

2019-10-06 JoinedCanada



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  • Harpreet_Ubhi
    Replied to Adam_Guleed

    Do you know if the grammar gets better? I'm on chapter 186 and I do like the story. But the grammar is horrendous! I'm losing brain cells. Having OCD doesn't help. But I'm struggling through it as I'm also enjoying it. The cultivation aspect is unique and the seals thing is interesting.

    Monster Integration
    Fantasy · AnWan
  • Harpreet_Ubhi
    Replied to MortalAsura

    How far did u read? Do you know if the grammar gets better? I'm on chapter 186 and I do like the story. But the grammar is horrendous! I'm losing brain cells. Having OCD doesn't help. But I'm struggling through it as I'm also enjoying it. The cultivation aspect is unique and the seals thing is interesting.

    Monster Integration
    Fantasy · AnWan
  • Harpreet_Ubhi

    So From what I'm seeing here, it's 12 stages under Knight, then 12 more under Lord...etc. 3 for each stage. So 'Knight - 1 Low Private Stage' is the lowest stage of a Knight and the highest is 'Knight - 12 High Marshall Stage'. Then an evolution to 'Lord - 1 Low Private Stage' I'm assuming. A bit of a spoiler here but chapter 11 mentions his idol being an evolver. This got me thinking of Super Gene(Alt Name: Super God Gene) for some reason lol. I can't wait for Super Gene 2. The grammar sucks and it almost feels like I'm reading machine translation, but I'm liking the story and have heard that it gets really good around 900+ or 1300+ or something. Which is similar to Super Gene when he enters the Geno Universe.

    Evolution Stages
    Monster Integration
    Fantasy · AnWan
  • Harpreet_Ubhi

    Hmmm Big... Black... Hmmm...

    There is a big stage with a big black stone tile in the center of it. It is called the Enlightenment stone, it reduces the chances of failure of bonding to nearly zero.
    Monster Integration
    Fantasy · AnWan
  • Harpreet_Ubhi

    So, I know it's a bit late but, I just finished reading LoHP and saw that the reviews for this were really good while the other book "Uncle-Master, Please Help Us" was rated very very bad. Why did this one get dropped if it was as good as the other reviews are saying it is? I didn't read it yet so I'll just give it a 5 star lol.

    Notebook of Fortune
    Eastern · Heng Sao Tian Ya
  • Harpreet_Ubhi

    I wish the author showed the increase from the last updated stats. So something like this: [Agility: 13 -> 16].

    [Agility: 16]
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi

    I'm a little confused. I thought dungeon break already somewhat happened cz of the calamity beasts being to close to the dungeon. Or did I read it wrong?

    First, it was an open field dungeon, so it had no lairs. Second, it was mostly unranked monsters that Arthur could take on. And third, the boss hasn't been killed yet to avoid a far stronger monster emerging from the gate. So it was sufficient that they keep on clearing the minions for now, as that would keep the monsters on track and avoid a dungeon break.
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi

    uk what this reminds me of? If anyone has ever read My Vampire System and the MC watching Eno's memories with him living his life for a whole year and basically adopting how Eno walks and talks and acts. Like I feel like this will become something like that. If uk what I'm talking about lmk.

    The dream he just saw, where he was Jizo himself, made his heart shatter a million times. He knew what happened even if he didn't see it. He knew it by the aching in his heart. They died.
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi
    Replied to Kage_n0_Ou

    Not only that but the knowledge he gets from learning how to make the runes could be taken, and he could become a puppet under mind control too. Also, I'm pretty sure legacies can be stolen too, as you can just kill him after finding out how he got it.

    He didn't want to deal with the aftermaths of people discovering his Legacy currently, as he was powerless. Therefore, for now, he decided to stay low-key until he can work his way up and grow stronger.
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi
    Replied to Cridole

    Lol ur right. XD I didn't really think about it but it actually makes sense.

    "Your test results would be released in 24 hours along with your Awakener ID if you pass. Please read the clauses carefully before signing the contract so that you can have a better image of your privileges and your restrictions. Violations would be severely punished."
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi
    Replied to vexed

    XDDDD The way someone people's brains just pick that up is insane. Or maybe I'm just so used to people writing incorrectly that my brain automatically corrects it.

    After walking for a few minutes, Arthur entered a small hall with a Testing Area 3 label. He found it to be half full, so it was easy for him to find a place to sit. He couldn't see anyone too eye-catching as he looked around, but there was this one kid with glassed, gesturing with his hands as if he was holding a ball. Arthur guessed it probably had something to do with his ability.
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi

    Don't know why, kinda reminded me of a robot-style theme. Like Detroit Become Human or something

    "Welcome, Mr. Arthur Silvera. Your batch is waiting in testing area number 3, please take a left from there and keep heading straight. You won't miss it." It seemed she recognized him from the photo in his application as she didn't ask for an ID. Arthur thanked her before following her instructions.
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi
    Replied to That_1_Dude

    True, but I'm assuming it's somewhat organized, similar to back to the future.

    That was the reason Arthur was filled with awe by the magnificence of the skyscraper he witnessed. Runes glowed on its floors as flying mounts and private jets flew in and out of its ports. The security check was also controlled by runes, so there was only a small number of guards, although they looked elite. 
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi

    Ik someone mentioned this before, but the name just irks me. Like I can't read it straight without stopping.

    "Rookies?" Arthur furrowed his brows, showing a façade of displeasure. Although it was true that he recently awakened, he didn't like that Si was analyzing him.
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi
    Replied to Ryantrix

    I'm legit enjoying the comments more than the story. It's like I'm here to read them instead XD

    "Scouting." Si gave a thin smile as he lit another cigarette before tapping twice on the ashtray with the cigarette. "I'm looking for talented individuals."
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi
    Replied to

    LOL I'M DYING XDDD These comments are jokes

    "Scouting." Si gave a thin smile as he lit another cigarette before tapping twice on the ashtray with the cigarette. "I'm looking for talented individuals."
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi
    Replied to Harpreet_Ubhi

    Forgot to add, what about food or drink station or just a bunch of ppl chillin? xD

    Arthur found a couch and laid down there to rest. He checked the time, and it was 1:02 PM. He still had some time to rest, so he set the alarm for an hour and slept. Although it was an arcade, it was usually quiet because most people were inside the virtual reality games.
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi
    Replied to aman_salarpuria

    Or maybe that's it? Like his limit increases instead. Like instead of 10 it's 20 minutes?

    He felt quite tired as he drained his mana, but he was still stronger than usual as the runes remained active. It seems he could apply two runes at the same time now, with his mana reaching 2.
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi

    SAO vibes?

    He felt his head touch the seat's headrest, which had inscribed runes to allow his consciousness to enter the virtual game. He scanned his card with the machine by the armrest and felt the runes energy tickle the back of his head. On the screen in front of him, there was a countdown. Arthur rested his eyes and allowed his consciousness to be transported into the game.
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy
  • Harpreet_Ubhi

    So uh, was this the first time they mentioned his father?

    He wasn't worried about passing the test. He was sure that he would pass the first test. Unless the scanning arrays were broken, him being an awakener was undisputable. What worried him was his Legacy. He didn't know if the Union would register his ability as Rune Wordsmith or they would discover his Legacy. Either way, he felt like he couldn't trust the Union. Not after what happened to his father years ago.
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasy · MellowGuy