
Web of Dragons

Spider-Man was issues away from making a deal with the devil when he was suddenly transported into a new world of alien threats, martial arts, and Dragon Balls. How will Peter return home, read and find out in the next episode of Web of Dragons!

Daoist_Over_God · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Tenkaichi Budokai

[1-Year Ago]

A recently de-aged Mary Jane Watson found herself standing in the middle of what looked like a castle that was undergoing construction.

"What the…where am I…My voice!" MJ touched her face and mumbled, "The hell…was all that real? Did 'THE' god just teleport me to another universe? And why did he make me a teenager again?!"

"WHO'S THERE!" The ground shook as the Ox-King stomped out from a mostly completely built room.

MJ turned around and saw the towering giant looming over her.

The Ox-King thought she was an intruder, so he came out carrying the giant wielding an axe with the moonlight behind him, resulting in a terrifying scene straight out of a horror flick.

At that moment, she did the only thing a recently age reversed MJ could do, she feinted.

"Oh…um…well…I guess I should call a doctor," The Ox-King sweated as he walked over and picked up the unconscious girl.

When she woke up, she was in a bed next to Chi-Chi and her father staring at her.

"Uh…hi?" MJ gulped as the father and daughter glanced at each other before looking back to the red head.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my castle?" Ox-King's voice boomed.

"I…it's complicated. You see…a God sent me to this world and reversed me back into my teenage years…I'm from a different Earth…this is Earth right? You guys look human."

The parent and child looked at her like she was crazy when MJ sighed and said, "I know how it sounds. But I promise I'm not lying. My name is Mary Jane Watson, and I'm actually in my thirties."

She explained what happened, how her Earth was different, and why she was brought there. However, it was too much for them to believe.

"I'm sorry, what you just explained sounds…" The Ox-King didn't want to finish his sentence.

"Chi-Chi suggested she train with her and her father, and it eventually led to her adoption.

"I know how it sounds, but it's the truth. I wish there was some way to prove it…ah! MY phone!"

MJ smirked as he pulled out her cellphone and turned it on.

"See! Do you have a city like this in your world?"

The two stared in awe as she showed pictures of her in New York. There were even a few from when Peter took her out web slinging. She had images of the other heroes, certain world changing events she lived through, and pictures of her older self.

"See, even the satellite that my phone doesn't exist anymore. I even have music that probably doesn't exist in this world," MJ smiled.

"Well I'll be…hmm…so this God sent you here to get stronger…if he picked my place to drop you off, then he must want you to learn my version of the Turtle Hermit Style. Tell me, do you know what Ki is?"

MJ shook her head, "Right…I guess I should do the right thing. You can stay here and train with my daughter."

"Really?" Chi-Chi and MJ questioned at the Ox-King's decision.

"I was recently helped by a stranger…he didn't have to, and he didn't want anything in return, and my master made it clear that I haven't been behaving well these days. I was inspired by his pure heart. So this is my way of making up for past mistakes," The Ox-King pat his daughter's head, "I'll let you stay here until you get your bearings in this new world." 

"I…" Tears started to well up before MJ said, "Thank you…I…actually this is really scary. Peter always made traversing the multiverse sounds so mundane…"

"Who's Peter?" Chi-Chi asked as she handed over tissue.

"He's my husband," MJ sniffled as she wiped away her tears.

"Oh, you have a husband too? Well, my Goku only agreed to marry me, so I guess that makes us engaged," Chi-Chi smiled happily.

MJ saw the awkward but happy expression of her father before the Ox-King said, "When you feel well enough, I'll have Chi-Chi show you around."

MJ smiled and thanked them again. It took her a while, but eventually, the red-headed otherworlder, managed to adapt rather quickly. The many years of strange and unusual stuff she's seen in her lifetime was more than enough to prepare her for situations like this.

She spent around a year learning more about this world and training with the Ox-King and his daughter, and thanks to her small talk with the One Above All, she knew that Peter would one day come for her. However, she just didn't think it would take an entire year.

With nothing to do but explore the small kingdom, train, and become a good big sister/surrogate mother figure to Chi-Chi, MJ started to realize what she was brought here for, and why she had returned to her teenage years. The discovery of Ki made her countless times stronger than she used to be.

If she could wield this kind of strength back home, then Peter wouldn't have to worry about his loved ones being in danger. Things like what happened to Aunt May, moments that terrorized their family, and even the loss of safety that came with Peter revealing his identity, all of that would become mostly pointless. After all, there were still many powerful monsters that existed in her universe. 

"And so, I did the only thing I could, I waited," MJ finished her story.

[Flashback End]

"So this is a gift, right?" MJ asked.

"Depends on what we do with it," Peter replied.

 "So, what'd you come here for?" Chi-Chi asked.

"We were going to pick up Peter's friend and head to Korin's tower to train. There's a Sage cat there that can help us get stronger."

"You've trained with Master Korin?!" the Ox-King shouted.

"Yeah, but it was kind of short. The Red-Ribbon Army made us stop early. Krillin and I took em out,"

"Wait, that was you? I heard the army was defeated by a small group of fighters, but I didn't think they meant two kids!" The Ox-King said with a pale expression.

Krillin blushed before saying, "It wasn't that big a deal."

Ox-King then bowed as he asked, "Please take Chi-Chi along with you. To receive training from the Sage of Martial Arts is truly a blessing from the heavens!"

"Sure!" Goku smiled with all the innocence of a clueless child.

"Sage what?" MJ asked.

"I'll explain along the way. Man do I have a story to tell you. For starters, just know that Aunt May is going to be fine. When we're done doing what we're supposed to do here, we'll be able to go back to where and when we were taken from, and I got a hold of something that can save her."

"That's great, Peter," MJ breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, if you're all heading off, I'm heading back home. It's been fun, Goku! Oh, and Peter, if you need a job, give me a call."

"Sure. Let's see, the One Above All said we'd be here until we hit our 30s, so a Job would be appreciated."

"Bulma? Like, Bulma Briefs from Capsule Corp?" MJ asked.

"Yep. Pleasure to meet you, Mary Jane. Peter told us a bit about you."

"What is with you and becoming friends with billionaires?"

"What can I say, I have a talent for charming people with my dashing good looks and silver tongue," Peter chuckled.

MJ laughed before saying, "Oh, charming you may be, but witty? Sugar, you still have a lot to learn."

"That stings babe, witty is my middle name and you know it," Peter smirked.

"Can we go now?!" Goku huffed, eager to begin his training.

The group left and headed towards the court yard. After waving goodbye to Bulma, MJ pulled out an airship capsule and let one loose.

"Come on, I'll fly, just tell me where we need to go."

"Just follow him," Peter replied as Goku called his Nimbus down and carried Krillin on his back.

"Magic…is that common in this this world?" MJ asked.

Peter nodded his head and said, "Apparently,"

"This place just keeps getting better and better," MJ chuckled.

Peter rode with MJ and the group flew to the tower. When they landed, Peter and Goku watched over the girls as they had to climb up. With their help, they were all able to make it to the top within a single day.

"Hey, glad you came back so soon," Korin smirked as he hobbled over.

"Cute kitty!"Chi-Chi and MJ said before they rushed over and started petting him.

"Hey! Stop that…ahhh…purr…purr…" Korin let out his animal instincts take over.

Peter snickering as he walked over snapped the cat out of his daze. Korin jumped away and coughed into his hand a few times before saying, "So, you've come back to complete your training, huh?"

"That we have, cat-man," Peter stopped laughing before he introduced his wife, "This is Mary Jane, my wife. MJ, this is the Sage of Martial Arts, Korin."

"Hello," MJ held her arm out and shook his paw, "His pads are so soft!"

"So, how do we do this? I mean, what's the training we'll be doing?" Peter asked.

"For starters, I'll have to work on your Ki control and get them up to standards. I think it will take around the year. However, I suggest you learn from Roshi as well. What I can teach you is different from what he can teach you."

"So we're going to train for a whole year?" Chi-Chi looked a bit surprised.

"It'll be fun!" Goku chuckled.

And so, they spent an entire year training with the Cat Sage. In that time their mastery of Ki soared to new heights alongside their fighting potential.

When Korin had explained that they had mastered everything he could teach them, he suggested that they travel the world to broaden their horizons. As a reward for completing their training, he prepared Nimbus Clouds for them to ride on and gave them each their own color. MJ asked for a red cloud, Peter got a multi-colored one which consisted of red, black, and blue. Chi-Chi wanted the same as her husband, and Krillin asked for a white one that matched Korin's fur.

Of course, they didn't need pure hearts to ride these ones, just good hearts.

Goku and Chi-Chi went off to explore the world while Krillin returned to Roshi's island to seek advice, and after Peter and MJ spent 3 months on Kame Island to learn from him, they went to West City to get jobs.

With the money Peter had saved up, they could live comfortably for years. However, Peter had a plan to cultivate Senzu Beans to earn themselves even more. The only issue was that they took months to grow a single stalk. So, after some planning and researching it, Peter thought with Bulma's help, they might be able to genetically alter the beans to grow quicker and become more potent.

Bulma liked this idea and worked with her fellow scientist while MJ managed to land a fashion designer job. Using the most popular outfits from their Earth, she spread 616 Fashion and made a fortune of her own.

During their second year in the Dragon Ball Universe, Peter and MJ hit a wall with their training. It was harder for them to improve due to the lack of understanding that could help them train.

Feeling a bit frustrated, Peter took off to Korin's tower and met up with his teacher before asking about his problems.

"So, you feel like you hit a wall? You're already one of the strongest people on the planet. Why do you need more?"

"I know it seems like I'm strong, but…" Peter revealed the highest level threats he's ever dealt with by thinking of them.

"Meooww…I don't envy you're world with freaks like that. Cosmic powers, Omega Level Mutants, Gods and Demons, how have you survived this long?"

"Painfully and recklessly," Peter replied.

"Well…I can't help you further your training, but I can give you advice. A stronger body can support stronger Ki. So as long as you continue to make yourself physically stronger, the Ki should grow as well. However, there is a synchronicity between Ki, Physique, and Spirit that must be maintained. Imbalance will only bring disharmony."

"I see…but my body is already freakishly strong…I would need something that can weigh me down and put more stress on my body…"

"You should find your limits first. You're physique has increased in strength since your arrival in this world a few times over. Maintain flexibility, speed, and strength, and you can push your Ki to new heights. Perhaps try latching weights onto your body and adjust to them with your Ki enhancing your body at the same time. It'll tire you out, but it should help you get stronger," Korin said while licking his paws to groom his face.

"The only problem is thanks to my super-powered physique, there isn't a metal heavy enough to make weights that I can't lift that wouldn't look ridiculous." Peter replied as he sighed, thinking of him wearing a giant suit made of dense metals.

His usual limit used to be around 20 tons during his teenage years that hit 30-ish when he became an adult. However, since he had been training his body in this world, he was even stronger than he used to be in his old one. Without Ki, Peter could easily lift 37.5 tons, while with life force energy, it increased by several times over.

Thanks to his Super-Human Physique, the enhancement of his physical abilities granted by the Ki allowed him to hit roughly 75 times harder than other people would have with the same level of Ki. He's have to carry around a rock the size of a small building to give him any kind of workout.

"If a heavy enough weight doesn't exist, then make one," Korin smiled as he bonked Peter on the head with his staff, "Is that noggin unable to come up with a solution. Strange, I thought you were smart."

"Huh…make one huh…" Peter startled mumbling, "Maybe I could make a device, a room that uses powerful magnets while wearing a weighted suit…or find some way to carry the current limitation of my strength everywhere with me…maybe like a personalized gravity field?"

"Well, don't just stand there, get off my tower, and bring some fish the next time you visit."

"Thanks, Korin…MJ was also reaching the wall of what Ki could augment. However, since her body isn't super powered like mine, the turtle hermit shell and heavy weights are still helping her grow. In fact, she might surpass my Ki level any day now."

"That's good to hear, tell MJ and the others I said hi," Korin waved as he watched Peter fly off on his blue cloud.

He went back to the city and shared news with his boss. After some discussion, they decided to build a room that had a powerful magnetic floor and used heavy weights to simulate increased gravity. The downside was that it would eventually run its course. You could only make a magnet so powerful. Luckily, they had Bulma's family and Peter's big brain to come up with a solution.

"We need a metal that can steadily increase its own density to make it heavier without increasing its mass."

"Hmm…I think there is a few metals that come close to what we're looking for," Bulma said as she pulled up a few dozen materials on her lab computer.

Peter looked over it and showed a surprised expression, "Whoa, are these real?"

"I'm telling you, I can do this. You may have Adamant-whatever, and all those other crazy materials you described, but our world has our own wacky resources too," Bulma smirked as she got to work.

"Hold on, can you synthesize these two," Peter pointed to a metal called Cabonite and this Guru-Guru Gum stuff?"

"Hmm…I see where you're going with this, it's worth a shot. However, I think using this combination would be better," Bulma pulled up files on several different materials.

They started chatting back and forth and spent a week working all-nighters with micro-naps until they finally succeeded.

"We did it, this stuff is incredible. Not only is it a few times thicker than cloth, it can withstand several hundred Gs, no even more if it's condensed properly. It might be able to become infinity denser!" Bulma cheered.

"We have to be careful though, if it becomes too dense it might end up becoming a black hole," Peter said as he shook his head.

"Yeah, but we'd need force with something along the lines of a neutron star exploding to do that," Bulma laughed.

"Let's make a sleeveless shirt, arm bands, leg bands, and a headband. I'll use my Ki to condense them myself."

"Maybe I should start learning how to use this Ki stuff too," Bulma chuckled as she prepared the equipment.

When he finished condensing the materials, he ended up making the 6 pieces of weighted cloths hit 5 Tons each. Without using Ki, it was a challenge for him to move.

However, inside the magnetic room, he could increase that load several times over. Much to his surprise, he adapted quickly and eventually upped the total weights to a total of 50 Tons by the end of second year and could maintain it even without his Ki supporting it.

Between training, his super-hero bounty hunter gig, and working on altering a Senzu Bean, Peter was a busy bee, the busiest bee. The upside was that crime wasn't even a tenth of what he had to deal with back on Earth. This planet was just too peaceful compared to what he was used to.

On the last year before the Tournament, Goku came to pay a visit since he was in the city. Well, Chi-Chi insisted that they come since they've been living out in the wilderness while they traveled the world. She wanted to relax for a bit. Not to mention, she missed her big sister.

Peter was in his suit while leaning off a tower overlooking the city. With the heavy weights weighing him down, he jumped off and swung from building to building, looking for crime. Thanks to his energy constantly lifting his body upward, Peter was able to train his Ki alongside his body as he flipped around and ran of buildings without damaging them.

It was even better for control training, because he was constantly adjusting his weight while he fell and swung to new heights.

Eventually, he saw a high speed chase and pointed a finger out before blasting the engine apart from a great distance. The criminals were armed and drew their weapons, but Spider-Man's Ki blasted the weapons apart while the cops finished the job.

"I have to say, I really like this Ki stuff. When I get home, fighting crime will be a breeze," Peter webbed off.

After a full four hours of stopping crimes, he was drained of Ki and called his Nimbus to take him home.

His spider-themed cloud darted across the sky while he recovered his energy. He looked around and tilted his head as he saw a pair of golden clouds flying towards him.

"Goku! Chi-Chi! How's it going?" Peter shouted as he flew over.

"Peter!" Goku and his fiancée shouted back.

"Heya! It's been a while!" Goku smiled happily as their Nimbus clouds flew alongside each other.

"Yeah, what've you been up to?" Peter nodded his head.

"We trained a bunch!" Goku laughed.

"Yes…trained…a lot," Chi-Chi sighed.

"Good to hear. If this universe is anything like mine, Earth isn't strong enough to defend itself from outside forces. You guys may be its only hope," Peter sighed before changing the subject, "So, what brings you to Central City?"

"Chi-Chi said she wanted to see MJ. I thought it might be fun to fight you again, I've gotten a lot stronger since our last fight."

"Hehe, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm way stronger now," Peter smirked.

"I can tell! I still think I have a chance though," Goku chuckled.

The landed at a house that was next to Bulma's place before Chi-Chi looked around for her sister.

Peter changed back into his regular attire and chuckled before saying, "MJ is at work right now. She'll be home in a couple of hours."

"What's up with the bands?" Chi-Chi asked as she saw them shining slightly like a gem.

"Oh, these are weights Bulma and I made. They look like black gems, but they're actually a type of new metal. By using Ki to condense them with intense pressure, it can constantly raise its weight limit. Right now, I'm wearing 60 Tons."

"Is that a lot?" Goku scratched his head.

"Crazy a lot," Chi-Chi nodded her head.

Peter chuckled as he took one off and said, "Try and lift it, this one weighs 5.2 Tons."

Goku walked up and lifted as hard as he could. His face turned red while he put every last ounce of Ki he had into his muscles. However, he couldn't completely lift them and it slipped through his fingers before it fell into the ground, leaving a deep imprint on the floor.

"That is heavy! Hmmm…can I have a set?"

"Sure. I'll make some while we wait for MJ."

"Can I use a shower, I haven't bathed in anything other than rivers and lakes this past year," Chi-Chi sighed.

"Sure, bathrooms upstairs. First door on the right," Peter showed her in.

They lived in a nice house with seven rooms, two bathrooms, and a big living space. It was a wonder why people in his world hadn't taken on the dome shaped housing design, especially after considering all the advantages it brought.

Peter showed Goku into his lab and said, "Don't touch anything. I'll have it done in a few minutes."

Peter ended up making the same bands for Goku and made them 25 pounds each. With six of them on, the kid was walking around with 150 pounds on.

Peter chuckled as he saw the kid struggling to walk, "Heavy enough for you?"

"Yeah, but how do I make it heavier?" Goku asked as he slowly walked across the room.

"Oh, just surround it with your Ki and push it inward from every direction. Imagine you're trying to squeeze an orange to juice it. The more pressure you put on it, the heavier it will get. It even doubles as armor since it becomes such a dense material."

"Cool! Can we fight now?" Goku grinned.

"Sure…but I think I should show you something first. Follow me," Peter walked over to a room that had a floor made of a powerful magnet. He turned it on and watched Goku stick to the floor while Peter struggled to stand.

"Holy crap! What is this?" Goku huffed as he tried to stand up straight.

"You're standing in a room that is attracting the weights we're wearing. You know what a magnet is, right?"

"Yeah, it's that stuff that Master Roshi had on his fridge."

"Yeah, this is the same principle. The magnet is trying to pull us down, so it simulates making them heavier than what they are. It creates more resistance for our bodies to fight against. It's not just weight but the constant attraction we have to fight against. Even jumping is a problem."

"How much heavier are they?" Goku struggled to lift himself.

"Right now, the weights should be at around 1.5 times heavier."

"Cool! I have to get one of these places," Goku chuckled.

"I'll buy you a capsule house."

"Nah, I'll get Chi-Chi to do it, she handles all that stuff since I'm terrible at it. Not to mention we have a lot of money from the treasure we found a while back," Goku rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, that's mighty responsible of you, Goku. I'm glad you've learned the importance of it," Peter rubbed the kid's head, messing up his spikey hair.

"So let's start fighting already!" Goku threw out the world's slowest punch.

"Hahaha! All that pull is pretty tough on you, huh?" Peter shook his head, "Maybe adjust to the room first."

"Right…" Goku started walking around the room.

Eventually, MJ came back and met up with Bulma and Chi-Chi.

While the girls chatted, the boys spared with each other inside the magnetic room. Once again, Peter showed just how much of a large gap there was between the young monkey boy and himself. However, in just a week of intense training, they spikey-haired youth had caught up to Spider-Man's weight limit.

They spared on even grounds inside the magnetic room too. Of course, Peter had heavier weights on, but Goku was gradually increasing his own to match the hero's.

Peter was surprised by how quickly Goku adapted to the weight, it was like his body was built for it.

Punch after punch, the super hero found it harder to dodge the kids attack. His Ki had exploded with new found strength every fight they had, and it was getting to the point where Peter had to rely on his Spider-Senses to avoid the kid.

On the last day, they started trading blows. With Senzu Beans, Peter didn't have to hold back as much, and even injured Goku a few times to the point the kid couldn't stand up anymore. Goku was no different, he broke a more than a few of Peter's bones every now and then, leaving the Spider-themed hero baffled every time the kid got stronger after every beating.

"You're a monster, kid. I'm hitting the peak of what my body can do without Ki, its about 75 times stronger than a normal person, but you just keep getting stronger." Peter sat beside him, covered in sweat.

"Heheh! You're still stronger. I don't have my weights anywhere near yours yet," Goku said before downing an entire bottle of water.

"You'll get there," Peter chuckled, "I'm starting to think Hyper Adaptability is your super power."

"What's that?" Goku asked.

"How well you adapt to things, you know? How you'd adjust to a new environment. I knew a guy that could evolve to suit just about any environment. Put him under water, he'd grow gills and fins, put him in a cold place, he'd grow fur, any dangerous environment, his body could change to adapt to it. I was thinking your tail might have grown because it was needed in the wild."

"Ooh, that sounds like a cool power to have! I wonder how he'd adapt to fighting me!" Goku grinned.

"You have to find a hobby that isn't fighting Goku, it's not healthy man,"

"I like farming! That was fun!" Goku chuckled.

"Tilling the land with my bare hands isn't what I'd call fun. I'd rather do it with a controlled Kamehameha," Peter replied before they shared laugh while recalling Master Roshi's training.

They walked out of the room and took showers before meeting up with the girls. With Chi-Chi by Goku's side, she was able to teach him a lot about common sense, and since they've been traveling together for a bit over a year now, the kid had soaked up a decent amount of information.

Eventually, the two visitors left to continue their journey around the world while life returned to normal for the Spider Hero.

Peter and MJ returned to their lives and kept up their training, Bulma kept working on new inventions, and learning about various technological wonders from the 616-universe.

At the end of the third year since coming to this universe, the bodies of both Peter and Mary Jane turned 17. They heard that their group of friends would meet up at the tournament, and since Chi-Chi was entering, MJ made sure that she and Peter went to watch and cheer them on.

Due to his super powers, Peter didn't think it'd be fair if joined in, so he watched the events of the 22nd martial arts tournament as a front row spectator.

When it came to the fight against Yamcha and Tien, the crowd cheered at the skills being used. However, when it was clear that Tien was going to, Peter frowned as he saw Tien getting ready to break Yamcha's leg.

Holding out his hand, he used the Ki skill he had been perfecting for the last three years. With a single thwip, a webbed-shaped line of Ki shot from his wrist and pulled Tien's leg slightly off course before disappearing.

Thanks to studying Guru-Guru Gum, Spider-Man had created a form of Ki that was both elastic and sticky. With Ki allowing him to make a variety unique unnatural phenomena, gone were the days of him running out of webbing with unique properties. However, he still used physical webbing because Ki wouldn't stick around forever. He could barely keep his Ki-Webbing going for ten minutes let alone around the 2 to 4 hours he was used too.

When Tien's foot smashed into the ground next to Yamcha's leg, he looked at where he felt the tug on his leg and frowned.

Peter smiled as he waved his finger side to side.

Tien was angry, but was still announced the winner because Yamcha was unable to move.

"Was he gonna?" MJ frowned.

"Yeah," Peter replied.

"Why that dirty little, ugh. Why are martial artist like this?" MJ sighed.

"Ooh, hey there's Goku!" Peter pointed out.

"Why hasn't he grown?"

"He looks about a foot taller," Peter scratched his head.

"But isn't he the same age as us?"

"He has a good healing factor like mine, maybe he ages slower," Peter replied.

"GOOO GOKU!" Bulma and MJ shouted.

Goku heard the familiar voice and smiled as he said ,"Heaya guys!"

They then saw the next named called and it was Chi-Chi, who unlike Goku, looked her age.

"Heya, Goku? Why're you still a shrimp?" Bulma joked.

"I'm not a shrimp!" Goku frowned.