
Beginning to train.

Deposed of awhile of thinking, Itsuki assimilated the majority of the information and later to see the situation it was not troublesome not scared for being in this world; where it does not know anything. Rather this one extremely moved. Since other one, this one with his family and friends and as he said the system it was alone 10 % of the soul of the original body why not to be the new one? Since it has this opportunity and does not hurt anybody; since it is brilliant for Itsuki.

In all that it of forming the organization Akatsuki " why not? To be the villain occasionally is brilliant not? Bony to be the good one all the time is very boring ". Already putting of side his thought; Itsuki asks him to the system.

" Nee, Akatsuki; you cannot give me something like that how a window of condition? Since I want to see the force of this body and to know where beginning to train " question unsteady Itsuki, since not insurance is this one if the system will give him what wants.

[ Sure host; it is very easy]

In contrast to Itsuki's thoughts, the system answers very easily; since it is like his work it to help, it will not be opposed for anything so easy.

" Ding … …. "


Name: Itsuki Uchiha Age: 18.

Kekei genkai: Sharingan (not woken up).

Level of power: Nothing.

It forces: 0.5

Defense: 0.3

Agility: 0.7

I Lasted: 0.3

Charisma: 0.8

Luck: 0.5

Ninjutsus: Nothing.

Taijutsus: Nothing.

Genjutsu: Nothing.

Kenjutsu: Nothing.

Fuijutsus: Nothing.]

" Good it is more or less since it was waiting; since not comeze to training still, but not this one badly, I believe is not it a system like that? Itsuki asked if his statistics were nice in an a bit unsteady tone.

[ If host, his statistics are much better than a normal human being; since this body was done directly by god]

Answering Akatsuki in his robotic tone and without emission of always.

" Well!, it is good, system give me the package of it initiated of beginner!; already I want to begin to train and go out to search persons for the organization! ", moved Itsuki says I spread he thinks about the future that it waits for him.

[ He is nice a host, here you have]

" Ding … … "

[ Manual of chakra, Manual of hand stamps, Book of the history Ninja, 10x Kunai, 10x shurikes, 10x explosive papers, Jutsus you begin of the academy, 10x Akatsuki's Tunics, 10x rings of the organization, Taijutsus Uchiha and history]

" ¡Incredible!, this things are great, good I think that it is time to put to train; system, give me the roll of hand stamps! ", Itsuki said to the system.

After Itsuki asked him to the system for the roll of the stamps; magically in the palm his right hand, there appeared a roll of medium size, with a diseños gilded in strange form in the surface of the same one; but undoubtedly it is an exquisite design.

Itsuki did not begin to train chakra of once; porqué first it wants to turn mas skilfully in the stamps, since big ninjas like Itachi Uchiha could realize 10 stamps in a second and does not know how many could do the better thing. Some of the best ninjas of the history fell like, Uchiha Madara or Senju Hashirama, probably they could make it much better.

Seeing the parchment appearing of nothing, this Itsuki a bit surprised, but rapidly it recovered; I dared this thing has the power to bring it to this world while he was sleeping who is that it extracts a simple parchment? Nothing!, a simple piece of garbage, so, already he did not surprise it so much.

Opening the parchment and echándole; Itsuki sits down in position of lotus and begins to practise 12 stamps that a Ninja needs to know.

… … … … … … … … … … … … ….

Five hours happened since Itsuki began to practise; the hand stamps in this period of time, it is possible to say that the progress of our protagonist is really monstrous, in only five hours it can realize three stamps per second; it undoubtedly turns it into one of the best talents that there has seen the world Ninja.

Noticing his great progress; this very happy Itsuki and it surprised simultaneously, since when it was in the land with his original body, very intelligent age and with good memory; but here with one only look could memorize quite the stamps of the parchment. In addition his body answers also, that becoming to this him very much a mas easy to realize quite the stamps that he learned.

Undoubtedly it is a body done by god; it turned it into super genius with an incredible talent.

Since five hours happened, it begins Our Mc to give him hunger and gets up of his original position.

" System, I am very hungry is it possible to be eaten this place? And certainly in that place we are? And why does it rain so much? ", Itsuki Said while his stomach fights gruñendo and asks him to the system.

[ Amphitryon, I would recommend to him to go out of this cave until low genius reaches the level; since out they find {normal beasts} Of The Level 1 to 3, and the king of this place is one {Mythical Beast} Level 1; for what if it goes out now will turn into a snack for the beasts of this place. In addition forget to comment that until it should reach the level genin; I will give him food as part of the package beginner, after it it will have to be going to hunt and to fix them up for if only] [As for in that part is; it is the valley of the rainy soul in the south part of the continent Chow ling; it is said that it rains always in this place, this way be I weighed anchor or loudly, never they stop to rain. With it I answered all your questions]

Listening what Akatsuki says; Itsuki now deals this where, in addition this one a bit surprised, he thought that the system was going to leave it to his luck in this luger; but it turns out that they give him this, it is brilliant.

" Well!, system, can you give me little food?, I me starve ", while his stomach gruñe Itsuki says to him to the system.

" Ding … "

[ X2 appraise not cooked rice, X1 cup of green you and little meat]

Seeing what the system offers him; alone Itsuki can put the eyes in white and curse to this system for being so stingy.

" Shit system, that beams it is this, do you want to feed a baby in diapers?, you cannot give me some kind of mas " Itsuki roared to the system in a tone full of protest and annoyance.

[ Hmph!, host, if not I satisfy these with what I gave you, since it can be going to die beech was like a dog and to give me the food that I give you]

I breath heavily the system in a robotic but angry tone, " I am so generous with and still it has the agallas of complaining, that sauciness! " He says for if same while it breathes heavily with disdain like that Itsuki.

Listening to the sauciness of the system that had the nerves of getting angry after what he said; this Itsuki defenseless and alone can sigh, denying with the head and accept the cruel destination that waits for him with this horrible and stingy system.

How are you guys? I hope you like it, I know almost nothing about English; I hope you don’t get a headache and like it.

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