
System Akatsuki divides 2.


[ I sigh … God because gave me such an idiotic host]

It murmurs the system in a tone tired by the idiotic thing that is his host, listening what murmulla Akatsuki, Itsuki wrinkles he moved backward and it breathes heavily.

" Mphm, is not my I blame that this is so confused, in addition these here to explain not? So it explains rapidly " comment Itsuki a little irritated by Akatsuki's previous comment.

To what his host said, alone Akatsuki can sigh and accept his destination of having such a silly companion in his I travelled.

[ Good host, listens attentivly, 1 God is a just person, so to other 9 persons, it gave to them the option in order that each one they can or not to have a line of blood (kekkei genkai) of Naruto, but only 40 % of them will be able to obtain one, it is at random]

Explained Akatsuki to Itsuki Clear mas that could in order that he does not ask mas.

" Ok, already I deal, it it wants to say, that when the things of a Clan in specific it could not be bought in the shops it wants to say that I estimate this Clan in this world not? " Itsuki said with something of uncertainty.

[ If host, seems that you are not so silly as seem to be, good continuing with those of the kekkei genkai, it also you can buy them in the shop of the System, but only it can consume 1 and since already you your it have the Uchiha included, bony, cannot have mas lines of bloods, but if to buy and she is given herself by anyone of your subordinates or friends, it if, also there is a restricción, which is that alone you can have 3 flasks of this line of blood]

Listening what says the system, Itsuki has a great doubt, " flasks? That flasks and as that everything has restrictions, is true that is the best of the sistema " asked Itsuki himself in his mind, to clarify his doubts Itsuki it turns him to asking to akatsuki.

" Nee, Akatsuki, what flasks? And because everything comes with restrictions? These sure that you are the system mas strongly and it was not that god said it to you not to hurt your feelings " question Itsuki in a mocking tone to irritate to akatsuki.

But for misfortune of, Akatsuki I do not matter for him less what he has just said and it answered calmly the questions of the host.

[ Answering to the host and his bilges, so certainly that I am the mas strong of 10 systems created by god, but I place the restrictions god in order that the balance of this world I did not demolish, and it of the bottles of lines of blood they are those that contain the genes of the kekei genkai of Naruto's world, in your it inventoried other 2 bottles are that you sombran of the blood Uchiha, bony that you can have 2 persons mas of the Clan Uchiha with you, but I him have to warn that the persona that this should consume it can have not even a wave of, ki of battle, because if he will not die at once]

He said the system to him to itsuki, and the last thing in a serious and heavy tone in order that it should realize the consecuencia, Itsuki on having listened is a robotic serious tone, has a solemn face before agreing with the head.

[ You finalize things that it is necessary to say it is, the shop of clothes of the system, that of villages, the system points that you obtain for fulfilling the misión that I give you, I list to hear, because already I am tired of explaining so only I will repeat once]

He said the system in a totally round tone and without tracks of negotiation, on Itsuki having listened to it it does a grimace with the lips and then it sighs shaking the head in track of defeat and before agreing with the head for continue.

[ In the shop clothes of the sistemas, you will be able to buy all the atuendo that were in use in Naruto, Akatsuki's suits you will obtain it in the package of it initiated, as the rings of the organization, the rest can buy it with points of the system, something that forgot me to mention it was the weapon Ninjas used in Naruto, this them to buy in the shop of weapon and there are no restrictions while you have points to pay]

[ You stretch it from villages, you will be able to buy anyone village that goes out in Naruto, but since I am the system Akatsuki, only I take the village of the rain as a fault, it is because of it that god you brought to this place, where it is the only place in the continent Cho ling, where it rains every day of the años non-stop, and because of it that I leave this cave you, to sit your base in this world]

" Oh, it explains very much, now if, I understand almost everything, that good that in the land was a great fanatic of Naruto, because if not, uffff, it was not understood at all, now Itsuki explains it of the system points " in a satisfied and insistent tone to the system in order that it should explain the last part to him of everything.

[ The system points you it can gain of 3 forms the best and the easy mas is doing mission, as the villages ninjas normally, but these missions are alone for you]

[ The second method that I would not recommend to you to do for the present time, since the majority of them {Normal Beasts} of hereabouts are a level 2 or 3 that serious equivalent to a Chunin and Jonin respectively, if you kill to this beast and his core of power offers me, you will receive a quantity of points of agreement to the value of the core] [3 the third method is to exchange money of this world for points]

" Oh, but first and the second method, seems to be very troublesome, but the second one is very easy, for you do not mention this from the beginning " comment Itsuki in a satisfied tone because I turn out to be that the third method was seeming to be very easily.

[ Host fucks, since one notices that you are a stupid, obviously if other 2, were difficult, other one also]

Then it says the system it begins to explain the cup of change of money for points and is like that:

· 1 currency of Black Bronze = $ 100.000 = 1 point.

· 1 currency of Red Silver = $ 1.000.000 = 10 point.

· 1 currency of Purple Gold =$ 2.000.000 = 20 point.

(Note of the AT: this they are the currency that it will use in the series.)

" To fuck, damned system, it is a theft to full Light of the días, if you want money covers and assaults a bank, but do not steal me this way " troublesome Itsuki said for the theft that to this him doing the system.

[ Mphm, which he blames I have that you are poor, it is good to save money, since god does not pay anything to me]

On having listened to shameless palabras of the system, Itsuki puts the eyes in whitly and alone it can curse to this system for being so greedy and thieving.