
Chapter #1

Eleanor Riddle

A deceptively young man stepped inside the room allotted to a girl named Eleanor Riddle. He introduced himself.

"Good Morning Young Lady. I am Albus Dumbledore, a professor from an institute that caters to some very gifted people."

The girl who was barely 11 opened her eyes wide in shock but within moments schooled her features and began cautiously glaring at him. Albus smiled in amusement but before he began asking her some leading questions, he sat down in front of her and held a small conversation with her.

Eleanor asked, "Are you a Doctor?" He replied with, "No. I am a professor as I mentioned earlier."

"Then why did she let you in to meet me." [Eleanor]

"Let us just say that I can be very persuasive." [Albus]

She was starting to radiate her magic like a beacon and soon the professor had to reveal to her that she was a witch.

"Hogwarts is a School of Magic. It is one of the best 'schools' in the world. Tell me young Eleanor; you can do things can't you? … Things that other people can't."

"I can move objects without touching them." She began speaking in a manner reminiscent of someone who has practiced repeating those phrases countless times before. "I can make animals do what I want, without training them." "I can make-."

"Yes, exactly… I am different as well." [Albus]

"… Prove it." [Eleanor]

The wardrobe in the room lighted up in flames and all the furniture in the room began lifting upwards. Including what they were sitting on. Eleanor stared in slight glee and shock as if something incredible was happening.

The man began speaking again.

"It seems that you have kept your spoils of the 'battles' you have fought. I commend you for your self-preservation as you not only defended yourself from those that were abusing you but also thrived in a semi-hostile environment. I cannot pretend to understand exactly what you have been through in this orphanage but such behavior, stealing and hurting other children, is not tolerated at Hogwarts.

No one will abuse you or hurt you in any way from now on and you will be safe from all… this, I promise."

The young girl had wet eyes as he finished speaking and the professor gave her a few moments to calm herself before he continued.

"Now that you have been officially identified as a Magical child, you will be moved into the Magical Orphanage for wizarding children in Godric's Hollow. The headmaster and I will be your magical guardians and will sponsor your education until you finish your NEWTs which are your final exams with a degree in school. In case you wish to study more, you will serve 2 years as an Assistant Professor under your chosen field/s. However, that is enough for now; further details will be communicated to all students during your 3rd and 5th years. Now, as I will pay for all your supplies and anything extra that you require, still do you wish to take anything with you from here or can we leave now to your new home?"

Eleanor's now blank face expressed all her shock and surprise before she thought for a few moments and then stared at him. Finally, she had come to a decision and spoke, her voice filled with emotion: "Leave… now." He passed her his hand to hold and when she did, he gently held it and smiled warmly at her and within moments, a sound like glass breaking sounded and the room was empty.

Within 2 days, the ministry of magic removed all documents concerning Eleanor Riddle from the Mundane Orphanage. She was transferred to another orphanage, which is everything the records displayed.


Eleanor P.O.V,

My name is Eleanor Riddle. I have understood that I am the Tom Marvolo Riddle, Voldemort, of this universe. However, this is not my first life. I remember a completely different life that was in the 21st Century in another world where Magic was a fictional idea and this character was a made up one by another woman.

I lived on to the ripe age of 20 and died due to COVID-19. I was an orphan in my previous life as well so I didn't miss much other than my friends, who I gradually stopped caring for after 10 grueling years in this stupid orphanage. I was bullied, abused and regarded with suspicion only because all the other children were jealous of me and my maturity.

They would steal my stuff and then blame their mistakes on me while I would be completely innocent. I held my silence for 6 years but then I snapped and my 'magic' reacted for the 1st time and blew them away. They were slightly pushed back and fell while I felt something slowly drain from my body.

That was when I first recognized that I had magic. It had unlocked now and I could always faintly feel it from then on. I used it to distract myself and do stuff that I always imagined I could do with magic. Especially this verse, mind reading especially. I always wanted to know how other people thought of me. Before I knew it, the matron started treating me with suspicion. Another orphan who had a rabbit as a pet would nudge him towards me and the rabbit would jump on me and even try to bite me sometimes. I had to kill it to protect myself.

The more magic I used, the more tired I would get but I noticed over a time span of months that my magic was getting 'denser' and more in quantity. Was this a cultivation kind of magical world? I wanted to know more, learn more and discover all there is to know about magic. I wanted to see what the truth was but this wasn't some sort of nonsensical world in which I would yell out any free house elves that want to bond and then take over some gangs and buy more and make them fanatical and oh Lord… that was such nonsense. I know because I tried. I even tried something like "Any Slytherin Elves?" which needless to say is a mortifying memory. I cannot wait to bury this as deep as possible into my mind.

The longer I waited for the Hogwarts letter, the more I started to dislike Dumbledore as a person.

This was ridiculous, I had barely met a person and I started to harbor hate for him in my heart. I wasn't a good person; I knew this as I never did anything like giving charity or so on. I only cared for my friends and those I personally knew. I would help them without any reason because that was selfish of me and because their happiness meant my happiness indirectly.

I had become 11 years of age when a young Adult came into my room with the matron. He smiled at me warmly and I felt something foreign wrap around me that immediately soothed me. It was foreign and I became very cautious of him.

He was a wizard. He had white hair that came till his shoulders and gave him a very regal appearance. His blue eyes glowed dimly and twinkled at me with amusement. I had long black hair and eyes that would switch from blue to red when I got mad. I looked like a cute kid and would grow up to be quite beautiful, I hoped. I was quite beautiful in my previous life.

He introduced himself as Albus Dumbledore. WHAT! I immediately wanted to scream at him to not lie before I caught myself. I was a girl but Tom Riddle was a boy. So maybe this was an alternate universe. I also wasn't supposed to know who he was so I had to ask him a few stupid but logical questions that would make sense to him. I was a very intelligent person, which is very helpful. While he entertained me, he indirectly implied that he used his magic on the matron and possibly even read her mind, I was immediately threatened and my magic began to slip through my control.

I am not going to lie… I had read too many of the manipulative Dumbledore fanfictions that everyone is so fond of. This is happening to almost every fandom there is. The reader make up illogical conjectures that makes the old, wise, and strong person out to be a manipulative man who wants to rule over the world or has some other agenda with regards to the main characters. I had even read one in which as soon as Dumbledore found out that Tom could talk to snakes, he cast a mind controlling spell on him so that he could gain more fame… wow… talk about out of character and so much bullshit that a person would die of cringe.

He noticed my magic becoming volatile and I felt the foreign presence surrounding me give off a calming feel that made me more in control. He directly revealed himself and Hogwarts soon after. He asked me what I could do and I was a bit excited on the inside as I had practiced those lines before. But before I could go on ahead and finish even half of them, he interrupted me and said he was different as well.

I asked him to prove himself and expected him to light the wardrobe on fire which he did but he also moved all the furniture in the room upwards. Including the one we were sitting on. HOW COOL IS THAT!!! And this was all WITHOUT a wand. OMG!!! I am fangirling so hard right now is what a detached portion of my mind thought. Outside I was as cool as a cucumber.

Then he began speaking about the stuff I took from the children as revenge and yes, it was petty. I know that they are just dumb children but every action has consequences and this was theirs. I winced on the inside as I anticipated his reprimanding of my actions in regards to them but he blew all my expectations by commending my self-preservation and my actions. He wasn't wrong and this was a hostile environment.

His magic around me gave off the emotions (safe-safe-soothing-kind) and I for the 1st time realized how stressed I was. I was slightly relaxing and noticed how tensed my shoulders were and I never even noticed. I wanted to reign in my emotions but then he promised that I would be safe from now on and his magic immediately reacted. This was a magical vow, the world was telling me this and my eyes became suspiciously wet. Weird… did the water from the kitchen pipes leak again?

He gave me a few moments to dry my face with a cloth and then began about the education system. I had noticed the emphasis on School he put so it seems that they did sponsor higher education but we had to work for the school to pay back some of our dues or maybe to lighten their burden? I had taught before privately, my neighbors had a son who broke his leg in a silly game so when they were searching for a tutor, I decided to offer my services. (Teaching is hell on earth.)

He told me about a magical orphanage for wizarding children in Godric's Hollow, which is where Harry Potter's parents died and where he has a cottage as well. He said that I had been identified as a witch… so the quill that writes the students name is what the ministry has as well. I wouldn't be here if I was recognized earlier…

He asked me if I wanted to take something with me from here or whether I wanted to directly leave. I had nothing. No personal belongings, not even some silly toy, no memory that I wanted to preserve. Now that I was being offered a clear path out, I wanted to immediately take it and leave this hell hole.

I did not want to spend a single extra second here anymore. Even my memories of discovering magic and training it seemed to be getting tainted by this place. I forced myself to calm down and thought about anything I needed to do but...

I came up blank. I wasn't some budding psychopath that wanted to take over the world. I just wanted to live a good life, have a bunch of supportive friends and maybe have parental figures.

I wanted to also know all there was about magic and if I could, travel around this vast universe and see if any other existed. Maybe see the DC and Marvel Universe if they existed and I could find a way to travel to them. I would love to meet my heroes and see them in the flesh.

My mind was a mixture of different thoughts and emotions as I considered what I had done till now other than train my magic. I had attended basic education they gave but I was way more advanced than the level they offered. I looked at Albus Dumbledore and examined him openly for a moment. He seemed like a smart and wise person, the white hair added to his intelligence and his presence itself seemed magnetic.

His magic did not (could not) lie. I had learned a long time ago, 3 years before, that I could not fake intentions with magic. He promised to protect me and keep me safe. No one man can be perfect but he had good intentions, I could sense the magic surrounding me and it gave off protectiveness and warmth. He had good intentions and probably wasn't that bad a person. I mean all my knowledge is based off some crazy old bat that made some very questionable decisions.

I told him I wanted to leave this place, one that had me almost become a psychopath, immediately. He offered me his hand and I slowly held it. I noticed how his magic seemed to get (fond-fond-warmth-protective) of me and as I looked him in the eye, he gave me a warm smile and gently held my hand and within moments, he apparated us to Godric's Hollow.

Chapter End.


I am posting on QQ as well.

The only self-inserts are Albus Dumbledore and Eleanor Riddle.

This is a cultivation world of sorts so life expectancy and general power levels for wizards have been increased but according to my planning, it should not have much of an effect on the Marvel setting.

Incredibly Overpowered MCs so you have been warned...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

L_Arccreators' thoughts
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