
Chapter #15

Albus's P.O.V,

Albus looked at his family in slight worry. He had felt something. It was different and he did not know why it worried him. As if he had lost something but looking at them all in front of him relieved him somewhat.

This didn't mean that he would forget or not investigate this feeling later. He had learned to rely on his instincts. At his level, it was something one had to accept. Not everything had a reason or even logic behind it.

For now, however, he would happily enjoy his time with them. He did not look forward to releasing the M-Tech to the public. While he had certainly created multiple beings whose only purpose was to ensure that the rules were followed, the reaction wouldn't be positive.

He ignored his current state of thoughts as he took off the cloak that Eleanor had passed over to him to try. It wasn't bad but he would still have to add some runes to make it suitable for daily usage. He missed his cloaks… nowadays he was wearing full-sleeves outside which was somewhat annoying.

Eleanor scowled as he handed her the cloak and she promptly added it to the basket he had conjured for clothes they were buying. He was not really suited to the color red. It did not match his eyes, the black was manageable but with red highlights it wouldn't be suitable for public use.

He turned his attention to a delightfully bright colored robe. He didn't bother trying it before adding it to the pile. It was perhaps petty of him but how was he supposed to resist when his Aunt Yao's eyes would twitch at its colors.

It also reminded him of what Dumbledore had been seen wearing occasionally so it would be nice to start working on his old man impression. He looked like a teenager, very young, when he adopted Grace; he aged by over 9 years over time till when Leo and Grace had finally married.

And now his children were back, he would have grey hair in a few years from worrying about them. And Eleanor too… the greatest enigma of all time…

He wonders how old he will look by the time she is 15… probably in his mid-thirties at the very least. That much is at least expected and he would be surprised if it didn't happen and he became even older…

From what he could see and observe, Eleanor had an unconscious preference of dark colors and more accurately red and black. Even then, black was her favorite… was she a Goth-…? He shivered slightly before dismissing his weird imagination and the image that came to his head…

He turned his attention back to Eleanor who was glaring at the colorful robes he had just placed in the pile. If looks could kill or burn… that robe would have burned to cinders a long time ago. He naturally adds another to the pile.

He can acknowledge… if only to himself that he may be somewhat of a troll. But that is neither here nor there.

They walk into another section where dresses lie and this is where Albus decides to play the role of a 'yes man'. The conversation means nothing to him regarding clothes.

"Al! How does this look? Isn't the red color beautiful?!" Eleanor asked him in slight surprise. He thought that it didn't match her eyes well. Blue eyes and a red dress did not contrast properly…

"Are you sure about the red? It doesn't match your eyes." He stated the obvious which prompted her to give him a condescending look. What.

"Al… what do you know about fashion?" Her voice was full of pity and he was slightly offended! His sense of fashion was great! He was naturally about to let her know exactly what he knew.

"Al doesn't know anything! About fashion!" His reply was interrupted by his adorably dressed little one. Ab stepped up next to him, his arms filled with clothes and he promptly made a basket for him to place them all in.

Ab thanked him breathlessly before sitting down, slumping into the conjured arm-chair. He was subjected to another look of pity from him as he finally spoke up as they observed Ariana school Eleanor on his social blunders…

"I hope you haven't gotten used to her absolute adoration of you Al." The innocuous statement made his look at Ab who was smirking. "Everyone has a weakness… yours just lies here."

He could feel his eyes twitch and took a deep breathe to hide that, from the visibly amused look on Ab's face, he hadn't succeeded too well. They both observed Ariana and Eleanor who now seemed to be discussing him animatedly.

Albus was about to give him a dressing down, "I do not have such a-"

He became silent as he felt Eleanor pat his shoulders pityingly. Her wide eyes were filled with it as they looked at him and they seemed to slightly glow but that was just a trick of the light or mind. She was still quite far from the 6th Level.

"It's okay Al! No one can be good at everything!" She finished while flashing him a bright smile tinged with… amusement?! "But that sure does explain your bad taste in fashion!"

Ab laughed at her words lightly before Ariana dragged him towards another section. He looked at Eleanor who was now without any support and she smiled at him innocently and, yes, admittedly she was adorable, but he wasn't fooled. This one was very petty. It was probably revenge for yesterday…

He took a moment to sigh before he smiled patronizingly back at her. "I look good in anything my dear… it is something that we, adults are naturally skilled at."

His face took on a distinctly annoyed expression which was replaced by an amused expression as he looked at her.

Her smile seemed to darken before it brightened, "That is an interesting way to call yourself old Al…" She patted his arms again, "It's okay to be old, old man. We all love you… despite your advanced age."

His eyes twitched as he replied, "I am not old!" His voice was tinged with annoyance. She had successfully gotten under his skin.

"He is not old Aunt Eleanor- You are positively ancient Old Man!" Grace interrupted dramatically as she made her way towards them while Leo seemed to be busy trying to get rid of his blush.

Al slumped slightly. His children were so rude! Eleanor started laughing slightly at him expression when he heard his daughter speak like that.

His daughter started to doll up Eleanor after she looked at the almost empty basket. Her expression was adorable when she saw his collection of clothes and robes. He looked so offended… no wonder people liked to wear this. It must hurt their delicate sensibilities to see such atrocious clothing…

He loved her offended expression. Eleanor seemed to nod at her reaction, pleased with the sanity of his daughter.

He couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled out of his mouth even if he wanted to. They were so amusing and just seeing their reactions to his robes made him laugh. He walked onwards with them both while casually conversing with his son. None of them was interested in making an interesting conversation.

Leo was embarrassed due to Grace and Al would have loved to tease him about that but he was saving it for a future date. He was but one man against a small squad of children. He had four two children and he needed all the blackmail- manipulation tactics- support and material he could get.

He could however distract his son from his embarrassment slightly.

"Tell me sweetheart… what was your plan for tomorrow evening?" [Al]

"Ah, Yes Dad, I was planning on getting a gift for the Gala tomorrow. While we still have a week, better get rid of that obligation now." [Leo]

"Hmm… Eleanor's birthday is on the 31st December. I was planning on getting her something as well." [Al]

"31st-?! Isn't that the day after tomorrow?!" [Leo]

"Yes, yes it is." [Al]

"Why didn't you tell us sooner? How are we supposed to find a meaningful gift on such short notice??" [Leo]

"We can pool our resources together to get her a meaningful gift." [Al]

"That is completely unacc- what? Can you please repeat yourself dad?" [Leo]

"I said we can pool our resources together to find a gift." [Al]

Leo's grin seemed to widen before he said in slight shock, "You- you don't know what to get her do you? Hahaha- oh God... This is ridiculous! I must tell Grace right now!"

Al was now stuck between a rock and a hard place; he had to find a way to make his son change his tune fast. *Gasp* He gasped dramatically before saying in slight faked horror, "My son! My own flesh and blood! A traitor…"

Leo choked on air while laughing as he heard this and he coughed before answering, "I am adopted!"

Al ignored him before dramatically continuing, "I am sorry. I couldn't hear you over the complete and utter betrayal!"

"That offer to immediately apparate to dear Grandpa and Grandma seems really attractive right now. Just a single thought…" [Leo]

Al winced, "Please my heart, my reputation would never recover." Leo just rolled his eyes in amusement.

Al continued bickering with his son all the way as they followed the females. None of them noticed how both of were quiet and just listening to their casual conversation with warm smiles on their faces.

At one point Grace and Eleanor joined in as well, making their conversation go towards uncharted areas and new peaks. He wanted to embarrass them so much but he held himself back as Eleanor was right there and while he knew that she was aware of everything, he still did not want to speak about that in the presence of a minor.

(He really needed to find out why he thought of her as an adult.)

They looked at different clothes and at the behest of Eleanor he consented to modelling for them slightly. His children's reaction to him was natural when he dressed up fabulously. Eleanor's reaction confused and amused him in equal measure.

She blushed slightly before she glared at the suit he was wearing. This one was so adorable. He felt like pinching her cheeks to tease her but he knew for certain she would start cursing him right there and then.

He ended up just laughing lightly at her expressions.

Fortunately, he was able to get a slight idea of her likes and dislikes. He was considering creating for her a specific new tree while keeping it safe for consumption. He wouldn't know the flavor… or maybe he should just create some seeds for tea… that could work… but… maybe later…

For now, he enjoyed spending time with them all even as his daughter started placing innuendo's in every sentence she spoke to Leo. His face had a distinctly expressionless appearance which was surprisingly mirrored by Eleanor as well…

He wasn't particularly surprised that she was aware of what they were talking about… the upper tower of Ravenclaw was filled with Gossip. The girls were crazy between the ages of eleven to fifteen. He was happy she did not spend much time there but elected to just sleep in her private room while spending the day with Ella and him or Ariana and Ab.

How would he know? *cough* He had some interesting mates in school as well as interesting conversations with so many people…

In any case, he had a clear idea of what he could get her. He could finalize his gift tomorrow in the evening… for now Al was content with spending some quality time with them.

He was well aware that when he would introduce the M-Tech, it would become immensely difficult to take some private time off from his official duties as a Lord.

He subtly signaled to Grace to keep Eleanor distracted while signaling Leo to follow him. They had to start preparing for her birthday. They had to find the proper decorations as well as coordinate their gifts for her. Naturally, some cards would have to be sent to her friend, Ella and her family. He looked forward to seeing Henry again.

It was fortunate that they did not need to spend too much time on preparing the decorations due to their magic. He sincerely doubted that they could hide something that momentous for a day.

They both walked through an unending collection of clothing that seemed to drain his energy to stand. Finally after making through a series of brands, they both arrived at a complicated moment between Ab and Ariana. They seemed to be glaring at one another while Ariana was holding an article of clothing in her arms.

Ab seemed to look at it and her disapprovingly and in reproach… he wanted to know what was going on but was not stupid enough to involve himself in one of their small fights.

People said that Ariana and Ab were so close that they never had disagreements. He would beg to differ. They had no idea- no idea at all what his family got up to behind closed doors. And it would stay that way if he had anything to say about it.

He contemplated a simple way to make them aware of his presence there but nothing too overly covert came to his mind. He did not want to become the target of his little one's ire. Ariana was one petty witch… like all the witches he knew…

Something seemed to click in his head as he realized that any woman he had interacted with shared a small character trait… he wondered absently whether this was some curse he was hit with when he wasn't paying attention… he would like a refund if possible…

He eyed his son from the corner of his eyes and Leo was staring at them both in slight wonder and confusion. (His children baffled him in ways he did not think was possible anymore… so much for being a reality bender…)

He observed his son walk towards his impending doom without any hesitation, without fear… he saluted his boy in his heart as he could easily take them without attracting their ire… drinking tea filled with laxatives got old really fast…

He listened in to their private conversation, he was the elder one and he had the authority to do so.

"You are not buying this perverted dress Ariana!" [Ab]

"I don't answer to you Ab! I will wear whatever I want!" [Ariana]

Ab took a deep breath before his eyes narrowed dangerously at her, "You will dress modestly sweetheart. Or else."

Ariana wasn't deterred from his open ended threat, "Or else what? Go on-!"

"Forgive me if I do not wish to see you dressed up as some whore from Knockturn Alley!" [Ab]

Albus winced at his words before slightly cringing as well. His brother had raised an excellent point but he dug his grave in the same sentence. Ab was so screwed… He closely observed Ariana (and as he raised them both), he managed to catch the shock and fury on her face before it reverted back to angry and neutral.

'Oh Ab… little one… please stop while you are still ahead' was the single thought going through his head as he listened to them. Ariana seemed to remain silent with an emotionless face for a moment, a very short one before she fully raised her head to look his directly in the eye…

"And HOW-" She paused slightly to calm herself, "… how would you know that?"

Her eyes were glowing now and he prepared himself to apparate them both home in an instant so they could deal with their issues in private. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn't unaware of the direction they were unconsciously headed towards. He would interfere but it wasn't his place to in this.

Their bloodlines were completely different due to Ariana being blood adopted by Nick and Perry. He and Ab were too old for that by the time they became family… he just didn't want to think about it so he interrupted them.

"Ab! Ariana!" He boomed as he faked an illusion of himself walking towards them from afar. They immediately schooled themselves and he meticulously noted all the differences in their expressions to memorize them. Again… he was just one man against his squad of little ones and children. There was no shame in playing a little dirty…

He approached them and gave them both a tight hug. He wasn't a very touchy person but it had not been too long since Grace and Leo had grown and with Eleanor and her silent, wordless demands for physical affection… he was appreciating it again… only slightly.

They both seemed to put their heads on his shoulders for a few moments before slowly leaning back. He smiled at them again, oblivious of what they were discussing.

He pretended to take a close look at what she had in her hands before he blinked, "Isn't Eleanor too young for such articles? You can't gift this to her!"

It was naturally a big lie but it would accomplish its purpose well. Ariana blinked in confusion before making a small o of horror through her mouth and exclaimed, "What?! No this- It's not for her!"

He feigned confusion because she was truly not wearing that dress, he narrowed his eyes in focus before he said, "well then… who is it for then?"

Ariana seemed to see a losing battle when she was in one and she sulked, "I just picked it up to examine it! I didn't buy it for anyone."

Aberforth looked at her in wonder, which was completely him mocking her… his children little ones were so petty… He laughed slightly at her blush at Ab's face before he continued his acting, "Well… if you are sure…"

Ariana was more than glad to end this now at this moment instead of dragging it out. "Yes! I am sure! Just examination purposes."

"That's great!" He brightly exclaimed before signaling Ab to take it from there. He decided to give them a few moments to converse before turning their attention to Eleanor's gifts and décor.

A few minutes passed and he busied himself with noting down the new types of clothing that were becoming available… he was not happy about some indecent ones and he would make it clear to the public what was and wasn't acceptable in public.

Modesty was a virtue that everyone would observe. He had decreed it.

He could not stop himself from overhearing some of their discussion despite their attempts to hide it. He was Lord Arceus, the man closest to becoming an unstoppable force. Some minor charm that has no mystery behind it wouldn't even work on him. Ariana was using a specialized charm that created the effect of being behind hundreds of solid layers of earth, which he taught her and why he didn't listen to the rest of the conversation

"- you know why!" [Ab]

"*deep breath* this conversation is not over Ab." [Ariana]

"We will speak on it when we reach home." [Ariana]

"Of course." [Ab]

Ab coughed lightly to call his attention to them when a few moments had passed after she had removed the charm. Al joyfully turned his attention to them, acting oblivious about what they were talking about.

If he was going to live in denial about what was happening, then he would be damn good at it! He had raised them both… and----

"So Al… what were you saying about giving Eleanor a gift?" [Ab]

He blinked at them because did no one look at the official documents of Eleanor?! "Yes, a gift for Eleanor."

"A gift for Eleanor." Ab repeated blankly. He calmly nodded his head sagely.

"A gift for what?" Ariana asked him and he mocked huffed, his amusement well hidden behind his smile.

"You tell me." He said it slightly tauntingly, it worked to a great effect.

"To congratulate her for her sorting?" [Ab]

"No." [Al]

"To welcome her to the family?!" [Ariana]

He stared at them silently for a moment before regrettably shaking his head, "No."

"To congratulate her on getting some of the highest known evaluations?" [Ab]

"… are you even trying?! No!" [Al]

Ariana finally snapped, "Then what exactly?!" He blinked at that, slightly pleased before subtly noting how long it took her to snap. Fascinating he noted to himself, it was the same as 3 months ago… a few seconds…

"You all seem to forget… she has yet to celebrate her birthday." [Al]

He happily dropped that bomb on them all before happily starting to hum a tune that he had picked up from her. It was slightly familiar to him for the weirdest reason. As if he had heard it somewhere before… he ignored his train of thoughts as he was brought back to Earth by a frantic Ariana who was now shaking him…

"When is her Birthday?!" [Ariana]

Ab looked just as worried as Ariana for common reasons all logical. It wouldn't be nice for them to forget all about her first birthday with them…

He smiled in wide amusement on the inside while projecting a confused appearance outside, "What are you talking about? Of course it's on the 31st December?"

Ariana seemed to wilt on the spot and almost fell to the ground, Ab immediately hugged her to his own chest while comfortingly rubbing her back and glaring at him for this.

He smiled at him in fake (perfected) surprise and asked, "You both didn't know? I thought Eleanor would tell you?"

Ab seemed to wilt simultaneously with Ariana on the spot. He may or may not have mentioned this before but he was one petty person too. They happily tricked him with Eleanor so many times… and he was itching to get some revenge… he laughed on the inside while projecting a joyful, confused but warm smile at them.

They couldn't even get angry at him for revealing it so late because he directly implied she had told them sometime and they forgot… he could personally admit that he remembered this from his previous life. It was one of those useless facts that he knew…

Naturally he expected them both to go over their memories with her to see if she said anything of the sort tonight. Ariana immediately started fretting about the decorations and invitations to Ella's family.

Ab naturally freaked out immediately about the gift. He had created a small tradition with all of his children family about certain gifts at a certain age. Unfortunately he wasn't allowed to give her that book on puberty either… he felt ominousness when he thought about it…

He laughed and took them all to the general store. Eleanor would be sufficiently distracted by Grace. They had struck up a fast bond and were well on their way to be great (friends?) and have a strong relationship…

They spend the better part of 2 hours searching for meaningful presents, ones that would show that they cared, their attentiveness to her likes and their conversations as well as their decision to include/adopt her as their family.

Albus went home satisfied with Eleanor walking right next to Grace and Grace talking animatedly with her. Eleanor was more subdued but equally attentive in her conversation. It would naturally take some time for Eleanor to completely open up to her or anyone.

He had a wonderful delicious cup of tea before he promptly dragged everyone, his family, to the garden and gave them a quick overview of essential charms you need to survive. These were the bare minimum and he made sure of the fact that they all would learn them. It was his will and his precaution in case anything occurred.

He had not forgotten about that feeling he had in the mall. It was as if he had unknowingly lost someone important. He paid special attention to Eleanor to ensure she got the hang of them but as usual she surprised him when she mastered all of the charms, and transfiguration ideas in moments…

He supposed that it was obvious that simple spells like these that only required intent and will to cast alongside the base ingredients were obviously easy to her. She was exhausted by the end because he was a brutal taskmaster. If he enjoyed their winces as they moved to sleep, he didn't show it… well maybe Eleanor may have noticed it slightly… from her glare…




Albus groggily blinked as his eyes blearily glared at his bright room?! He was about to sit up in surprise if he didn't almost feel the weight of a (the) bird(s) on him. He thought calmly about whom- he sighed in slight amusement, annoyance and fondness.

He didn't bother wondering why his children's familiars were in the same room sleeping on him. It was probably some scheme to ensure they knew when he woke up. They would feel it if he moved or sat up… he could replace himself with a temporary clone but where was the fun in that?

He calmly rubbed their heads while pouring some of his magic soothingly into the bond between the familiars and the bonded. It should clue them to his awareness.

Within moments, everyone seemed to make their way into the room that he was sleeping in. He blinked in annoyance but mostly exasperated fondness and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast with them. At the end of which Grace was lying with her head in his lap with Leo lying with his head on his leg. He remained in that position for almost an hour…

His legs were dead asleep and his lazy children did not seem to want to move. He sighed in exasperation before resolving himself to spend some time with them all. Eleanor was sitting in front of looking at him with a smug smile. He couldn't help the small laugh that managed to make it out of his throat.

He didn't look at their expressions or he would have teared up a little about his current place in this life.

He used his second body to go buy her a proper gift.


---------Switch to Second Body----------


Albus made his way from the Sanctum of the Order… he had to buy a gift for Eleanor. That wasn't the complete reason why he was smiling though.

He could jump up in joy slightly as finally his Aunt Yao had accepted his requests to watch the portal between this universe and the foreign one he would enter.

He had been attempting to go out for years but each time she wasn't willing to spend time watching it. He wouldn't need her to watch it if he could just find the original portal! But alas… it eluded his sight. Now more than ever…

He would finally visit another Universe that wasn't a parallel universe. He could go right now if he wanted to but… he wasn't sure he would be able to return… he had no intention of losing his family so he stayed.

Maybe this would be exactly what he needs to breakthrough or transcend… he anticipated that day eagerly.

Naturally, he was also quite busy putting the final touches on the M-Tech. It had to be advanced enough to work for at least 20 years before he could freely reveal some of the advanced designs. His attempts at regulating Gellert were not working as well as he intended them to…

He had considered taking a direct action but he hadn't heard anything incriminating from within his location. He would ask his followers to keep their eyes peeled and ears to the walls to hear or observe anything.

For now, he finally arrived at the store that could help him create a gift for her. He had gone over and scrapped many ideas but none of them had quite appealed to him as much as the final one.

He had considered a small wish granting device but that was too much power to give to anyone… he had decided on an amulet.

The Amulet itself would be silver with red highlights. It would match much of her theme of goth- he shivered again; he waited in anticipation for the day he could happily say it to her. Naturally… it was a joke but he would happily wait till she was grown up to make it.

It would also serve as storage for multiple drinks, books, enhanced items, generally anything that could not be kept safely in a ring for many reasons. It would only open on her command and it would have things organized and give you a complete awareness of what was within it whenever you accessed it.

He looked forward to presenting her with it tomorrow. He had spent… a great deal of time searching up his books that he had completely memorized and etched into his memories in a specific spot. He looked forward to her learning all about the different types of fields and how they worked.

He hoped she would ignore his comments on some of the pages… he was a young boy back when he had this and had no filter… as well as minor delusions of grandeur… he hoped she would understand they were mostly jokes… somewhat…

He greeted the young man who gave him the decorations warmly, he remembered the boy from being one of the participants of the History club.

"How are you doing my boy?" He was getting a little soft in his age… all of his students nowadays felt like children, especially as his children grew older. He was worried that one day he would look at anyone below 50 years of age and say, "You are too young, barely a child." He seemed to be getting there…

He spend some moments asking him about his life and whether he needed any help, he also used some telepathy to see what he thought… the kid was doing well, he had just taken a part time job for some extra income for his hobbies.

He approved!

He wondered on his way to pick up some of the clothes they had ordered in specific sizes whether or not he should reveal Leo as his Heir…

While he didn't want to admit it, it was somewhat important that he has an heir in the eyes of the world and his followers. Leo… would accept with some convincing but he knew that Leo had little interest in ruling for now… his ambition burned brightly but only for magic at the moment… He was incredibly proud of them both…

He had considered revealing Grace as his Heiress but that was just inviting complicated drama which would result in Leo murdering the first man who approaches her… with Grace blushing bright red, pleased beyond measure while encouraging him to kill them.

Children… what would he do without them… he postponed his decision for Leo's eventual revelation… he could still enjoy his time for some years yet. He could ensure it easily.

He apparated to the manor and carefully placed the gifts in Ab's room while Alerting himself. He rubbed Agrah's head warmly as he slept fitfully in his warm bed that he had specifically created by taking directions from Yao for the natural nest of a Phoenix…

End Chapter.


A/N: I apologize if this took so long. I was very busy with a lot of stuff in RL.

I will keep trying to upload at least 1 chapter a week and occasionally a treat of two.

The next chapter will be uploaded on Wednesday.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

L_Arccreators' thoughts
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