
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

105. Fish Leap Forward Roll

Alloy bow, as the name implies, the whole battle bow is made of alloy, no matter the grip on the back of the bow or the reeds on both wings, even the bowstring is also made of secret silver such as hair-thin steel wire into a very thin and tough twisted rope, such a battle bow can be used as a weapon even in close combat, and if it is used with battle bow close combat martial arts, it can also use the powerful bowstring to strangle the enemy. It is not made of cow tendon, and is not afraid of water and fire, and has very high adaptability to the environment, that is, the usual maintenance, in the key parts need to regularly apply grease to prevent the alloy bow from rusting.

This rain made a large number of ironwood bows lose their original power, the bowstring became slack, and even the basic parrying was difficult.

Thus, at this time, Kuzi held an alloy bow in his hand, it showed extraordinary killing power and deterrence, just like the three bandits at this time, seeing a werewolf boy standing on the spine of the Yagui beast, only holding an alloy bow in his hand, a wind wolf tooth arrow already on the bowstring, leering into the distance and glaring at the three bandits.

The bandit leader was a bit hesitant for a while, for all the days and nights of looting in the wilderness, it was not that he had not met those who dared to resist, on the contrary, most of the hunters who traveled alone or formed a team in the wilderness had some skills they relied on, and most of them chose to resist. The werewolf boy standing on the backbone of the beast was burning with a strong battle intent that could not be dissolved, but where did he get such strong confidence in his eyes?

The entire wasteland is the world of the orcs. In the past years, the grey dwarves on the Pai plateau acted as the bandits of the wilderness, making the orc hunters on the wilderness suffer a lot, not only losing a lot of belongings, but also losing their lives most of the time. This time, the orc world has been emptied of the luxury goods sold by human merchants, and this time, a war also requires a lot of resources. Far from it, I want to say is that the entire northern foothills of the wilderness is the world of the orcs, human beings are generally very strong will come to the wilderness, for many reasons, the main point is that they do not know how to survive in the wilderness, water, food, magical beasts and orc invasion, will make human beings lose more than half of the fighting power, even if the human businessmen want to get a lot of magical antelope parchment, most of the time is only choose The organization of hunting into the wilderness is not cost-effective, but also easy to offend the hunter forces on the Pai plateau, so it is not an easy thing to meet humans in the wilderness itself. [In the human world, women mostly choose to stay away from war, which is their right, so the corresponding is the human female warriors are the rarest among all races.

The bandit leader thought that the two beasts above the subjugation of the size of the size of the two beautiful people are not any threat, they wear a beautiful sword is also decorative elements, let alone to think about the magician, joke! The human world is notoriously scarce, and the odds are that only one in 10,000 will appear a noble magician, which will be so easy to appear in the wilderness?

So where is the real threat? Is it just such a werewolf boy? I shrunk under the ragged wolf skin, is a non-stop flow of gray mist, although my vision is very blurred, but such a close distance, I can still see clearly the strong lion tiger bandit leader constipation like expression, finally asked a: "is his brother helped us kill his two men, and then take our benefits to escape " such ridiculous words came.

"They're both dead!" I knew he was on the verge of an outburst, but at this time he was still able to hold back, according to his temperament in the past this is simply impossible, Kurtz he is how impulsive werewolf boy ah! The reason I was able to hold my temper at this time is ten percent because I was accidentally picked on the tip of a gun.

I suddenly felt the killing intent bursting out from the leader of the lion and tiger bandits, the cold killing intent made me shiver directly inside the wolf skin mattress, and at this moment, his The solid defense of the mind finally appeared so a little bit loose.

This is the moment!

In the last few seconds that I could still maintain the "Shadow Cloak" state, the lion-tiger chief's guard was broken by the great fury of the sky, a rare loophole appeared, and I was even more hard-headed, grasping this only opportunity to drive myself into the mist, like a grass snake coiled down the barrel of the lance, into a faint Humanity shadow squatting behind him, when my feet dip to the ancient Bolei horse horse back, the horse very uneasy stomp hard hind hooves, the lion and tiger carrying the lance thought the ancient Bolei horse a small temper, very unaccustomed to the disease kicked the stirrups, yanking the reins trying to let the ancient Bolei horse quiet down, keep the state ready to charge.

But I had reverted to my human form at this time, crouching like a small monkey on the hindquarters of the gubbo horse, holding the wolf tooth dagger in my right hand against the back of the young lion and tiger warrior, thrusting the dagger in viciously along the seam of the leather armor stitching.


The lion tiger felt a sharp pain in the back, shouted a backhand to grab behind him.

I have experience in this matter! When I was fighting with the Dwarf bandits at the exit of the Road of Death, the first Grey Dwarf I killed was killed by me in this way, and I was also grabbed by his backhand, if it wasn't for Kurtz catching me at that time, I would have been grabbed by the Dwarf with one hand at that time and fell to my death on the cliff wall.

This time, the lion-tiger man is also subconsciously backhanded grasp, I follow the strategy I thought of, extract daggers to meet his backhanded arm, with the sharp edge of the dagger to block, for this posture and reaction speed, I did not practice in the usual, and now make the action without any hesitation.

A big hairy hand along with an inch-long wrist with a handful of blood flying backward along with my ear, another heartbreaking scream, the entire left hand of the gun-wielding lion tiger warrior has been neatly cut off by my sharp dagger along the wrist, which happens to be where the leather armor can't cover, and I felt a heavy blow to the chest at this time.

It was the half of the limb that had fallen off the palm of my hand that slammed into my chest by the inertia of throwing it backwards, and I had no time to resist it before I was knocked away by the tremendous force. And I was knocked off my horse like a sandbag.

The lion and tiger man used the momentum to turn his horse's head, saw me rolling in the muddy water, and roared in anger: "Ah! It's the assassin, so it's you little brat!"

The entire four-meter-long black iron lance was swung by the lion-tiger warrior with one hand, as if he was swinging a bat with ease, and swung round and smashed at my head with the momentum of the gubbo-lai horse.

"Holy shit!"

I also did not expect the lion-tiger warrior who was stabbed in the back of the heart with a poisoned dagger and had one of his left hands cut off to still have such strong combat power, so brave that he was able to swing such a heavy iron gun as a club.

The original plan, I launched such a surprise attack, hide in the frost scrolls set trap array, this time Kuz and Kig will be in the subjugation of the beast side to hold the other bandits, we have been relying on these placed in the puddle of frost traps, can maximize the use of them to hold the enemy, is the best choice, but I just did not expect to be stabbed in the back of my heart, and chopped off a hand of the lion tiger counter-attack The way to do this is actually so sharp, if this shot on my body, I can be directly smashed into two pieces. In the powerful "self-healing" power is also impossible to recover me ah.

In a panic, I tumbled in the muddy water. But my magic perception walks around, can clearly feel that the speed has reached the sound, breaking the air swing over the movement of the big iron gun, think not even think, subconsciously bent arms holding head to shrink the body into a round ball of flesh, so that they take advantage of the force of the lion tiger man smashed in my chest, as far as possible to roll backwards.

But after all, it is a roll, where the speed can catch up with the swinging iron gun, in the iron gun gun style with the old, has been chasing me behind the moment, I use their strong perception, also do not need to see, accurately determine the iron gun landing point. I never thought my body's perception ability can spread around my body, more clearly feel the incoming iron gun, in the last critical moment, the whole body like a spring, legs stomped like a carp, relying on the rapid rolling backward inertia, leaping half a meter high, just this height, the big iron gun can stick to the cotton clothes on my backbone sweep past, bringing up a strong wind like a sharp claw The same, the cotton clothes on my back tore to pieces, I felt a hot pain in the back.

I could not have imagined that even behind the eyes of Zhang, it is not possible to seize the fleeting moment so accurately, in the iron gun can not change the situation, to make the most perfect dodging action. I knew that if I hadn't narrowly dodged the gun, I would have just been accounted for here. I again rely on their own very keen perception, at the most appropriate time to avoid the fatal blow, this time, my body has been close to the edge of the frost trap, into the set trap array
