


Lover of all Good Stories. "Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle"

2018-09-29 JoinedUnited States



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  • J2theS0
    Replied to Hannah_King10

    Villains have Plot Armor. Like in Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God. For some reason despite him knowing everything and getting crazy strong super-fast, the Villains also for some reason get stronger much fast as well.

    Ch 39 Ambushed Part1
    Re: Evolution Online
    Fantasy · Yolohy
  • J2theS0

    But I want to know the embarrassing memory! No more Yadda yadda yadda. Like the Author didn't say what Immortal he was a son of. I hope it isn't a trend.

    Ch 892 Soul Validity Scroll
    Dual Cultivation
    Eastern · MyLittleBrother
  • J2theS0

    Good chapter but I thought he was trying to stay Low Key? Wouldn't him claiming to be a descendant of Su Yang do the exact opposite?

    Ch 890 Qiang City
    Dual Cultivation
    Eastern · MyLittleBrother
  • J2theS0

    I know it's probably Aria in disguise. But to Bully, Assault, and Ultimately Kill a girl out of Suspicion... well I just can't get behind a MC who does this. /wave

    Ch 69 Chapter 68- Sheep Cornered by the Wolf
    Gods' Impact Online
    Games · NoWoRRyMaN
  • J2theS0
    Replied to Gryz

    Copyrights? Artist's rights? What are those things? :)

    Ch -1 Info
    Pause System: Harem In The Apocalypse
    Fantasy · Renovator
  • J2theS0

    What's up with everybody's flawed logic? You have Nicholas and well the rest of their clan using the backing of Royals to massacre and take over other clans, yet when it is stopped by Yohan, he is the troublemaker? Is something wrong with their brains?

    Ch 211 The dark side of the king
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasy · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • J2theS0

    Enjoying the story, but it is a bit annoying how his partners all of a sudden become weak helpless women. Natasha was strong, now she is like a mouse... Diya well she has always been dependent on him, but I hope this isn't a trend.

    Ch 190 Towards the hundreds poison valley
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasy · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • J2theS0

    It seems half the people they know can already see through cultivation. Not sure how hiding it will help. Especially with his Grandad Freely telling everybody.

    Ch 105 Diya's monsterous growth
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasy · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • J2theS0

    Why would his Grandfather Blab about his secrets to someone else?

    Ch 25 An Experiment
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasy · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • J2theS0

    Poor guy is struck by lightning, and people are yelling a him? Geeshe, what's a guy gotta do to get some sympathy, get hit by truck-kun?

    Ch 1 Reborn in Cultivation World
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasy · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • J2theS0
    Replied to Entyt

    Not so far. He almost gets lucky in the first few chapters...but after that nothing but some light flirting. Unless all the Women get drunk

    Tavern in Another Dimension:Getting the Elf Queen Drunk at the Start
    Fantasy · Eternal Dream
  • J2theS0

    The World and Wine Making is actually pretty interesting. The MC is a little dumb, but he is at least Kind which helps. I'm not sure why the women in this story are so dominant and turn on the MC so frequently, possibly because he is submissive? Yet can you blame him, he is super weak. Of course he later develops wine that gives you stats as you drink it, so I am not sure why he doesn't drink it daily to gain strength /shrug. I think the Author may not know where to go with this story, but it has potential if he figures it out.

    Tavern in Another Dimension:Getting the Elf Queen Drunk at the Start
    Fantasy · Eternal Dream
  • J2theS0

    Did he forget about his dagger? Stabbing it causes them to lose .1% per second. Which is 5000 damage with 0 mana. Or the same he just did summoning the chain for for 10 mana per second.

    Ch 56 Chapter 55- Lord Abomination
    Gods' Impact Online
    Games · NoWoRRyMaN
  • J2theS0

    Since Ten's of 1000's of people playing VR games have died already? Wouldn't People get a clue not to log in?

    Ch 34 Chapter 33- Interesting Conversation
    Gods' Impact Online
    Games · NoWoRRyMaN
  • J2theS0

    Or maybe she is just a Karen? Shay is the Karen in this situation....

    Ch 18 Chapter 17- Shay Ramsay
    Gods' Impact Online
    Games · NoWoRRyMaN
  • J2theS0

    Much better at describing the action this chapter :)

    Ch 10 Chapter 9- Devourer's Touch
    Gods' Impact Online
    Games · NoWoRRyMaN
  • J2theS0

    Good Chapter, but I can't really feel the action. Just one sentence, he killed this wolf, he killed that wolf, he slashed and 4 wolves died. This wolf attacked him. It is very video game attack texts, but not like describing how he attacked, or how they attacked him.

    Ch 9 Chapter 8- Wolf Monarch
    Gods' Impact Online
    Games · NoWoRRyMaN
  • J2theS0

    Hmm if all the players logged into VR games were pulled in and VR games were popular enough to have their own Parlors. Wouldn't their have been like millions worldwide pulled in?

    Ch 3 Chapter 2-Getting Gear
    Gods' Impact Online
    Games · NoWoRRyMaN
  • J2theS0

    *note* When I write reviews I rate stories based on a comparison to other stories in the same Genre. For instance I wouldn't rate a online Chinese Cultivation Web Novel against say an American Science Fiction Published author. The stories are very different and not directly comparable. With that being said this story when compared to other Chinese translated web novels is pretty well done. The story progresses well, the world building while a bit unbelievable at times, is pretty well done overall. True if magic had actually been introduced into a standard Earth type world, countries, cultures, and other aspects of the world would likely have altered in many more ways than portrayed, but it can be forgiven due to its entertainment factor. The magic system itself is pretty straight forward and easy to understand, yet being different enough than most stories to be interesting. The MC Mo fan is also a lot less ruthless on average than most of these web novels. True he is easy to fight and would rather punch things than to negotiate or speak, but he rarely kills if it isn't absolutely necessary or he is protecting one of his companions. At times he is dumb as a box of rocks, but other times he is brilliant, so his aptitude is maybe a bit inconsistent. (for instance one fight he swears that he can't use lighting against opponents in the water as it isn't effective... and insists on using fire magic for some reason... (super smart) then a dozen chapters later he is frying 100's with lightning using waters conductivity to easily beat them (duh)) His worst failing by far however is how he treats women. I hate using broad generalizations (and no this isn't a pun), it seems in Chinese cultivation/web novels either the MC is Asexual (as in only focuses on getting stronger and ignores the 100's of women that seem to love them.) Or alternatively is a Dog and tries to sleep with every pretty girl that walks. Unfortunately Mo Fan is the later. Even after he finally conquered the supposed love of his life... only days later he is trying to randomly hook up with other women and basically only doesn't because he is caught or he fears being caught... not due to any morals or feelings for the Women he supposedly loves. So if you enjoy MC's that respect women... avoid this story. Just like the strong women in this story should avoid him, based on their characters. As Mo Fan just gets more and more of a womanizer the more powerful he becomes. Other than MC's main failings the story is pretty good overall and worth a read.

    Versatile Mage
    Fantasy · Chaos (Fish's Sky)
  • J2theS0

    The characters are drawn well and I like that the MC doesn't just kill first and ask questions later. I'm not sure if it is just the Comic or the story in general, but it does jump around a lot and doesn't give much context as to why All of the people are trying to Kill the MC from the very beginning. They jump from some type of tournament that didn't seem to have much rules, to some wilderness attack, for some reason when I thought they were in a tournament without much explanation. I wish there was a bit more background to go on, though I'm sure it won't matter as much later in the story.

    Conquest of the Demon King
    · iCiyuan