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  • 3mth
    Replied to Fat_dumbassboy

    First off, not all his expirements use clones I’m specifically referring to the kidnapped kids. Second, even evil people can have “codes” that’s what can make them interesting at times. Third, not everyone has the same moral compass but most people would draw a line at kidnapping and potentially torturing and killing kids even in the name of science/magic. However, my problem wasn’t any of those my problem is his internalization of willful ignorance where he tells Bellatrix that if she needs to do more to get better results to do it but to spare him the details. This isn’t the first example of the MC being a “bitch boy” but it is one of the most obvious ones.

    Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard
    Book&Literature · LazySageDao
  • 3mth

    I almost died of cringe from this one. The author keeps insisting through the MCs own words that he is a Neutral character neither evil nor good 🙄🙄 and that the emotional anchor of his family is keeping him centered. Except most people would probably agree that human experimentation crosses that line to evil and having someone else do it for you since you don’t want to be evil is almost worse. Now I could stand an evil MC but this guy is so unaware of who he is that I feel embarrassed for him.

    Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard
    Book&Literature · LazySageDao
  • 4mth

    I might have given this more of a chance but too much annoyance with the double personalities. The Author was trying to be smart here but couldn’t even be consistent as even other characters started referring to the MC as Austin as obvious mistakes.

    Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • 4mth

    You killed the MC who is the typical beta bitch archetype and the main reason I stopped watching anime altogether you deserve 5 stars even if the story is trash.

    KanoKari: A Different Life
    Anime & Comics · Addyctive7
  • 4mth

    Never felt then need to review a novel so fast, but after the whole incest debacle, fuck this author. At this point the author is trying to have his cake and eat it too by appealing to two types of audiences.

    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • 4mth

    Another Novel that leans into the heroes are hypocritical/evil. I’m not sure if it’s a translation issue but if they are that, then guess what they ain’t heroes. Also again with the obvious carrot of “secrets” both by the MC and his dipshit family since apparently people can’t talk anymore and also can’t make an interesting way of keeping said secret instead it’s all prop up the word count ahem I mean drama. Really this has been overdone that it’s downright boring at this point.

    Saga of Atlantis
    Fantasy · Noob6_writer9
  • 6mth

    Screw the author screw the author screw the author

    Fantasy · Dark_knight234
  • 6mth

    It’s an utter disappointment because of the MC. I can stand a weak MC especially at the beginning. Hell I’d embrace that. But this weak will cuck of a character is just gross. Like even after the amazing abilities he has zero confidence in himself.

    Fantasy · PilgrimJagger
  • 7mth

    This display is beyond pathetic he’s still a coward.

    Ch 42 This is not a normal behaviour (1)
    Fantasy · PilgrimJagger
  • 7mth

    Yeah I hope he destroys the hives, but this entire thing is mostly of his own making.

    Ch 289 Joining the Hive Part II
    Interstellar Age
    Sci-fi · Zentmeister
  • 7mth

    He’s starting to become too complacent

    Ch 285 A Hidden Threat
    Interstellar Age
    Sci-fi · Zentmeister
  • 7mth

    Yep too much focus on introducing the Aliens for like the last 3 chapters.

    Ch 324 A Monkey With A Laser Gun
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • 8mth

    Let’s start with the MC a complete and utter Psychopath and Narcissist. Now this in it of itself is fine, but then the author tries to justify this because it because of his family before he reincarnated. Untalented is right except that the MC displays glimpses of Genius that is unexplained in particular with technology. This is because our talentless hack would lose for sure without technology and yet he still sometimes almost loses. On top of that somehow being a Psychopath apparently means being asexual in this novel (not really true but ok). Then there are the motivations characters will do 180s in this novel like there’s no tomorrow. This is obvious with his older brother who goes from painter who wants to be left alone to suddenly willing to kill his father and brother. This comes out of nowhere. I’m getting tired of authors who think Psychopath means an emotionally stunted MC.

    Restart:Untalented Man
    Fantasy · Spartzan
  • 8mth

    And I had high hopes for this novel

    Ch 189 Chapter 189 : Luna is in trouble (Bonus Chapter)
    Brothel Manager : Unexpected Encounter with A Hidden Family Heirloom
    Urban · PeterPan
  • 8mth

    He should have focused his campaign on this.

    Ch 305 Taking an Offensive Approach
    Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • 8mth

    I don’t mind a “good” MC in fact it’s actually refreshing after so many sociopathic, machivellic, and narcissistic Chinese web novel MCs. In fact some of my favorite characters have been good think Luke Skywalker as an example. However, for a decent or great characterization of a “good” leaning character this ain’t it at least not yet. He unfortunately isn’t as willing to kill evil yet despite having suffered first hand the evils of this world. He also hasn’t developed his consistent worldview of good and instead seems to rely on what society says is good or wrong (despite it’s hypocrisy). He’s also a virgin, which I mean come on it’s like you want the guy to be hated. Now moving on from him I still have to point out that yet again we have another MC who has a relative (his sister) have trauma through a rape experience. This is lazy because every single time it’s always trauma for the girls through rape it’s been done and it’s boring. Then there’s the supposed NTR stuff, which so far doesn’t seem like it. He got cheated on and has made no attempts to get back with that girl. There’s a difference between being nice and being a simp learn the difference you incels. I do see potential for this character, but it’s facing uphill battle at this point.

    Blessed by Night
    Fantasy · AnathaShesha
  • 8mth

    Not much can be said anymore. It was passable at first since there wasn’t the usual I’m gonna hide my strength and then face slap with a gotcha moment over and over again. However, for a character that “stood” at the top he’s very stupid and somehow doesn’t realize he’s being played. Even when he realizes he just let’s it go with his Aunt as an example even though he’s brutally murdered others for less. That’s not even getting into his pathetic attempts to “hide” his emotions and then is somehow surprised when they finally overwhelm him like with the death of one of his girls. The last chapter was the last straw because he’s with his CEO betraying him and basically bends his ass over and says fuck me over harder. All because he needs to control his emotions. This all makes me realize the author just wants to attract outrage.

    Reincarnated as the Son of Conglomerate
    Fantasy · mozziexxxx
  • 8mth

    Way too much unnecessary drama these last few chapters and no real progress in the plot.

    Ch 183 The Great Betrayal
    Reincarnated as the Son of Conglomerate
    Fantasy · mozziexxxx
  • 9mth

    This one is hard because I like Napoleon as a historical figure. To start at times the story is a little unreadable because of grammar. For the MC we have someone who reincarnated and was a “smart” engineer. Nothing unique here, but not really a point against him. However, the MC has clearly seen too many anime’s to the point that he trash anime virgin simp. See we have Celia who for all intents and purposes is a Mary Sue and by this I mean that she’s damn near if not perfect. Running a business for her man check, running and participating in spy/assasination network check, and even the goddess that reincarnated the MC says he would have failed without her. She does this all while raising their children btw. To make it worse even he holds her on a pedestal. Now I get loving and respecting your SO. However, the way this MC talks to his wife it’s obvious he has no self respect aka he’s a simp. Then there’s the battles. Even after the timeline has been altered he expects and battles end up being the same battles in history and so he “fixes” the original Napoleon’s mistakes. Even though we can’t be sure it would even be the same battles anymore.

    Reincarnated as Napoleon
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • 9mth

    Starts out good if you’re into harems. However, for a character that is constantly talking about controlling emotions, the guy is not only a hypocrite but can’t even control himself and is completely driven by his emotions. Then there’s the Slice of Life one of the most boring genres in the world. However, the worst thing is the fact that the harem is a non stop pickachu collection. I get harems and their appeal but if all you do is collect more and more then there’s character development.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann