
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
105 Chs

44. The spoils of war (above)

It was so wet at the pool that the waterfall, which cascaded down like a silver girdle from a height, sent splashes of water floating through the air that it didn't take long to get wet standing at the pool. The people of this world are so fit that even a child of my age would dare to swim in the ice-floating waters of the lake. A thick layer also covered the weeds that grew by the roadside, their leaves blown about by the wind.

Here in the valley, the coat of snow and ice has completely faded away, but if you stick your hand into the clear water, you can still feel the biting coldness. There are already a number of dancing girls around the pool, busy washing and washing the piles of clothes, their dresses are wet with water spray and stick to their bodies, showing their enchanting figures. Some of the dancers were fortunate enough to be wearing only their clothes, standing knee-deep in the shallow water, rinsing their clothes in what looked like a beautiful ink painting from a distance.

Katrina and Khonjin were among the crowd, but Katrina, with her long red hair and devilishly hot body, stood out from the crowd of dancers, glancing back at me from time to time, still worried that I had left her to go off on her own, while Khonjin crouched quietly beside her, the good little girl always so diligent.

The pool was too damp for me, so I dragged my sister Gogo a few dozen metres away and sat down on the green grass. In the distance, the caravan camp was in full swing. Every time they pitched their tents, the men would shout their horns, their bare shoulders showing off their muscular bodies, making them look strong and powerful.

"You and Kurtz both put down a total of three bandits the other night, you were both badly wounded as well, those trophies of yours were still packed up by Kig and I. I really don't know if I should say you were lucky or unlucky, these dwarves were almost the most elite warriors in the bandit group this time, there were actually two with the strength of a seventh level warrior apprentice force. " Ignoring the curious looks cast by the passing dancers, Sister Gogo casually rummaged through the pouch by her belt and pulled out a long-handled open axe, a metre and a half long and forged in black iron, and threw it onto the grass in front of both of us, smashing the dirt to the ground.

I looked at the axe and tried to pick it up, but with all my strength I could only lift the end of the handle slightly.

When I saw Sister Gogo's disdainful look, I unashamedly ran back to sit next to her and asked, "Sister, how do you know they are at warrior apprentice level seven, what's the standard for that?"

"En~" Sister Guoguo deliberately stretched her voice, then turned her head and knocked me on the head and said, "Don't you usually collect any information about warriors at all? Do you really have one eye on becoming a magician at the awakening ceremony? How else could you not even understand such common sense?"

"Sis, the teacher never said anything about that." I said huggingly.

Sister Gogo reached into the package with one hand and struggled to find it, it was the second piece of spatial magic equipment I had seen, from a distance it looked like a black and grey fanny pack, it was only when Sister Gogo pulled the whole open axe out of the fanny pack that I realised how much the little bag could hold. It was a thought that popped into my head, what Gucci, what Chanel, what LV in front of Sister Gogo's little fanny pack that is just dregs.

When Sister Gogo saw that she was looking at her fanny pack, she said quickly: "When you grow up a little, Sister will also send you a bag like this, OK, I almost forgot that you can ..." Sister Gogo stopped without finishing her sentence and paused before continuing. "You should also be able to use a magic backpack like this, but it's not safe to carry a bag like this until you're strong enough."

"Here! I almost got sidetracked by you, didn't you just ask how to tell the level of a warrior? That's a bit of experience, two of those three dwarves you and Kurtz took out used battle techniques, and the first primary battle technique a warrior can learn happens to be the one that requires a level seven apprentice to be able to learn. Those two dwarves both used their battle techniques, I'm not blind, of course I could see that." Sister Gogo said as she nodded at my little head.

I retorted indignantly, "Then it might as well have been level eight or nine or ten! What do you say?"

Sister Gogo gave me a disdainful look, tossed a short Xuan Axe out of her hand, and then said with contempt, "If they were level eight, how would you have survived to sit here and talk back to me? A level eight warrior apprentice will have a significant increase in physique, and your wolf tooth dagger will not be able to stab someone to death so easily. Punch, Shun Slash, Heavy Strike and Battle Roar are not skills that you two kids could handle if you learned two of them together."

I thought of the dwarf warrior who turned into a white light when he chased me at the end, so I asked Sister Gogo, "Sister, so you're saying that the bandit gentleman actually cast a skill on me at the end?"

Sister Gogo nodded without moving her head, then threw out her other short proclaimed axe and came up to my ear and said, "Actually, I have a question in my mind that I didn't understand, at that time you were knocked unconscious by the dash skill, it is reasonable to say that if you don't have any resistance, you should be knocked unconscious for a solid two seconds, how did you cast that magic at that time when you were knocked away? "

Was Gogo-san talking about the Shadow Cloak that I cast in the air? I thought of that time when I suddenly felt unable to move in the air, and then when I concentrated my spirit, it felt like I had entered the sea of spirit and suddenly recovered. Only casting the Shadow Cloak in the air was definitely a fluke success. I even saw that the magic spell formation drawn by my fingers could not be considered a picture at all, as my body moved at a rapid pace, the magic lines drawn by my fingers were once irregular-like curves style, only with the incantation it was surprisingly successful by accident, allowing me to turn into a black mist and slap on the stone wall, avoiding that fatal blow.

I quietly analyzed it with Sister Gogo for half a day but couldn't come up with an explanation. Later, she dismissed it as a fluke that I had dodged that fatal blow because my mental power was unusually strong, and then Sister Guoguo still had palpitations and urged me again and again, "Next time you fight, don't be so reckless, you won't always have good luck."

During the conversation I realised that the wound on Kurtz's chest had also been inflicted by another dwarf's slash, and if he hadn't blocked it with his hunting knife in his haste, the axe would have cut the bastard in half. At this point, Sister Gogo threw me another torn sheepskin book and said to me, "It would have been worth something if it had been intact, but with that dwarf tearing it up like this, I don't think even an apprentice magician would buy it."

I picked up the book, which had only four pages of parchment left on the cover, and looked at it, seeing the clear tear marks still there, and the words "Basic Practical Spells of Inscription in Detail" engraved in hot pen on the cover, in the category of miscellaneous studies. I turned to the few remaining pages, and on the first page it said "Gathering Fire", a simple magical pattern carved into the parchment, and the space below it was filled with small words in ancient animal language. The second page reads "Frost Nova", while the third page is a tattered half-page, with the name and half of the magic pattern ripped off, leaving only half of the pattern and a detailed inscription in orcish.

Next Sister Gogo tossed me a bottle of wound medicine and a pouch of money, then said to me, "That's all, and I'll give the tattered armour they had on to the men who buried the bodies. You and your little orc friend can decide for yourselves how you want to split it."

I looked up at the transparent beaker-like bottle with about half a bottle of dark red liquid inside, not knowing exactly what it did, and was about to reach out and open it. But Sister Gogo grabbed my hand. She said, "If this bottle is opened, you can only take it on the spot, otherwise it will not work after a while. It's not too precious, but it's still good stuff, so don't give it away like this!"

I looked up and saw Kurtz poking his head around the entrance to the camp, carrying a long harpoon with two colourful pheasants and a small boar dripping blood on the tip. but hesitated to come over.

I waved him over, signalling him to come over. But Kuz shook his head in fear and pointed further down the valley. I knew he wouldn't get too close to the dancers, so I did what Kulu had told me to do and stayed as far away from the women as possible. How would he be willing to go to an orc wife? This was a bit of a request from old Kulu for Kuzi, who had the responsibility of passing on the family name, and Kuzi had always done a good job of it.

We had no choice but to find a place further away from the pond, and only then did Kuzi come staggering over with the game on his harpoon. I don't know where this guy had gone in such a short time, but he had caught so much game.

Perhaps because of his catch, Kurtz looked happy and poked his harpoon on the ground. Standing beside me and pointing excitedly at the small yellow-haired boar with its flowery skin stripes still dripping blood hanging from the harpoon, he said nervously to me, "Ja, let's stew!"