
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

61. The battle in the restaurant (medium)

I saw the waiter bring our food over and didn't say anything further, waiting for him to put some wooden plates away and leave before picking up a piece of lamb shank sprinkled with fine salt with my dinner knife and stuffing it into my mouth vaguely, "Who says I don't have a weapon, Sister Gogo gave me a wolf's tooth dagger. Then I remembered the joke I had made with Katarina today, when I had no money in my pocket and had never thought if I could have a crossbow, but now! I looked at the eight shiny gold coins in my money pouch and suddenly an impulse came out of me. There was a reason why I thought a crossbow was right for me, because I thought of the magic skill I had just learnt, 'Fire Tongue Weapon', which I knew was not simply magic, it was a magic skill inherited from the orc shaman witch doctor for enlightenment, it represented another path to the magic skill at the top of the magic tower, a magic skill unique to the orc race that It is a magic skill that temporarily pours magic power into a weapon to temporarily increase its magic damage, and the additional damage is magic damage, which means that even if I can't shoot through the skin of a demon antelope, if I put 'Fire Tongue Weapon' on my weapon, then the demon antelope will still hurt just as much. I couldn't be like other orc shamans who attach this skill to their melee weapons and charge up to fight the beast with two axes, I wasn't strong enough, my strength and agility weren't good enough, my physique wasn't even good enough for a claw from the wind and waves, usually orc shamans who can learn this skill are a bit older than Kuz and have long since surpassed normal human physique, but I was still small after all, so maybe using Perhaps I would be safer with a long-range attack. So I said, "Maybe I could get a crossbow, that thing is fine as long as I can hold it, it doesn't require a shooter's arm strength at all, and an aim, just aim."

Kurtz added next to me, "We'll also get some more Windwolf Tooth Arrows, which have armour-breaking properties and will be much better for hunting demon antelope with."

Since we had the money, we might as well spend it as much as we had in hand. Just in the morning we were longing to buy a decent naiad bow and head back to the camp with our prepared gear and head out into the wilderness, then after giving all the money to Kig in the free market, we thought we could spend less if we could just buy an ordinary naiad bow, and now sitting in the restaurant slowly tasting the delicate and delicious While sitting in the restaurant, enjoying the delicious roast leg of lamb, we have set our sights on the higher end alloy bows, a fine metal mechanical bow that can only be made by dwarven craftsmen, and which is said to have a magical mechanism that reduces the arm strength required of the archer, but has a much greater range and speed than the naiad and ironwood bows. Now Kurtz even wanted to buy some wind wolf tooth arrows with wind and armour breaking properties, seeing that he wanted to do a big job.

"Kiki, do you know how to make magic ink?" It suddenly occurred to me that Kiger was a magic apothecary ah, so it seemed like I wouldn't have to worry about ink if I wanted to make magic scrolls, right?

Kiger's eyes lit up with curiosity as she looked at me, narrowing her beautiful eyes and cocking her snow white chin at me, "Ja, I'm getting curious about you, you really don't want to make the one on top of that book, do you?"

She knew it was inconvenient to talk about this here and deliberately made it sound so vague. I felt that I couldn't keep this secret from Kiggy any longer, so fortunately I came clean. So I nodded gently and said, "I want to try before I go into the wilderness! Maybe ... I can."

The reason I was so confident was based on my own magical perception. Old Kulu believed that my current magical perception was equivalent to the level 9 magical apprentice's acuity for magical perception, because the magical power in my body was scattered all over my body, and it was very rare. This magic skill increases the speed of my magic recovery, but the extra magical energy that is recovered has turned into magical energy that does not harm my body in any way. I don't know how much effort it took to manipulate these tiny spheres of magical power and bring them together successfully, but now I can create three different spheres of magical power in one hand, and can easily compress them to the size of a match head, and I can skillfully and freely make the three spheres of magical power move without trajectory in my hand, as if three small satellites existed in my hand.

Old Kuru was amazed when he saw me playing with the Force like this, and told me that if I didn't have so little of it in my body, I could even learn another magic skill called 'Lightning Shield', which is the signature skill of the orc combat shaman and is said to be very powerful.

All in all, my superb magical perception gave me the ability to have super strong and super delicate control over the magical Force, which is exactly what inscribers need most.

Kiger's eyes narrowed into two curved crescents on her bright face and looked a little excited as she said, "Well then wow, we can try it out later!"

Sometimes the more often you see someone you don't want to meet, the more often you see them, and every time you see them your resentment grows. What I couldn't stand was the look I got from the young noble swordsman Daj, a look of outright hostility and oppression that seemed to tell me, "Don't let me meet you alone, you boy who always likes to hide under women's trousers.

I couldn't understand why Daj had such a grudge against me, was it just because I was close to Katrina? I couldn't figure out where his jealousy came from, I was a little kid with no hair on my head! It was Ming Qi, I must admit, that we had a grudge, and I would have done anything to get him killed if it had been possible. When he strangled me like a viper, it was then that fear actually welled up in my heart, and it felt like the mist of death had engulfed my body. The insult of a wanderer like me smashing a small silver dime on his back was like a manacle to him, and I don't think he took it too well, I think he was in the same mood as I wanted to kill him at the moment. Last time at the waterfall, he didn't dare to do anything because she was protecting me. This time, with Kiger by my side, I had noticed his trembling hands retracting into his sleeves. I think he must be having a hard time holding back.

The group of young nobles from the Prosperity Adventurers flanked the five ladies of the dance troupe as they entered the restaurant, and after marvelling at the majestic panoramic frescoes in the restaurant, they caught a glimpse of us hiding in the corner. Someone even muttered in a whisper: what a shadowy sight! I think if Kiger hadn't been sitting here, they would have rushed over and beaten us up at the very least. They sat down at the biggest table in the middle of the restaurant, and it seemed that Mingqian and Daj were quite high up in the group, accompanied by the same Moira we had seen the other day, wearing an elaborate dress that showed off her white pecs even when she was just shopping. I think it's because of the five women sitting with Daj that she seems so formal today.

As the young men clamoured about what exactly they were going to eat here, to our surprise, Gohniang came straight over to us on Daj's arm, and Katrina stood up a little nervously and gave Gohniang a slight curtsy. The dance troupe's class status system was harsh and the slightest mistake would result in punishment, and at this time Katrina didn't want to give Wuniang a hard time over some petty courtesy.

"Ah! I didn't dare to recognise them when we were at the camp well, I never thought we'd run into each other here, what a coincidence!"

Daj stopped a little further away in a gentlemanly manner and let the gorgeous short-haired Five Maidens walk up alone to exchange pleasantries with Kiger, and with Five Maidens saying that I didn't think the nine girls of the dance troupe seemed too familiar either! Kigel quietly turned her head to look at Wuniang and smiled before she spoke, her innocent little face looking very natural and naive as she said, "Who says no? It's been a month or so since we walked into the mountains, and it's been boring to death. Shada, are you coming here with your friends? The lamb shanks here are quite good, I'd recommend you try them."

This is the brother I've just adopted. I heard the caravan picked him up in the Burning Forest, and his god-sister, the Wizard of Gogo, and I are very close, so I've adopted him too. Jia, say hello to Sister Sha!"

Naturally, I pretended to be a good boy and stood up, bowed and meekly called out, "Sister Sha!"

Shada, the dancer, kept her smile unchanged and seemed to give me a nod. Then turning back to Daj, she said graciously to Kiger, "Daj's brother and I are old acquaintances and that's why we're hanging out in this free market with their group of noble gentry, so if there's nothing else, why don't we join them?"

"Another time!" Kiger said with a flirtatious smile and politely declined, "We have almost eaten and would like to go out for a stroll."

When Wuniang was turned down by Kiger, she didn't stay much longer, nodded politely to Kiger and went back to the young noble gentleman's side. Daj was still staring intently at Katrina at this point, and Wuniang glared at him as he walked back, giving him a firm tug before his gaze was withdrawn and he turned away resentfully.

As the saying goes, it's better to look at what's in the bowl than what's in the pot. It takes a lot of thought to get a girl like Moira, who Daj once chased, and many in the dance company, to get a girl like her. The more you think about it, the more you want it. I think this young man must not have had too many setbacks in his life to be this capricious!

As I passed by the noblemen's table, a hand suddenly reached out and pulled me in, and someone said in a playful manner: "Hey, why are you leaving so soon? I've heard that you like to get up women's skirts and hide in their crotches as a shrinking violet, I just want to ask you if your sister Katrina's thighs are white!"

"Fuck you!" I cursed in my heart, I'll be damned, these pig-headed nobles are too much of a pain in the ass, what's the point of always rubbing balls with a brat like me? I didn't think too much about it, and without saying a word, I pulled out the wolf's tooth dagger that was pinned to my belt and stabbed the nobleman, who hadn't even seen his face, in the thigh.

"Holy shit! This kid is really ruthless!" The noble gentleman had taken precautions, perhaps because my speed and strength would not have posed a threat to their group of 8th and 9th level warrior apprentices, and the man simply took a sharp breath and dodged my silent slash by gathering his legs, breaking into a cold sweat of fear and cursing.

He was about to raise his hand to slap me, his big slap raised in the air and those vertical eyes glaring hard at me, when he saw a white magical ball of light instantly envelop the man's raised hand, which instantly exploded like a grenade, crumbling the hand in a bloody mess.

"Ahhhh!" The young nobleman let out a miserable scream, no longer bothering to grab me, one hand covered his bloody other hand and screamed in agony. The entire table of young nobles stood up, but were eerily very quiet, their eyes all looking behind me with some faint sense of scorn.

I rubbed my wrist, which was pinched red, and with my other hand, I plunged my dagger into my bank of knives, kicked the young nobleman hard in the ribs as he clutched his arm and wailed, and looked back curiously to see who had saved me.
