
Review Detail of J2theS0 in Versatile Mage

Review detail


*note* When I write reviews I rate stories based on a comparison to other stories in the same Genre. For instance I wouldn't rate a online Chinese Cultivation Web Novel against say an American Science Fiction Published author. The stories are very different and not directly comparable. With that being said this story when compared to other Chinese translated web novels is pretty well done. The story progresses well, the world building while a bit unbelievable at times, is pretty well done overall. True if magic had actually been introduced into a standard Earth type world, countries, cultures, and other aspects of the world would likely have altered in many more ways than portrayed, but it can be forgiven due to its entertainment factor. The magic system itself is pretty straight forward and easy to understand, yet being different enough than most stories to be interesting. The MC Mo fan is also a lot less ruthless on average than most of these web novels. True he is easy to fight and would rather punch things than to negotiate or speak, but he rarely kills if it isn't absolutely necessary or he is protecting one of his companions. At times he is dumb as a box of rocks, but other times he is brilliant, so his aptitude is maybe a bit inconsistent. (for instance one fight he swears that he can't use lighting against opponents in the water as it isn't effective... and insists on using fire magic for some reason... (super smart) then a dozen chapters later he is frying 100's with lightning using waters conductivity to easily beat them (duh)) His worst failing by far however is how he treats women. I hate using broad generalizations (and no this isn't a pun), it seems in Chinese cultivation/web novels either the MC is Asexual (as in only focuses on getting stronger and ignores the 100's of women that seem to love them.) Or alternatively is a Dog and tries to sleep with every pretty girl that walks. Unfortunately Mo Fan is the later. Even after he finally conquered the supposed love of his life... only days later he is trying to randomly hook up with other women and basically only doesn't because he is caught or he fears being caught... not due to any morals or feelings for the Women he supposedly loves. So if you enjoy MC's that respect women... avoid this story. Just like the strong women in this story should avoid him, based on their characters. As Mo Fan just gets more and more of a womanizer the more powerful he becomes. Other than MC's main failings the story is pretty good overall and worth a read.

Versatile Mage

Chaos (Fish's Sky)

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