
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

54. Fire tongue weapon (below)

Boredom was the last thing left on the journey, especially when I couldn't meditate and had to carefully hide in the bathroom even if I cast an anti-magic spell on myself to deplete the remaining fire magic in my body. Without the parchment scrolls filled with ancient orcish language and the little clay oven that never went out, I felt like my body was rusting. There was something I had been wanting to ask old Clu, so on the second day I finally boarded the long-lost Thunder Rhino and sat down on the familiar seat, when I felt the view of heaven and earth come alive all of a sudden. Kurtz, for his part, patted me on the shoulder with excitement and had a lot to say to me as well.

Standing on the back of the eight-metre-high Thunder Rhino, I thought about the exit of the valley. The V-shaped exit of the valley was just a few dozen kilometres away, and I could even see through the mouth of the valley to the wilderness at the northern foot of the Pai plateau, where the blue sky and the earth were joined together, with a few white clouds as low as candyfloss floating in the azure sky, as if I could reach them with my hand.

"You look much better." Old Kuru said to me with an uncontrollable nod and pulled his hand out of his sleeve and placed it on top of my head, and I felt a cool sensation pour through my body from the top of my head. He continued, "It looks like dropping you into a human colony for life would be good for your growth. Staying with us for too long, your wild nature and your true nature are two extremes; they run counter to each other in your mind's world, and if you let them grow unchecked, they will one day tear your soul apart."

"But these days your studies are somewhat wasted, in fact you could try meditation, in the human world even human children who have not awakened their magic pool will practice the art of meditation in general for the sake of vain rumours as a way to increase their chances of awakening it, although the effect is minimal, if you learn the art of meditation in a magic caravan it will not seem so abrupt. Every morning from now on, you will need to come up to me to collect a roll of parchment and memorise those words, and I will test you every day."

A little disappointed, I said, "But I can't come back yet, can I?"

"In a few days' time you and Aziz will be able to go to the Northern Foothills Wasteland for some adventure, and right now you need to recuperate. There's no better place to be than in a caravan." Old Kuru replied and looked at me with his cloudy eyes, and I dared not meet his gleaming eyes and bowed my head.

"I heard you had a run-in with the men in the adventuring group yesterday?" Old Kuru patted me on the back with his big dry hand.

I thought of the gloomy look in Ming Qian's eyes and said with some difficulty, "Well, maybe they'll come after me in my wilderness. But I can't beat them."

"Don't worry, my son, no danger can lurk in the endless wilderness, remember how you dodged the dwarven bandits?" Old Curu's voice was calm and serene.

I thought back to that moment when I was knocked unconscious by the Dwarf warrior, and because of the disparity in strength, my body was knocked away at the same time, and I was about to crash into the wall of the mountain, but I couldn't seem to move my body.

"I remember, I couldn't move my whole body at that time, but I still wanted to make a last-ditch effort to cast the 'Shadow Cloak', I didn't think too much at that time, I just knew that if I couldn't release the 'Shadow Cloak', I would die if I was thrown against the wall. So at that time, I somehow entered into a deep meditation state, and somehow the magic formation drawn in my hand was not like a shape, or even just a curved sample curve, but the spell casting was surprisingly successful." I recalled the scene carefully, and old Kulu was listening carefully to every word I said.

When he heard me say that the spell had been cast successfully, there was a soaring look in his eyes and he mouthed, "It is true, it is true!"

I had no idea what the old kuru was talking about, and for a moment he calmed down before saying to me, "Deep meditation does not bring into the magical state of time stoppage, but it does give you the mental focus effect. Deep meditation has always been vital to the beast shaman. Especially for the more aggressive elemental shamans, every elemental shaman would like to acquire the powerful earth magic skill 'Mother Earth's Gift' in their lifetime, but it is after all a gift from their ancestors, and one shaman may not be lucky enough to acquire this skill for hundreds of years, so some elemental shamans So some elemental shamans took a different path and began to study in depth the unconventional effects of deep meditation, and later came to a conclusion. The best one is to increase the power of magic skills, increase the duration of magic gains, reduce the magic consumption of magic skills, gain mental focus, cast spells that cannot be interrupted, and have a success rate of over 90%. I think perhaps your 'Shadow Cloak' skill has been enhanced in terms of mental focus."

"This 'Cloak of Shadows' skill was originally a dark magic of the Demon race, and the original skill only had one effect, which was to conceal your whereabouts in the shadows, a simplified version of the Stealth skill, but according to what you said, you have been able to fuse your body into the magic skill, and can move in the shadows with the demonized magical mist to move slowly and not reveal yourself when you move, which should also be explained by the magical skill being enhanced under deep meditation."

Old Kuru continued, "The first time you appeared in deep meditation, you were strengthened with your own spiritual power, and were automatically pulled into your own spiritual sea while you were flipping through magical books, and your memory and reading ability were subsequently enhanced, and during that time, you were in a state of deep meditation, thoroughly understanding the overall condition of the spiritual sea. But your second deep meditation, on the other hand, was stimulated because of a life-or-death crunch, thus strengthening the magical skills that are currently most useful to you... you've had a lot of luck."

On a steep beam on one side of the valley, a huge boulder straddles the peak, like the cap on top of a chicken leg mushroom. And it was actually unusually flat. Standing on this boulder and looking around, I realised that such a strip of valleys abounded in the northern foothills of the Pai plateau, where the mountains were arranged in a very neat way, like monopoly furrows in a field, except that there was this one valley running through the northern foothills near here, and the rest of the valleys were like closed depressions, with no trace of life at all, everything was in a primitive state.

I was carried in Old Kulu's arms, and surprisingly, without knowing how, I burrowed into the earth at once, like an earth dragon straight through most of the mountains on the way, and with the rumbling and tumbling of the rocks around me, I was brought by Old Kulu to this large boulder with a wide view, on which he stood with his hands behind his back, while I sat on one side. This must have been left behind after the glacial movement, otherwise no one would have been able to place such a boulder, some three hundred metres long and eighty metres wide in strips, on the mountain ridge.

Every spring when the orc children reach your age, they follow the older orc children into the wilderness so that they can practise what they usually learn about survival, which is very important for the orc children. "

"Teacher, I don't have enough confidence in myself." I bowed my head a little in shame.

Old Kuru was not the least bit offended and said gently, "It is good that you recognise your true heart and are brave enough to speak out about your fears. That is why I have brought you here. You are less fit than the average orc child and have not been trained as a child in archery, your arm is not strong enough to draw a hunting bow, so before we enter the wilderness, our caravan will pass through a free market, you and Aziz may wish to take your chances and see if you can find a suitable weapon. I would like to teach you a simple magical skill today. Don't underestimate magical skills, even if they are poor they are still magic."

Old Kulu sat cross-legged opposite me, where the caravan could clearly be seen moving down the valley, and after a few dozen more kilometres the caravan would enter the vast wilderness of the Pai plateau. Those magical caravans were actually the size of matchboxes at the bottom of my eyes at this moment.

"Although you have magic power in your body, the truth is that you don't have much magic power stored in your body to even sustain a simple primary magic. I searched through the many orc magic and found some magic skills that don't require too much mana to cast, this skill is called 'Fire Tongue Weapon' , which belongs to the Magic Infusion class of skills, it infuses the wielder's weapon with the power of flame, causing the weapon to gain extra fire magic damage." After Old Kulu finished, he spoke to me in detail about this magic spell and the simpler magic formation in detail.

After listening to Old Kulu's detailed explanation, I realised that although this skill was even simpler to learn than the Shadow Cloak, this magic skill already involved a unique insight into the magical elements from the orc shaman witch doctor, and the unique structure of the magic formation alone showed the uniqueness of this magic.

Old Kuru left me here on top of the Jedi peak, where I would not be disturbed and was the best place to practise my magic. He, in turn, turned into a pile of yellow sand and disappeared into the boulders. It was said to be the advanced earth transport technique of the orc shaman, which I may never have the chance to learn in my lifetime. Old Kuru told me that he would come and get me before the sun went down.

I suddenly found a very strong desire to learn new magic, as now I had memorised the spell of 'Fire Tongue Weapon' and the structure diagram of the magic pattern, and sat down on the boulder and began to practise it tirelessly. It was simple beginner's magic and consumed so little magic that I had enough magic power in my body to sustain six casts.

It had been nearly two months since I had learnt the two spells, Anti-Magic and Warmth, and in that time, Anti-Magic had been consuming the fire element that I had been generating in my body, allowing the element that had been burning me to be consumed, and I had almost forgotten how painful the burning was. But the anti-magic never got stronger from the increased use, instead the magical skill of warmth actually had two noticeable changes in a row, each change consuming a little more magical power when the spell was cast, but the effect was also noticeable in that the effect of pooling magical power in my body was twice as fast as before.

I asked old Kulu for advice and he told me that these two changes must be a successful upgrade of the magic skill of warming, and if it was a noticeable change of feeling twice, it would mean that my warming skill had reached level three, and the effect of level three warming is: a thirty percent increase in the rate of recovery of magic power, which means that my warming now brings me three times faster recovery of magic than the previous ten percent. Note that this is only a thirty percent faster magical power recovery speed on top of my current magical recovery speed. In other words, without a magic pool, I have some spiritual power, and my own magic power is still very weak.

Even so, after every fifteen minutes, I had enough magic power to recast the Fire Tongue Weapon.

Failed to cast a spell!

Failed to cast!


I could feel how frustrated I was that after fifty times of practice, I still hadn't managed to cast the fire tongue weapon. I carefully reviewed my spell for any flaws, and then repeatedly compared it to the magical structure on the parchment, but I still couldn't see what was wrong.

Sitting on the edge of the cliff, I could see the sun sinking over the horizon of the western wilderness, the evening sun in the sky looking like a delicious roast chicken, and I had been sitting here all day, hungry and thirsty, without making any progress with my new magic skills. At this moment, I couldn't help but feel the skinning knife in my pocket and imagined myself slicing through the roast chicken-like evening sun, putting that delicious juicy chicken leg on a plate and using the skinning knife to cut it into pieces and wolfing down the delicious chicken, eh! I rubbed my rumbling stomach and sighed: I was hungry!

As I mouthed the incantation, I gathered the Force in my fingers and concentrated it at one point, drawing a perfect magic spell formation. I could clearly feel a strong and violent fire magic power flowing inside the knife.

I could clearly feel a strong and violent fire power flowing inside the blade.

It turns out that when casting this skill, you need to have that weapon in your hand to succeed, I'm so screwed.

"You seem to have mastered it quickly, my boy. Your magical perception is very keen, I can't believe you learned this magic in just one day, it's getting late, I'll take you back to the caravan." Old Kuru's voice came from behind me.

I cried out in my heart in grief and anger: "My family, do you know that I am dying of hunger?

... beautiful divider ...

The silly boy Kurtz waited for me all day, but in the end he couldn't say a word to me.

I was left near the magic caravan by old Kulu, and I was so hungry and weak that I couldn't climb into the slow-moving magic caravan, and I would have been abandoned in the wilderness of the valley if it hadn't been for the honest boy, Khun Jin, who had been assigned by Katrina to see if I might return tonight.

As I wolfed down a whole wheat cake and a large bowl of broth without a drop, all four women in the dormitory looked at me in awe, Leah poking half her body out of the top bunk like a female ghost hanging from the roof of a shed, before calling out, "My God, Ka you haven't eaten all day, have you?"

"As a matter of fact it did!" I patted my stomach, which was about to burst out of its skin, and lay on the bed without wanting to move, my feet resting on the floor, so dizzy I would actually feel a wave of dizziness, blurring out the sensation of Katrina tenderly ironing my feet, then peeling my clothes off and wiping my face with a hot towel. Shortly afterwards, I felt a soft, warm body burrow under the covers and hug me tightly.

She rested her head on my forehead, her beautiful red hair covering my entire head completely, and tried to keep her tone calm as she whispered to me in a resigned voice, "You've been gone all day, I didn't think I was coming back, I didn't think you were coming back."

I don't know what Katrina and I are at this point, there is a mutual attachment and a friendship that has seen life and death together, but there can be no love, who would be out of their mind to talk about feelings with a hairy five year old child who has not lost her hair?

The curved moon rises late tonight and our caravan has reached the southernmost point of the valley pass in the northern foothills of the Pai Plateau, where it will officially enter the Pai Plateau under the rule of the Orcs tomorrow morning. I even had a mental image of the huge wooden walls built by the allied orc tribes at the exit of the valley. The logs, more than a metre thick in diameter, were seven or eight metres high and were sharpened at the top, one next to the other to form a giant wooden fence. The flags of the orc tribes flying there told me that this would be the world of the orcs.
