
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
105 Chs

50. Katrina's troubles (above)

(The protagonist Giga's age is now set at 7. I may have gotten it mixed up earlier, I'll take the time to change it)

The difference between Gogo and Mingqian is the same as the difference between Mingqian and me. Ming Qian is just one of the youngest members of a noble family in Sloot, who is not highly regarded. He has not yet graduated from the War College with the title of warrior, which means that his family must not have invested too much in his training and resources. This was the honour of a wizard. For a magician like Gogo, a knighthood could only be considered as recognition and pull from the Empire for Sister Gogo.

There is more to say about this, involving the narrative of warrior and mage professions and ranks. (One is the junior warrior academy, which teaches the skills of warriors. Children under the age of 12 who are physically capable of meeting the academy's requirements can enter the academy after passing the school's exams. The other is the junior magic academy, which teaches magic skills. Children under the age of 12 who have awakened their magic pool during the magic awakening ceremony can enter without an entrance exam, but only one child in a few thousand can awaken their magic pool, resulting in the junior magic academy's annual intake of magic apprentices not even enough for one class, which is a far cry from the warrior academy where more than 10,000 people are enrolled. As soon as the magic pool is awakened and the child enters the magic academy, he or she will be called a magic apprentice. They can be admitted to each of these schools according to their physique and interests. There are ten levels of apprenticeship for both warriors and mages, and only those who have passed the tenth level are eligible to take the Warrior's Union qualification test and are called warriors. This is a test of physical ability and combat skills, and those who fail to meet the hard attributes will never pass the exam, but it is a make-up exam. Just like these noble sons of the Prosperity Adventurers are the group of people who, after four years of study at the academy, fail to muddle through to their diploma and need to make up their exams. If they don't reach warrior status before joining the army, they are limited to serving as soldiers during their military service, with no room for promotion. That is why many graduates wish they could get the warrior qualification and serve in the army again.

There are still ten ranks after obtaining the warrior or mage qualification. Sister Gogo is currently a level four water magician, while Bao Gui, the leader of the Prosperous Star Adventure Group, is a level nine warrior and has already comprehended "potential", half a foot into the ranks of first turn warriors.

Perhaps the long journey had nourished everyone's anger and worn away the last vestiges of hypocrisy on the young people's faces, or perhaps they felt that they were close to home and could stop acting like grandchildren?

Firstly, there was the conflict between the young noblemen and the girls of the dance troupe, the matron of the troupe had been effectively restraining the whole troupe these days, the strict rules included the prohibition of taking guests to spend the night in the caravan, and the strict control of the time the dancers went out, the restriction made these noblemen only see groups of beautiful women from afar during this journey, but found it difficult to eat them, many young dancers were very difficult to resist. Many of the young dancers had difficulty resisting the temptation of the noblemen's sons, who were handsome, decent, wealthy, funny and erudite, and the company did not forbid the dancers from making a little extra money, after all, the dancers were eating their youth, and it was not unusual in the company for a dancer to be s*xed by one of the noblemen. But it was more to kill the loneliness of the journey, and the talk of feelings, vows and promises was far less tangible than gold coins.

But why is it restricted? If you count the musicians, tailors, attendants, magicians and cooks on the journey, there are nearly 300 people in the troupe, but the number of rich people who can afford gold coins can be counted on both hands. The dancers are in a jealous battle all day long. Even if those noblemen were really young and rich, how many dimes would they get out of their pockets, even if they had all the gold?

This restriction worked, but as the journey became more and more tedious, the noblemen became more and more dissatisfied with the troupe. The troupe maids were able to restrain the ordinary dancers, but not the nine girls who had a say in the troupe. The dancers were not only good dancers, but also dancers of higher status, with good looks and figures, who could rise from the ranks of the ordinary dancers. When the young people discussed this in the small group, it was inevitable that some would be pleased and others resentful, and perhaps this was what bothered Daj, who, after seeing that Daj had not been able to reach base safely for so long, tried to use force on Katarina when he was drunk. In fact, after it had happened, I had thought that even if I hadn't stepped in to relieve the situation then, perhaps the Seventh Maiden of the Dance, Kiger, would have stepped in if Katarina hadn't been willing to do so.

I lay flat on my back on the grass, the blood in my body carrying that magical energy through all parts of my body, the last bit of bruising on my neck dissipating rapidly at a rate visible to the naked eye. Katrina crouched beside me, tears still streaking her delicate face. I smiled reluctantly and soothed her with a slightly raspy voice: "Stop crying, you'll turn into a kitten if you do."

If one of those dwarven bandits had been a level eight apprentice that night, you and your orc friends would not have survived. What you need now is not how to fight, but how to protect yourself."

"If you had taken a blocking stance, perhaps that noble warrior apprentice would have grabbed only your arm, not your throat, and then if he was determined to kill you, all he would have had to do was squeeze gently and that would have been it ..." Strongbach held out his hand in the air in a the act of making a tight fist, and continued in a half-hearted manner, "Your body will be almost cold now."

I'm not sure if you're still with me and Qiangba, but if you're the disciple of the old orc witch doctor, he wouldn't dare to kill me unless he was sure of a safe return to Sloot in the land of the orcs of the Pai Plateau. City."

"Ja, we are too weak." Kurtz said to me, hanging his head in defeat.

I patted his thigh with a nonchalant hand and encouraged him, "It's okay, after all we are still young, we are still growing and are going to grow faster than them because we will try harder. It should be them who will be scared at heart, if they don't get a chance to beat us up now, they'll get even less of a chance later."

He said, leaping up from the ground with his hands propped up like a carp, patting the grass clippings from his body and saying to Katrina in a divine manner, "Hey, don't think you can get out of work just because you're injured, come and help me, I think Kig is almost done with dance practice and I want to be making a main dish before she gets here, just using this wheat flour, you'll have to help me, I can't knead dough. "

"You're okay?" Katrina broke into a smile, wiping the tears from her cheeks as she ran towards me.

... beautiful divider ...

The northern valley of the Pai Plateau is one of the few access points into the mountains in the northern part of the plateau. After tens of thousands of years of glacial movement, when these glaciers melted into snow water that fed the Pennine River and irrigated the vast plains of the Shloite province of nearly 700,000 square kilometres, these glacial bands continued to disappear after thousands of years due to melting, and the disappearance of the glaciers created several valleys, some of which happened to run directly through the northern foothills of the Pai plateau, thus This creates a natural access route to the mountain.

The sun is setting and the beams on the western side of the mountains are set in a gorgeous golden border. The mountains are sparsely covered with indigo trees, their umbrella-shaped canopies already producing blue shoots that look like stars in a red cloud in the setting sun. I marvelled at nature's magic and the strange beauty this valley revealed to me in the evening.

Kiger always appears at the last minute when the dishes are ready, sitting quietly in the chair next to me. Even Jumbach, who is sitting next to Gogo, looks at her in surprise, with a look that asks: where did you come from, why didn't I see you just now? Kiger calmly looked down at her plate and had no intention of greeting the others, like a cold plum standing proudly in the wind and snow, cold and noble, like a fairy in a wide cold palace with her unique aura.
