
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

80. The Wilderness Pact (below)

Sometimes inertia is a habit. Some people used to walk on their feet everywhere they went all the time, and it was very hard work. Then they got a bicycle and liked to ride it everywhere, so they never walked on their feet again. Then they got a motorbike and left the bike behind. Even if they wanted to buy a bottle of soy sauce from the kiosk at the entrance of the village, they had to go on the motorbike. Then he got a car and the motorbike was dusty, but he never rode it again, even if he wanted to go to the vegetable market at the end of the street.

As he watched the roast rabbit on the grill, which was already browned, Kurtz kept turning the brazier and brushing the grease on it with a small brush, his furry face red from the campfire, and with the fire gathering spell scroll, we refused to collect the dried stems and leaves of the more flammable clover when we couldn't find enough dry wood to make a fire without seeing a large bush. The stuff requires a large pile to barely boil a pot of water and is a real pain to work with. The only thing we had under the grill now was a palm-sized scroll of magic antelope skin held down by a few small stones, to keep it from blowing away in a gust of wind, when Kurtz asked me, still worried, "Ja, is there too little seasoning?"

I knew that Kurtz was keen to make this lunch as hearty as possible, and in addition to the roast hare, I had also gathered a number of freshly sprouted green capers from around the area. By this time of year, they are already of a good size and are tender and green, making them a rare and delicious seasonal wild vegetable. The little orc seemed a little overwhelmed by the addition of two beautiful women to the group, always trying to do the best he could. I think he is going to be tired for the next few days, but I can't help him because he has to learn to adapt or learn how to live more naturally with others than in his own lonely world, and I feel that even with me, Kurtz the Orc's world is so lonely.

Our lunch was toasted wheat cakes with rabbit and a sip of wild vegetable soup at the end. It wasn't my recipe or his skill at roasting rabbit that worried Kurtz; he asked me because he was worried that Kig and Katrina wouldn't like what we normally considered to be delicious game, and I was sitting proudly with two fine iron feathered arrows in my hands, two cold, hard wheat cakes on their tips, and was approaching the campfire to warm them up. When I heard Kurtz say this, I smiled and reassured him, "It's no problem, Aziz, just like we usually do when we roast rabbits, you know the men in the caravan were drooling over the rabbit you roasted."

When I said this, Kurtz dropped his heart and a smug look came over his face.

Kiger sat aside and asked me in a strange whisper, "Why do you feel that you are more familiar with these secret orc recipes than that little orc?"

I could only explain, "Old Kulu passed on his herbalism to me! Az he doesn't like to read, he just likes to be a hunter."

At this explanation, Kiger could only choose to believe it.

"I never thought the secret of using the fire magic scroll over and over again would be so simple!" Kiger sat beside me, took a feather arrow from my hand, roasted a pie with me over the campfire, looked at the scroll of fire magic on the ground, and smiled.

It's our little secret, but there's one more person in the know, Sister Gogo. Just last night, back at the caravan we were going over and over why we only made scrolls that could be used over and over again. The low cost could be explained by the fact that my magical perception is so strong that it is easy to make such low end simple magic scrolls, and if I didn't have enough magical value, I'm afraid I could even make the most rudimentary common scrolls. But why is it that simple scrolls that do not even reach the rank of primary ordinary magic scrolls can be used repeatedly?

At first, we analysed the reasons in three ways: one was the magical parchment, the second was the magical ink, and the third was that the magical spell pattern listed on the remnants of the scroll itself had the ability to be used over and over again. We first ruled out the first possibility, as the parchment used to make the scrolls the night before had been scraped from a variety of magical antelope skins from Uncle Fred's collection. Then we ruled out the third possibility, because such a simple magic pattern was the most common one, and there was nothing more to it than that, and then we realised that perhaps there was a problem with the magic ink. It was not until the end that we found out that the problem was that when the magical ink was being prepared the night before, Kiger happened to run out of the few Ning Shen grasses left in his hand, and the Ning Shen flower juice used to prepare the moonlight ink was omitted by Kiger. This not only made the manufacturing cost of the magic ink much lower, but also made the magic ink extremely unstable, and the magic elements in it very irritable. If not for my extremely keen magic perception and my own magic manipulation power, there would have been no way to make a scroll out of such ink. She finally ran out of patience and gave up.

Without the addition of the Ning Shen flower juice, the moonlight ink became extremely unstable, and the magic scrolls drawn were also unstable in their ability to gather magic, and the slightest external factor would interrupt the magic formation. For example, if you roll up a magic scroll, the magic will be interrupted due to the deformation of the magic spell formation. If you use a magic scroll drawn with magic ink that has been infused with Ning Shen flower juice, once you open the magic scroll and formally open the magic spell formation inside, even if you roll up the scroll, the most you can do is to speed up the burning of the magic scroll, not because of the deformation of the spell formation, the magic value becomes extremely unstable and makes the fire gathering spell on the magic scroll interrupted. This is the secret of the repeated use of our fire gathering magic scrolls.

This is a secret that no one else can replicate. Sister Gogo said that only a higher level inscriber can create a magic scroll using such an extremely unstable ink, because she herself is already a magician with very good magical manipulation and perception, but without the Ning Shen flower juice, the success rate of using the moonlight ink is still very low, she said that unless she reaches level 10, when she performs her first transformation ceremony She said that unless she awakened her magic perception talent when she reached level 10 and underwent her first transformation ceremony, she might be able to draw such magic scrolls easily. In fact, there were many magicians who could draw such a scroll, but inscribers at that level would never waste their time on making such a small scroll.

As I thought of this, I couldn't help but glance at the beautiful young girl Kig who felt happy even baking a pie beside me, only to see her looking very intently at the toasted wheat pie on the tip of the arrow, worrying that she might accidentally bake it, so she kept turning it over and over, and worrying that she might burn the wooden shaft of the kuze, and also kept taking it out of the campfire to check it, while she was enjoying herself because of it.

"Hey, in that case, I do think that actually that moonlight ink should no longer be called moonlight ink, one of the forty-three main ingredients of magic is missing, such an ink should have a new name, maybe we should name it, and it's a new type of ink that creates a magic spell with a strange repeated use, maybe you can Maybe you could write a magical paper on this new discovery and win a wizard academic research award or something. Anyway, this will be known to others later, those who want to make it can't, and those who are good at drawing it don't bother to make such lowly scrolls." I said from the sidelines on a whim.

If you attend the magic awakening ceremony in Ayr Town before the age of twelve and become a magician's apprentice, you can attend the junior magical school there, but to enter the Royal Academy of Magic in the Imperial City from such a remote magical academy requires not only talent and level, but every year the Royal Academy of Magic in Greene admits no more than fifty magicians. More than fifty, while there would be at least several thousand apprentice magicians in the entire seventy-eight provinces and counties of the Greene Empire who would want to flock to the Royal Academy of Magic to study, because only a few magical academies in the Greene Empire have the strength to allow young and potential magicians to successfully break through level ten for their first transfer, you know? If you have the talent and this theoretical academic paper on magic, you'll have at least seven levels of certainty to knock on the doors of the Royal Academy of Magic and receive the admission notice they send you, knowing that it's the wizards' paradise."

"Are you bragging about yourself by saying that? Aren't you a high achiever at the Royal Academy of Magic?" I asked with a grin.

Kiger banged his head breathlessly and said, "Come on, don't talk nonsense if you don't know what you're talking about! I'm just an ordinary magic apprentice at the Greene Royal Junior Magic Academy, this is just a junior magic academy attached to the Royal Magic Academy, I have to pass the same rigorous exams to get into the Royal Magic Academy, okay!"

"If this paper had been given to you, and I mean if! Would you have succeeded in getting into studying there then?" I asked carelessly.

"I can only say that it's a long shot, because the instructors at the Royal Academy of Magic in Grimm are very focused on the academic knowledge of wizards, and they lean more towards the theoretical school of magic." Kiger physically tore a small piece off her scone just enough to tear a burnt piece off and put it in her mouth, she looked very good eating.

I smiled, "So what are you hesitating for, be a good girl and wait for me at the Royal Academy of Magic in Grimm, I will get into this academy in a cooler way, just so you know I am the apprentice of Master Kuru, the brother of the future Beast Hunter Kurtz, I carry the understanding of magic of the Beastmen clan, writing an academic paper is just a matter of minutes, but it needs to be in herbalism. "

Okay, I admit I'm talking out of my ass a bit, but it was Kig who inadvertently discovered and created the moonlight ink, not me. I don't think I should use this as my doorway into the Royal Academy of Magic in Grimm, I want to do it my own way. It was my dignity and pride, and Kurtz gave me an approving thumbs up as he thought it was manly of me to do so, a unique pride in the orcish style.

Kig looked at me with her bright eyes, and I looked at her openly at this point, something very bright shining in her eyes, and she said to me, "Well then, I'll be waiting for you at the Royal Academy of Magic in Grimm!"

And that was our pact on the moor!
