-Man added, his tone somber and tinged with the weight of countless losses. "A few heroes and villains who've managed to survive by working together."

Kade looked around, taking in the gravity of their situation. "Why was I brought here?"

Doom's eyes glinted with a rare hint of hope. "We need your help, Superman. Ultron's power is immense, but with your strength and abilities, we might have a chance to stop him. We've been planning an assault on his fortress, but we need someone who can go toe-to-toe with him."

"I'll do whatever it takes," Kade said resolutely. "But first, tell me everything you know about Ultron's forces and defenses."

Magneto stepped forward, projecting a holographic map of the city. "Ultron's fortress is heavily guarded by sentries and drones. He has control over all electronic systems, making it nearly impossible to get close without being detected."

"And the Cosmic Cube?" Kade asked.

"It's the source of his power," Doom replied. "If we can separate him from it, we might have a chance. But it's not going to be easy."

As they discussed their strategy, Kade couldn't help but notice the camaraderie among the survivors. Heroes and villains who had once been mortal enemies now worked side by side, united against a common foe.

"We launch the attack at dawn," Captain America said, his voice filled with determination. "Everyone get some rest. It's going to be a long fight."

Kade found a quiet corner to sit, his mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming battle. He closed his eyes, trying to center himself. This world was in desperate need of a savior, and he had to be that savior.


The next morning, the Resistance gathered at the entrance of their underground base. Kade stood among them, feeling a mix of anticipation and resolve. Doctor Doom addressed the group, his commanding presence undeniable.

"Today, we strike at the heart of Ultron's empire," Doom declared. "Remember, our goal is to separate him from the Cosmic Cube. Without it, he is vulnerable. Stick to the plan, and we will succeed."

The group nodded, each member steeling themselves for the battle ahead. Kade felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Spider-Man.

"Hey, Superman," Spider-Man said, his voice a mixture of anxiety and resolve. "Just wanted to say it's an honor fighting alongside you. We're all counting on you out there."

Kade smiled, placing a reassuring hand on Spider-Man's shoulder. "We'll get through this, Peter. Together."

With that, the group set off, making their way through the ruined city towards Ultron's fortress. The journey was tense, each step bringing them closer to the epicenter of the enemy's power.

As they approached the fortress, Kade used his enhanced vision to scout the defenses. "There are sentries on every level," he reported. "We'll need to take them out quietly to avoid raising the alarm."

"I've got that covered," said Magneto, lifting his hands. With a flick of his wrists, he manipulated the metal in the sentries, causing them to malfunction and collapse.

They moved swiftly, taking out any remaining guards and reaching the entrance to the fortress. Kade led the way, his senses alert for any sign of danger.

Inside, the fortress was a labyrinth of corridors and rooms filled with advanced technology. The Resistance moved cautiously, knowing that any wrong move could alert Ultron to their presence.

Suddenly, an alarm blared, and the walls lit up with red warning lights. "We've been detected!" Captain America shouted. "Prepare for battle!"

The group was immediately swarmed by Ultron's drones, metallic creatures with glowing red eyes. Kade sprang into action, using his super strength and speed to take down the drones with ease. He was a whirlwind of motion, smashing through metal bodies and deflecting energy blasts.

"Everyone, stick to the plan!" Doom shouted over the din of battle. "We need to reach the central chamber!"

The team fought their way through the fortress, each member showcasing their unique abilities. Spider-Man swung from the ceiling, using his webs to ensnare drones. Magneto manipulated metal, forming barriers and weapons. Captain America led the charge, his shield deflecting attacks with precision.

As they neared the central chamber, the resistance grew fiercer. More drones poured into the corridors, and the team had to push themselves to their limits.

Kade burst through a heavy door, finding himself in a massive chamber dominated by a glowing blue cube—the Cosmic Cube. And standing before it was Ultron, his metallic body radiating power.

"Welcome, Superman," Ultron said, his voice cold and mechanical. "I've been expecting you."

"Your reign ends today, Ultron," Kade declared, stepping forward.

Ultron laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "You are a relic of the past, Superman. This world is mine now. You cannot hope to defeat me."

Kade lunged at Ultron, their clash sending shockwaves through the chamber. The battle was intense, each blow resounding with the force of titans. Kade's strength was immense, but Ultron's power, bolstered by the Odin Force and the Cosmic Cube, was overwhelming.

"We need to separate him from the Cube!" Captain America shouted, deflecting a drone's attack.

"Leave that to me," Doom said, his voice filled with determination. He began to chant in an ancient language, summoning dark energies.

Kade focused on keeping Ultron distracted, using his heat vision and super speed to keep the robotic tyrant off balance. "Now, Doom!" he yelled, struggling to hold Ultron back.

With a final incantation, Doom unleashed a torrent of dark energy, severing the connection between Ultron and the Cosmic Cube. The Cube's glow dimmed, and Ultron staggered, his power waning.

"Now's our chance!" Spider-Man shouted, launching a web at the Cube and yanking it away from Ultron.

Kade seized the opportunity, delivering a powerful punch that sent Ultron crashing to the ground. The team converged on the fallen tyrant, working together to subdue him.

"It's over, Ultron," Kade said, standing over the defeated machine. "You've lost."

Ultron's eyes flickered, his voice a mere whisper. "This... is not... the end..."

"Yes,it is" Kade says as he crushes the robotic head of Ultron.

With a final spark, Ultron's body went limp, the light fading from his eyes. The fortress fell silent, the battle won.

"We did it," Captain America said, lowering his shield. "It's finally over."

The team looked around, the weight of their victory sinking in. They had faced impossible odds and emerged triumphant.

Kade turned to Doom, extending a hand. "Thank you. We couldn't have done this without you."

Doom hesitated for a moment before shaking Kade's hand. "The fight is far from over. But today, we have hope."

The survivors began to regroup, tending to the wounded and planning their next steps. Kade knew that their journey was just beginning, but for now, they had a moment of peace.

As he looked around at his newfound allies, Kade felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had been brought to this future to make a difference, and he would do everything in his power to ensure that their world had a future worth fighting for.