
Zoe Twilight (Donating)

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Holo_Lover · Anime & Comics
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A New Twilight

A / N: As you know, I went back to writing OverLord: Guild Wars. My focus is almost entirely on it. So I will keep my other future fanfics with a word count of just 1000.

You can think of these other fan-fics as experiments.


Inside a hospital room, a twelve-year-old girl was lying on a white bed. In her hand, she held a cell phone horizontally.

"Damn it! Why do I only get trolls on my team?!" She complained as she slammed her cell phone into her lap.

Her name is Rachel. A girl with Progressive Ossifying Fibrodysplasia.

Ossifying Fibrodysplasia is a rare genetic disease that causes bones to form inside muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues. Bridges of "extra" bone develop across the joints, progressively restricting movement. The body not only produces many bones but a whole "extra" skeleton is formed, enveloping the body and trapping the person in a prison of bones.

There is no cure for this genetic disease, and the disease's progress can be spontaneous or accelerated through trauma such as surgery, cuts, and bruises.

Currently, Rachel is unable to move her legs properly, as her leg joints have ossified a lot, making her locomotion difficult, and this will progress until she loses all movement.

The best choice her family had was to put her in a hospital, where she could get medical attention twenty-four hours a day if something happened, as her parents work pretty much around the clock.

Because of her genetic condition, she cannot stay out of the hospital for long, being able to walk around in a wheelchair accompanied by a nurse for only thirty minutes to an hour a day, as even a mosquito bite can speed up the process of ossification in some part of her body.

All she could do, other than watch TV in her hospital room, was play with her cell phone. But she didn't care that much. She was never a social girl.

The game she liked to play the most was League Of Legends.

It was a game that at first, she found interesting and fun, as everything is in the beginning. But over time, the fun turned to victory hunger and toxic competitiveness, and her interest became an addiction.

Of course, that didn't mean she didn't like the game anymore. She loved the Runeterra universe and its characters. There weren't all the characters in the game in the mobile version, but she was always watching competitive games and content from streamers on her phone or TV, so she knew them all.

Her favorite character was Zoe, the Twilight Aspect.

Zoe's childlike and cute design as well as her playful and funny personality made Rachel fall in love with the character at first sight.

She, unfortunately, couldn't play with Zoe, but would always watch gameplay videos with the champion, as well as read the Lores about her.

Heaving a sigh, Rachel takes her cell phone from her lap and sees a red screen and in the middle, the word 'Defeat' is written on it.

Recalling the trolls on her team like the Warwick who bought Rabadon as a first-item at twenty-five minutes, and the Malphite who did a Crit Build, a sour taste runs through her mouth.

"Why do I still play this...?" She muttered to herself.

Exiting the match results screen, she hesitated for a moment, but then clicked again to find another match.

'It doesn't matter if there are trolls. In the next match, I will carry my team with my Teemo ADC!' Rachel thought determinedly. Rachel, however, never thought she might also be the problem with her defeats.

While looking for a new match, a message suddenly appeared on the game screen taking Rachel by surprise.

It was a survey.

"What is this? A survey?"

Rachel raised her eyebrow as she read the content.

[Hello summoner! This is a survey with only one question! Quick question: If you could be any LoL champion, who would you choose to be? And why?]

Rachel didn't think much and wrote: 'If I could, I would be Zoe because I like her very much!' And then she clicked send.

Not caring too much about the sudden survey, she starts the queue to find a new match again.

After a few minutes of waiting, she finds a match.

'Finally! Why is the iron queue taking so long?' She thought a little frustrated.

When she was about to accept the match, however, her consciousness began to waver, and she started to feel sleepy all of a sudden.

'Wait... What... Is it happening...Everything seems to be... spinning...' She thought in confusion.

In the next instant, she couldn't feel her body anymore. All she could do was look around, but even her vision was slowly dimming.

A thought crossed her mind, and tears started to come out of her eyes.

'Mom...Dad...Help me...I don't want to die...'

And then, she lost consciousness.


In outer space, something was pulling in the surrounding matter, energy, and gases millions of kilometers away.

The singularity absorbed all it could, and it shone as bright as a star.

It was then that, as if it were full, the singularity compressed itself as much as it can, and then it explodes. An explosion as powerful, massive, and bright as a supernova takes place, illuminating and destroying everything in its path.

After the explosion calmed down, in the center of the explosion, where the singularity originated, there was something like a cocoon multi-colored, and inside the cocoon, there was something.

The cocoon was quiet for a few moments, and then it started to spasm as if whatever was inside was trying to get out.

The cocoon twisted, again, and again, and again. After what felt like hours, it finally opened...

MC will not be the Aspect, but the Twilight itself, having all the powers of the deity, not just a part. Of course, she will also look like Zoe.

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