
BNHA: Singularity

Author: Einlion
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 10.2M Views
  • 230 Chs
  • 4.6
    118 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is BNHA: Singularity

Read ‘BNHA: Singularity’ Online for Free, written by the author Einlion, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ROMANCE Fanfiction, REINCARNATION Fan Fiction, R18 Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: MC throws himself on a grenade and gets transmigrated to the world of Boku no Hero Academia with a barebones but excepti...


MC throws himself on a grenade and gets transmigrated to the world of Boku no Hero Academia with a barebones but exceptionally powerful System.

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Yes this is a really good author but at the same time he just makes romance boring, he writes it really well but there has to be a balance between the main story and romance. And every single time the romance eventually is just too much and it brings the plot to a halt. It becomes tedious to read. Author I love your novels but please tone down the romance a little.


What else can you say, it’s another Einlion story. This would usually mean an unbearably frustrating MC that seems to appear in most of Ein’s stories. To my surprise, at least as of chapter 39, the protagonist hasn’t made me want to gouge my eyes out unlike the other MC’s Ein has created. The MC who has now been reincarnated? into the world of MHA as Izuku is someone who carries himself with confidence, is obviously more mature; leading to some tasteful flirting with the girls inhabiting the MHA world, and isn’t described as being on the verge of breaking down because of his own overthinking. Doesn’t mean a part of me doesn’t think the latter is inevitable since Einlion loves that for their MC’s. I’d absolutely love to be proven wrong though. As of chapter 38, it seems like this is heading towards a harem. This is good in my opinion, since the girls that have been introduced so far have been given very pleasant personalities and it would be a shame for them to have less “screen time” just to keep it realistic. On that note, there’s something that happened early on in the story between Izuku and Inko that I wish Einlion had at least attempted to follow through with. I wish to hold even a minuscule amount of hope that Einlion won’t take the easy way out and just pawn Inko off to All Might, but I’ve sadly read EPIC, and Mushoku Impact so the hope for a more interesting storyline between the two is all but guaranteed to be dead. (Please, just give me something new, I’ve been disappointed too many times at this point). TLDR: This is the only one of Einlion’s stories that I have been looking forward to enough to check for updates multiple times a day. After reading chapter 39 I lost a lot of that enthusiasm, so I’m just kind of sad right now.


MC is a loser, unfortunately. On several occasions he lets others control him. Actually, others control him most of the entire fanfic, if I’m being honest. I personally think it’s pretty pathetic.


Let me start by mentioning that I am biased against this type of character. I think everything Ein writes is in the top percent of fanfiction, but it feels like once you've read one MC of his you've kind of read them all. This is another story of his where I genuinely think that it might be better without all the female interaction because it's honestly kind of grating. I have a lot to say about the MC's but there's far more to his stories than that so I'll drop it. The premise is quite good. A barebones system kind of deal, and frankly I am biased in FAVOR of these types. Story seems a little slow but that's pretty standard for Ein. The quality makes up for it. This MC isn't a retard though. He's willing to offer trust like an actual person to the people who can and will help him, instead of being a brooding edgelord so that's good. Anyway, my only real problem is with the MC, and I'm heavily biased against characters like his. Give it a shot instead of letting my low rating dissuade you from reading. If you don't agree with what I've said, reply to my review so others can see both sides of things.


it is not truly to my taste but it could be to some i personaly dislike transmigrstion into main dudes from a work in this one the mc is izuku tho it is a nice way to pass time too early to specify more without spoilers


Started strong, but literally every chapter is a lemon now


I'm just writing this review to spill my thoughts. bro, I thought my eyes stopped working when I saw no harem tag but there was harem. I don't know what's the hold up but, (I'm trying to say this in the nicest way possible), you're honestly just wasting people's time. A simple fix would be a tag. Please for future readers add a tag and for my current annoyance please, stop leading people on with a no harem tag when there is harem I don't say this very much or openly but I have a blatant hatred of harem thus this fanfic disappointed me greatly. You may continue writing in peace. Honestly the story wasn't bad before the harem so I'll give you that but, please, just add the tag. I'm going to bed now. I wasted a good bit of time reading this and now it's late and I'm tired. Also add the tag. Peace


The only good thing is the writing, everything else is meaningless. Well, I couldn't read it after fifteen chapters. I don't recommend it, but it's up to you. Read the first ten chapters at least.


Bnha de Einlion, I would read it but knowing the author I imagine that the progression of the plot will be very slow when I give them screen time like all the female cast of the story that will be the MC's harem, if only there were 3 or 4 me I would encourage you to continue the story. Any chance author?


Seriously, why is everyone copying and pasting the same development with this anime? I'm fed up, it's one of my favorite animes. but nothing more than a story copied many times


I don't often write negative reviews. It's even rarer that I respond to negative reviews from others. After all, it's all pretty subjective. But it seems that this time I needed to trust the opinions of other readers. The quality of this author's writing is pretty good, you can't take that away from him. It's a pretty good story if the author would have been more confident. The author seems to be undecided about what he wants out of this story. And the plot changed depending on the readers reaction or the author's mood. This completely disregarded the actions of the characters in the novel or the previous plot. It just changed too drastically. The characters' relationships, the characters' goals, the characters' backstories, the main character's morals, etc. I stopped reading at chapter 67. I don't want to spoiler anything, but the so-called unwarranted "authorial interference" was at its peak there(I guess). As a tip, I can say that the author needs to be more confident in himself and his ideas. If you change YOUR story based on the opinions of others, nothing good will come of it. Good luck.


In a vacuum, the story is fine but if you've read the Author's previous works, you'll realize that they're all pretty much the same person. The story hasn't gotten to the point where there's any real divergence from canon but it's getting there. I just can't get over the MC's personality though after I stopped reading Epic after about 300 chapters a long time ago because I was bored of the MC's bland personality(what the author calls "heartfelt" or "earnest"). This one does have more but to him than Vahn though so here's hoping things get better


The first thing to note the system is truly barebones no worries about it controlling or dictating the MC's life. Given the world setting, you shouldn't have to worry about a harem. It's a gradual growth rather than OP from the start style novel. Additionally you have a mature mentality mc who wants to be a hero but isn't a selfless truly altruistic Anomaly. If you like BNHA and didn't love Deku's personality give this a read.


What can I say aside from the obvious? Einlion once again presenting us a master piece! On a different matter: Because of my tastes, I wonder if the Mc would be able to 'change' the usual monogamous view in relationship of a few girls and get himself some of the amazing women the universe of MHA has to offer.


If you didn’t see the harem tag, the ecchi tag hooked you and you decided to read it, then I regret to say that this is a joke. this is a harem(( [img=recommend][img=faceslap][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]


More of Eins story so you get what you want. That said, the same thing that plagues his other stories (ones that I've read anyways). I've always admired how okayish he writes HUGE harems, but despite his skills, he somehow always ends up doing too much.


I really like the concept of this ff. The starting chapters were great then the focus on romance started getting bigger which I don't like. It's not the author's fault though since the power of harem must have exceeded his imagination. I do hope that the author starts focusing more on the plot than the girls. This is still a nice read through.


The mc is a bit meh for me. he seems a bit too polite that its boring, though, I'm just 26 chaps in so it might change. as for story development, at 26 chaps, nothing really seems to pull me in the story, its just a less sucky izuku start. Even the first fight scene where they were attacked by villains at USJ were a bit meh. will still read it though, the quality is still leagues above the rest, I just hope something changes soon.


Good. I like it. Just too much romance going on. Mc compliments the girls every time they talks, every time. It become boring and forced. Please reduce it in the future chapter


WQ: 5/5 Near perfect, not much to add, my last English class was over a decade ago during freshman year of college, though so take it with a grain of salt... Updates: 5/5 Just look at the update history, hopefully it remains that way Story Development: 5/5 I was initially a bit upset with our main character being Deku-mon but author makes it work out. We get a good progression from middle school and learning about the quirk with him to it progressing, fights and transitioning to UA. I'm also liking some changes like Bakugo's situation... Character Design: 5/5 Like I said earlier, I was a bit upset with Midoriya being the person who's body we're snatching but author makes it work out. I much prefer this personality over the old one, he's not naive and makes good decisions, is socially competent and rational. The other characters feel real and fleshed out so far. World Background: N/A It's MHA


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