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  • L_Arc
    Replied to _ARPE_

    Thank you! I probably will.

    Ch 19 Chapter #19
    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to SetoKaiba

    Not really. A lot of things he could do were not done because the story is about Harry Potter. Not A.P.W.B.D Most of the things you think he can do are just fanon, unconfirmed by canon facts in any way or form. Even his political power was taken away by the ministry in a span of months. Like wow. So MUCH Power?!

    Ch 1 Chapter #1
    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to SetoKaiba

    I am aware of the Harry Potter fanon. The amusing... exaggerations...

    Ch 1 Chapter #1
    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to Int_Ink

    Yeah, I wrote it a while back. I was a little... immature. Was holding a lot of expectations from the guy and he... let them down badly. It is not an excuse but thank you for bringing it to my attention.

    A Tale After Four Lives
    Fantasy · Bethrezhen
  • L_Arc
    Replied to Icy_Flamez

    Yeah... totally get you. We will start going there within 2-3 chapters max. So maybe a week or two but most likely the former.

    Ch 16 Chapter #16
    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to maskhara

    Thanks man! Do give it a review if you like it! -Arceus

    Ch 15 Chapter #15
    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc

    Hello Everyone! I want to apologize first as it seems there won't be a chapter this week. I got bombarded with multiple assignments and will finish the last one by tonight. I have written a quarter of the chapter but it isn't up to my standards so I will simply be posting 2 chapters next week to make up for this. Thank you very much for your understanding and support! -Arceus

    Ch 14 Chapter #14
    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to Ascathony

    Sorry for the late reply. Yeah, I usually update on Sundays and Wednesdays. It depends on how many chapters I intend to upload. If 2 chapters, then 1 release for each day. If only 1 chapter, it varies on the days. Hope that answered the question. -Arceus

    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to Procrastinator11

    Exactly! (*Laughs*)

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    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to nacht

    The Omniscient Reader's P.O.V, The Author's P.O.V... The 3rd Person's P.O.V Take your Pick... (*Laughs*) Thanks for commenting!

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    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to nacht

    Thanks for telling me! About the time... Al Cd? What's that?

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    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to Icy_Flamez

    There is a lot of time before that. Multiple small arcs and all that...

    Ch 12 Chapter #12
    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to nacht

    (*Laughs out loudly*)

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    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to Tatsumaki_Isshin

    I suppose the fanfictions and the novel do provide a pretty bleak vision for their entire society. The males are shown to be: 1. Dumb 2. Powerful 3. Either power hungry or just senile. Examples: A) Harry Potter is shown to be incredibly powerful, sometimes by doing spells that even adults cannot do in their lives yet he has no will to learn anything. Just wants to live a normal life. B) Albus Dumbledore is shown to be this incredibly powerful and wise old wizard, the second coming of Merlin, he who destroyed the previous Dark Lord despite him possessing the 'Elder Wand'. But he takes zero initiative in the Main books and this is probably the main reason why people hate him so much. He talks and speaks like normal but most of his actions according to his own experiences and personality are just blatant Out of Character Moments. The author, Rowling, absolutely butchered his character. C) Both Dumbledore and Riddle are shown to be power hungry but while Dumbledore outgrows this to become a senile old man thanks to the author, Voldemort is just straight up batshit crazy. . The females are shown to be: 1. Intelligent and Stupid 2. Weak 3. Useless in actual fights Examples: A) Minerva McGonagall is probably the stupidest character ever written. I would have this woman fired in a single day for the sheer level of neglect she has for her students. The students were getting bloody tortured and bullied, mentally and emotionally destroyed by a certain Professor and she does nothing. In fact, in most books she actively sabotages them inactively. B) Hermione Granger is probably the worst Mary-sue in the history of Mary-sues. She... is shown to be so learnt and so smart but so weak. Emphasis on weak by the way. The only reason she existed was because the males were all apparently braindead and just thinking about it makes me grieve. She had such high potential in the first 2 books but then they made her this weird girl who is used as a plot device whenever Harry turns out to be so stupid. His parents would be proud... nice joke. His Mother, Lily, the smartest witch of her age would probably kill herself again if she could see how passive he turned out to be. Like zero character development. C) The Toad. Dolores Umbridge, you know this character had more depth than all the other Slytherins introduced till that point. A master of craft. Hate her we all might, but you have to admit, she was an actual genius because of what she managed to achieve in a single year. This woman singlehandedly did more damage to the school than Voldemort ever did in his bloody career. Voldemort wishes he could do this much damage to the school. . As you can see, I personally see many faults in all the characters but most of them, I simply attribute to the Author. I went through their histories and personalities and all the characters other than the 'Golden Trio' were just names that did what Rowling wanted at the time. Which, completely understandable. She had to write a novel and I enjoyed the series as well but now, I just see how badly they were written as characters so I simply write them how I think they should behave if their provided history is accurate. . Sorry for the long rant by the way, I am really passionate about my novel and even the thought of my characters being compared to the canon ones sends me into a deep spiral. (*Laughs*)

    Ch 2 Chapter #2
    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to Tatsumaki_Isshin

    Translator says: 'I see ... But anyway you're doing a great job I usually don't like the female protagonist but I liked this very charismatic one I really hope for her😄' . Thanks a lot! Don't worry too much about it! There are 2 Main Characters or MCs and we will be following them both. And aww bro. You are making me blush with the praise of my female character. I actually researched how normal people think and then searched how logical people think and then how normal males and females think. It all added up to create my 2 Main Characters. I am glad that you like her! Let me know what you think of Albus when the latest chapter uploads. It is due in 5-8 hours today! I look forward to your comment if you can comment!

    Ch 1 Chapter #1
    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to Tatsumaki_Isshin

    I used the google translator: 'The confidence that the wizarding world has in women is impressive kkkkkkk (without wanting to offend, of course just commenting that I'm a little paranoid I don't trust people very much 😓 I don't trust men imagine women gender equality in their 100%)' . Apologies. I have no idea what you mean. Look, all human beings are equal but some are simply more equal than others. The only problem with a few people is that they keep crying about inequality which is what actually led to them being looked down. The Wizarding World has a history of both strong males and females. While their are some issues in ancient families, in the eyes of the Law, they are equal in the wizarding world. I don't really know how far you have read but I do explain many things in further chapters.

    Ch 2 Chapter #2
    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to Tatsumaki_Isshin

    Apologies. I used the google translator to translate from Portuguese to English... This is what I got: 'The fanfic has a somewhat traveled theory but Dumbledore arrives in such a position of power he is not a flower that can be smelled.' . Yeah. I agree that he has made some questionable decisions but I really don't have much against him. It depends on a person's perspective. For example, if you want someone to make decisions that benefit the entire wizarding community, Canon Dumbledore would be your guy. He and Merlin from FGO are quite similar in that regards. But that is besides the point. Between him and Voldemort, any sane human being would choose him. . Besides, he really isn't Dumbledore. It is not a spoiler but simple facts but Albus is a SI like Eleanor.

    Ch 1 Chapter #1
    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to MistofOblivion

    No, I mean as in the concept itself. The alignment of a core is completely different. Apply fictional cultivation-eque understanding.

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    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to MistofOblivion

    I did not think much of it but that is prolly cuz I know exactly where this is going. (*Laughs*) (..........Foreshadowing background noises intensify.........)

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    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc
  • L_Arc
    Replied to MaxAkki


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    Journey to Ascendance [Eventual Multi-Universes]
    Book&Literature · L_Arc