
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

95. Grassland life

I didn't wait for the other two antelope to react, I stood up from the mud, holding a silver plated shotgun covered with mud and water, and filled a copper pea into the chamber as fast as I could. The mud along the edge of the pond had been soaked for a long time, and once the winter was over, the mud became even softer after the ice melted, and the magic antelope was light and not too big, but its hooves and calves were more slender.

Only then did I see that the leading antelope had a feathered arrow stuck deep in the front of its head, and the red-stained steel arrow came straight out of its head, shooting the antelope's head right through. The second arrow was shot directly into the neck of the antelope that was fleeing to the left side of the pond, and there was another wail.

I quickly turned the gun, with the accuracy of the silver-plated shotgun itself and the virtual ballistic trajectory in the sea of spirit, directly to the muzzle of the magic antelope body a meter away in front of the position, "bang", wrapped in sparks of copper peas from the muzzle of the gun, directly to the last magic antelope head, but unfortunately the power of copper peas The power of the copper pea is still too small, although broke through the defense of the skin of the magic antelope, but stuck in the face bone of the magic antelope, simply can not inch in. Only the copper pea on the burst of flame damage in its face exploded, not only will the magic antelope's face blown bloody flesh, but also the magic antelope's eyes directly blown blind.

See so easy to deal with the three magic antelope, I thought to myself that this is afraid of the most junior in the magic beast! How can one be worthy of the name of a magical beast with such a small guts.

"Jia, watch out!"

I heard Kurtz's call, which almost changed his voice, and got a chill from the bottom of my heart, I was too careless. Without even lifting my head, I threw away the silver plated shotgun in my hand and drew a familiar magic formation in the air with both hands, mouthing the incantation "Powers!

My fingers drew an extreme magic curve. A black fog enveloped me, and my position was shrouded in black fog, and everything outside was so blurred, just then the sharp antelope horns like two spears broke through my illusionary fog, and a phantom appeared on the body of the mad demon antelope, which was just a fraction of a second away from piercing me, so I can say that I was lucky, and after hearing Kurtz's warning, I didn't even confirm it. I can say that I was lucky, as well as after hearing Kuz's warning, I didn't even confirm it and released 'Shadow Cloak' magic to save my life, which is one of the few magic skills I can use.

This magic antelope pierced through my body into a black mist, one side of the eye was blown to a bloody flesh, is already ruined, but the other side of the eyes showed a look of shock and despair, I saw its eyes almost crazy battle intent to vent, only a few steps out of the brakes, and do not do any dodge and defense, turn the body against the ram's horns turned again to the air my shadow stabbed over, at this time is close to At this time is close to noon, in the sun I simply can not completely invisible, but the body into a mist can avoid any form of physical damage, the magic antelope reverse attack again fell short.

Kuzi, who was standing on the other side of the shore, would not give the antelope another chance to attack. Almost when the crazy antelope realized that it was no good and wanted to give up the next attack and run away alone, Kuzi's arrow almost became a white line in the air and shot into the back of the antelope's head from a strange angle when the antelope turned its body around again. The powerful force carried the body of the demon antelope forward and fell down on the grass at the shore.

When I lifted the shadow state, Kuzi ran over from the opposite bank covered with mud and water and was relieved to see that I didn't have any damage. Kuzi unceremoniously pulled out the hunting knife in the antelope longhorn and skull connection where a fierce cut, smoothly broke off the straight sheep horn, skilled as cutting down a green bamboo.

"The first time I took part in the wilderness hunting, I was surrounded by two of a partner is the magic antelope near death counterattack cut open the chest, when his stomach by the antelope horns from top to bottom open half a meter long mouth, when the stomach of those internal organs flowed out, I was stunned! Even if it has little guts, it is after all a magical beast, a magical beast that ordinary bows and arrows are not able to shoot to death." Kurtz stabbed with a hunting knife by the shotgun I used to blow up the tattered rump of the leading magic antelope, flame burn marks are very obvious, he looked with some regret at a foot square of skin on the spot-like scorch marks, some speechless.

Kuz for a moment before saying: "The shotgun is very powerful, but your hunting techniques are very brown!"

I was said the old face, if said by Kurtz as the technique is very bad, it means really bad, because but where there is a little redeeming features, honest and simple Kurtz will not say such things. He pointed to the large scorch marks on the buttocks and said to me: "The gunshot wound here does not have much effect on the demon antelope, but more stimulate the fierce nature of the demon antelope, they will turn around and want to die with you, even if you are behind the ten thousand feet of cliff, it will come over!

Turned his head and looked at another magic antelope that I shot in the head, but nodded and said, "This one also failed to do fatal damage, but it has improved, but you should have made up another shot."

"I was filling my ammunition." I defended. "I'll be careful next time! Maybe I should have shot it in the leg first, would that have worked?"

I crouched right next to Kurtz, silently returning the little magic power left in my body, embarrassingly! Before there was a magic pool, I was surprisingly able to use magic, but my magic value was pitifully low, and even this magic skill that didn't require much magic value to use was a big burden for me.

"It should be better, I do not know, if you can shoot through both of its eyes at the same time is the best!" Kurtz thought for half a day before saying the safest way.

But I heard but very helplessly said: "simply can not do it! Unless you can shoot the antelope right through with one arrow like this, where is it possible to blind it with one arrow in both eyes ..."

We discussed how to shoot more safely the next time we met the antelope.

Kuzi will be the three magic antelope to do the simplest treatment, then will be two magic antelope flung over the shoulder, the other smallest magic antelope thrown on my back, the two of us together to leave this saltwater pond. We didn't want to use the pond as a slaughterhouse, because we had to rely on it to continue hunting. Kuz and I were aiming for at least ten antelope, so we needed to carry the prey away.

The antelope were not heavy, weighing only a hundred or so pounds. The antelope horns that were in the way had already been cut off by Kurtz.

A mile away, at the edge of the sea of silver-leaf grass, there was our tent, where we cooked the antelope skins, trimming the large sheets neatly, and the edges were made into small, square pieces of skins, which were placed on the grass to dry. The meat of the magic antelope was delicious, and Kuz and I had already eaten it when the caravan was stationed at Star Lake Meadow.

But now the two of us faced with three skinned antelope began to worry, so much meat we simply can not eat all ah!

So first set up a cauldron, the fresh meat cooked. Since we are no longer worried about the problem of no magic parchment, probably tomorrow these magic antelope skins will be turned into good magic parchment, although my and Kuz's skin-making skills are very ordinary, but we already have a large sheet of magic antelope skins, there is no worry about the lack of fire gathering scrolls. That way there is nothing to fear!

As the sun sets in the west, the sky appears fire clouds, the cloud layer in the wilderness is very low, perhaps because of the high terrain, looking up at the canopy is extraordinarily blue. Sometimes good meat to eat more, you will find the side of the tendons, hoof tendons, sheep liver, lungs, sheep intestines, sheep belly in the rich soup pot stewed, creamy soup with a few pieces of wild leeks unique to the wilderness, so a bowl of thick sheep soup into the throat will feel unusually delicious, those sheep are boiled thin, no need to chew, just use the tip of the tongue to gently sip with the soup into the stomach, in conjunction with A white flour pancake, you can eat dripping with sweat, never mind how cold the night, drink a bowl of pepper-sprinkled mutton soup will immediately warm up.

A large piece of cooked lamb was placed in an iron pot on the side, because Kurtz was distracted watching me cook haggis soup, so the soup in the pot that cooked the lamb had boiled dry, and when I found it, there was only a large pile of cooked lamb left in the pot, and there was a layer of stinky lamb oil at the bottom of the pot. This time the lamb has cooled, and the lamb fat has also condensed into a milky white. I will add a lot of salt to the cooked lamb, put the temporary construction of a cool meat rack ready to dry, so more convenient storage.

Kiger sat beside me and proudly told me about today's harvest, told us that we met a bull-headed man who came over to collect medicine, the bull-headed man saw someone here, actually naive and ran over to ask him if he could also collect some silver leaf grass here? Kiger said she thought the wilderness is not her home, whoever comes to pick ah! The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market. The bull-headed man was polite enough to say that he could exchange, so he opened his own medicine Lou, revealing a wide range of magic herbs inside.

The whole plant of magic royal grass, grows bigger than the carrot kudzu root, bundles of Ning Shen flower, surprisingly in the innermost part of the medicinal Lou, there is an exceptionally precious cold ice grass ...
