
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

58. Anecdotes from the countryside (4)

As the three of us squatted in front of the stall, filling our leather pockets with the pieces of stone, Kig stood looking very happy, her arms stretched out to stretch her slender body like a long bow bent backwards, her soft waist displaying a dazzling physical movement that was surprisingly light. Perhaps her legs were numb from the long hours of squatting and picking rocks, so she bent down and propped her knees up with one hand, pressing and squeezing her rounded calves with the other, and looked at me and said, "How are you getting on with the bows? Have you got them yet?"

"Not yet!" I pulled out the tattered spell book and some miscellaneous items from inside my fanny pack, trying to fit as many stones as possible. Then I told her, "The weapon shop out front only sells melee weapons, you have to go to the bow shop in the centre of town to buy a bow. I've just sold my axe, depreciated and discounted, for only ten silver dimes, so I'm afraid I won't have enough to buy a Naiti bow."

"Oh! Why do you want to buy a naiad bow? Aren't alloy bows good?" Kiger asked me in surprise, and seeing the confusion in her big beautiful eyes, I thought she might not know how much an alloy bow costs.

So I explained to her, "Of course the alloy bow is the best, it requires slightly less arm strength than an ironwood bow and has much better penetration and range than an ironwood bow, but it is too expensive. Aziz said that alloy bows are not crafted on this side of the orc tribe, only dwarven artisans with excellent forging skills can make a good performance alloy bow, and an alloy bow costs at least ten times more than an ironwood bow, we are still a little short of the money even for the Naiti bow now, I want to try my luck at the magic bookshop and see if I can sell this tattered magic book."

With one hand holding the tattered copy of the book "Inscriptions Basic Trial Spells Explained" and the other continuing to stuff stones into my fanny pack, I then asked Kiger, "Right, these stones are so heavy, why don't we send them back to camp and then come back, it's not far anyway."

"In that case, why don't we buy an alloy bow later!" Kiger casually took the sheepskin spell book from my hand and casually flipped through it surprisingly not talking.

Kurtz was also listening to our conversation, and when he heard Kiger say he wanted to buy an alloy bow, he looked up and said, "An alloy bow for later, a Neti bow will do for now."

Werewolves have werewolf pride, just like I have my principles, we all have our own bottom line, which is one of the reasons why Kurtz and I are becoming more and more attached to each other. Kurtz was actually tempted to say to Kiger: we don't need your money, we'll have to earn our own money for the alloy bow. I think that's true too. The worst thing about being friends is that once you have a monetary relationship, there's inevitably pressure in your heart when you're in debt, and sometimes the truest part of the friendship becomes diluted and it's not natural to be together. I agreed with Kurtz and said to him, "Eh, at the very least we have wound medicine at the end of the day, can't we still get a Neti bow in exchange?"

The little werewolf nodded fiercely in return and said, "Eh."

The pile of rocks was divided among the three of us in our leather pockets, Katrina carrying a large pocket and naturally carrying the most. Kurtz also had a big backpack that he usually wore like a leather jacket around his body and unpacked when he needed it. It also filled a pocket. I was the only one who had only filled the satchel on my waist, and the rocks on the ground had already been shared. It was only then that Kig returned her gaze from the grimoire and said to me with a slightly odd expression, "That's not a bad book you've got there."

I had been flipping through the book in the caravan from time to time over the past few days, and I felt that the structure of the magic patterns introduced was as simple as it could be. The structure is a tenth of the structure. There is no corresponding incantation for the inscription spell, just use a magic carving knife to carve the magic pattern on the magic parchment according to the corresponding magic potion in the text. If the magical ink can be preserved, the scroll will be a success, otherwise it will be a failure if the magic power dissipates as time passes. The magic power stored in my body was enough to support the creation of a spell scroll.

In fact, I was still a little tempted to experiment, but I didn't have a magic marker or magic ink, which were said to be very expensive. But after asking me what the two spells in my spell book were, he was disinterested.

There was no other reason than that they were very poorly written, not even beginner's spells, they should have been sub-primary or sub-primary. One of them was a fire spell that did not even do any damage and could only be used as a campfire for warmth in the wilderness after it was made. What kind of person would have the luxury of using a magic scroll to carve a campfire for warmth? Unless it was kept on his person for protection, as was the case when he used a primary fireball scroll during the last blizzard in the New Cascades. The other one, "Frost Nova", doesn't seem to be of much use either, it's just an infinitely simplified version of Ice Ring, so what can it do?

And now Kiger says to me that this spell book is not bad, what does that mean? I couldn't understand it. Then something suddenly occurred to me, that is, this beautiful woman in front of me was definitely a foodie, and she would not hesitate to lower herself to befriend us in order to have good food, although it was only later in the battle that we really formed a friendship, but the reason why we were able to meet was because of the food, could it be that Kiger she wanted to make a magic scroll like this and really use it as a campfire. Seriously though, it wasn't that I hadn't thought about it, if I really used the magic scrolls to create a fire gathering spell for the barbecue, the heat of the campfire would definitely be very balanced, then the quality of the food produced that way would be raised by more than one quality, indeed a must have kitchen item for real foodies.

I looked at Kiger with wide eyes and asked, "You're not thinking of making a few of these magic scrolls of fire gathering spells to carry around with you, are you?"

"Why not, how convenient it is to have this!" Kiger said seriously, "I think it's a really good idea, there's nothing really commendable about this book, on the contrary, the structure of the spell is so simple, it's only a beginner's guide, but it seems that the simplicity of the structure of the spell is so frightening that it's remarkable, I haven't seen anyone who can describe a spell with such a simple structure. A spell to come, this will not only save on magical parchment, but most of all it will save on expensive magical ink as well as the inscriber's magical power, so that the cost of making a magical scroll will be reduced, you may not know how much trouble it is when you take a field trial course in school. This thing saves us the most trouble of collecting wood to start a fire for cooking and so on every day, if we made it, I wonder how many students it would be popular with, it's so practical." Kiger spoke with some excitement, her delicate face was very hard to look at and the more one examined her closely the more one felt that she had a softness about her, a beauty that was irresistible.

I suddenly realised that my vision was limited to making magical parchment or gathering some low-level magical herbs in the wilderness, or hunting some of the most elementary magical beasts for their materials to make money, and I had never thought that the inscription spells in these magical books could be used in such a commercial way. But I think once this is widely used, once there are more imitators, it will lose its competitiveness and the profit will become thinner and thinner. But I was still keen to be the first to take a bite of the crab.

Once I had some ideas, I put my arm around Kuz's shoulder and put my head in his ear and said, "Aziz, after we hunt the magic antelope, I'd like to keep a few skins and try to make some magic scrolls myself, maybe that will make some money too."

Kurtz didn't think much of it, so he said, "Sure, we'll leave you all the good skins and you can do it step by step according to the book, it doesn't matter if you fail, we made the parchment ourselves, so it doesn't hurt to use as much as we can. Besides Ka you are so clever, you will do it."

As we walked and chatted in the crowd, all we could think about at the moment was how to get the materials together to make such a simple magic scroll, and nothing else.

Kiger, who was walking along, suddenly bent down and tugged on my ear, putting her beautiful face to mine and whispering, "You don't want to die, you dare to just say you can draw magic scrolls on the street, do you know what that means? Do you then tell people that you are a natural practitioner of magic, a natural wizard, does magic power exist in your body or are you able to borrow the power of the magical elements in nature? Aren't you telling people that you have magic-like bloodline powers, do you want to die?"

My brain exploded, not realising that in my greed I had forgotten about this. I can't believe that in the heat of the moment I would forget to cover up this secret and inadvertently leak it out. Seeing my face turn unusually ugly all of a sudden, how could Kiger not understand, and directly covered my mouth, then told me with her most beautiful big eyes: don't say anything, go back and talk about it later.

Kurtz, who was also near us, heard what was going on, and remembering old Kulu's usual advice and instructions, was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his eyes instantly glowed with a fierce fierceness, only to be interrupted by Kiger: "This is a noisy market, so perhaps no one is paying attention to us. But in that case, I suddenly have a good idea. Come on, let's go to the magic potion shop first, I'm not going to pay for your alloy bows, don't underestimate yourselves, they might not be as expensive as we think. Oh, and we're going to have an adventure in the wilderness together. I'm joining your group with Katrina, don't think we're useless, come back to my place and we'll talk about it."

"I think we should also get to know each other a little better." Kig finally said.

I admit, at this point I was thinking out of the box a little.

Katrina had been following behind Kiger without a word, carrying her bag of ore, her red curls turned into a ponytail, looking extra fresh. Her distinctive, beautiful red eyes attracted a lot of peeping back from the orcs on the street, and she and Kiger were like sisters, the centre of attention everywhere they went.

The whole town did not become tense with the arrival of the caravan, they were completely relieved to see the large amount of supplies and the women in the carriages, the orc warriors running out of the houses with their weapons disappeared again, it was an alternative fortress that looked loose on the outside and tight on the inside, except that the town was defended by the major shops in the free market, almost every It is also the Yemen Town Merchants' Union that controls the town and keeps it safe. It seems like a very ungoverned area, but the vendors who sell their goods here are not worried about their goods being looted and extorted in the town, which shows that there are rules here and everyone has to play by them.

I couldn't seem to see any town sheriffs as I walked through the town, but the town was surprisingly clean and I didn't see any thieves in the town. We didn't go to the bow shop first to buy Kurtz a Naiti bow, as we were worried about not having enough silver, so we did as Kiger said and asked one of the shopkeepers for the location of the town's only magic potion shop and the group walked over there. As Kurtz and I were thinking we might as well sell our wound potions first, so that we could be sure to buy the Naiti bow straight away when we got to the bow shop. As for my book of magic, Kiger offered to borrow it for a few days and I thought it wouldn't be bad enough to read, so I agreed to do so.

The shops along the street were full of all sorts of goods, and I even saw that they were selling magical beast cubs.

"Ja, have you thought about what kind of weapons you want to buy?" Katrina suddenly asked me. "I think you should at least buy a shield!"

The girl knew my situation and thought I would be safer with a shield. I smiled at her and joked, "Then why not take a crossbow? What about you, you're coming with us into the wilderness too, what kind of weapon do you want to use?"

"I'll have to think about that." Katrina smiled sweetly at me and said mischievously, "I'm a fast runner, so maybe I could get a basket and carry you with me in case of danger. Ha ha!"

I had a feeling of being underestimated and said to her disgruntledly, "I don't need you to carry me!"

When I said that, I really felt like a child who was angry with my sister, and for a moment my heart went into a trance.

Suddenly I wanted to say to myself, "Long time no see, my childhood days.