
System Akatsuki divides 1.

[ Amphitryon before solving all his doubts and to make clear that I am, I have to say to you since you came here]

He says the system in his tone without emotions habitually, Itsuki on having listened that they him go to explain because it came here, feels much better and curious of because this one here, in addition because if so normal this one was taken to another World without his family and friends and not even any strong emotion is afraid especially, is very curious of this.

[ First that at all host you did not die, you are alone 10 % of his original soul, and his body with 90 % of his being, this one in the land, with his wife and daughter doing his daily life]

Listening what says the system this Itsuki surprised and simultaneously confused, since he does not deal for that now there are 2 of.

" Wait, these saying that there are 2 I, and that is it of 10 % and 90 %? " Question Itsuki in a doubtful tone.

[ Answering the first question it is one, not, host, you are now a soul of 100 % what you want to say that they are separated beings, and answering to another question of the percentages, let's put that an alive being has a soul of 100 %, they all have this numerical value, I spread you have it mas low, it wants to say that you have the injured soul, which the person did that I order it to this world, bony god, is that it extracted 10 % of the soul of the host of his original body, and god was feeding her with divine medicines for 10 years in order that you return to be a complete, bony soul one of 100 %]

" Ok, already I understood the percentage of the soul but, for what god did it do all that? In addition I do not want to say it that in the land 10 years happened and why not hundred that my emotions are complete? " It returns to ask Itsuki to the system in order that it continues answering to his doubts.

[ Good host, Dios did this because you of all the human beings in the land, were the only one compatible with I, with the system Akatsuki, but as god it cannot kill anybody for caprice or to extract the complete soul, it had to extract only 10 of soul because if it was extracting mas, the original body was not going to be able to recover normally, it is because of it that had to happen this time feeding in order that you return to be a complete soul. And 2 question is, not host, in his alone world I happen 1 day whereas in the kingdom of the souls 10 years happened]

[ And Answering to the last question of the host, good what happens is that as you it is originally alone is 10 % of his original soul, only I preserve 10 % of the emotions of the first body and other one 90 % I empty this one, or for filling, as well as a baby newborn child, it is mas, you originally, god did not believe that it was preserving his recollections and was going to give him a body of a baby, but since I prove that if it preserved them, god had to do a new body, with new blood, because of it I change the name to, Itsuki Uchiha, being reborn as a new being apart from, Itsuki Tomuro, to demonstrate it, god, it did your body of appearance and age different from another body]

On having listened to everything what said the system, Itsuki, already it has more or less understanding of because this one here, only there are two thing that he does not understand, 1 is which is his motive of ordering it here or with that I target? And other one is why did it appear in this cave? It was not better for my that will leave me in a human city, in addition it does not mean that I am a son of god.

" Ok, already I understood the majority of the matter, but still I have 3 doubts, 1 am I now a son of god? 2 which is the motive of getting about myself here? 3 why did I appear and this cave? " It does his last questions Itsuki in doubtful tone.

[ Good, I can answer to the first one, that something like that, since since you are a human being who was created directly by god, can be said that you are a human high place, bony, they were born of the God's hand and now you are the third party, counting Adam and Eve]

[ To answer to the last questions of the host, would have to say to them the one who I am I, so host, I list these to listen]

He asks the system in a tone lightly mas make happy that in his robotic normal tone, listening what Akatsuki says, alone Itsuki agrees since he feels many curiosity for this system.

[ Good I am the system Akatsuki and it will help you to take peace in this world, that always to condition in war, since I am the system of the Akatsuki, your aim is to create this group in this world, and as charm, to take the peace for any way, god gave to us the opportunity to bring at 9 a.m. you were dressing with tail and I seal them in some human beings of this planet and give a small system to these nine persons, in order that they could survive, since in order that a person of this world could practise the chakra, it does not have to have no, Ki of battle, or cripple if root of battle, certainly, this is the energy that is used in this world]. It answered the system, while he was still explaining to Itsuki, to what he was listening attentivly with the ears opened well nothing to get lost of Akatsuki's explanation.

[ Other 9 persons that god gave to them the small systems, it is in order that it turns mas strong and make many complicated mas the captura of the beasts and certainly in order that it is mas justly, since god does not like it this things, good other systems are not so strong as I since, god, gave to them the beasts of tail and this way I balance the things]

[ Amphitryon, you have to know that your you can compare all them, Ninjutsus, Taijutsus, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu and Fuijutsus that appeared in Naruto's serié, but as everything in the world, you have to have restrictions, since for example, you will not be able to learn the Fuijutsus of the Clan Uzumaki, already you needed someone from this above mentioned Clan to learn them, and if there appears a person of this clan between the new Jinchuriki, you will not be able to buy any of it Jutsus in the shop of this system, bony, I] " Wait, wait, as which if someone appears of the clan Uzumaki, it is that they kidnapped them of Naruto's world or what " question Itsuki in a tone of doubt.

[ Answering to the host, dejémoslo for the following chapter]