
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

97. The trifles of life

Every morning when I wake up, almost a slight turn of the head will be able to smell the fragrance of the grass on the pillow, lift the leather curtain of the tent will be able to see the sun rising high in the wilderness, the morning dew on the grass leaves in the refraction of the sun's light emitting seven colors, as far as the eye can see, this grassland is like twinkling stars, deeply exhale a breath of turbid air in the chest, in a breath of fresh air, you will feel this free life Like in a dream.

Looking at Katrina's beautiful face with teardrops in her sleep, this girl was aggrieved yesterday, probably nightmares at night! She always wanted to add one less herb, or one more herb, and then let me use such half-finished flawed magic ink to draw the magic scroll of fire gathering, most of the time it would fail, because after all, it didn't follow the recipe as much as it should!

Failure is failure, and will not hurt, the scroll itself does not have any power, but will burn up, spontaneous combustion! This is nothing to be afraid of, so almost become a magic potion obsessed Kiger, while there are plenty of fresh silver leaf grass, so began to whimsical experimentation heart all kinds of inexplicable ideas. The broken magic scrolls that were made, some of them simply burned themselves out, some of them were still usable, but the magic spell pattern was not quite complete, and the incomplete magic scrolls that failed in such experiments alone made up a whole backpack in these few days.

These days, the experience of making magic scrolls in such a whimsical way is a very rare and valuable experience in life for both Kiger and me, and for Kiger, it is very rare to have an inscriber like me agree to mess around and experiment together, not to mention the fact that the camp is built at the edge of a large area of silver leaf grass, and a large number of fresh magic herbs can be picked back at hand, so these days she has experimented with almost all her ideas. The result shows that the ancestors were correct most of the time, only in one aspect is somewhat insufficient, that is, all kinds of ink is equipped with Ning Shen grass, Ning Shen grass in the ink is to play the role of magic element stabilizer, it can make the restless magic ink tends to calm, so that the success rate of the inscribers to make magic scrolls will be greatly improved.

The Ning Shen grass rationed inside each magic ink is the maximum amount of this magic ink that can withstand the neutralization of Ning Shen grass. Just adding one more leaf of Ning Shen grass will also make the magic ink appear abnormal magic power fade! The purpose of adding so many Ning Shen grass is to make the magic power in the ink as smooth and soft as possible, so as to improve the success rate of inscribers in making magic scrolls, but the disadvantage of adding so much Ning Shen flower juice to each magic potion is also obvious, that is, it drastically reduces the power and timeliness of magic scrolls. So what Kiger does every day is to look for the point where the magic ink recipe tends to be balanced, or you could say she is giving up the nymphaea juice to enhance the power of the magic scrolls.

Sometimes I even expressed a considerable degree of doubt to myself, I think I may not be the material of the inscription master, using these magic inks made by Kiger, I found that the original very high production success rate, now actually reduced to less than 10%, and there are very many defective products. Even the simplest fire gathering scrolls I can not do, sometimes do the fire gathering scrolls more like a fireball, in the moment after the painting, the whole magic scroll like a fire bomb shot out, fell in the open grassland, some flames can sometimes even burn for a few minutes do not go out, some flames are like the night sky brilliant fireworks exploded, and sometimes will explode in my side, will blow me to dust. Will I blow up to the dust.

If I hadn't been wearing a simple set of magic antelope skin tube armor that Katrina had sewn for me, maybe I wouldn't be standing in front of the tent sunbathing so easily, maybe I would have been strapped to the back of a beast like a mummy, looking for a doctor all over the world, the fury of the magic element out of control is a very serious thing, but the good thing is that the magic ink we are trying to change is the most low-level ink The magic power contained in it is also very low, try to make this level of scroll, even if it fails, it will not blow me up. But these few days down, my hands and face also appear large and small dozens of scratches, the most serious once actually have wood slag directly into my **, at that time will be Katarina fainted, Kig also stupid on the spot, after also said to me: okay okay, is not a blind eye, big deal after sister will give you as an eye, your eyes are gone after obediently with me to go back to the empire, I will find you The best temple of the great priest, for you to cure your eyes, you know, advanced healing skills "limb regeneration" can certainly cure your eyes ...

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time. Wooden slag into the eye when it hurts, and that desperate fear let me this life is very difficult to forget, but when the red power in my body once again with my spiritual power to run, all the wounds in the body is that quickly disappeared, that strange pleasure is growing in my heart.

The experience of making scrolls and grinding herbs to make ink that has been accumulated over the past few days has been drifting upwards.

Yesterday morning we captured a frozen lone wolf by the frost trap not far north of the camp, it was just an ordinary grassland male gray wolf. In this season, the old and new wolf kings in the wolf pack will start a fight to the death for the right to mate, the winner will enjoy the female wolves in the whole pack, while the loser will leave the field in disgrace. It is not uncommon for such a lone male wolf to walk on the grassland, but this wolf had some bad luck, stepping on the trap we had just placed at the edge of our tent.

This trap is also due to Miss Kiger's sudden whimsical experimentation with making a batch of milky ink, I can make just two kinds of scrolls, milky ink well! The frost art scrolls, OK! But it seems that she did not boldly try to add some other raw materials in this magic ink, or less put some kind of auxiliary materials, this time she honestly according to the recipe grinding production, but let me a little uncomfortable, one after another super high success rate to make my heart jump.

I asked Ms. Kee why she was uncomfortable with the routine, she grunted like a hen very fecklessly laughing incessantly, said it was suddenly want to do some frost scrolls to defend themselves, can not? Well, that night Kuzi returned from the outside with a subjugated beast, see my simple test bench in front of the pile of frost scrolls, gleefully and not at all polite to carry all these scrolls away, and then to Miss Kee repeatedly said: thank you, thank you! Can't use so much.

Later, I learned that it was Kuze who begged Miss Kee, saying that he wanted to make some frostbite traps.

Only we would be so extravagant to use magic scrolls with the small clips of bird traps to make out frost traps for the hunters to use. The skin on their bodies is far tougher than the skin of a magic antelope, and we don't know if Aziz's bow and my gun can cause damage to such a ferocious beast until we try it, so Kuz asked Kiger to help him make a batch of frost scrolls out.

That night, Kuzi in the name of ensuring the safety of the camp, set frost traps in the grass around the tent.

Yesterday morning, we accidentally captured an ordinary adult male wolf, whose two front paws including the front legs below the calves were frozen into ice, and when we found it, it could only lie in place squinting and not moving, only to reveal its hideous teeth after finding us. Such an ordinary male wolf had little use other than making wolf skin bedding, and the meat was sour and old and hard.

If it wasn't about to be starved to death, who would idly eat its meat?

This defenseless male wolf became the first beast that gave Katrina the courage to practice after our collective decision. The girl Katrina stabbed the male wolf to death at the end, but the process was so painful that she sat almost paralyzed in front of the male wolf and cried for a whole day, pale with fear at that time, and kept begging Kiger and me.

In fact, my heart was a little soft, even though I knew it was for her own good, but when a beautiful and gentle girl, who was afraid that I would be cold every night and could even sleep with me in her arms, knelt in front of me with teardrops on her face and begged me, where could I heartlessly refuse? I just thought, she is how beautiful girl ah, such age of girls is to have a flowery age, they have the best time in life, should be in the city or school, or in a store to find a job, and then there will be some outstanding young men with flowers to pursue them, enjoy the invincible youth. Which beautiful girl is not the darling of heaven? What does it matter if you don't dare to kill wolves? Even in the Green Empire, there is no law that says that women have to go to war too!

In the world I originally lived in, there were girls everywhere who would be scared to scream when they saw a mouse, let alone a wolf.

But after Kiger finished mixing the magic ink, when she saw Katrina still cowering in the corner, afraid to even look at the male wolf that was almost starved to death, she blew up, put her magic short sword on Katrina's neck, raised her eyebrows and said coldly with a rebuke: "Are you testing my patience?"

It turns out that the master-slave relationship in this world is more like the period of transition from slave society to feudal society, the life of the attendant is not as precious as I thought, more often than not, the nobleman only needs to pay a small fine to kill a commoner, and the master needs only a proper reason to kill his attendant. The two of them have a good relationship, but after all, it is also a master-slave relationship, which I do not experience deeply, but it scared Katrina immediately stop crying.

I saw her with a broken sword, with the expression of eating fly shit a knife from the soft side of the gray wolf stabbed into the heart, the result of the gray wolf, the whole front paws were frozen off, and also hungry for a day of gray wolf finally considered the end of the last painful life, Katarina is completely limp on the ground, too scared to speak.

The girl had a nightmare last night, her mouth kept shouting something, but it was silent.

I think the nightmare will eventually dissipate, she will wake up in such a beautiful morning, maybe not change, maybe all of us are slowly changing, above this pale earth.

I look at the rising sun in the morning, I think our grassland life is destined to be better and better.
